9 OUTDATED Style Rules You Didn't Realize You Were Following

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hello beautiful people today we're diving deep to on cover nine outdated style rules you didn't even realize you were still following ever felt restricted by your inner fashion dos and don'ts well buckle up because today we're going to break some fashion rules and redefine [Music] chicon I don't want to cross in for light but I'm ready hello my name is Elena and I'm professional stylist and I am very happy to see you here so let's dive into it straw bags are only for summer right no who said you can bring your strawb into the fall or even winter styles not only can you do so but you can make it look as natural as it feels let's have a short dive into the history of fashion Jane birin you might have already heard heard this name somewhere so she's both British and French actress and singer more famous as an instant style star for her effortless looks she carried the same bag with her everywhere in the late 60s and the beginning of' 70s and this fact just makes her even cooler I mean just imagine this was a time when a new outfit didn't have to be worn every single day she had nothing to prove the papar US except her own true taste so when you ask me straw bag in Winter I would definitely say yes just Google Jane Burkin and be inspired by her unique personal style if she did it 50 years ago why can't we do it now so a fun tactic for fitting your Rafia handbag for winter time is opting for a bag with a darker colored material pair it with monochrom like all brown or old beige outfits the bags structure will beautifully complement these colors and if you choose a structured fabric as well like my KN dress here for example it will enhance the cohesive effect even more matching all of your Leathers in one outfit well Frankly Speaking you don't have to match the color of your bag to your shoes to your belt you don't have to do that anymore espe especially when you are using bold eye-catching colors for your leather accessories this can actually feel a little bit too contrived and too coordinated if you want you can still match some of your Leathers like a bag with a belt or a belt with shoes to give it a more cohesive feel but just make sure you don't match them all together all three of them especially when they are in bold contrasting colors well my favorite way is to coordinate my belt and shoes with my pants this technique beautifully elongates my figure by reducing the number of contrasting horizontal lines to ensure the outfit doesn't look too onedimensional too flat as I say I choose a bag as an accent piece like here for example I'm wearing total black using a blue bag as the primary accent or another look with black pants striped short and a bold red back both outfits show how I match my Leathers but second one is more eye-catching here's another look for inspiration my belt bag and scarf all match while my shoes are the same color as my pants well you might recognize this outfit from my video monochromatic colors in fashion if you haven't seen this video yet please find the link in my description box because I know that this video was very useful and yes by the way I have linked all the fashion pieces I'm using in this video I have linked all of them in my description box we're only one color jewelry well this rule is very easy to follow right but you have to understand this is not the only guid line to follow while creating your outfits and choosing the right accessories think out of the box sticking to this rule isn't a must to create modern cohesive looks so what is another approach match your jewelry by shape and design not only by your color for instance I often opt for minimalist Design jewelry that mixes both silver and gold Hues I like to layer my bracelets and both of them actually by cost my favorite European brand and those are bracelets from the same collection but I chose them in two different Hues the outcome a harmonious look similarly all three of my rings have a broad slick design and even my earrings they share the same hoop design while the old rule suggests wearing one color of jewelry modern styling encourages thinking outside the box matching jewelry by shape and design and this is one of my favorites red lips are only for evening well how how many times have you heard something like that red lips are only for going out somewhere in the evening like cocktail dress code something like that well let's rethink that see the difference that pop of red instantly adds a touch of color it's a very useful tool especially when we're creating neutral outfits with Basic clothing red lipstick as your main accessory and your main color accent whether you're in your work at IR or or wearing casual Styles red lipstick can be the GameChanger my favorite trick is to match my red lipstick with my red handbag I think this is the easiest way to elevate your everyday style so the next time you look into the mirror and feel that the outfit is too boring that you miss something that it's just well just try to use to wear your red lipstick let it be a part of your accessory set and watch how it breathes life into the ordinary and of course the only thing you have to consider is choosing the right tone undertone and texture for your skin tone there are millions of different shades and textures out there so you can easily choose the proper one the right length of your pants this one has come from my comment section I have noticed so many people are confused by the right the proper length of their pants and let me clarify just at the beginning I'm talking about only straight leg or wide leg pants here so one might think that this is just a small detail but it definitely makes a huge impact on your overall look and when you get it wrong it can completely throw off your whole outfit so there are two main ways to hem your straight pants the first one is the CL classic ham so you want to tailor your trouser so that half or even oneir of your heel is visible meaning that the remaining half or 2/3 of your heel is covered by the pant is this approach outdated absolutely not it's still very much in style but if you are leaning toward more trendy Styles the modern trendy style for this approach tailor your hem line so it entirely covers the heel and almost dusting the floor the goal is to have as much of your shoe hidden by your pan leg as possible without it dragging on the floor yes you will have to clean your trousers more frequently and be careful with those super long and super wide leg trousers especially when worn with heels as they can pose a tripping Hazard but this is my answer to so many questions in my comment section just feel what is more appropriate to your style just choose what you feel is more appropriate but please don't wear your pants like this this awkward length looks a bit outdated and can completely throw off your whole look dress your age well this is definitely my favorite part my favorite topic age limitations style limitations that Society puts or women after some specific age what to wear and what not to wear I'm sure you've heard oldfashioned rules were over 35 or 40 years old you can't have long hair anymore you can't wear mini skirts you cannot show your arms your legs and whatever and my favorite one is you should ignore trans to avoid looking ridiculous ulous only classy elegant pieces I've heard this rule so many times and what is even more mindblowing is that for example you cannot wear biker jacket or denim jacket or bolt colors or anything deemed to be a part of younger generation culture but for me what I think is that those are oldfashioned rules they are outdated and they are Irrelevant in today's world modern fashion is less about following a strict set of rules and more about self-expression and cultivating a unique personal style so this is an important part for me personal style consists of three elements selecting the right cut fabric and length that best complement your body type using style as a primary tool for self-expression and of course taking your lifestyle into consideration the best styling for me is when all three elements are balanced harmoniously to represent your unique personal style let's take my beautiful mother as an example my main model and style Muse she Sports long gray hair a choice some criticize as being inappropriate I've heard remarks like you should tell your mom to cut her hair it's so outdated to wear long natural gray hair these days face but here's an important thing she doesn't care neither do I I Adore women with longer hair as long as they take some time to style it and to take care of it the same philosophy applies to wearing bold colors and current trends I'm showing you my mom's outfits wearing trendy Adidas sambba sneakers and vibrant Hues and honestly I'm here for it I love this styling and as long as you are confident and happy with your outfits show it off you only leave once moreover I truly believe that the right dose of street style TRS can inject youthful and fresh Vibes and ultimately there is nothing more invigorating than confidence good po posture and genine smile on your face wearing only neutrals to look expensive well you know me I can talk about colors for hours one of my viral videos here on my YouTube channel was expensive color combination so if you somehow missed that video please find uh the link in my description box that was very useful one while working on this video the optional the alternative name was something like not only neutral expensive color combinations so color theory goes much deeper and is more interesting than just neutral versus vibrant colors so in nutshell expensive colors are neutral colors plus combined with muted and deep colors in some specific color schemes I know it may sound complicated but it's not just watch my video and you will understand how color theory works and how to put colors together to achieve some specific goals so here is one very simple example I'm showing you my outfit where you can see white as the main neutral color pale Dusty pink and burgundy back basically a dark red color and an olive green sweater basically a pale green so what we see here is a classic complimentary color scheme complimentary colors are those that sit opposite each other on the color wheel in my case it's red and green but to make them look expensive I chose the same colors but in muted versions to sum up learn the basics of color theory trust me it's very easy and enjoyable just watch several videos here on my YouTube channel and you will understand how colors how color theory work and how to put those colors easily to achieve some specific goals and of course no argues if you want to achieve expensive look the easiest way is just to wear neutral colors they're all always look very shic but if you want to use style as a powerful tool to express yourself to truly understand why you're doing and why you're matching those colors watch some of my videos in my playlist how to wear colors and I can assure you you will love the outcome wi clothes are only for summertime who said wi is exclusive to summer fall and winter have their oven shade perfect sh shade of white waiting to be fled So my answer the best shade of white for fall and winter days is oatmeal white or seashell white not just creamy whites but a bit more grayish and yellowish uh whites not only are they easier to wear but they also radiant Elegance just added few drops of other neutral colors like beige or gray or Kaki to make outfit look more grounded and practical and of course always consider the weather conditions we all want to look not only elegant but practical as well you can always choose darker buttons like gray here but continue to enjoy all the perks of styling in white and again if you hesitate just choose a darker shades of white for me it's always about oatmeal white for winter and of course as always I have linked all the fashion pieces I'm using here today in my description box because sometimes I buy some stuff just to show you this perfect styling and I have all the needed information down in the description box and the last one don't mix prints how many times have you heard something like okay if you're wearing one printed piece all the rest fashion pieces in your outfit should be in plain in solid color well times have changed take a look at this two types of stripes coexisting harmoniously when done right mixing prints can elevate your style to a whole new level see the key is in the details when you play with similar patterns like Stripes it creates an interesting yet cohesive visual appeal playful yes but maybe this is something that you're looking for don't limit yourself and if you're hesitant about diving into this amazing world of mixing different prints start small begin with subtle patterns like pin stripes in different subtle colors it's safe yet shic way to introduce mixed prints into your wardrobe I'm showing you my outfit from the massima Dudi try on video this elegant mix of grap pin stripes exemplifies a calm and sophisticated way to wear prints fashion is about Evolution breaking the barriers and expressing yourself old rules were meant to be updated and your style should reflect that so dare to mix dare to match and let your outfits tell the story and as always if this video was useful for you give this video a thumbs up subscription leave your comments Down Below in the comment section and don't forget to check my description box and see you in the next one and I'm so honored to see you still here watching my video it means that you want to watch another video by Elena my recommendations would be watch my video my viral video about expensive color combinations I'm sure you would love it click the link and don't forget to subscribe and see you in the next one
Channel: Ellena Hue
Views: 241,243
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fashion rules, fashion trends 2023, how to choose accessories, how to choose jewelry for an outfit, how to wear jewellery, jane birkin style, out of fashion, out of style, out of style fashion trends, outdated fashion rules, outdated fashion trends, outdated style rules, outdated styles 2023, over 40 style, straw bags in fall styles, trends to avoid, wardrobe staples, what to wear this fall 2023
Id: J4oeIK18Vf8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 48sec (1068 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 01 2023
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