9-12-21 Bouldercrest Church of Christ Virtual Assembly

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[Music] so [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] ow voter crest church of christ family what's going on how you doing photographs this beautiful sunday morning how are you doing you doing well you feeling good i know you are you're looking good too i can see you i can see you in the chat while we're here we are here to praise our lord and savior jesus christ we are here to praise god yes we are and we're going to show love one to another in the chats we're going to lift each other up that's what we're doing and the b fam be fam we are glad you are here with us you may be anywhere around the world but you are here with us now and we truly appreciate our extended family our bolder crest extended family the b fam and to all the visitors what's going on we are glad you're here somebody shared this with you or just showed up on your timeline on your news feed and you click you clicked on it and you're like where am i you are with the church of christ family that meets on border crest or our extended family around the world and we're glad you're here stay tuned stick with us we're praising god today and studying god's word you're going to learn something today you're going to learn today and i am your favorite brother in christ ron wilkie and it is my pleasure to moderate and host the chat session so if you have any prayer requests or any questions just put them in the chat i am looking for them and the prayer requests will go to our elders and the prayer warriors and also any questions i will respond or any member of the voter chris family maybe may respond to you you will get a response i guarantee so today is september 12th before we go any further make sure you like this video make sure you share it make sure you send it to all of your friends make sure you comment below and every day we strive to do what be different that's right try to be different every single day so when dr teamer is preaching and we are learning he's going to give you something to remember something to obey and something to apply so we want you to make sure you take note of those things because this is how we build our spiritual character to be more like jesus and that is the goal to always be more like jesus so remember to remember obey and apply and i also want to let you know that we are going to have a call to worship scripture reading all together the announcements will be held at the end of the virtual assembly so we are going to do our call to worship scripture reading and then a prayer and start our virtual assembly our scripture is from psalm one one and two let's all read it together blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly nor standeth in the way of sinners nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful but his delight is in the law of the lord and in his law doth he meditate day and night psalm 1 1 and 2. and remember the announcements will be at the end of the virtual assembly let's get in a good prayer posture position let us focus and know that we are entering the presence of our heavenly father as we pray and study and and and sing and commune unless and let's treat it that way let's focus let's remove all distractions let us pray heavenly father we just truly appreciate this time to be with you to study your word to come to you to communicate with you to learn more what you would have us to do to sing praises to your name we truly appreciate this opportunity to do this we do not take it for granted and we humbly come to you now asking that you forgive us of any sins that we may have done knowingly and unknowingly because we want to come to you with a clean mind and a clean heart and worship you in spirit and in truth we pray everything we do will be pleasing and acceptable in your sight in the mighty name of jesus we pray amen is [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] my [Music] stay with me [Music] [Music] is lord my god [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] forever [Music] [Applause] is [Applause] [Music] oh i got to hold some times [Applause] [Applause] [Music] a long time ago [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] jesus [Music] church family now we've come to the part of the service where we remember how jesus hung bled and died on the cross for sins that he did not commit we find in first corinthians chapter 11 beginning with verse 23 the apostle paul writes for i received with the lord that which i also deliver unto you that the lord jesus the same night in which he was betrayed took bread and when he'd given thanks he break it and said take eat this is my body which is broken for you this dude in remembrance of me after the same manner also he took the cup in which he had stopped saying this cup is the new testament in my blood this do ye as oft as ye drink it in remembrance of me for as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup ye do show the lord's death until he comes wherefore who shall ever sell shall eat of this bread and drink of this cup of the lord unworthily shall be guilty of the body and the blood of the lord but let a man examine himself and so let him eat of that dread and drink of that cup for he did eat it and drink it unworthily eat it and drink damnation to himself not discerning the lord's body for this cause many are weak and sickly among you and many sleep let us give thanks kind of most righteous god as we approach thy throne of grace and of mercy heavenly father we ask that you bless this cup which represents your son's shed blood and the bread which represents his body we pray to god as we take this cup and this bread that we take it uh in remembrance of your son how he hung bled and died on the cross these are the blessings we ask in your son jesus name let us all say amen [Music] rock and roll [Music] [Music] where [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] again [Music] [Music] [Music] again [Music] oh we've come to the part of service where we give back a portion of what god has blessed us with all of us has been blessed in one way or another and i see that as we see each other on the zoom bible studies and the virtual worship services we're looking so beautiful and then i ask myself where are the poor people but then when we look in the offering plate the collection plate i asked where are the rich people the apostle paul writes in second corinthians chapter nine beginning with verse six he said but this i say he which soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly he which so it bountifully shall reap also bountifully every man according to the purpose in his heart let him give not grudgingly or of necessity for god love it that you're forgiven so let us give as god has blessed us let's pray kind of most righteous god we lord we love you so much and we are ever so grateful that you've blessed us in ways that at times we can't even imagine heavenly father where i said you continue to give the leadership the elders of this congregation the wisdom and the knowledge to be able to use these funds to build up your kingdom on this side of heaven these another blessing we ask in your son jesus name let us all say amen vulnerable family this is the time of our virtual assembly where we have an opportunity to show love amongst one another that's what's so special about the church but it's also a time when we are going to show our dependence upon god in prayer so i am asking you i'm encouraging you if there's anything on your heart right now anything that you're desiring the power of god over through prayer that you put your requests in the chat right now we're going to give you a few moments to do that and while your brothers and sisters are typing in the chat i want you boulder crest family and b fam to make note of it this is a way that you can continue to show love for one another you can encourage one another online that things are going to be all right that god is going to take care of us but you can also take note of these various prayer requests and pray for these things throughout the week calling upon the power of god over it so we want to give you a few moments to type in your prayer requests and we're going to go to god in a general fashion over these prayer requests as they come about let us pray lord god in heaven father we know that you are a god of all comfort a god of all power and we appeal to your power as these prayer requests come in online dear god i pray that you would bless those who were suffering in the flesh right now because of sickness father whether that sickness is cancer whether that sickness is coveted or something else to god i pray that you would provide a blessing over their life father for those who are grieving at this point in time those who are announcing that they are grieving father god i ask that you would give your comfort and your care to them and their families to god to those who just might be in need of financial help and financial breakthrough and assistance dear god we pray that you would give them what they need because we know that you can do that father god if there's someone out there your father that are just struggling relationally or just struggling with making it in the society that we live in might you provide the power and might you provide the guidance that we need father we lift up our young people we lift up our college students father we lift them up as they traverse the hallways and their campuses their father might you be with them that you might keep them safe especially in this time of pandemic father might you be with every parent might you be with every spouse dear father might you be with every grandparent under the sound of my voice dear god in this time of prayer we rely upon you father shape us and mold us and make us more like king jesus in these lives that you've called us to live here upon this earth dear god might you hold our hand in the name of jesus we pray amen will is don't you know that your peace [Music] is oh [Music] is [Music] and we're singing lord is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] amen [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] my strengths [Music] [Music] [Applause] praise [Music] ah [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] morning church of christ at boulder crest and a special good morning as we say always to our extended family our beef fam somewhere around the world you're not necessarily part of this congregation uh but you were joining us today uh someone may have invited you you might have just clicked it on click on the uh your recommended videos whatever the case is so happy that you're here we're about ready to study the word of god but if this is your first time joining us there's a qr code that's coming up on your screen uh if you would be so kind is to scan that it'll lead you to something called our connect card that's just a way for us to learn how to better connect with you hopefully you join us because you want to know more about the word of god you want to know more about jesus christ we are a group of believers of jesus here in atlanta georgia who are seeking to worship god for who he is seeking to uh grow in the knowledge and the obedience of god's word and we're seeking to serve all mankind as the hands in the feet of jesus what we're trying to do uh in in a couple of words is be different be less and less like our natural selves more and more like the people that god has created and called us to be through king jesus we're trying to be more and more like jesus trying to follow him trying to be his hands and his feet upon this earth if that's you or if that's something you aspire to be uh fill out that connect card it gets sent to us some beautiful people will follow up with you and we would count it as a pleasure and a privilege to walk along with you and uh and explain the way of jesus um to you uh and uh to walk with you as you strive to know him better for our uh boulder crest family and even the extended family uh there's gonna be a number of things that i'm gonna refer to in this teaching and uh you can follow along uh with something that we call our sermon sermon notes uh and so normally i've said you know write this down and copy this down if you've joined us week after week i'll still do a little bit of that but i want you to feel free to find the sermon notes most of the key points that i'm going to cover uh and you can follow along with that but if you have our app hopefully you do by now but if you have our app if you click under the where it says sunday mornings you'll find a tab for the sermon notes that you can follow along on your tablet or your phone or or whatever the device you might have you can follow along they're also on the website you can find them there and you can print them off you can kind of keep a collection uh as we study along and as we study god's word wanted you to know that so that you can follow along and retain and grow more from our exploration of god's word but right now let's get ready to study the word of god is living is active it's powerful um and we want to approach it in reverence and with fear we want to approach it with respect and we don't want to mishandle it we want to be able to hear from god so right now i'm going to ask the lord would bless our time of study and exploration so wherever you are i want you to pause what you're doing right now and just assume a prayer posture or prayer position what i mean by that if you want to get on your knees get on your knees and pray if you want to raise your hands and do that you can you can do that if you just want to bow your head if you just want to just kind of meditate in this moment let's go to god ask him for a blessing of the word of god pray with me please father we are just so eternally grateful that you have shared your word with us and as we approach your word father we we bow down before you understanding that it is your word that spoke the world's into existence this is how we even came to be it's through your word and your word is still with us today and father as we are approaching your word in a time of study and reflection meditation exploration father we are asking that your holy spirit be with us and be our tour guide through your word father we we surrender our own thoughts we surrender our distractions we surrender our presuppositions to you this morning father that you might guide us uh father that you might speak to us and speak to us in a very fresh way father forgive us of our sins that we might approach your word with the cleanliness of heart that it deserves father be with us now blessed in the name of jesus christ our lord our savior and our king we pray a man i want to bring you to genesis chapter number one our teachings coming from genesis chapter number one verses one and two genesis number one one and two and we are about to study uh the word of god uh this morning genesis chapter number one beginning at uh verse number one concluding at verse number two here's what the bible reads in the beginning god created the heavens and the earth the earth was without form and void and darkness was over the face of the deep and the spirit of god was hovering over the face of the waters a theme for this teaching is simply going to be this how great is our god someone knows what i'm talking about this morning someone is excited about that how great is our god today we are beginning a brand new series that we're going to be in for quite some time so settle in and get ready to receive the word of god but this series is entitled genesis grace and glory genesis grace and glory within this this sermon series this teaching series we're going to be studying the book of genesis studying it from cover to cover just about just so that you have a complete understanding of the book now the reason we're doing that we're studying this whole book it is critical church and be fam it's critical that we have a complete understanding of the word of god we're living in what many would call a biblically illiterate age and what that simply means is that people are studying the bible less and less they know the bible a little less than they did years ago they they're exposed to biblical things a little less than they were decades ago and so it's called a biblically illiterate age but it is critical as followers of jesus christ that we understand the word of god and that we understand the word of god in context and not just in pieces it's important that we not only understand certain subject matters that's that's good too but it's important that we not only understand certain subject matters but it's important that we understand the narrative of the complete compilation of scripture in the way that the holy spirit of god originally intended it's important that we just kind of sit back and we listen to god as he speaks to us from cover to cover in the way that he originally intended and what you're going to see as we study genesis god is going to reveal himself to you it's a beautiful thing when you just sit and listen to god god will reveal himself to you and there's two things in particular that we're going to point out that god is revealing to us from genesis chapter number one until the concluding words of the book the two things that god is gonna reveal to us that we're gonna point out number one the grace of the almighty god the gift of the almighty god the gift of kindness of the almighty god and then number two the glory of the creator of this universe the grace and the glory genesis grace and glory but when we listen to god through genesis he's also going to point out some things about ourselves to us god is going to get personal with us through the book of genesis so we're going to see he's a he's going to reveal and make us confront who we are he's going to make us confront our nature he's going to make us confront and he's going to reveal some problems perhaps that we didn't even know we had god through genesis is going to reveal to us our insecurities and how to deal with that god is going to reveal our interactions with our spouse and our siblings our families of origin god is gonna reveal that and show you what to do with that god is gonna reveal to us and make us confront how we handle our possessions he's going to reveal to us the things that actually battle for our heart he's going to reveal to us our emotions and how to deal with our emotions he's going to reveal to us our pride but most importantly god is going to reveal our sin and then what we can do with that all in all through it all though genesis is going to reveal that we're dealing with a god of grace and a god of glory let's get ready to study genesis hopefully you're ready for that it is believed that genesis was compiled by a holy spirit inspired man by the name of moses and this moses wrote the events if it is indeed him he wrote the events of genesis at a time after every event of the book took place it's as if the holy spirit guided moses to write down some things that would address what he knew would be the most basic of human curiosity and that is how did it all get started where did life even come from tell me about my family history tell me to these ancient israelites tell us about our family tree tell us about where we came from the most basic of human curiosity is how did i get here how did it all begin and so moses writes these things down originally to address the ancient israelites but he also writes something that's going to echo throughout every future generation to every soul who has ever lived moses is going to say let me tell you how it got started from the believer to the skeptic moses says let me tell you how it got started from the scholar to the average joe moses says let me tell you how it got started and moses gives us this through two amazing verses put here at the very beginning of scripture two verses that once you encompass the meaning of it it's going to leave you saying how great is our god look at verse number one again in the beginning god created the heavens and the earth if you want to know how it all began if you want to know how it all got started moses gives you a pinpoint answer it it doesn't require much science here it simply requires that you see the words of moses in the beginning god created the heavens and the earth you know what the starting point is moses says the starting point is god something so magnificent as life itself has at its genesis god see someone needs to grab something from this i want you to know anything worthwhile has at its starting point god there's someone who has some goals there's someone who has some ambition there's someone who has some plans or someone today who has a dream whether your dream is business whether your dream is schooling whether your dream is a family whatever your dream might be there's someone who has this dream you would be wise if you begin that journey of that dream with god because anything worthwhile has a it is it's beginning god and this verse sheds light on why that is it's because god is great in the beginning god now if moses is indeed the scribe of this book moses communicates something interesting when he says in the beginning go at the time that moses is writing the ancient israelites had a special relationship with god and they had a personal and a relational name for god that is seen most times particularly in the hebrew scriptures and that name is yahweh or as we translate it in english jehovah but this is not the name that moses uses at the beginning of scripture he says in the beginning god but he doesn't say in the beginning yahweh he doesn't say in the beginning jehovah what moses is saying in the beginning he uses a different name he uses the name elohim and the name elohim is a name which speaks of god being an all-powerful eternal creator i want you to make note of that elohim speaks of god being an all-powerful eternal creator and moses is communicating that this all-powerful eternal creator does something that is within the realm of his nature to do and that is to create but watch this this is the point that i want you to see he says that he created something in the beginning the heavens and the earth in the beginning now this is a verse that displays the eternality of god what moses wants you to see what he wanted the ancient israelites to see is that god didn't just happen upon the scene that the god that you're dealing with the god whom you're serving the god who exists today is a god who's always existed he is an eternal god see in order to create something at the beginning befam you had to be around before the beginning does that make sense in order to create something at the beginning if you were creating something at the beginning that means you had to be around before the beginning you had to be around before the beginning to actually create the beginning god is saying listen i am eternal moses is communicating god is eternal and what that means for you this morning is that god can do some stuff that you can't even fathom that you can't even think about he can do some stuff that you can't even do and moses of all people would have understood this do you remember in the book of exodus the second book of the bible how god had a conversation with moses in exodus chapter number 30 and this conversation was a was a unique conversation because god was speaking to moses out of a bush that was on fire yet it was not being consumed and after a few moments god eventually told moses of a mission that he had for him moses is trepidatious moses is a bit leery about going to his people his israelites to rescue them from egyptian bondage and so upon moses's mind is if i go in and i start speaking all of this stuff i know i'm going to be met with some resistance and people are going to wonder well who is this who who sent you in the first place in exodus chapter number 3 verse number 13 then moses said to god if i come to the people of israel and say to them the god of your fathers has sent me to you and they ask me what is his name what shall i say to them god said to moses i am who i am and he said say to this say this to the people of israel i am has sent me to you moses says what's your name god doesn't even really respond directly with a name he says you tell them i am who i am you tell them i am sent you now i am is not a name it's not the name of god i am is actually a verb phrase and so what god is communicating to moses is listen here moses you can't relate to me like you do anything else and and you cannot put me in a category of of even giving me a name and one of the reasons you can't even put me in the category let me just reveal something about my nature to you i am i am meaning i've always been around you can't even really fathom that but you're just gonna have to accept that i have always been around i'm trying to build your faith this morning church and be fam you gotta realize who god is that god has just always been around when i was a child i used to just try to imagine okay i know god created all this stuff but i used to ask myself the question well who created god people still ask that question who created god and and because the reason we ask this question is because in our minds everything has a beginning but what god is saying to us is that i'm not like everything else i don't have a beginning i was at the beginning i don't have an ending you really cannot relate to me the way you do everything you can't put me in the category that you put everything else but you're just going to have to accept it what god is communicating to us today is how great he actually is see the god whom we serve doesn't live in time and space like you and i do he invented time and space he transcends time and space and and what that means he's not worried about time and space like you and i are we rush in through life because we're trying to get stuff done god has no need to rush because he owns time he rules over time bows down to god while we're rushing and driving on the interstate trying to get from one place god doesn't rush god takes his time because he transcends time god is eternal there has never been a time when god has not existed there will never be a time when god does not exist what i'm pointing out to you is how great our god is but he's not only great because he's eternal he's great because he's also omnipotent let me blow your mind in the beginning god the elohim created the heavens and the earth i want you to make note of this the eternal god is also an omnipotent creator he's not just been around always he has all power in his hands he's an omnipotent creator the word create comes from the hebrew word bara and it simply means that it means he created but there is a latin phrase that better describes what god actually did at the beginning and the latin phrase is ex the hilo and it means out of nothing so moses is communicating in the beginning god created the heavens and the earth but he did it the point that you don't need to miss he created it out of nothing there was no raw materials god created it out of nothing at the time that he created there was no such thing as oxygen there was no such thing as hydrogen there was no such thing as water there was no not one single element upon the face of the earth because there was no earth at the beginning god didn't use something to create something else he did it out of nothing there was no dirt there was no skin there was no bone there was no grass there was nothing god created it all out of nothing you try to do that today once the lesson is over you go and try to create something out of nothing you won't be able to do it even if you did have the ability it couldn't be done because we don't live in an environment where there is nothing at the time that god created the heavens and the earth there was nothing in the physical realm god did what he did out of nothing what are you saying to him how great our god is only something that was omnipotent could create something that never even existed scientists have been wrestling with this idea for decades and they've tried to try to find some understanding on how the world was created and they came up with theories like the big bang big bang theory which says that that that that the worlds of the earth was created the universe was created uh by molecules and energy and heat and and speed well there was none of that at the beginning god created everything i'm trying to tell you scientists you don't have to look very hard to find out how the universe began moses already told us in the beginning god i want you to take note of this because this is important what your mind can't fathom your faith has to handle what your mind can't fathom because you can't even fathom it it's it's hard to even imagine your faith is just got to handle it the hebrew writer in hebrews 11 verse number 3 says by faith it is by faith we understand that the universe was created by the word of god so that what is seen was not made out of things that are visible you just gotta have the faith you can't fathom it it's it's hard to even comprehend our minds really aren't even made to comprehend that because we are finite beings but god is infinite and what he did just proved how infinite he really is if if i could even use the word infinite to describe god as as much as you have a vocabulary and you have vocabulary words around the word big or huge or gigantic or infinite that doesn't even scratch the surface of really how big god is that that that that's almost insulting for me to even say that god is he's beyond that he's beyond measurement if i say that god is big god is really too big for me to say that god is big so when it says he created the heavens and the earth he's able to do it because he has all power he's omniscient he's omnipresent but he's omnipotent see sometimes you know what sometimes you've got to just throw science away and walk on faith science tries to categorize that which can't be categorized you cannot categorize really the power of god moses is the eternal and omnipotent god created the heavens and the earth by heavens and earth here's what moses means when you look up in the sky everything that you can see god did that at the beginning here upon this earth in the sky god did that in a moment in time psalm 33 and verse number six says by the word of the lord the heavens were made and by the breath of his mouth all their hosts make note of this an omnipotent and eternal god created the universe can i show you just for a second how great god is simply by looking up in the sky can you see how great god is astronomers tell us that if the night was clear you were around no sort of street lights no city lights just out in the bush somewhere and you just looked up and it was a clear night the naked eye could see some something around 9096. now that's big enough uh in and of itself but that pales in comparison to how many stars are actually in the known universe now astronomers also say if it is true astronomers also say that in the known universe there's somewhere around uh three septillion stars three septillion stars now how big is three septillion because i didn't know until i looked it up it's one it's a three rather with 24 zeros behind it three with 24 zeros now that is mind-boggling in and of itself but if i believe scripture i believe if it indeed is true that there are three septillion stars god created them all in an instant now let me show you how big three septillion is just just by using a unit of measurement of time called a second you know what a second is just a second a couple of them just went by if i were to say um let's go back let's get in a time machine let's go back uh one million seconds ago one million a million billion trillion septillion they all kind of run together but let me just show you how big a septillion is if we went back a million seconds ago you know how how far back that would be it would be 11 days ago okay so just put a million in the sky all right million stars in the sky million seconds in the sky but that's 11 seconds or 11 days ago do you remember what you were doing 11 days ago that's a long time i don't remember what i was doing 11 days ago it's hard for me to remember what i was doing yesterday yet alone 11 days ago but that's a million seconds if we went back a billion seconds ago do you know how far back that is if we put a billion seconds together a billion seconds ago that's the year 1987. 1987. some of you weren't even born in 1980 that's how much a billion is if we went back a trillion that's one with nine zeroes if we went back a trillion seconds ago you know how far back that is that would be the year if it even existed 30 000 bc that's a trillion now i'm not talking about a million i'm not talking about a billion i'm not talking about a trillion i'm talking about three with 24 zeros in the sky that the lord put up there in an instant some stars in the sky give off more heat more light five million times more light than our sun our god did that and here's the thing about how great god is if i believe scripture if i believe scripture in psalm 147 and verse number 4 says this he determines the number of stars he gives to all of them their names if there indeed are three septillion stars in sky if scientists are right about that and we don't know if they are but we know there's a lot and we know that god determined the number he knows the number we guess at the number he knows the number but more importantly than that he's given to all their names just imagine if there are three septual he knows the name of every single one of them i struggle with calling people in my own house by the right name sometimes i'm calling kim jordan i'm calling uh jordan joshua i'm doing all of that because i'm struggling in my flesh god knows every star by name that's how powerful he is so when you go outside david said in psalm 19 1 the heavens declare the glory of god what god wants to display to us is his glory a word that describes his majesty his splendor that which propels praise is the power of god but an eternal omnipotent god is also a god who can bring order out of that which is barren look at verse number two the earth was without form and void and darkness was over the face of the deep and the spirit of god was hovering over the face of the waters the earth was without form and void those phrases mean that at the time that he created the earth the earth was not situated where uh it was in the form that made it uninhabitable without form and void means that at the time it was empty it was like a desert it was like a wasteland if you've ever seen those pictures of mars when they go to mars and have those rovers roaming around mars and they send back those pictures what do you see it's barren it's a wasteland that's kind of the picture that moses wants you to have of the earth when god first created the earth but he did put something on it that's different than what's on mars he put something on it that would sustain life life that he was going to create later he put water upon the earth water upon the earth because we see and darkness was over the face of the deep and the whole and the spirit of god was hovering over the face over the waters now some folks might ask well if god is really all-powerful why didn't he just create everything in an instant why didn't he just create uh the the earth with the land on it with the trees with the with the with the grass with the with the dirt with the people why didn't he just do that in an instant well moses doesn't even tell us this but here's one thing that we can infer sometimes god just takes his time sometimes he just takes his time maybe you've been praying to god you believe that god is eternal you believe he's omnipotent but maybe you're starting your faith is starting to be shaky because he hasn't answered your prayer understand even in the beginning god showed you something about himself sometimes he just takes his time and when he takes his time he's taking his time ultimately so he can receive the glory from that see it's not about our glory it's not about our ease it's about his glory and oftentimes he just takes his time because he's doing things at the right time at the right time that would give him the most glory because he is god and he deserves that so you keep praying but understand god sometimes takes his time if he took his time with the earth something that he could have done in an instant he created uh planets and he created the stars and things in an instant he created the earth in the instant but he's going to take his time and order things because he can bring order out of that which is barren he can bring water in your life he might take his time with him but he can bring order out of your life he can bring order out of your relationships he can bring order through your health he can bring order with your finances but sometimes god just takes his time i want you to make note of this since god has all power he doesn't have to rush you rush when you know you don't have control since god has control he doesn't have to rush you just keep praying he's still eternal he's still omnipotent but he's an order making order giving order creating god and you see this when you see the spirit of god hovering over the face of the deep hovering over the face of the waters hovering is a word that means brooding like a mother bird sits on top of her eggs to create to incubate so that life can be created that's what the spirit of god is doing hovering over the face of the deep hovering almost incubating so that life one day can be created but he's gonna do it at the right time what is god revealing in genesis one and two he's revealing his greatness how great is our god now those two verses would have brought much peace and much confidence and encouragement to the ancient israelites but for you today who are listening to this it should even bring greater peace greater contentment greater encouragement as a follower of jesus because here's why if god indeed is eternal and if he is indeed omnipotent and if he indeed is a god who brought order and can bring order out of barrenness here's the thing that i want you to know he's the most trusted source you know because if he's eternal that means he's still around if he's eternal that means he's still all-powerful if he's eternal that means he can still bring order out of the barrenness of your life he is the most trusted source you know who else can compare to him and the icing on top of that omnipotent cake is that he loves you a god who is eternal all-powerful and can bring order to your life he loves you loves you so much that he wants to be in relationship with you and see that's why my mind is constantly blown at what he did through jesus christ by sending jesus upon this earth to rid us of that which separated us from god our sin so that we could be in relationship with an eternal omnipotent order making order creating god he brought that type of god to our life to your life see ancient israel found confidence and peace and encouragement through it because they knew that they had a a relationship with god a god who was personal and a god who was present but for the follower of jesus christ you're more than that you are actually part of his family as galatians chapter number 4 and verse number 5 says paul says we have received through jesus adoption as sons paul writes to the roman church in romans chapter number 8 verses 16 and 17 the spirit himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of god and of children than heirs heirs of god and fellow heirs with christ see there is now because of jesus a personal close connection with the eternal with the omnipotent with the order making god and creator of this universe a close enough connection that you will always be able to see his glory and his power in whatever you are dealing with because of king jesus see church i want you to walk away from this encourage because a god who is eternal a god who is omnipotent a god who can bring order to your life can handle every single issue that you have going on on this earth right now because he is great a god who can speak the world into existence can handle what you're dealing with on this world in an instant because he is great a god who created something out of nothing can handle all of the somethings that you're dealing with right now because he is great a god who created the heavens and the earth named a three septillion plus stars in the universe can deal with the issues that you cannot just figure out upon this earth why because he is great i believe someone said that god can do far more abundantly than we even ask or think about and the reason is is because he is great let me get personal with you here before we close out if you're dealing with cancer you know what you can see the glory of god over that cancer because you have a close personal relationship with god he is great understand that that god is right there with you when you go in for chemotherapy god is right there with you if you're dealing with covet god can help you overcome because god has created all things and he can create your breakthrough he can create your cure because he's right there with you god is great if you're dealing with temptation you can see the glory and the power of god over that temptation he's right there with you because god is great if you're dealing with shaky relationships i want you to train your eyes to see the glory and the power and what god can do in the shakiness he can bring stability to your relationships because god is great he's right there with you because of jesus and the greatness of god deserves our praise even in this moment so let's praise him and we'll come back and i'll close it out [Music] don't you know that soon and very soon we are born to see the king hallelujah hallelujah [Music] i got three things for you as we close out this lesson there's something i want you to remember and because we study god's word something that we want to walk away obeying and something that we just want to practically apply this week here's the thing that i want you to remember if there's one thing that i want you to hold on to and remember from the sermon it is this remember that god is an eternal omnipotent order making creator okay he can make order he can create order but that's who god is but walking away in obedience from this text i want you to do this i want you to see the glory of god over your circumstances okay see the glory of god over your circumstances i believe that's some of what uh we're supposed to kind of walk away with this with see the glory of god the power of god the majesty of god over any of your circumstances express especially the circumstances they're going to come at you this week and then here's a practical application point look up just look up if you're ever doubting and you ever just want uh worried and concerned but look up at night time just go outside and look up see that moon okay how did that get there see those stars understand there are if if astronomers are right with this there's three septillion in the in the known universe and god when you see one star understand god knows that star by name and i believe you can find some encouragement in that i pray you found encouragement in this this lesson i pray you've seen how good and how great god is and but most importantly i'm i'm hoping that you're able to see how good and great god is especially by sending jesus to connect us with him to bring us into his family and if you've been studying with us for a while and you're ready to kind of commit to walking with jesus and it is a commit it is a committal that you are a commitment rather you that you were walking with jesus it's not just something that you're saying oh i believe in him or i'm just going to get baptized no you're committing to follow him you're committing to follow him as his disciple and there are great benefits from that our sins are forgiven we're in this family of god and when he comes back he's coming back for us and so if you're ready for that let us know you can let us know by direct message you could let us know in the chat you can speak to the person who might have invited you today that you're ready to commit your life to jesus you're ready to confess his lordship over your life and you're ready to be baptized for the forgiveness of your sins but if you have a prayer request you just want us to pray for you at this time whether you're a b fam or whether you're uh just part of this main boulder crest family uh do it again you can you can put your prayer requests in the chat uh and be sure uh be assured that we're gonna be praying for you i'm gonna close this out in a word of prayer if you're so inclined stick around brother ron wilkie is going to deliver these family announcements uh after we're all said and done all right let us pray father we're thankful for the word we're thankful for your power thankful for your glory thankful for that you reveal yourself to us even through nature father strengthen our faith this week help us to walk with you help us to remember that you are the eternal omnipotent order making order giving creator of this universe father god we pray that you would help us to obey these things and just see your glory and your power over every circumstance that we might have and where we might get a little weary father prick our hearts to just look up and we can see what you have done the heavens declare your glory be with us keep us safe this week in the name of jesus we pray amen may god bless you may keep you god willing we'll see you next week we'll turn things over to ron wilkie yes yes yes thank you dr teamer thank you that was perfect that was absolutely perfect right on time now photographs be fam visitors do you remember what you are supposed to remember obey and apply it's quiz time what are you to remember god is an eternal omnipotent order making creator now what are we to obey see the glory of god over your circumstances whoa that's awesome and how are we going to apply it we are simply going to look up that's what we're doing again great job dr teamer everybody shout out dr team in the chat shout them out yo yeah that was awesome that was awesome all right yes now boulder crest these are your virtual announcements whose birthday is it talent walker ashley reed yes happy birthday to you happy birthday to y'all that's right it's your birthday happy birthday to you yes and now these are your top three announcements please pray for the family of corey hudson cory passed away on friday september 3rd his memorial service was held yesterday september 11th in columbus mississippi to find out where you can send notes of comfort go to our website and download the announcements the address is in there to show you where you can send those notes of comfort now our number two announcement thank you for your support and thoughtful words during this difficult time in the passing of my sister your condolences reached me in a moment of sorrow and lifted me thank you again for all of your gestures love shari umana and sunday sheree anything you need boulder crest is for you you are family just let us know we appreciate you and thank you for allowing us to be able to support you during this time and now our number one announcement there it is y'all you've been waiting you've been wanting to know the date it's october 9th 2021 save the date the church of christ at bolder crest is on a mission to worship grow and serve we will take this opportunity through our fueling our minds and bodies for optimum living symposium to serve more details to come you can see there the presenters speakers motor moderators and other presenters right there but we will talk more about that in the future save the date october 9th 2021 now make sure you go to our website boulder crest boldercrestcoc.com bouldercrestcoc.com to get all of these announcements and many many more just click on news and you will get the announcements you can see them right there september 12th and now as we get ready to close everything out again we want to remind you to remember obey and apply those are your closing announcements it's been my pleasure we will see you again next week thank you
Channel: Bouldercrest Church of Christ
Views: 705
Rating: 4.818182 out of 5
Id: NngVbxWQRQc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 43sec (4663 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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