9 and 2 half Blender Game Modeling Tips

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in this video you'll learn some 3d modeling tricks that can help you make your games faster while also making them run faster and look better trim sheets are basically like reusable texture atlases that optionally tile on one axis and can be used on multiple related assets they can reduce texturing time make seems more consistent reduce draw calls increasing against framerate and reduce your games file size and loading times make sure to include large areas with not a lot of detail as your base to prevent having too much noisy detail as well as having some nice detailed areas reusing the same layout and different texture sets can give you different looks similar to alternate palettes speaking of color palettes color palette textures can be used for untextured styles such as low poly you may want it to be for a specific asset or having a large one based around the color scheme or may be one that contains basically all colors you can also have multiple swappable palettes and it offers many of the same benefits of trim sheets make sure to keep your UV Stinney in blender otherwise there would be some blending issues on the edges of your colors beveled edges look really nice on models because in real life all hard edges are beveled now the problem is that normally to get one that looks nice you need a lot of polygons well one that only has one doesn't look nice but there's a trick that you can use to get one that has only one segment looking pretty similar to the full high poly version there's a few ways to do this the manual way is to go into each of the faces the big faces that aren't the beveled ones pressing all n to get your normal menu also under mesh normals and choosing set from faces then you'll have to make sure it's on auto smooth now it has the illusion of being a much better bevel you can also do it by adding a weighted normal modifier enabling out of smooth and it should do the trick another way to do it automatically is to use hardened normals on your bevel modifier with a bulk export add-on such as Bay Tex link in the description you can model all of your related assets in one blender file and export them all out to separate files in one click another tip is to learn what export settings are recommended for whichever engine you use such as which normals and such as the apply transform either on the batch export or on the regular export apply transform helps to fix problems such as rotation when you're exporting your model to unity and certain other game engines it's known to have problems with animations next make sure to setup your units and grids right so go to the scene properties it looks like this little triangle with some circles and choose your units most game engines use the metric system you can adjust it to be centimeters or meters or whichever you want you can also set up your grid keep your models to scale use real-world sizes for more realistic game styles you can use dimensions on the inside panel or the measure tool for sub parts of your models such as the legs of a table you can also place your character model in your scenes to check if the size looks about right this table is obviously too big maybe that's more normal think about where to place your models origin point certain spots will make it much quicker to edit your levels often you'll want it to be on the bottom so that you can easily place it on the floor in your level editor corners also work role for many models so for example if I moved this one and you'll see this is in the center I have to guess where it is I have to move it and then I have to scale it and maybe I placed it in the wrong spot maybe I went there instead then I have to move it again fix this scale and it can cause problems well if I have it at the end like this one there's a 50% chance that if I have to edit it all I have to do is scale it I don't have to move it or anything same with rotation Filene needed to rotate I just have to rotate here unless of course I have to rotate it from this end where it'll be a problem just like this one here if I want to rotate no matter which way I go I have to go and then fix the location afterwards you can edit the origin point by pressing control period and then pressing G to move it I think press control period again and you'll be back into normal editing mode you can also use options origins that's the same thing some game engines use the origin point or a zero point of a scene rather than the object such as unreal so you may need to go and select everything and hit alt G before exporting to make them all in the center many export add-ons also have an option such as center transform on bait X don't make your modular pieces too small or if you want to make it out of smaller pieces it can be a good idea to combine your pieces into several larger preset parts that you can use more quickly to build your levels don't build your games brick walls out of a single brick you don't need to be a factionists you don't need perfect quad based apology if you use bullying's here creating a result like this and it looks fine then it is fine when you're making models for your indie games of course if you're making your models for somebody else's game they may have a certain way they want them modelled so do it that way and it can be a good idea on any portfolio pieces to make sure that you go above and beyond but you can have weird things like for instance modeling it like this was a little bit easier than modeling it the correct way so to speak like this this may look weird but it worked and it was faster for me to model so it's fine there's a few tips I have for quickly reducing your vertex counts so say we have this model one way we can do is we can go select each of these and then ctrl select to the point and then M at last and it will merge those vertices all into that last one so I can do it again and at last another technique is to press X and use limited dissolve where I try to dissolve things but based off of their angles in this case you may want to go ahead and add a triangle 8 afterwards then another method of course is to use a decimate modifier and be very careful with sending it so that it just gets rid of stuff yet you don't need while not messing up everything else if you found this video helpful please like subscribe and hit a notification bell to find more videos like this thank you
Channel: MrTriPie
Views: 8,789
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: MrTriPie, Mr Tri Pie, game modeling, game modelling, 3d modeling, blender game modeling, blender game, 3d game art, blender game art, blender origin point, blender unity export, blender unreal export, blender modular modeling, blender trim sheet, blender palette texture
Id: R6YIk8KtSvk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 36sec (456 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 15 2020
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