9 Light Experiments That Will Blow Your Mind

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9 Light Experiments That Will Blow Your Mind Ever noticed how light is the first thing we   see when we're born? It's like the universe  saying, 'Welcome!' In just a few weeks,   we start recognizing faces and things  with the help of this friendly light.  But here's the cool part – as we grow up,  we find out that light is not just there;   it's kind of mysterious. You can't  touch it, but you can see it everywhere,   especially from the Sun. All stars produce light! Even though light is super important for life   on Earth, we don't know everything about  it. Scientists have been puzzled by this   invisible thing for a long time. So, in this  video, we'll check out how holograms are made,   learn the secrets behind your sunglasses, and even  figure out why the speed of light is the way it   is. Join us as we dive into experiments that shine  a light on the stuff that brightens up our world. --- Newton’s Prism and Pink Floyd  Would you believe me if I told you  that the iconic Pink Floyd album cover,   "The Dark Side of the Moon," shares a  profound connection with Sir Isaac Newton? This scientist, renowned for his  groundbreaking contributions to physics,   conducted a historic light experiment alongside  his work on gravity and the development of a   unit of force. In the 17th century, the field  of optics was undergoing rapid advancements,   captivating the curiosity of numerous  scientists and philosophers interested   in the connection between light and vision. He devised a clever approach by creating a   minute aperture in a piece of wood to isolate  a slender ray of light. Guiding this isolated   light through a prism, he observed  its refraction onto a white surface. During this stage, he discerned distinct  colors, particularly noting the presence   of red and blue at the edges where the ray  struck the paper. Isaac Newton's renowned light   experiment is celebrated for its ingenious twist,  involving the introduction of another prism.  Redirecting the light emerging from the first  prism into a second prism, he achieved the   reconstitution of white light. Newton deduced that  while the first prism had refracted the light,   the second prism had effectively converged the  rays, resulting in the appearance of white light.  In essence, this experiment demonstrated that  the colors observed during light refraction   through a prism were inherent properties  of light, dispelling the notion that   they were a consequence of contamination. Before Newton delved into his experiments   with light, the prevailing belief  was that light originated as white,   and the various colors observed in refracted  light, such as those appearing when light   passed through the glass, were attributed to  contamination by the material it traversed.  For centuries, the prevailing belief was  that light consisted of discrete particles,   or "corpuscles." This particle theory,  championed by luminaries like Newton,   shaped our understanding of light. However, as  the scientific lens sharpened, the limitations   of this view became evident, prompting  a need for a more comprehensive theory.  --- Young’s Double Slit Experiment and Fresnel Lenses  In the 19th century, Augustin-Jean Fresnel and  Thomas Young brought about a significant change   in our understanding of light by supporting the  wave theory. Young's famous double-slit experiment   in the early 1800s provided strong evidence for  the wave-like nature of light, challenging the   prevailing particle-centric view and paving the  way for a more nuanced comprehension of light.  Fresnel, despite not being well-versed in the  existing theories about light, was fascinated   by diffraction – the bending of light around  objects. His breakthrough came when he observed   colorful bands produced by a diffractor  and realized that covering part of it made   the colors disappear. He developed mathematical  formulas to predict the positions of these bands   and later used them to foresee interference  patterns from light reflecting off mirrors.  In 1819, the French Academy of Sciences announced  a prize for the best work on diffraction. Despite   facing a well-renowned judge, Poisson, who  supported the particle theory of light,   Fresnel submitted his comprehensive theory just  before the deadline. To everyone's surprise,   Poisson used Fresnel's theory to predict a  bright spot in the center of the shadow when   parallel light hit an opaque disk, confirming  the wave theory. This unexpected turn of events   led to Fresnel winning the Grand Prix, marking a  significant victory for the wave theory of light.  Fresnel continued his work in optics, designing  remarkable lenses that found extensive use in   lighthouses until the mid-20th century.  These lenses also made their way into car   headlights for a time and are still employed  in taillights, backup lights, solar cookers,   and lighting for film and theater. Not only did  Fresnel's lenses produce brighter beams, but   they also offered more uniform light intensity,  leaving a lasting impact on the field of optics.  The other guy, Thomas Young, was no less of a  genius, and his experiment strongly inferred   the wave-like nature of light. Because he  believed that light was composed of waves,   Young reasoned that some type of interaction  would occur when two light waves met. Young's experiment was like a clever game with  light. He thought, "If light acts like waves   on water, it should behave in a similar way."  Imagine two ripples meeting in a pond – sometimes   they make a bigger ripple, and other times they  cancel each other out, leaving a flat surface.  To test this idea, Young came up with a  smart experiment. He used sunlight that   passed through a tiny slit to create a  source of neat and organized light. Then,   he directed this light onto another screen  with two slits side by side. The light passing   through these slits landed on a third screen. When the slits were big, spaced far apart,   and close to the screen, two overlapping  patches of light appeared. But when Young   made the slits smaller and brought them  closer together, something cool happened.   The light passing through the slits created  colorful bands separated by dark areas in   a specific order. Young called these bands  "interference fringes." He realized that only   waves could create these colored bands,  showing that light behaves like a wave.  How was this even possible? The  explanation is quite mindblowing.  When light hits the twin slits, it splits into  two new wavefronts that perfectly match each   other. This happens as the light passes through  the slits. For a point like A on the screen,   the waves from each slit need to travel the same  distance to reach it. This ensures that they are   still matched or in the same phase when they reach  point A. When these two waves meet at point A,   they create a bright red interference fringe  on the screen due to constructive interference.  However, points like B on the screen are  not equidistant from the two slits. The   light traveling from one slit to reach point B  has to cover a greater distance than the light   from the other slit. Imagine the slit and  point B on the left side of Figure 1. The   light from the closer slit (let's say  the one on the left) reaches point B a   bit earlier than the light from the farther  slit (the one on the right). As a result,   these waves don't arrive at point  B at the same time (out of phase),   leading to destructive interference. This  creates a dark interference fringe on the screen.  It's important to note that interference  fringes aren't limited to the double-slit   setup. They can happen in any experiment  where light splits into waves that either   cancel each other out or combine. Later on, more experiments were   created to show how light behaves like  waves and exhibits interference effects.   Young's experiment strongly supported the wave  theory of light. But that did not last long.   Did you know that the creation of holograms  relies on the principle of light interference?   When two beams of light overlap, they can either  amplify each other or cancel each other out,   depending on whether their peaks and troughs  align. This is known as constructive and   destructive interference, respectively. To make a hologram, a laser beam is split   into two: the object beam and the reference beam.  The object beam is directed onto the subject (the   object being recorded), while the reference beam  is directed straight onto a recording medium. As the object beam reflects off the subject, it  carries information about the object's features.   The two beams then intersect on the recording  medium, creating an interference pattern. This   pattern is a result of the interaction between the  waves from the object beam and the reference beam.  This interference pattern, recorded on a  photosensitive surface, contains detailed   information about the amplitude and phase of the  light waves. To view the hologram, a light source,   often the same laser used in recording, is  shone onto the developed holographic plate.  When the reference beam encounters the recorded  interference pattern, it reproduces the original   object wavefront. This recreation results in  the perception of a three-dimensional image,   complete with depth and perspective. Holography finds applications in security   features, art, and education, thanks  to its ability to produce intricate   and lifelike three-dimensional  images. Amazing, don’t you think?  --- Single Photon Double Slit Experiment  In Young's experiment, originally, a full beam of  light passed through the slits. But then someone   had a curious thought: What if we sent only one  photon at a time through the slit? Imagine making   the light beam so faint that we could observe  the effect of just one photon on the screen.  Surprisingly, in experiments where researchers  carefully sent only one photon at a time toward   the wall, the interference pattern persisted.  It seemed as if a single particle was somehow   interfering with itself. This concept  alone is mind-boggling. Strangely,   when a detector was placed by the slits to record  which slit each particle passed through, the   interference pattern vanished. Instead, two lines  of light appeared on the screen, just as expected   if point particles and not waves were passing  through. It was as if the act of measurement   changed the nature of the particles. The paradox of light behaving like a wave   but being detected as a particle is at the heart  of Richard Feynman's introduction to the basics of   quantum mechanics. He notes that this phenomenon  is impossible to explain using classical methods,   making it a mystery that cannot be  eliminated by understanding its workings.  "We choose to examine a phenomenon which is  impossible, absolutely impossible, to explain in   any classical way, and which has in it the heart  of quantum mechanics. In reality, it contains the   only mystery. We cannot make the mystery go away  by explaining how it works . . . In telling you   how it works we will have told you about the  basic peculiarities of all quantum mechanics."  The double-slit experiment, despite its  simple concept, remains one of the most   intriguing tests ever conducted. It has been  repeated with both light and matter particles,   showcasing the fundamental strangeness of quantum  mechanics. The experiment illustrates the concept   of wave-particle duality, suggesting that both  light and matter can exhibit characteristics   of both particles and waves. Additionally, it  introduces the superposition principle, revealing   that particles can exist in multiple states and  even simultaneously occupy multiple places. In the   double-slit experiment, particles aren't confined  to traveling through just one slit or the other;   for interference to occur, each particle must  be simultaneously traveling through both slits.  --- Einstein's   Photoelectric Effect and Planck's Quanta Einstein himself acknowledged that meticulous   experiments could reveal whether light behaved  as particles or waves. In 1905, he delved into   the photoelectric effect, a phenomenon discovered  two decades earlier by scientist Heinrich Hertz.   Hertz observed that shining ultraviolet light on  a metal plate could induce sparks. The surprising   part wasn't the emission itself; metals  were known conductors, and electrons could   be dislodged by an energy burst. What puzzled  scientists was that different metals required   bursts of varying minimum light frequencies for  electron emission. Interestingly, increasing   light brightness produced more electrons without  boosting their energy. Additionally, higher light   frequencies generated electrons with greater  energies, but the quantity remained unchanged.   The mystery lingered until 1905 when Einstein's  paper on the photoelectric effect was published. Einstein proposed that light consists of  particles, and photons, whose energies are   linked to their frequencies. When this particle  beam collides with atoms on a metal surface,   the collision causes the photoelectric  effect. The energy carried by the light   particle is proportional to the frequency of  the wave, and conversely, the wave's frequency   is determined by the particle's energy. Einstein's  groundbreaking work on this topic earned him the   1921 Nobel Prize in Physics, marking just  the beginning of significant developments.  It's crucial to note that without Max  Planck's study, resolving the problem   of blackbody radiation and introducing the  concept of discrete packets of radiation,   or "quanta” - either absorbed or emitted by  single atoms - Einstein wouldn't have been   able to explain the photoelectric effect.  Planck's insights laid the foundation for   Einstein's groundbreaking contributions  to understanding the nature of light.  The photoelectric effect finds a lot  of applications in the modern world.   Take solar cells, for instance. In these cells,  incident light photons interact with semiconductor   materials, liberating electrons through the  photoelectric effect. This liberation generates   an electric current, effectively converting  light energy directly into electrical energy.   This process forms the foundation of solar power  technology, enabling the harnessing of sunlight   for a sustainable and renewable energy source. On the other hand, photoelectric sensors,   widely employed in industrial settings,  leverage the photoelectric effect for object   detection and automation. These sensors utilize  incident light to create a signal through the   photoelectric effect, facilitating precise  control in manufacturing processes. This   application showcases the photoelectric  effect's role in enhancing efficiency and   accuracy in various industries, contributing  to advancements in automation and technology.  --- Hey you! Before moving on,   be sure to like or dislike the video, so that  we can improve it for YOU the viewer. Plus,   Don't forget to subscribe to our channel by making  sure to hit the NOTIFICATION BELL, so you don't   miss ANY of our daily videos! ---  As you can understand, a series of experiments on  the nature of light triggered a paradigm shift in   our understanding of reality. This transformative  period altered the course of science, prompting   scientists to reexamine past experiments and  search for clues that would contribute to a   groundbreaking theory of light. This emerging  theory challenged our existing knowledge and   paved the way for the development of quantum  theory. Since those pivotal moments, science   has never been the same, and the exploration of  light has opened up new realms of understanding.   --- Speed of Light!  But let’s leave behind the dual nature of  light for a moment, and focus on another of its   intrinsic properties: speed. The speed of light,  a fundamental constant denoted by "c," holds a   special place in the realms of physics. Defined  precisely as 299,792 kilometers per second,   this speed is unique in that it remains constant  across all inertial reference frames. Unlike other   velocities, it doesn't change, regardless of the  motion of the source or observer. This means that   if you're on a train moving at a certain speed  and shooting a bullet forward, you'd add the   bullet's velocity to the train's to determine its  overall speed. However, this logic doesn't apply   to light. Whether emitted from a stationary or  moving source, light maintains its constant speed.   Now, let's explore how scientists first managed  to calculate this unchanging speed of light. One   of the pioneers in this endeavor was Roemer,  a Danish astronomer who conducted a remarkable   experiment to estimate the speed of light.  Roemer, stationed at the Paris Observatory,   stumbled upon the speed of light by chance. His  focus was on retrieving precise observations of   Io, one of Jupiter's four largest moons discovered  by Galileo in 1610. By precisely timing the   eclipses of Io caused by Jupiter, Roemer aimed  to enhance our understanding of the moon's   orbital period. In the seventeenth century,  such observations had practical significance   as they were considered celestial "clocks" for  navigators and mapmakers worldwide. These clocks,   based on the orbital motion of Jupiter's  satellites, were intended to provide a   means of determining absolute time, aiding in  calculating longitude. Although this method   ultimately proved impractical and was discarded  with the advent of accurate seagoing timepieces,   Roemer's work unexpectedly unraveled another  crucial scientific mystery—the speed of light.  Io's orbital period is now recognized as 1.769  Earth days, and it experiences an eclipse by   Jupiter once per orbit when viewed from Earth.  Roemer's extensive observations over the years   revealed a curious phenomenon: the time between  successive eclipses varied systematically. As   Earth moved closer to Jupiter in its  orbit, the time interval shortened,   and conversely, it lengthened as Earth moved  away. Roemer discerned that these fluctuations   were unrelated to the relative positions of  Earth and Jupiter. In a brilliant insight,   he attributed the time difference to the  finite speed of light. Essentially, when   Earth and Jupiter were on opposite sides of the  Sun, light from the Jupiter system had to travel   a longer distance to reach Earth compared to when  they were closer together. Roemer estimated that   light took twenty-two minutes to traverse  the diameter of Earth's orbit. The speed of   light could then be determined by dividing the  Earth's orbit diameter by the time difference.  Christiaan Huygens, a Dutch scientist  who performed the same calculations,   arrived at a speed of light equivalent to  131,000 miles per second. While this value   differed from the correct speed of 186,000  miles per second, the discrepancies were   attributed to errors in Roemer's estimate  for the maximum time delay and imprecise   knowledge of Earth's orbital diameter. Despite  the numerical differences, Roemer's data marked   the first quantitative estimate for the speed of  light, setting the stage for future advancements.  However, the discoveries on the speed of light  did not stop there. On a more theoretical note,   scientist James Clerk Maxwell found a  measure of the speed of light by studying   electromagnetic waves. His set of equations  - known as Maxwell's equations - describe the   behavior of electric and magnetic fields and their  interactions. In the process of formulating them,   Maxwell identified that his equations  predicted the existence of electromagnetic   waves. These waves were analogous to light  waves but existed across a broader spectrum,   encompassing radio waves, microwaves, and more. Maxwell recognized that the speed of these   electromagnetic waves, denoted by  the symbol "c" in his equations,   was related to the electric permittivity (ε₀)and  magnetic permeability (μ₀) of free space. ​ Later, experimental measurements  such as Roemer’s and Huygens’s ones,   confirmed the accuracy of Maxwell's predictions,  cementing his place in the history of physics.  Maxwell’s speed of light equation has  been conceived in the framework where   light propagates through free space. However,  when light encounters a medium like air, water,   or glass, its speed changes. This change happens  because light is made up of tiny particles called   photons. As light enters a medium, these photons  interact with the atoms and molecules in that   medium. It's as if light is playing a game  of catch with these particles - each time a   photon is caught (absorbed), it's then thrown  (re-emitted). This process causes a delay   in the movement of light through the medium. Due to this delay, the overall speed of light   within the medium is reduced compared to its speed  in a vacuum. The refractive index is a measure of   this reduction, indicating how much the speed of  light is decreased in a specific medium. Different   materials have different refractive indices. In real life, you can observe this phenomenon   in everyday optics, like how light bends when it  enters water or how lenses work in glasses. Even   natural phenomena like rainbows are a result of  light dispersion in raindrops, showcasing varying   speeds of different colors of light in water. To sum up, the speed of light isn't constant   in different mediums - it changes based on the  interactions between light and the particles   in the medium. Understanding this is crucial  for comprehending optical phenomena in our   daily lives. ---  Dirac and the 3 Polarizers Paradox In this video, we're discovering that   intriguing phenomena unfold when we manipulate  light. Fresnel, known for his fascination with   lenses and light, was well aware of this. Even  the renowned scientist Dirac found himself   facing a paradox while experimenting  with polarizers. To grasp the concept,   let me elucidate what a polarizer is. Remarkably, a polarizer is a device used   to polarize light. Typically made of a material  or filter, it permits light waves vibrating in a   specific direction to pass through while blocking  those vibrating in other directions. The common   type aligns the electric field vectors  of light waves using a special material.  Polarizers find widespread use in optical  devices like sunglasses, camera lenses,   LCD screens, and other systems requiring control  over light polarization. Modern sunglasses often   incorporate polarized lenses, featuring a special  filter to reduce glare and selectively block   certain light waves, enhancing visual clarity  and reducing eye strain in bright conditions.  Now equipped with this knowledge, let's delve  into the three polarizer paradox. Shine light   through two polarizing filters oriented at 90°,  and no light passes through. However, insert   a third filter between them at a 45° angle, and  surprisingly, some light manages to pass through.  This experiment, often deemed "strange,"  is commonly discussed in the context of   quantum mechanics, showcasing its  apparent spookiness. Nevertheless,   it can be explained in simple cause-and-effect  terms without invoking quantum magic.  Consider the standard experiment: unpolarized  light passes through a polarizing filter,   registering strongly on a light meter.  Introduce a second filter at 90°,   and no light passes through. Now, place a 45°  polarizer between them, and the light meter   records a significant amount, though less than in  the initial setup. Seems mysterious, doesn't it?  The perceived spookiness arises from a  misinterpretation of the term "filter."   Traditionally, a filter is seen as blocking  some items while leaving others untouched. Yet,   if our so-called "filters" not only  block components but also alter them,   the addition of new filters causing items to  pass through isn't surprising. A polarizer, as   mentioned earlier, does just that—altering light  waves. No need for spooky quantum properties;   it's a straightforward cause-and-effect chain  yielding rational, comprehensible results.  --- Are you still there? If so,   why don’t you take a moment to think about the  beauty of these experiments? What’s your favorite   so far? Let us know in the comments below! ---  Compton and Rayleigh Scattering It's important to note that not   all scientists were initially convinced that  light could exhibit both wave and particle   characteristics. This skepticism led scientists  from diverse backgrounds, countries, and time   periods to conduct their own experiments in an  attempt to better understand the nature of light.  Among these scientists was Arthur Compton,  who discovered Compton Scattering—a   physical phenomenon providing evidence for the  particle-like nature of light. In this process,   photons (light particles) collide with electrons,  transferring energy to the electrons and causing   a change in the wavelength of the scattered  photons. Compton's observations supported   the notion that light possesses both wave and  particle properties, contributing significantly   to the development of quantum mechanics. In his experiments, Compton used X-rays   and directed them at a target material containing  electrons. X-rays, being a form of electromagnetic   radiation, just like visible light, radio waves,  and microwaves, only of much higher energy,   collided with the electrons in the material.  What he observed was crucial – when these   collisions occurred, some of the energy from the  X-ray photons was transferred to the electrons.   This transfer of energy resulted in a change  in the wavelength of the scattered X-rays.  Now, this change in wavelength was a key  revelation. It indicated that the X-rays,   typically thought of as waves, were  behaving more like particles in   their interaction with the electrons. This  observation supported the idea that light   possesses both wave-like and particle-like  properties, contributing significantly to   the development of quantum theory. From a mathematical standpoint,   Compton's experiments involved the  conservation of energy and momentum,   which are fundamental principles in physics. The  change in wavelength, known as the Compton shift,   is quantified by a formula that includes constants  like Planck's constant and the speed of light.  Compton's work on understanding the particle  nature of light earned him the Nobel Prize   in Physics in 1927. His experiments not only  confirmed the existence of photons but also   provided tangible evidence for the coexistence  of wave and particle behaviors in light.  This phenomenon, known as Compton scattering,  has far-reaching implications. Beyond its   theoretical significance, Compton scattering  finds applications in various fields,   including medical imaging and materials science. One common example of Compton scattering   in medicine is in the field of medical  imaging, specifically in X-ray imaging.  When X-rays are used for diagnostic  imaging, they are directed toward   the body. As X-ray photons pass through the  tissues, they may undergo Compton-scattering   interactions with electrons in the atoms  of the tissues. During Compton scattering,   some of the X-ray photons lose energy and change  direction due to the collision with the electrons.  In X-ray imaging, detectors pick up the scattered  X-rays, and the information is used to create   detailed images of the internal structures of  the body. The scattered X-rays contribute to   the overall image, providing valuable information  about the composition and density of the tissues   being examined. The degree of scattering can  be influenced by the type of tissue, and this   information is crucial for diagnostic purposes. This application of Compton scattering   in medical imaging allows healthcare  professionals to visualize bones, organs,   and other structures inside the body, aiding in  the diagnosis and treatment of various medical   conditions. It's an essential tool in areas such  as radiography, computed tomography (CT scans),   and fluoroscopy, providing valuable insights  into the health and condition of patients.  Another type of light scattering we know of  is the so-called Rayleigh scattering. It is   what makes our sky…the color it is! Picture this:  you have sunlight beaming through the atmosphere,   and it encounters tiny particles like molecules  and atoms. Now, these particles can influence   the path of the light in different ways.  Rayleigh scattering scatters short wavelengths,   such as blue and violet. When sunlight  hits these particles, they spread the   shorter wavelengths in all directions. That's  why the sky looks blue during the day – those   shorter blue wavelengths get scattered more. In summary, Rayleigh scattering predominantly   occurs in the Earth's atmosphere, influencing  the color of the sky and contributing to the   chromatic spectacle observed during sunrise  and sunset. This phenomenon primarily involves   shorter wavelengths, notably blue and violet  light, dispersing in various directions due   to interactions with atmospheric particles. Conversely, Compton scattering emerges in   scenarios involving higher-energy electromagnetic  radiation, such as X-rays. This process entails   a more intricate interaction between light  particles and electrons, resulting in the   exchange of energy and a modification in  the trajectory of the scattered light.  To draw an analogy, Rayleigh scattering  can be likened to a casual and pervasive   atmospheric phenomenon, shaping the ambiance  of the sky. In contrast, Compton scattering   is analogous to a rigorous and high-energy  event occurring in controlled environments,   like a physics laboratory. Despite their  disparate nature, both phenomena contribute   valuable insights into the behavior  of light under distinct circumstances.  --- Temporal Double Slit Experiment  Let's think again about the coolest experiment  with light – the double-slit experiment. It   showed that light can act like both a wave and  a particle. Now, in 2023, scientists at Imperial   College did something neat. They found a way to  separate the slits, not in space, but in time.  Here's how they did it: they used a see-through  material called indium-tin-oxide, found in   phone screens. When they shot a laser at it and  quickly changed the material from see-through to   reflective, it created a super short window  – just a few femtoseconds – where the laser   bounced back. They called this a "time slit." When they sent two laser pulses through these   time slots one after the other, something weird  happened. Even though everything else, like where   the light came from and where it was going, stayed  the same, the second pulse caused an interference   pattern. This pattern wasn't like the usual ones  you see in the double-slit experiment in regular   space. Instead, it affected the laser's color. To understand why this might be happening,   let's picture the experiment in time. Imagine a  graph where space is on the left-right and time   is up-down. The first laser leaves hits the time  slit, bounces back, and reaches the receiver. Now,   a second laser is released, and it reflects  to the receiver at a slightly later time,   a bit higher on our time graph. If light behaved normally,   just going at its usual speed, that would be the  end of it. But instead, light seems to be messing   with itself. It's like it's taking a path that  goes through both slits, not just its own. This is   the only way it could create the pattern we see. Now, here's the strange part. It's not how bright   or dim the light is that's changing, but its  color. Think of light as little packets of waves,   and when you change the angle they come  in, it messes with how often the peaks   in the waves show up. This changes  the color we see – from red to blue.  But what's even stranger is what's happening  with the paths of this light through time. Some   parts of the journey seem to make the light go  slower than it should, taking more time to get to   the same place. Other parts make it look like the  light is going faster than it's supposed to. It's   almost like it's traveling backward in time. This might sound a bit mind-bending,   but according to the research from Imperial  College in London, this is what's going on.   It challenges what we thought we knew about  how light works in the dimension of time.  --- The Probabilistic   Nature of Reality - A Thought Experiment Here's the deal: when we try to observe light,   it's like catching it playing hide and seek.  It decides to be all discreet and quantized,   snapping to specific values. No one really  knows why it does that – it's a cosmic mystery.  Think about a wave. You could imagine chopping  it in half, right? Well, not with light. On the   teeny-tiny quantum scale, light refuses to be  halved. No half-photons allowed, and definitely   no one-and-a-half photons. It prefers to be  all mysterious and probabilistic, acting like   a wave when no one is watching, only to decide  on a definite answer when someone finally asks.  Now, here's where it gets even weirder. Picture  light as guitar strings playing harmonics – only   certain waves are allowed. There's a  limit to how it can wiggle and jiggle.  But what's pinching the ends of its path? No  one knows for sure. It's like a magical force   that makes light behave in its quirky way,  and the details are still a cosmic puzzle.  Now, hold on tight, because this quirkiness isn't  just about light. A simple thought experiment   leads us to the conclusion that if light, the  energetic performer, dances probabilistically,   then maybe all the particles around us do the  same funky dance. Yep, everything – atoms,   molecules, even electrons – they're all partying  to the beats of probability when you zoom in.  So, here's the big question: What's the  cosmic DJ playing? What's the secret behind   this dance of matter and energy? Why does  the universe put on a different show when   we're watching compared to when we're not? The truth is, we're in a bit of a cosmic   dice game. The universe seems to  enjoy keeping things uncertain,   making you and everything around you a bit  more unpredictable than you might have guessed.  One thing's for sure – when it comes to light,  the cosmic joke is on us. It loves to keep   us guessing, showing off its dual nature as a  particle or a wave, depending on whether we're   paying attention or not. ---  Outro As we wrap up our adventure into the world   of light experiments, isn't it fascinating how  much we've learned about this friendly glow? From   the funny behavior of particles to the magical  creation of holograms, we've had quite a journey!  But guess what? Light is like a never-ending story  that scientists and curious folks like you and   me keep exploring. There's still so much we don't  know! It's like a big puzzle waiting to be solved.  So, as we finish our light-filled ride, let's  think about this: What other cool things are out   there, waiting for us to discover under the glow  of light? The universe is like a giant playground   of mysteries, and who knows what's next? Keep wondering, keep asking questions,   and who knows what awesome things about  light and the universe are still hiding   in the shadows. The adventure never ends, and  the light of discovery keeps shining bright!  --- Hey, this video ends here! What would you like   us to cover next? Feel free to share your thoughts  in the comments below, and stay tuned for our next   videos! I'll see you soon on the channel. ---
Channel: Insane Curiosity
Views: 36,941
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: insane curiosity, space, science, astronomy, compton scattering, rayleigh scattering, light photons, experiments with light, Newton’s Prism, pink floyd prism, Double Slit Experiment, light experiments, Single Photon Double Slit Experiment, photoelectric effect, speed of light thomas young, what is light, light, double slit experiment explained, planck's quanta, polarizers paradox
Id: WwLeLQ8tP8A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 48sec (2148 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 20 2024
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