9 Bad Training Habits That Damage Performance

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we are back at the Depot in Sheffield to run through some of the worst training habits we see people doing but we're going to show you how to avoid them and make the most out of your training oh no bad habit it's not warming up your lower body now obviously climbing is a full body sport but most of the time we see people doing a pretty good job of warming up their fingers maybe we don't pull ups some of these things but we always see people neglecting warming up their lower body and here's a perfect example hard Hill hook you need those hamstrings engaged you need them warmed up so that you can be performing properly on this style of climbing with warm-ups I usually advise people to find something that works for them so it becomes a bit of a ritual but there's loads of exercises that we can include specifically of hamstrings we can do some work with therabands you can be doing hill hooks I love lower body squats like Cossack squats with normal squats but also a good one is glute Bridges [Music] foreign [Music] so another really bad habit especially when you're trying really hard things is not resting between attempts like even if you're falling off the first move it's still taking a lot of power out of you and it's well worth at least catching your breath chalking up again before having that second go any tactics to help people rest more when projecting at their top end uh taking a step back from the Bold is a good one making sure you've read the top again or just sitting down taking your shoes off and making sure you've got that time to breathe [Music] so that one was a bit more subtle but some of you might have noticed that Jen full crimped every single sloper or what might be like a pretty wide pinch on this climb now this is something you'll see a lot with climbers that are really dominant to one grip type and it's a pretty bad habit in training because you're only using the skill set you already have and not trying to make use of different grip types and learn how to use different holds in the most efficient way possible now something I've noticed helping a lot of climbers get through injuries and get back to strength is an injury is a great leveler for people to learn your grip types often when that crimp position hurts and you're trying to work around it you learn how to drag or pinch now you don't need to get injured and hopefully you shouldn't need to get injured to learn how to use different grip types so go on the wall strengthen them in training using the Hang board but make sure you're using different grip Types on different holds so that at least you learn how to use them in different situations maybe the full crimp is the best one but obviously slopers pinches there's definitely other grip types that you need to use foreign [Music] foreign [Music] get back on keep your feet on that was a shambles so another habit we see a lot is climbing a problem you get to the top you've done it doesn't matter how badly and you walk away it's fine you've ticked it this defeats the point of the learning process like if you can do a bowl of well and nicely or maybe maintaining tension you learn so much more from the Boulder and the process than just walking away having done it terribly [Music] beautiful better yeah much better foreign [Music] good habit or a bad habit would be not working rest positions so obviously working the climb in the move is good but working with rest positions can make the difference between getting up it or down it and this applies to Boulders as well not just root climbing that was great foreign hey Josh have you tried this one come try this with me yeah go on then go on then Jen worry about them circuits that's true that's true yeah circuits do suck so one of the worst habits which seems to always sabotage that someone's training or at least the effectiveness of their training is always switching up the objective or switching up the methods they are training not sticking to the same thing for a long enough period of time to see that training consolidate see the gains from that training it also means things rarely become measurable the whole point of training for the individual is for over time they understand what works best for them and if you constantly change things up you're never going to get grasp at what really worked for you in the past and how to progress your training foreign [Music] so what Josh did here was not persevere with one method like he actually looked pretty close on every way so you just need to stick at it try a bit harder rather than changing the beat at every go just because you've not sent it first try [Music] [Music] oh dear diary I've lost all confidence in my training I was able to send this board problem last week but now I can barely do the first few moves I can't change the thing so this really bad training habit is a little bit like what we said earlier where we've mentioned that if you're constantly changing your training program or changing the sessions you're not really able to measure your progress understand if your training is working but at the same time if you're keeping things consistent it's very easy to get frustrated when it doesn't feel like it's working and we see this with the phenomenon of paralysis by analysis you're over analyzing every session if you walk away from a session which didn't go your way didn't go very well you can easily get caught up quite emotional and feel like it's falling for bits and you need to change something remember to step back remember training is a long process happening over months and years and that you should keep it consistent and just understand that you want to turn up to the session get the sessions done that's the most important thing when it comes to training foreign with holes like this slopy hard and when you climb with people like Josh with sweaty hands to brush the hold in between attempts makes so much difference like you can see the chalks built up on them you brush them they'll be nice and clean and we're much easier if you have soft sweaty skin like me on your fingertips keeping your skin dry is really important now a big mistake that you can do is spending time washing up without wearing rubber gloves however I've got a sneaky trick to get your gloves off really easily if like me your things have got a bit fatter over the years foreign [Music] so I hope you enjoyed that video and learn a few things about what not to do with your training for more videos like this one don't forget to check out these videos over here foreign [Music]
Channel: Lattice Training
Views: 278,167
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: climbing, training, climbing training, lattice training, climbing technique
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 22sec (502 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 13 2023
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