9 Modules You Need for Designing Scenes in FoundryVTT

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foreign [Music] hey guys I'm going to show you how to build a scene on the fly in in Foundry why would you want to do this well sometimes you just want to put things together you have a lot of tiles you've got Tom cartos or forgotten Adventures or any of my stuff and you want to just build scenes that you didn't necessarily plan on so when you build a scene on a fly it requires that you have access to your assets and you can put them together in a certain way you can actually do it really really quickly so I'm going to show you uh eight or nine modules today that I use and we're going to do this by building a scene together and so the first thing that you need to worry about is you need to figure out how are you going to get to all of your stuff now I'm using file picker plus by Ripper that's what makes my files show up here or my my tile picker show up on the right you don't have to use that but there's another module by Ripper called dig down and what it does is when you go and you click the rebuild file cache it will crawl through all of your mods visuals in folders and it'll index things for you and what that lets you do is come in here and do a search for something like grass and it will bring up anything that matches grass in your library I like this here I'll drag it in there's the handy little macro that I've got nuts and bolts called fit tile to scene that gives us a nice background to start with but there's besides dig down there's another module out there it's a set of modules called mullinet I'm going to do I've done some tutorials on this before I'm going to do another full one here soon so follow my channel if you want to see the most modern and up-to-date mullinet tutorial but it's got a lot of different things that it can do and this is the mullinet interface once you connect your patreon to it you can search for all kinds of things like icons images prefabs prefabs you need the cloud-based version but it's really nice and convenient especially with me I've got quite a few prefabs I've got 33 over 3 300 prefabs these are all not just tiles but other things attached together to make more complicated things you can just drag onto your scene you can also look for your scenes your sounds tiles and tokens the free version works with a lot of stuff so what it does like Dig Down is it just gives you the ability to search everything that you've got all in one place if you use the paid version you can search all of your patreon patreons that you support look at their stuff as well so let's look for Tom cartos and let's look for something like a wagon and it gives us all kinds of wagons from Tom cartos I'm going to apply a shadow to this drop shadow and let's drag a couple of these in I like this broken wagon notice it drops the ads drop shadow for me and let's just grab another one of these let's grab this one okay so that's two modules already is mullinet and dig down now I'm going to use another module called quick scale and I'm just going to press the left bracket or the right bracket and it's going to let me make these things bigger or smaller now let's say that we want to add some barrels and I'll look up barrels out of my my assets now let's say I wanted these to be on different you know one on top of the other one then I would use a module called tile sort what it does is if I'm on the background so you can see it's from switch from foreground to background show you all the tiles on the background and you can move them around move them in front of each other move them behind each other you can even group them so tile store is just an easy way to move stuff around notice I moved my background on top of everything there we go then you've got a module called token attacher what token attacher does is it lets you make prefabs so let's go into some of these prefabs from my release from this month and let's look for the word camp so here's a campfire I'm going to drag this campfire onto the scene and that campfire comes with a light comes with sound and it's got some other complexities to it that I made once and then I can kind of redo over and over I can just drag it out and it's already done for me so you can see all the artwork there's a foreground tile and a background tile and they're changing as I right click it so I can just like randomize my fire and then I can click it to turn it off and on so that's using monks active tiles and it's token magic effects that's making that that fire tile work and these are all other modules that we can use and employ to create something but as a prefab it becomes really really fast we can also drag out some other kind of pre-built campsites and maybe we want one with some tents on it and maybe we want to grab a really large tent let's grab this kind of Throne Room it's what we call it and we'll make some space here lay these things around and I think we also probably want some trees happen to have some trees already imported in my world and let's grab a couple of those yeah that's good and maybe we want to do one more thing here let's open up mullinet go to the Tile tool and let's look up something like an obelisk you can see you've got a few options for Obelisk that one in my set here and let's make it uh I don't know let's just make it Ghostly and we'll drag that in cool this is using another tool called token magic facts and I don't know this is just like a plot hook that I decided to put in here right and maybe I'll play another filter to it I don't know why and I can hide this until I'm ready to reveal it to my players maybe there's something some reason why this Obelisk is here and then maybe I want to scale it down a little bit and I'll leave that in as plot hook and if you have colorable assets like this red tent here you can also use the next module which is mass edit so I'm going to hit shift e and that's going to open up what looks like a kind of a normal tile screen but it introduces all of these other boxes and I've got a whole tutorial on maths edit I recommend you check it out but it lets you change really anything on the scene not just tiles but lights and all sorts of other stuff on the Fly I'm going to make my roof that color and I will make the bottom one again hitting shift e is that the same color I'm going to turn on level so you can see now I've got this nice throne room that's uh colored it's got interactive elements again because I'm using prefabs and you know I'm gonna light my fires or unlight them we switch them around a little bit and you can see pretty quickly I've got a very very functional scene let's give it some ambient audio we'll pick the orc camp let's drop the lights down and see how it looks looking good I can go under my lean twos turn my torch on and off my Throne room's looking good trees are occluding properly everything else is looking pretty great so you can see how fast that was we almost built it in real time took a couple of minutes the next one I want to show you is dungeon draw I showed you this before we're going to use standard cobblestone and we'll start drawing a dungeon we'll use one of my custom themes and we'll go back into mullinet we'll look up some of these magic dungeon pieces foreign get rid of that drop shadow to like Furnishings set and we'll find a pillar that we like kind of like this one it's for a little extra decor yeah that's good and let's pick up some torches in fact let's go to the new torches yeah like this if I drag these out individually I use the tagger module and that lets them interact independently of each other cool right and let's make this one extra big foreign set release those from the prefab that way these all sit independently from each other and let's just drag this in and use it as a as a door tour a new space yeah I got an idea it's like it's holding these two torches here right I want to grunge this up a little bit notice the dungeon draw drew all of our walls for us too here we are pretty quickly we have what I would consider a very simple and compelling map that we can have more Encounters in the last thing I want to show you the last easy way to build on the Fly Maps is to to use 3D canvas so let's create a new scene this time it's going to be a 3D scene we're going to use this quick 3D scene button people realize how easy it is to make things in 3D let me show you the first thing we get is this new panel and we can start to randomize things so maybe we want a deadlands we'll apply a theme you can see that and we want to randomly generate Terrain that looks pretty good we can fine tune it and other things I think we're good here and why don't we add some lava there we go then I'm gonna open up my sidebar here and let's look for trees and we want to find a dead tree maybe a couple of them sort of word and hold down control select a couple of those I'm going to randomly scale them randomly rotate them in that should be pretty good let's start putting some trees down I'm just holding down shift and placing these down foreign I don't know let's draw let's bring in an ax there now we've got a nice interesting plot hook we finished a scene in just a really a couple of minutes we're good to go so I hope that was helpful for you guys let me know in the comments if there's other tools or modules that you recommend for the folks who are trying to build on the Fly scenes if you liked all of the materials and things that you saw in this video it's all things available on my patreon feel free to go there and for eight bucks you can get all the 2D content in for uh 14 it's all of the 3D and everything else you can jump in and out of it whenever you like so hopefully that's easy for you guys to manage anything to your budget and in the meantime let me know if you like this kind of thing if you want more in-depth videos on any of the modules that I showed you I do have in-depth videos and you can check the links in the description to jump to some of those and otherwise in the meantime have fun making your Maps
Channel: Baileywiki
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Keywords: dnd, dnd5e, fonderie vtt, foundry dnd 5e, foundry modules, foundry tutorial, foundry vtt, foundry vtt dnd 5e, foundry vtt modules, foundryvtt, foundryvtt best modules, foundryvtt combat, foundryvtt tutorial, fundição vtt, fundición vtt, gießerei vtt, gießereivtt, rpg tools, vtt foundry, vtt, foundry vtt tutorial, foundry, foundry vtt review, d&d, foundry vtt 2021, foundry vtt features, foundry vtt modules d&d
Id: ceUUHhiDCj0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 11sec (1211 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 03 2023
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