9 NetApp Terms You Need to Know

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hey I'm Reid this is Brad all right and we're here to talk today about some terms so imagine you're about to go into a meeting and talk about NetApp technology and you don't know anything about NetApp but you have to pretend you do this is going to be some some content hopefully helps you there's going to be nine key terms we talked about where you go to the meeting and hopefully you feel more educated and empowered to talk about nanotechnologies so the first one we're talking about it's called snapmirror so Brad what's what's snapmirror and a very simple stat mare is basically a way to do create data either you know within the same data center from one system to another just as local backup or room up to a room remote site perfect it can be synchronous or asynchronous the stammers asynchronous or synchronous and it's used to move data between two NetApp systems at the same site or two separate sites correct perfect okay the second we have is something called Metro cluster one word so that's really all about okay so Metro cluster requires it you have um two identical systems same set up same configuration and it's synchronous real-time so it's a cluster all the heads work together so say you lose a whole site okay you're still up and running okay so what's the difference way Metro cluster and snapmirror customers moving your data between one hours just a copy okay so only one sites running at a time gotcha so the Metro cluster you have both systems work in active active yes but you have to have the same everything everything has to be identical on top version everything the OS okay the disks have to be identical on everything everything okay that's a good one to know yeah talk about Metro cluster you better make sure you have the exact same system at the other side okay go to another one it's called snapvault what snap mult all about okay so snapvault is taking your snapmare copies and this basically you know marking them as an archive forever okay they can't be deleted well they can yep yo there's some troubled you can't accidentally delete a vault gotcha it's for long-term storage of your snapmirror protected data so walk me through a scenario where that might be useful I'm using snapvault because I'm trying to back up my exchange database every six months to keep an email archiving okay so let's say you've got two sites um you're running exchange over here and your snap Mehring all your data over here but over here they're the same discs expensive you know SAS disks gotcha you can use snap vault into vault that data off to you know six terabyte SATA drives are much cheaper okay so let's say okay so just walk through SAP fault you've got two sites you got one in Georgia and one in California you're migrating data to protect it to California once it gets to California you might want to create an archive copy for long-term retention to another class of discs using snap vault yep you're teaching me something awesome okay waffle I think I know what this is but maybe it's not it's not Waffle House no what what's what's waffle waffle is the lowest level it's the file system okay and it stands for right anywhere file layout which basically means within an aggregate we'll talk about that later but within the aggregate arm you want to write a file it's going to put it wherever it wants though as well gotcha and that's what makes that up so efficient ok so if I have a file it's not just going to write it to this one drive it's going to write it all over the place simultaneously so that you have better write performance correct what also impact read performance yeah definitely for sure because the more you know the more spindles um the faster you have your films access okay cool that makes sense so what is own command one word on command on command is NetApp's suite of software arm that replaced filer view and it basically it controls all your filer heads within a site or multiple sites okay so nowadays rather than go on a command line on a particular filer and set up aggregate and volume etc um you go to one you know single pane of glass one gooey gotcha and you can see all your disks all your volumes and if you need a girl volume you do it there if you need to create a new one gotcha so typically our people are going to use on command even if they'll have only have one file or one system are they going to use it typically in an environment where they have multiple systems are both since filer view is is obsolete now you on command your only option gotcha so you're gonna use it whether you have one one filer cluster or thirty okay so the next word which kind of goes in that is it's on tap so data ontap date on tap is they that's the operating system okay so it's the windows for filers let's say gotcha so just so understand the difference between on tap and on command on tap is the operating system and you've got on command which allows you to manipulate the OS or access the OS sure that I you would say that you could say it that way um you wouldn't necessarily control on tap with on command because on tap is the operating system okay you control all the features that don't run on on tap using on command correct gotcha okay that makes sense so what I think we you know you know if you come from EMC background you might hear maybe you would ever lund but in in NetApp alot people talk about aggregates right what's an aggregate so an aggregate is a it's a pull of disks basically um and your volumes live within your aggregates okay so why would you want to pull a bunch of disks together like what do that you have to yeah so we'll go into raid DP okay do raid dual parity so oh you have to have at least three drives okay you can lose two of those drives and still be up in a running okay um so create an aggregate you need at least three drives um but you're gonna have you know with the newer OS and there's no more sixteen terabyte barrier okay you depending on the model you could have a petabyte volume if you want it so why would you have multiple aggregates on one filer we're that allowing to do versus just one you may meet performance okay mainly on the app that's running on one particular volume okay um you may have a heavy heavy hitting say Outlook or whatever exchange or Oracle we sure yeah you you you want them to have their own aggregate so the that you typically don't affect performance of the other aggregates uh so if you're running like VDI right or you're running some kind of large VMware workload or maybe a large Oracle or close even if it's just to for your own sanity to keep things organized okay so aggregate is a collection of drives is dedicated to an app or multiple apps the sending sort on the performance profile all depends on what you want to do okay that makes sense okay so we've got a type I guess this is a type of an operating system it's called seven mode what's seven oh seven mode is the older opera on tap version from that app it's still supported it's not supported on the 8000 series is on the 2500 series but it's still supported on all the older filers um but they're phasing it out it's going to go away eventually so why so they're phasing out seven mode seven that is the older operating system at they're moving to something called clustered data ontap right so why are they doing that and what is clustered data ONTAP they're doing that because with seven mode you can only have two controllers okay so with cluster mode you can have depending on the model you can have up to sixteen heads in a single single and what that lets you do is silly you know say you have a hardware problem with one head and you've got you know six heads in your cluster you know yank one a whole head out fix it put it back you know nothing goes down so is it more so cluster day on tap more about a performance so a solution to a performance problem or performance and availability both gotcha and when you have a C dot or cluster date on tap is it typically all the same filers within the cluster or can you use different followers within the same cluster that's a good question that I don't know the answer to neither oh it's that one on the next one but hopefully this has been this will help you out if you're going into a meeting talking about NetApp technology you're going to hear some of these terms and you'll be kind of educated in advance and prepared and we'll talk about what kind of filers could put this out of the cholesterol or x1 so thanks for watching
Channel: Reliant Technology
Views: 46,167
Rating: 4.7882352 out of 5
Keywords: Netapp terminology, 9 NetApp Terms, NetApp Terms You Need to Know, NetApp Terms, netapp filer, SnapVault, NetApp (Venture Funded Company), SnapMirror, NetApp, Data ONTAP, Clustered Data ONTAP, 7-Mode, Aggregate, NetApp Aggregate, OnCommand, NetApp OnCommand, WAFL, Write Anywhere File Layout, metroCluster, reliant techonoly, reliant, reliant technology youtube, ontap 9, Netapp filers
Id: 4U3kBlx8zyo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 59sec (599 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 11 2015
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