9 Dark Historical Photographs And Their Stories

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hi it's katrina from the assassinations that sparked a war to a paper boy who mysteriously disappeared here are nine dark historical photographs and their stories number 9. leatherman for over 30 years during the late 19th century a vagabond known as the leatherman repeatedly walked the same 365-mile circuit between the connecticut and hudson rivers completing the journey every 34 days he stayed in rock shelters locally nicknamed leatherman caves and stopped at various towns along the way for food and supplies but who was this mysterious man the leatherman was known for his handmade head-to-toe leather suit which weighed 60 pounds and was made from old boot tops that he sewed together the transient was thought to be a french or french canadian origin but to this day nobody truly knows who he was or where he came from an 1870 news article stated that the leatherman barely spoke only occasionally uttering mono syllables and communicating with gestures and grunts he was fluent in french but used broken english on the rare occasion that he felt like saying something even if the leatherman could talk it was clear that he preferred not to especially regarding his past which he refused to answer questions about in addition to not knowing the man's identity or origin nobody knew how he made money despite this they grew to accept the vagrant in certain connecticut towns they knew when to expect him and had food ready for him upon his arrival he was even exempt from the state's anti-transient laws in several towns the leatherman was forcibly hospitalized in 1888 where he was found to be emotionally disturbed but sane and was released he died in one of his cave homes the following year from cancer of the mouth most likely caused by tobacco use and was buried in ossining new york his headstone identifies him as jules borglay but this has since proven to be false in 2011 archaeologists exhumed the leatherman's grave in an attempt to learn more about him oddly they were unable to find his remains ruling out the possibility of taking a dna sample and deepening the mystery of who he was and why he chose to live the way he did this man remains a complete mystery number 8. slovenian war hero born to a working-class family in yugoslavia in 1925 albina malihosevar became a resistance fighter at just 16 years old she was one of eight siblings and went to work at a young age helping to support her family after her father died in 1934 when axe's forces conquered yugoslavia in 1941 albina joined the national liberation army an anti-nazi resistance movement there was a slovenian branch within yugoslavia known as the slovene partisans which organized into guerilla units and later as an army their enemies were whoever was occupying slovenia as the invading powers of germany italy and hungary would then arrest and imprison the slovenian people forcing them to live and work in concentration camps the young woman was wounded twice when she was 17. in 1943 right after turning 18 years old she was wounded again by an exploding mine her injuries left her face permanently disfigured but albina nevertheless continued serving in the war effort for another two years working as a nurse until the war ended she went on to live a fulfilling life passing away at age 75 in 2001. today albina is considered a national hero of slovenia which was part of the socialist federal republic of yugoslavia before it broke up in recent years retouched images of the brave fighter without her facial injuries have circulated online offering a glimpse of what albina may have looked like before she was wounded and now for number seven but first want to say a big thank you to ducky queen and hunter boy shout out to you both and thank you for supporting this channel if you are new here be sure to subscribe before you go we have all kinds of videos coming up number 7. the hindenburg in the 1930s zeppelins or hydrogen-filled airships were the future of air travel the hindenburg was a german commercial passenger-carrying airship and the largest aircraft of its type ever built measuring 804 feet long it carried passengers between germany and the united states at a cruising speed of 84 miles per hour the luxurious airship had a bar a smoking lounge and even cabins however during the second of its 10 scheduled transatlantic flights the hindenburg made its final approach to the lakehurst naval air station in new jersey with plans to make a high landing which involved winching the vehicle down from a high altitude something it had only done once before at some point during this process the airship bursts into flames 35 of the 97 people aboard including 13 crewmen and 22 passengers lost their lives in the explosion the last known photo of the hindenburg was taken as it made its way to the garden state which served as its final resting place after the disaster people were understandably afraid of traveling via airship abruptly ending the vehicle's era the incident was officially attributed to the ship having a hydrogen gas leak which interacted with a discharge of atmospheric electricity although some speculated that an anti-nazi act of sabotage was carried out on the ship number six george mallory and sandy irvine mountaineers george mallory and sandy irvine vanished from the northeast ridge of mount everest during the 1924 british mount everest expedition they were last seen about 800 feet from the summit before they disappeared from sight this is the last known photo ever taken of mallory and irvine before their unsuccessful climb for the next 75 years nobody knew what happened to mallory in 1999 climbers discovered his body laying face down while filming a bbc documentary his remains were remarkably well preserved due to the constant freezing temperatures on the mountain irvine's body has never been found but experts believe that the pair fell to their deaths there is a severed rope around mallory's waist indicating that he likely tumbled down the ridge breaking one of his legs on the way down his uninjured leg was found crossed over the broken limb suggesting that he was alive for a brief period after the fall and attempted to protect his injured leg although irvine's body remains missing his pickaxe was found near mallory's remains it's unknown whether the two men were tied together when malory fell how he managed to cut the rope before descending to his death and why irvine's body was not discovered nearby the team who discovered mallory was hoping that he was carrying a camera but they never found it so they think that irvine must have been carrying it if found there's a chance that the camera's film could still be developed with possible photographs that would shed light on the final part of their journey number five japan airlines flight 123 japan airlines flight 123 began experiencing mechanical problems 12 minutes after takeoff on august 12 1985 while enroute from haneda airport in tokyo to osaka during the routine flight the boeing 747 experienced sudden decompression and part of the plane's tail and vertical stabilizer were destroyed at some point the aircraft veered hundreds of miles off course 32 minutes after things started going wrong it crashed near mount taka magahara northwest of tokyo someone snapped this photo of the plane's interior after things started going awry and shortly before the crash occurred the image taken by an unidentified passenger captures the chaos that was going on inside the cabin after passengers oxygen masks were deployed over 1 000 emergency workers and 70 paratroopers were dispatched to the site which was incredibly difficult to reach on foot all 15 crew members died and all but four of 509 passengers died making it the deadliest single aircraft accident in aviation history some initially survived the crash but passed away from their injuries afterward from her hospital bed survivor yumi ochiai said that she could hear survivors screaming and moaning throughout the night but that the noise gradually quieted as they succumbed to their injuries investigators concluded that boeing mechanics had performed a faulty repair job in 1978. after the plane was involved in a tail strike accident number 4. joseph avery one day in july 1854 a man named joseph avery and two other men were working on a dredging boat on the niagara river supposedly while drinking not surprisingly they lost control of the boat amid the river's strong current and it smashed into a rock an aura broke and the river swept avery's two companions over the falls to their deaths but he managed to cling to a log stuck between two rocks for 18 straight hours holding out hope that someone would be able to save him as shocked tourists watched finally a rescue vessel reached the man but once he climbed aboard the boat capsized almost immediately launching avery back into the river the niagara frontier described the man's terrifying last moments throwing his hands up in surrender avery let out a final screen fell backwards into the water and was swept to his death over the american falls this daguerreotype an old type of photograph that was widely used during the 1840s and 50s shows avery clinging to the log as the rapid current rushed past him taken by a photographer named platt d babbitt the image was featured in news articles covering his tragic death number 3 archduke franz ferdinand june 28 1914 sparked the beginning of world war one on that day archduke franz ferdinand the heir to the unstable austro-hungarian empire and his wife countess sophie chotek were on a trip in sarajevo in an open vehicle someone snapped an image of the couple before things went south on that fateful day there was a series of assassination attempts starting when a black package landed on the open hood of his car the archduke grabbed it and tossed it out and the package exploded under another car injuring several people that were part of the imperial entourage the perpetrator was a 20 year old native to herzegovina and a member of the serbian orthodox faith he fled the scene by jumping off the bridge into the river but was ultimately captured after the close call the archduke reportedly tried convincing his wife to retreat to a safe place but she refused to leave his side minutes before their deaths someone captured an image of them leaving the town hall shortly thereafter the car driver took a wrong turn and pulled to a stop where the couple was shot dead by 19 year old gavrilo princip a bosnian serb intent on ending austria-hungarian rule in bosnia-herzegovina today his legacy is hotly debated was he a terrorist or a national hero regardless his actions and the deaths of the archduke and duchess became a powerful historical symbol their bodies were sent back to austria meanwhile princip attempted to commit suicide but failed when his pistol was wrestled out of his grasp the young man expressed remorse at his trial he was proud of the act saying that it was necessary for yugoslavs to be free from austria he died of tuberculosis in prison austria-hungary declared war on serbia then europe slipped into world war number two johnny gosh johnny gosh a 12 year old paper boy from west des moines iowa disappeared on the morning of september 5th 1982 while delivering newspapers just two blocks away from his home according to eyewitnesses someone forced the boy into a blue car and quickly sped off leading authorities to believe he was abducted the des moines register reported that the only evidence they found at the scene was johnny's red wagon filled with newspapers this image is the last picture taken of johnny before he disappeared he remains missing to this day nearly 40 years later police have never established a motive for what they believe was a kidnapping and they dispute several of his mother noreen gosch's claims including her assertion that a nationwide pedophile ring abducted her son and possibly forced him into sex slavery usa today reported that noreen worked three jobs to pay private investigators to look into johnny's case and she also claims that johnny personally visited her at her home in the middle of the night in march 1997. johnny who would have been 27 at the time was accompanied by an unidentified man he allegedly told noreen that he was victimized by a pedophile organization but was tossed out when he became too old to cater to the sick fantasies of its clientele the man thought to be johnny spoke with noreen for over an hour but reportedly looked to the man he was traveling with for approval before speaking he refused to disclose where he was living and noreen concluded that he had assumed a new identity out of fear for his safety authorities weren't sold on the story and instead stuck to their theory that johnny is dead citing that there was no evidence to suggest that johnny was swept into a pedophile ring number 1 the challenger crew in early 1986 all seven crew members of the space shuttle challenger died when the spacecraft exploded just 73 seconds after takeoff tragically disintegrating over the atlantic ocean the last known photo of the challenger crew was taken as they walked down the ramp unknowingly to their deaths known for being the second shuttle to reach space in 1983 the challenger was destroyed on its tenth launch prior to the disaster some engineers expressed concern over the shuttle's ability to function properly in the below freezing conditions that day the launch went ahead as scheduled as the media gathered to capture footage and images of the shuttle which was carrying krista mcauliffe the first schoolteacher to enter space sadly their cameras captured the breakup of the challenger as it ascended toward space it took two weeks for salvage crews to retrieve the wreckage and the seven astronauts remains those that were identifiable were handed over to their families the others were buried in arlington national cemetery at a monument to the crew all signs point toward the accident resulting from an o-ring malfunction caused by the unusually frigid temperatures on the day of the launch the u.s house of representatives report from the committee on science and technology argued that a long-standing failure in safety protocols played a crucial role in the disaster in response to the findings nasa worked diligently to improve its spacecraft as well as its workforce's culture of accountability thanks for watching let me know if you'd like to learn more about famous historical photographs and be sure to subscribe if you haven't already see you soon bye
Channel: Origins Explained
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Keywords: origins explained, dark historical photographs and their stories, dark, historical, photographs, history, strange, images, dark images, dark photographs, dark history, historic images, historical photographs in color, rare historical photos, historical photographs, historical people, Amazing, rare, Historical, Image, Photo, Facts, Life, imcredible, photographs from history, images from history
Id: Sbkfiu3gjHY
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Length: 14min 42sec (882 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 18 2021
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