9 Not-so-obvious signs that someone is Rich

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[Music] i bet if i asked you to mention some of the rich folks you know those that will come to mind are people who wear some of the most expensive clothes drive flashy cars wear costly accessories and live in big houses in the states etc however the truth is that not all rich people wear their money have you ever had an encounter with someone you thought was random only to discover minutes after that they are incredibly wealthy i bet your initial opinion of them was as a result of their appearance perhaps they wore basic pieces of clothing simple hairdo and nothing too fancy at all you see wealth is beyond the person's appearance it starts from a person's thoughts and extends to everything else however always remember that it is first about the mind according to edward young an english poet i have about concluded that wealth is a state of mind and that anyone can acquire a wealthy state of mind by thinking rich thought brian tracy a canadian american motivational public speaker and self-development author also said today the greatest single source of wealth is between your fears so yes we've established that wealth is more of a mindset than anything else physical however it transcends the other areas of a person's life the question now is how can you identify a wealthy person whether because of their mindset or possession in this video i'll share with you 9 not so obvious signs that someone is rich if you're new here consider subscribing so that you don't miss out on exciting videos like this one rich people never worry about bills rich people take care of their bills way ahead of time and don't have to bother themselves even when they get their credit cards bill they are always relaxed and confident in the abilities to pay in good time here's the thing rich people are frugal so they don't overspend their money as a result of that it makes it easier to pay their bills and they can make payments for months ahead instead of struggling with daily or monthly payment 2. rich people don't feel the need to show off their wealth rich people are never concerned about showing off their wealth it doesn't mean they don't use expensive things it only means that they don't show it have you ever heard of the funny saying that many should look really successful until you find out they work for the men in t-shirts and jeans of course this doesn't mean that rich people don't wear beautiful and expensive suits it only means that they don't go about trying to make everyone figure out that they're wearing the world's most expensive suits you see the truth is that rich people are accustomed to wearing beautiful and expensive things so they don't feel the need to show off any i mean they are used to it here's a short story neil patel once narrated according to him he took a restroom break while having dinner at a fancy hotel while washing his hands at the sink he noticed a man wearing a watch with many diamonds so patel went ahead to pay a compliment wow that's a lot of diamonds i complimented yeah man that's how i roll he responded i've never seen a watch with that many diamonds on it looks cool unique i said did you notice his response there all of a sudden he glanced at patel's wristwatch and said oh you're wearing a patek phillip it was a six figure watch but it didn't have any diamonds afterwards he asked what do you do this question is often a thinly veiled way of asking how much money do you make you can guess what happened afterward he spent the rest of their time there telling patel about his successes and achievements trying to impress him he went ahead to mention a few celebs that he knew he also told them all the hollywood stars that would be at the party he was going to that night talked about his cars and started talking about doing business together once the night was over patel had his assistant look him up only to discover that he was a party lich a show-off and a bankrupt failure who attempted to impress his way into the pockets of the rich and famous well patel's stranger friends habit is precisely how wannabe-rich people act rich people on the other hand act like patel they don't show off their wealth 3 rich people don't care whether you have heard about them or not people who are genuinely wealthy and famous are used to getting attention from people whether it is to sign their autographs take a picture with them or hear people talk about how great their works are and how it inspires them so they are less bothered when they find themselves somewhere where no one knows them because they exhausted from attention already wannabe rich people on the other hand get offended when they find themselves in a place where no one is paying attention to them 4. if you think rich people spend their time talking about trips or the size of their yacht or visiting the most expensive islands in the world then you need a rethink rich people are more concerned about self-improvement and development so as much as they can they spend their time talking about the things they learn in a beat to learn more and learn from others they never think they know it all 5. rich people like food for both its taste and nutritional value rich people don't eat food only because it tastes good or because it is expensive and they want the world to know that they can afford it but because it has both a good taste and excellent nutritional value anthem brilliant savory a french lawyer and politician said tell me what you eat and i'll tell you who you are rich people pay attention to their health hence they do not only eat healthy meals but also exercise to stay feet 6. rich people are spontaneous in planning and selecting vacation destinations when was the last time you went on a vacation maybe we should rephrase that when was the last time you thought about going on a holiday why haven't you taken any step to achieve that goal since the last time you thought about it well that's the difference between rich people and others rich people know the importance of resting after work so when the time comes to do so they make no delay they don't wait till the prices of tickets are down without spending months trying to plan a treat rich people make arrangements as soon as possible and that's it 7. rich people have a greater appreciation of the value of time yes we all understand the importance of spending our time wisely but rich people do a better job than the rest of the world the truth is that rich people always have one thing or the other to do they are either busy working on the project working on some of their opportunities or developing themselves so they learn to spend their time wisely as a result of this they have a greater appreciation for time than other people eight rich people don't feel stuck in life rich people feel like they can achieve anything they want to whenever they want to of course it might not come easy just as it were with other people but that's not an excuse for them to remain where they are even when they are clearly unhappy rich people believe that life is filled with opportunities and lots of options that people can choose so why remain stuck in the position also they don't feel too scared to make mistakes and take risks because they know that if they don't they'll spend the rest of their lives feeling sad and regretting that one action they are always ready to take steps rather than remain on the same spot for the rest of their lives mark zuckerberg the founder of facebook once said the biggest risk is not taking any risk in a world that is changing quickly the only strategy that is guaranteed to fail is not taking risks 9. rich people hang out with people who force them to think big have you ever heard those words if you're the smartest person in the room you are in the wrong room remember what we said about rich people wanting to learn and share their experiences that's why they hang around people who are more skillful ready to learn and big thinkers being around these people helps them think big as well they get to learn new things and improve themselves daily there you have it guys now you can determine genuinely wealthy and those who aren't thank you very much for watching our videos if you like this video watch more videos on our channel and subscribe we love you
Channel: Money TV
Views: 738
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Rich people never worry about bills, Rich people don't feel the need to show off their wealth, Rich people don't care whether you've heard about them or not, Rich people talk a lot about what they are learning or experiencing, Rich people like food for both its taste and nutritional value, Rich people don't feel stuck in life
Id: V8vUMEV8Szg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 52sec (472 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 25 2020
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