86 Super Common English Idioms You'll Use All the Time

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let's continue with our series on English idioms many students of English master the grammar well but when they arrive in an english-speaking country they find they don't understand what's being said why because they've never learned English idioms what is an idiom an idiom is an expression in which words do not have their literal meaning if I say I'm about to go bananas I don't mean anything having to do with actual bananas I mean that I'm going to go crazy idioms are often funny and they may be quite poetic do you need to look up an idiom try our idioms website idioms and slang com let's continue studying English idioms English idioms I just finished my last exam let's go out and paint the town red paint the town red means go out drinking and partying you've been out in the Sun for two hours come on in and wet your whistle wet your whistle means drink something I don't think a recession is in the cards this year consumer confidence is very strong in the cards means likely I always have so much fun when Katie's around she's a barrel of laughs a barrel of laughs means funny you look full of the joys of spring this morning full of the joys of spring means very happy full of energy we had a whale of a time on holiday have a whale of a time means enjoy very much come on Jim this is a party let your hair down and go a little wild let your hair down means relax and enjoy the circus was more fun than a barrel of monkeys more fun than a barrel of monkeys means a very good time it's nice to slow down on the weekend and take it easy take it easy means relax I think he'll blow his top when you give him the news blow his top means lose his temper when I saw the look on Sara's face I just knew she'd blow up blow up means explode Julie will go ape if she ever hears about it go ape means feel wild excitement or anger mom will freak out when she finds out we broke her vase freak out means become wildly irrational my parents went totally ballistic when they found out I'd wrecked the car to go ballistic means fly into a rage she went berserk and strangled her cat to go berserk is to go crazy I'll going bananas if I have to work in this cubicle for one more day to go bananas means become irrational or crazy my parents are going to go mental if they find out we had a party here go mental means become extremely angry the noise caused all the neighbors to go nuts go nuts means become crazy my parents are going to hit the roof if they find out we had a party here hit the roof means become very angry have you heard Sophia and Joseph have split up split up means end a relationship I think I'm falling in love with my best friend what should I do fall in love means start feeling love sorry I was so quiet during the meeting I've been out of sorts all day out of sorts means slightly ill Jerald used to be one of the most logical people I know now he's mad as a hatter mad as a hatter means mentally ill fans are cock-a-hoop about the team's acquisition of the new striker Kaka hoop means excited my new girlfriend is very intelligent that she's beautiful is just icing on the cake icing on the cake means a bonus I wouldn't go out with him for all the tea in China all the tea in China means great wealth jack is not a good egg don't trust him a good egg means a good person the are always nutty as fruitcakes when they've had something sugary to eat nutty as a fruitcake means crazy nothing tastes better than fresh cinnamon rolls served piping hot piping hot means very hot sam is rotten to the core he steals he lies he's violent I'm glad he's in prison rotten to the core means entirely evil you English idioms I bought a ring and I'm ready to pop the question to Sofia pop the question means propose marriage they hadn't planned to get married but Sofia found out she was up the Duff up the Duff means pregnant okay I'll tell you the secret about Cynthia but zip your lip about it zip your lip about something means be quiet the presentation will begin at 8:00 on the nose don't miss it on the nose means precisely the team was all eyes and ears as the coach explained the challenges ahead all eyes and ears means attentive I don't see eye to eye with Sofia on the workflow but she's the boss see eye to eye means agree Oh John is bad for me but when I get a look at his baby blues I can't resist him baby blues means blue eyes why did you delete the file I was working on I'm all ears all ears means listening willingly lend an ear and I'll tell you what people said at the meeting yesterday lend an ear means listen I like to keep my vocabulary at hand at hand means nearby are there enough people on hand to hold a meeting on hand means available employee absenteeism has gotten out of hand out of hand means out of control could you lend me a hand with this piano lend someone a hand means help tom was hands-down the best student at the University hands down means obviously the exams at - will you keep your fingers crossed for me keep your fingers crossed means wish for good luck we agreed we'd meet at the mall at 3:00 but you left me cooling my heels for two whole hours to cool your heels means wait don't trust Jack around your expensive glassware he's all thumbs all thumbs means clumsy it really pleased me that the boss gave me a thumbs up on my presentation a thumbs up means approval was in my birthday suit when the doorbell rang birthday suit means naked nakedness Jennifer's presentation was on point concise relevant and accurate on point means well done the election is up for grabs everything is still very chancy up for grabs means available available to anyone I've been out of work since December hope I find a new job soon out of work means unemployed sure you can invest a little money but don't get carried away people lose lots of money on the stock market get carried away means become overly enthusiastic you may say you're in love with your boyfriend but you'll be singing a different tune when you find out what he's been up to singing a different tune means change your opinion when Samantha was in her teens she looked ordinary but in her early 20s she turned into a real knockout a knockout is an extremely beautiful woman yoga pants are all the rage in North America right now but in two years probably nobody will be wearing them all the rage means very much in fashion you English idioms Honda is expected to sell like hotcakes after it's released sell like hotcakes means sells very quickly we had planned this to be a surprise party for you but Jason spilled the beans spill the beans means reveal a secret our principal was a little lady but she was one tough cookie tough cookie means a very determined person you only get one bite at the cherry in life bite at the cherry means good opportunity her cheeks were as red as a cherry as red as a cherry means very red baseball is as American as apple pie as American as apple pie means typically American Tom is really a bad apple a bad apple means a troublemaking or dishonest person only the banana can make a decision of that magnitude top banana means the boss the leader Sera's surprise party went pear-shaped once she accidentally found out about it go pear-shaped means fail do whatever you want I do not give a fig not give a fig means not care every man and his dog wanted to interview me after I won the race every man and his dog means many people I'll be right back I've got to go see a man about a dog go see a man about a dog means go to the bathroom this has always been a nice hotel but it's going to the dogs go to the dogs means deteriorate in quality at first my marriage was all puppies and rainbows but then reality set in puppies and rainbows means perfect that's just a fish story don't try to fool me a fish story is a big lie this game will be the quarterback's swan song he's retiring after this season swan song means a final appearance I was sick as a parrot after man United lost last night sick as a parrot means very disappointed I almost didn't go on stage and perform tonight because I had butterflies in my stomach have butterflies in your stomach means be nervous I think this is a wild goose chase this library doesn't have the books we need a wild goose chase is an impossible task Glen is a lone wolf and seldom joins in the activities of the neighborhood a lone wolf is someone who is not social my ego sister spotted the car in the parking lot before anyone else did eagle-eyed means sharp vision having sharp vision you'd better pay him more or one day you'll come to the office and find that he flew the coop fly the coop means leave left flew the coop left I'm afraid that if we don't reduce staff we'll go belly-up within a year go belly-up means go bankrupt sure I'll go out with Cynthia again when pigs fly when pigs fly means never I have a bun in the oven again Sofia will have a baby sister a bun in the oven means pregnant have a bun in the oven pregnant be pregnant children will be admitted to the concert but sorry no babes in arms babes in arms means a baby being carried the poor baby has a face only a mother could love a face only a mother could love is a very ugly face just enter the update code register the new software and Bob's your uncle Bob's your uncle means you're almost finished when you go on a trip it's important to buy souvenirs for your kith and kin back home kith and kin means family watch getting her to go out with me will be like taking candy from a baby like taking candy from a baby means very easy you [Music]
Channel: 7ESL Learning English
Views: 225,416
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: english idioms, idiomatic expression, idioms, idiom, idioms in english, esl idioms
Id: WwJDVmMc758
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 6sec (1806 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 18 2019
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