9 Most Ingenious Thefts in History

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hi everyone we all have seen at least one movie or series about daring robberies in the movies thieves usually plan their heist very thoroughly each second counts of course this rarely happens in real life a lot of things can go wrong in thieves as a rule end up in prison but sometimes their brilliant plans do work and today we will tell you all about them let's get it on [Music] 1 million dollar pharmacy robbery pharmacies are one of the most favorite places for both beginner and experienced robbers usually the reason for this is rare and expensive drugs that can be resold at a triple price on the black market and these criminals are well aware of this thanks to their caution and ingenuity they managed to hit a jackpot when robbing a pharmacy on the early morning of December 31st 2015 two large masked men broke into one of the pharmacies in the Texas city of ulis through the window they successfully bypassed the motion sensors and found the safe storing expensive drugs the criminals seem to know the area quite well and knew where the sensors were located that's how they managed to spend more than two hours inside totally unnoticed one of the robbers began to drill a safe using special cough syrup' to extinguish Sparks by the way the safe was purchased by the pharmacy owner shortly before the incident with the purpose of protection against robbery obviously it didn't help in the end the two robbers managed to escape with medicines worth about a million dollars managers of the pharmacy said they had break-ins before but not one of them was so carefully planned according to the information from the media the criminals were never caught Apple store robbery the American tech giant Apple is known for always being ahead of the competition in terms of sales new products released by this company have always prompted competitors to create something equally cool and the stimulated the growth of the entire industry well since Apple is so cool their offices must be equipped with some incredibly sophisticated anti-theft systems right that would be the logical thing to do for a brand that came up with so many different anti hacking tools it turns out this is not the case a couple of years ago these four guys managed to steal several laptops and phones from an Apple store in broad daylight moreover it happened in California where the head office of the company is located you can see in the video how the robbers grabbed the laptops from the table while other shoppers simply stood by with their mouths wide open no one's trying to stop these guys no fancy alarm system is triggered it took the thieves about 30 seconds to finish their job in the end all four offender's managed to escape from the scene of the crime with gadgets worth almost $30,000 thankfully shortly after the incident local police detained the suspects turns out they were responsible for a series of similar thefts and other American Apple stores ATM explosion do you think it's easy to break open an ATM it's actually not there were instances when criminals stole the entire ATMs and tried to open them for several hours in a row without any success the biggest challenge is of course opening the safe especially if it has to be done right at the crime scene and not after transporting the machine to some secure location perhaps the most effective ways to blast the ATM but it requires very serious skill one small miscalculation and the devices will either remain intact or the cash inside it will be torn to pieces in addition most ATMs have special temperature sensors which immediately warn the private security company to prevent this experienced criminals use gas explosions that do not raise the temperature of the safe in any case the criminals in this video works so fast that the guard would not have time to catch them even if they really wanted to it took the gang only one minute to Rob this atm by the way in recent years ATM robberies have become one of the most common types of crimes in the world why can't banks come up with more reliable protection for their ATMs according to experts upgrading the machines cost so much money that it makes more financial sense to accept some possible losses from robberies therefore we'll never get rid of these kinds of robberies stealing an ATM with a digger some criminals are skillful enough to even steal entire ATMs a group of robbers from Northern Ireland decided to steal a digger to tear an ATM out of a wall of a gas station during this robbery which happened in the city of done given the criminals stole the ATM and then put it in a van which was also stolen of course in order to place the stolen ATM inside the criminals cut off the roof of a van pay attention to how skillfully one of the thieves handles the bucket he loads the ATM right into the van with one easy movement the most interesting thing is that for the last year several similar crimes occurred in the country one can only hope that criminals from other countries will not be inspired by an Irish gang of creative robbers stealing Tesla is it possible to steal a car that costs more than a hundred thousand dollars he'll probably say yes but it won't be easy now look at this video it was recorded by a smart doorbell installed in a house in the British city of Boreham wood the video shows how to criminals bypassed the security system of an expensive car in less than one minute then open it and drive off as if nothing had happened [Applause] by the way it was the owner of the stolen car who posted the video online he was shocked how such an expensive car can be so poorly protected and we get it how did the robbers manage to pull this off in fact it wasn't that hard all Tesla cars are equipped with a special passive entry function this means that the receiver installed inside constantly picks up the electronic key signal of the car owner he doesn't even need to press any buttons the car unlocks as soon as the electronic key is nearby he probably thought that the criminals simply reproduced the signal of such a key not really in fact they simply knew that most drivers store car keys near the front door so they approached the door then one of them used a transceiver with a signal amplifier to relay and amplify the key signal and the doors of the Tesla opened if the key were in the house this trick would not work but in this case the plan of the criminals went smoothly TV underdress we bet you haven't seen something like this before when it was clear that no one was looking at her this woman calmly picked up a plasma TV and hid it under her magnificent dress how she managed to move around freely with this load is a big mystery to us or maybe the TV fell off from under her skirt somewhere on the way we'll never know skirt with jewels turns out this type of theft happens more often than you expect here is another similar story while the assistance of this criminal are distracting the jewelry store consultant the woman is stealing the expensive jewelry at some point she simply picks up a whole tray with jewelry and hides the contents under her skirt according to some estimates she stole jewelry worth almost sixty thousand dollars Brazilian Central Bank carefully planned bank thefts happen not only in the movies for example in August 2005 a group of experienced Brazilian criminals managed to steal nearly 70 million dollars from the Central Bank of Brazil in Fortaleza they stole so many bills that their total weight reached three and a half tons and the height of the stacks reached 33 meters the criminals broke into the bank on the weekend when it was closed however the preparations took several months in the spring of the same year they rented a house near the bank from where they began to dig an 80 meter ton the fact that the local soil was soft only helped them the criminals also possessed knowledge and engineering electronics and hydrology also they were helped by someone who worked in that Bank in order not to raise suspicions among the neighbors the criminals put up a sign indicating it was a landscaping company selling artificial grass it was necessary to somehow explain the van loads of soil removed daily after they finished digging the tunnel which according to experts turned out to be a real work of art the criminals had to get to the bank fault the gang had to break through more than 1 meter of steel reinforced concrete to enter the vault in order to get inside the criminals used equipment for cutting ceramics electric saws with diamond blades and jackhammers [Music] the operation which lasted about seven hours went lawlessly not a single alarm God set off the theft was discovered only on the 8th of August by that time the criminals already fled in an unknown direction they had almost two days to escape over many years of judicial investigations of the planning complicity and implementation of the crime 36 people were convicted but so far only 27 have been caught most of the stolen money is still missing Hatton Garden deposit burglary one of the most daring robberies in history happened in the UK in 2015 it was made by a group of elderly men who had drilled the concrete wall of the Hatton Garden safe-deposit which stored cash and jewelry to enter the depository the criminals drilled a giant hole in a 50 centimeter concrete wall using an industrial grade drill [Music] they entered the premises from a nearby elevator shaft the value of the stolen things amounted to about fourteen million pounds that is more than eighteen million dollars interestingly enough the crime was committed on April 2nd in the midst of Easter this date was chosen for a good reason during this period all financial institutions in the UK are on the so called bank holidays even though the robbery plan turned out to be truly ingenious the criminals couldn't escape from justice as experienced robbers said later the gang did not have the knowledge and ingenuity to cover their tracks after the crime was committed they all continued to communicate with each other and did not monitor their mobile phones because of this they were caught quickly by the way they even shot a full-length film and a miniseries about the Hatton Garden robbery that's it for today and see you soon
Views: 5,578,068
Rating: 4.8501487 out of 5
Keywords: List, Top 10, Facts, Viral, 10 Most, braintime, brain time, brain, time, amazing, unbelievable, incredible, in the world, most, the most, the, list, best, video, people, facts, interesting, interesting facts, 9 Most Ingenious Thefts in History, 9 Most, Most Ingenious, Ingenious, Thefts, Ingenious Thefts, Thefts in History, in History, daring robberies, robberies, thieves
Id: HQk5SOcf-Hs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 52sec (652 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 28 2020
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