83 • 3 Ply Knitting Podcast • Trending this Fall

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] all right one two three hi everybody welcome to threeply podcast episode 83 i'm angie i'm irene i'm joyce and we're so excited you could join us today um irene's going to get us started off with the administration portion go ahead irene we reached 4 000 subscribers and i have a special giveaway it's going to go in our meetup 2022 bag that includes our logo as well as frivolous and frugals and it has all sorts of goodies in there so i won't divulge but i'm going to throw more stuff in here so we do need a winner for that so what we thought the question would be that you would comment below um what would be the one knit that you would knit again what project would you knit again so comment below and you'll be included in the drawing and no promises when we will run that episode maybe it'll just be a special announcement and more about all of that at the end of this episode um so it'll be a little bit about our future um the other thing the meetup itself got there are no words i i can't express myself enough as far as the goal that i had for the meet up was that we would uh grow our community meet other knitters in person and have everyone who attends have a good time and i believe we succeeded 100 yeah because people were thrilled i was ready to do it the very next weekend that's how much fun yes yeah and if i have any regrets i feel like i miss some people where i didn't have a good one-on-one right that i'll have to remedy for next time but i think among all of us and that means um frivolous and frugal all the other podcasters i think all of us got around to people and met everyone somehow someway uh we did our job as far as being good uh diplomats in the knitting community and uh so for that i'm thankful uh there are some people that are basically local that we'll see again um dawn from green bay she's willing to drive anywhere so hey she's a driver and that's nice i think when people are willing to get in their car and go five hours or longer it's super now i do want to thank frivolous and frugal we were co-hosting the event with them but they did a yeoman's job uh dawn penny nikki brianna seriously the amount of work that went into putting this out and organizing it really it goes to them we were just sidekicks we just showed up basically yeah and thank you again for betsy and linda they provided us with a beautiful birthday cake and uh yeah it was a great time if if you'd like to come next year keep that in mind put it in your calendar i think it's the last weekend of july that i think we'll always have it and um as far as a synopsis of the event i would say you should check out uh knits and pieces they have a special episode on how they came to chicago they did such a nice job they were fun emotional it was fun the way they expressed themselves that's what you should go to see as far as uh what what it was all about and my goodness swag we didn't even expect to you know have that much the food all of it and it wasn't meant to be that type of an event and it turned out to be beautiful yeah of course some people were lucky enough to get a queen sandy bag again that queen sandy she's she's awesome so there is nothing we can do except to keep saying thank you and that our hearts were full and it was great so we're not going to bore the people who didn't come with all of this we'll move on all right so uh what else we got there okay so we're moving on to dream knitting so um irene why don't you go first okay so joyce brought to my attention that there is something and i'll put a picture in here everyday v-neck sweater by lisa chemery frog knitting patterns this sweater is a v-neck uh for its size for three months all the way up to 16 years and i think i'm going to start doing these for the grandsons i took care of the granddaughters with the wallaby sweater and now i think i'm going to concentrate on this everyday v-neck sweater for the boys and there are five of them so and and you too for the boys yeah but you know seth told me nothing embarrassing so i have to know like it's just a regular it's true well if i if i knitted in a color i want to knit it in it would be embarrassing okay stay away from yeah the hot pink very nice that you're going to do so well he's a third grader now he says only red or blue or black geege yes i get it i'd stick with the red easier that's what i'm thinking it looks good in red oh there it is normal oh yeah so cute right i'll wear that for sure and it's in um rios they knitted in rios oh good i could use ravelry red yes that would look very very nice all right that's all i got for dream knitting okay and uh joyce what do you have for dreaming well i have some i did find some baby things um because one of the family members actually you know we went to the hamptons last year for that wedding well now she's due in january and she's having a girl and i snapped a couple of pictures this morning and this is by drops look how sweet that is oh my god that is so cute and then i found one other little one oh that's cute isn't that cute for myself i did find a couple of course i found a couple this is actually this has been in my queue for a while um and it's my blacker yarns hold on i don't even know i don't have the name of this one down there somewhere and this one i found too the soho top i like that right garter stitch and i'm sorry i don't know the name of this one it's in there somewhere just a cute little cardigan with pockets oh i like that too yeah that one's been in my cue for a while it's finding that it's finding that yarn though because i like that whole marled look about it right um and then the other portion of my dream knitting would be to finish everything that i've started all right things are starting to pile up so and i wanted to do those little um the advent mittens bought the yarn it's down there yeah i've started those either and you know christmas someone someone sent me a text the other day yeah christmas is four months away i'm like holy crap i'm like now i don't need to know so maybe next christmas that's okay yeah no pressure we shouldn't be putting that kind of pressure on us we know there's just things i just i just need to do and sometimes it's just not knitting yeah of course that's what we all want to do right that's all i want to do [Laughter] so it'll get there it will so my my dream knitting um i was talking to joe who um is a friend of ours and she's knitting this travel mode 2.0 can you see that oh yes wow cool so it's like a rectangular wrap which we all know i prefer rectangles over pointy and um it's called travel travel mode 2.0 um and it is by suzanne sommer and i just thought it was so cute and it's just you know it's just knitting and i think it's like five colors or you could use scraps and and i'm like oh i think i have some like cute yarn i bought in texas that i could you know that was a texas yarn company um and uh i think i can you know use that as my base and and go from there so that was that's kind of my dream knitting and then um there was some other things that i was looking at too there was these fish these crocheted fish hold on angie as a reply to your previous um dream knitting you have a yarn shop in your house i think you have plenty of yarn to do that so these are called goldfish look at them how cute they are oh my gosh i know they're crocheted they're so cute and i was thinking oh if i did this and put like some plastic over the top of a fishbowl and then hung it with fishing line it would look like it was really in the fishbowl i was just thinking you could make your own aquarium designer what's a designer uh the designer on this one is and the funny thing is she is the cute it's megan m-e-g-a-n lap l-a-p-p and it is crocheted but she's got tons of really cool like unusual she's got dragons and dinosaurs and and they have cool eyeballs and like look at this little guy how cute is he right i mean like she's got all these i think she's got all that crocheted little little little things right aunt well she she has little things but she also has some big things like um she had hold on she has this lion on a stick he's so cool and he's huge well he looks huge maybe he's not huge but um like she's got all these really wild crazy unique oh like look at this owl here look at this owl oh yeah right i mean she's got all these but i was really intrigued by the goldfish i don't know why i want to say didn't chevy brown knit something not not an owl but didn't she knit like a a deer head something that you wouldn't it's like if you were a hunter you could put it mounted on the wall i don't know if that's the same lady or not it's but it's all crocheted and they're all just unusual and unique and look there's a there's an octopus there's dragon there's you need to make crackers for betsy oh yeah there you go you know how much she loves those octopus yeah like here look at this and and i know like some of it's probably the yarn but look at the holy smoke i know right like you've got to look her up i've got these really cool cool cool so i'm going to knit those goldfish for sure or crochet those goldfish yeah so all right we can move on to the next segment which is and i have to look because i can't remember um oh what are you knitting no what are you wearing wearing what are you wearing those glasses are not working where are the little glasses ain't working ladies i'm exhausted um yes what are you wearing i'm wearing clothes yes but i see that i see that irene is wearing something really pretty yeah i i i like angie i put a shirt on all right well this here this here little ditty this is called brickless by martina beam i love that uh this is yarn that i bought on vacation several years ago uh freya hand-painted ombre fingering and the colorway is hard candy and it's just all the colors are there so i remember that one very pretty thank you well i guess we're going to skip that real quick because the rest of us know it's going to be eighty hundred and higher not on the same page yeah cause it's gonna be 80 degrees today i'm like sleeveless i got a little scored on you know squirt shirt shorts and the skirt all in one covers everything i'm so trendy covers everything it covers everything literally like if you bend over it covers everything [Music] and if you notice my voice is a little weird right now i have laryngitis i do not have the culvert or as my dad calls it the covide um you know when you're in the south you call everything the covid i don't have the covid but i i i just have no voice all right so we're moving on to what did you finish and um why don't we just let joyce go with that what did you finish joyce oh i haven't well technically i'm finished but i haven't woven oops woven in all my hands hold on i gotta scooch back i finished this on vacation oh my god that's a beautiful oh my that is gorgeous very nice it is so fun to make and if you remember pam at um at the retreat i don't want to say her last name because i don't know if she wants me to but she did hers in a like a light silver with um more like autumn colors like the orange and the blue and she was such a doll i asked her for that because this one i think you know i'm going to wear this one you know up around my neck like this under a coat i'm not going to prank yeah wrong but hers were so pretty something i would wear as a shell so she was lovely enough to send me all of her colors that she used so i'm going to make hers and um so much fun and i actually did this in the car because we drove for vacation and it looks so complicated but both of you guys have made it and i'm telling the pattern actually says do not read ahead because it'll be confusing but it's a bunch of charts you count this way you count this way you turn around and you just keep going it's not hard at all not hard at all so i might need to i might need to make it while the radio is going and joe was talking to me you can do this anywhere i mean probably not in the social setting but i mean i think it was fun and i i look forward to making another one it's the butter butterfly the papillon or the butterfly okay and it's worth it i think the beauty of it is so exceptional and here's the thing it's so inexpensive well the colors i used were from nitpickets the chroma and then i didn't i had black uh cascade heritage so i just used that for the black but really i it and the chroma has a like a long repeat which is why you can see the colors come up both sides but you can design your own and actually pam sent me a text she's like hey joyce there's actually a coloring page that you can color and do you know put your own colors then which i thought was genius so yeah i came with that travel uh 2.0 that it comes with coloring page too so i'm just i'm just going to copy pam and she told me i could so you have to use a long color change i don't well i don't know that you have to you i would go look on um the ra on ravelry and look at all the finished projects and you know everybody will tell you what they what they've used but i think a good majority of the people the ones that are really really beautiful as well is with the unique yarn oh yeah so this is i have to say um this turned out really really pretty i think the colors are beautiful but it's a probably a little warmer do you know what i mean because it's got a little bit of a loft to it actually i don't even remember what the composition of the yarn is but we don't know what weight it is it's a sick it's it's a single point but there's kind of like thick and thin in it yeah um but yeah it's a fingering weight but you need there's almost i want it is the word shimmer yeah halo i don't know it's dirt they're very very stunning but if you don't know like for me i knew i i was just kind of doing this for the fun of it but the if i was going to make it again and actually wear it as a shawl i would probably use the unique but again i i really liked pam color so i'm going to go with go with that because you know you're not going to you're not going to miss someone wearing this yeah that's beautiful yeah it's it was tons of fun to make i do recommend it at first i thought oh am i going to mess this up but it's really intimidating when you get the pattern because what is it like 14 pages or something like that pages and then you just do exactly what it tells you to do and there's no screwing up but the only thing i did change was i didn't do the wrap and turn short rows i did the german short rows yeah so and i found that to be a whole lot easier and it's just yeah not hard it's really not hard it was tons of crazy well i finished nothing so we can move right onto irene um you recall i made a muscle burrow hat out of the dye gage die works love that yarn and one is not enough i made another one and i like this pattern so much that two are not enough i made yet another one so what's this uh temper socks so this is a dk weight yarn and then uh i love that i just finished it off with scraps awesome that is so cute what are your scraps match well i mean i'm trying to make it match there's a reason for that and let's see what else oh because this is the other thing and i feel like we're running out of time but here so you can have this hat look like this then you see it's so cute great pattern well that's that's still pretty good those hats are darling yeah i agree yeah they're really cute i can't wait on the needles did you change your needle size to go up to the thicker yes a little slightly so i think i used a four i think on this one and you didn't change this was a three you didn't change your stitch count um no i i this was 28 in between the original one the first one i made was 28 and then this one i did slightly smaller for maybe a younger grandchild 26. angie did you start yours yet no no yeah i know no time i know i know i get it no um and then lastly i finished stevie by elizabeth smith knits and this was using berroco remix look at this yeah that's cute i'll have to put a picture in oh i love that i love the side that's really cute it's a real night i'll put a photo and i'll have to take her outside she's been indoors for too long and i'll take a picture of her but she's stunning yeah and real comfortable the yarn is just a good feel so that's it it's uh this berroco remix is nylon cotton acrylic silk and linen blend so i think it's suitable for warmer weather colder weather it's good so anyway that's standard usa needle went fast nice that's all i got nice nice okay should we take a break let's take our break all right [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] okay so our next segment is favorite past projects joyce why don't you go since it's fresh on your mind okay before i forget again actually i still need to put a zipper in this this is the trip card again by uh suvi knits and um yeah i haven't worn it yet but i love it i think what i'd like to say is i read an article that indicates that the fall fashion trend is varsity jackets i immediately thought of the trip sweater yeah it's so cute but i do have a favor for all of our viewers if you know of a good youtube video on how to put a zipper in a sweater could you pass that on to me so that i can do this because with that being the case you know i want to be in fashion i could wear it this winter and i think you should yeah and um so this one was a couple years ago that i made this and i made it out of the cascade eco wool and it turned out really really cute it's so pretty i can't wear it you know what you could do what about that hollywood tape the two-faced tape or the two-sided tape so you wear a t-shirt underneath and then you put the two-sided tape in here and it would like stick to your t-shirt that's for your boobs but you could use it on the sweater and the boobs and anything else i don't you use it on your ass i'd be afraid would it fray well i wouldn't use it repeatedly but i think if i were interested in wearing it and didn't have the zipper in i would do that still real it's it's really cute and it's like there's a perfect length just enough to cover your tush and uh yeah very cute yeah very cute that's my favorite yeah that's stunning and now it's fashionable as well look at that i just want to be fashionable we all want to be fashionable yeah it's it's what we all want what about you irene yeah you i was looking at you so i was just assuming you knew i met you yes yes irene you our question was in her eyes i keep thinking we haven't seen each other in so long that she forgot my name so i dug this up which i thought was a stunning show oh i love that that's another one of my favorites yes this is the colorist by lisa we never know how to say her last name so is it harness or hanes yeah we say haynes the privilege and ferguson i don't know okay so that oh and this was um any kind of like the malabrigo rios that has the beautiful colors that really pops i think yours uh did you do red choice yeah i think she did i did two of them i did one in the rebel regret and then i did one oh i do not remember the name of that it was an archangel or something was it that it was kind of a purple oh that was a purple and it had all the um all the complimentary colors in it it was yeah it's still one of my favorites and this is so interesting that stitch and it's easy to do yeah it's very easy to do so that's and it looks complicated but yeah right right i love things though you know it and the pattern is i don't want to say it's intuitive but you clearly know when you make a mistake yes so you don't get too far um so long as you watch your pattern when you net you shouldn't make any mistakes i typically try to be very careful because i really don't want to redo so yeah you you don't know irene she doesn't want to rip yeah the joists will rip yeah irene will not rip yeah just the ripper i'm debatable i'm debatable on how much it can be seen so yeah so my favorite i couldn't find it in my closet of chaos um but this is it i don't know if you remember this sleeves i think it was called sleeves oh that's i think we were all going to make that and then i never ended up making that sleeve scarf sweater wrap sleeve scarf sweater wrapped by literally they're true i made one for the shop yes lake house for the shop yeah so here's the pattern online so you can yeah you can wear it you know as just a scarf you can wear it with the sleeves but now if you remember when i made mine i put thumb holes in it yeah that's what made it really special too so that's one of the and i used um simply oh simply oh that's very nice yeah so you can see like it's i don't know if you can really see my see i have my thumb holes yeah and it's got no um and it's you know seed stitch you didn't you wouldn't have to do seed stitch but i love seed stitch and in that color it looked like peas and i thought that was so cool i like this one because it's thick it goes fast it's something you can wear in the office you can just cover it you know like you can just throw it in that's something you could throw on and not have to worry about any of any length at your arms right you can see especially if you get a draft in the house or wherever you knit right yeah that's something on your shoulders and i've seen some of them where they just did the sleeve and just came across the back into the sleeve they didn't wrap it so it's not a blue arrow then the bolero then right yeah kind of more like a little bolero kind of a thing yeah yours is like a straight jacket yeah mine's like a straight jacket which i probably could use but yeah closer to uh maybe closer to christmas you'll need that for the yeah and you know it's a beautiful green and now that my hair is more red again you know it i think it's kind of cool and and it was huh pull that back out of your closet when you find it yeah yeah i need to find it it's it's in the pile in the chaos yeah not exactly sure so all right so we're gonna move on to your favorite topic irene is no bare feet let me start with uh i'll i'll start with what is less important and end with like a finale so um first i'll tell you my vanilla shorties and these were just scraps you know how i like to do that i did a toe up and then just thought hey i'm ending because i was running out of yarn that would work with these so uh that's what we got here easy peasy and then oh i was dying to try this yarn so i ordered some of this leo and roxy because we have our friends in canada now that uh enable us and so i bought the yarn and i made the marbled socks and i listened i listened to angie i listened to my friends and i put the red in here that is so cute oh and a little bit of red at the the top of the cuff cute that is so cute very soft how is it to knit with nice um i would say it's a tiny bit like there's two threads running through there you know that's the only thing to be aware of but it's not a problem it's very nice and the texture the softness it's really nice i think it's going to wear well too so beautiful i will buy it again like like pardon me are you giving those away are you keeping them not sure you know sometimes you know i'm like a kid if you're having like that garage sale yeah i was gonna get rid of this but oh my god now they're my favorite i can't part with them so i gotta i'm gonna think about that i think you probably have a pair of socks for every day of the year i have so many pairs of socks now it's there it's an illness yeah i love them i love the socks but i really only need them while i knit them for the kids but for myself i have plenty of socks at least to get me through three weeks because i should be more generous of spirit i don't know what my problem is maybe because you put so much time into it you really do need to have that person who would appreciate it and i don't think there's many walking the earth that would really you know take care of them well i know you yeah but andy you would take care of them yeah you know i know you would i love them i just don't like making them yeah we know so you do need a new worthy uh customer for this i agree all right and then this is oh boy ready ready oh yeah oh they're so cute i love them i love love love love love so i'm going to tell you know how much i don't really dig the color work but this was worth it they're just so cute picnic sacks yes yes so what aren't picnic sacks by this handmade life and i just used dire fold that i had laying around and i had enough to make the two so i love the purple it's just you know it's funny because i wasn't aware that you need three colors and i'm like oh i need three what am i going to use and i found the purple to fit so did you have to use three strands in one row or just two no two okay but you with this color work you do need to do one sock at a time otherwise you got balls flying everywhere it's just not a pretty thing balls flying everywhere is a really bad thing never a pretty thing i don't want to see any of them but that's okay sweaty balls are even worse [Music] no sweaty balls i could think of a sandra bullock sandra bullock and um betty white in the in the proposal when they're dancing and she's you know what i think of this saturday night live sweaty balls wasn't there that like uh skit was it uh they were supposedly like pbs radio hosts i don't have any idea there's some funny stuff there they're made from a secret sweaty family recipe no one can resist my sweaty balls nothing like a sweaty ball sweaty [Music] i have some there's so much crap here oh look at him oh yay those are cute and the softest socks i haven't even blocked them yet i kind of love those heels and toes they're so cute it's the brightest purple and unfortunately i have no idea it was just in my stash so i used it just to break up but uh this is berroco sock beautiful wow so cute and then um i i don't know if i said this on the last podcast or not but i had informed carson that i wasn't gonna make christmas socks this year she's like what wow it's like almost like what's the point of christmas without christmas oh my god you have spoiled that family oh my god so i did find some i had some freckled whimsy i love that yarn oh my gosh and this i am really tangled up here wait is that the pepperoni or hot i knew it was something like that say again peppermint mocha there we go and actually i don't know if this is the colors i would have chose but i told you oh yes they're beautiful it looks white but it's actually pink beautiful i love that yarn yeah they're so cute so look how my heels turned out pretty cute yeah they look like little monkey butts yeah and it makes me want to have some cocoa i'd call not today but you know would be nice yeah yeah too she's happy i love them yeah they're cute i love that color yeah combo yeah i mean i never would have put the combination together i told joe and i'm like i never would have put this combination together i'm like but well let me ask you this you don't have to make socks for the rest of the people do you you know i'm sure the boys would like a pair of socks joe i this is how the socks are so i have no idea where the first pair of socks is that i made but i know i have one of his christmas socks in my drawer so god only knows where the other pair or where the other one is i think you got like a problem like angie i just i he's just not worthy he's just and he's just he just not everyone is not everyone is not everyone is yeah i mean tom wears stuff does dominic wear anything you you okay so he's italian he gets too hot you know with joe says not knitting him nothing yeah no i'm done making joe socks unless he specifically asked me which i'm pretty sure it's not gonna happen i made him a scarf and a hat last year and that was that was like the that's it that was the only thing i considered was making him a hat because you know he does have to shovel us now what do we have them for of course yeah it'd be useful yeah go to the grocery store juice make yourself useful you're born to grab a broom all righty that's all i got socks all right so we're moving on to what are you knitting so um irene why don't you go first okay well you know that i uh love watching that um penelope's chin wag and penny is making a whole bunch of animals one thing led to another and i thought on my bucket list of knitting has always been sam the ramp and uh it's a challenging project i did start sam but he's just at the beginning this is his head half of his head so it's a start i'm not quite sure whether to continue at this moment in my life or whether to postpone him a little bit but um there he is and uh the problem is that it does require you to for me i have to sit at a table i gotta have all this stuff like spread out charts uh the the pattern all of that so you have to be very very focused and i'm not sure i am so but i can be it's just not now so we'll see how far i get with that business and um then halloween is coming so you know me and my socks oh my gosh they're so cute so this is called just peachy pumpkin socks by charlotte stone stone knits and i'm using dire full for the background fingering and then just a couple of minis curio mini i'm not sure who makes the curio mini the color is oriole and matcha so adorable cute now i want to make those one two at a time one at a time one one no ball management back to the sweaty balls you got to be careful here with this yeah yeah so i can only manage the one at a time i'm a little nervous because it's a little tedious i'm trying to do like you know a few rows a day uh i hope i don't tire of it before i make the second one because that would be shame now i did think about that here's my plan if i tire of it and say screw this i am going to take one of these legs i'll put the sock on here and use it as a halloween decoration isn't that a good idea it takes the pressure off it takes that um oh my god i got to do it i i relax then don't worry i'm not worried you won you're gonna do it you're gonna do it but now i like okay so heels and toes what color are you going to do orange orange yeah okay auntie nose yeah orange so damn cute now i'm going to make them yeah and you know betsy at the elgin networks has it's this yarn what is this a little yeah they're little these little uh curio minis so it came in little balls like this yep those are awesome so and the color was right you know and you don't need that much so i thought why am i going to be buying like you know huge amounts of uh yarn here so anyway very very cute i love the way it's progressing uh they you know in the beginning you're wondering will this really look like a pumpkin it sure does there it is it's so adorable so adorable so it's making me happy so cute thank you thank you all right what about you joyce well i have a couple of things um so i was making the um what was it the two-point cowl well i had to rip it out well you gotta freeze that right there and so i was knitting along and i happened to read the pattern again and you're supposed to slip the first two stitches yeah well i didn't so i ripped it out started again so now i'm only that far but this is our ripper yeah this is a good uh that's a good plain knitting social knitting thing and then um the sweater the infamous sweater which i really have to get back to because pretty soon it's going to be going to be chilly outside i do have some sleeve so i'm oh look at you oh you're close to the end yeah i'm pretty close to the end so i got to get this done because i said the cooler weather is coming so i have that and then um i started carson's pressed flower shawl and it's as much fun as this butterfly shawl so far oh really like that so much fun a little fussy to start well i gotta say even um you know because you keep adding the flowers as you go up and on the chart i was like a couple of stitches off and i remember seeing that you know sometimes you're gonna knit two at the end so i'm hoping that we'll all balance out at the end because right now that one looks like it might be a little off but i pulled it apart my numbers are where they're supposed to be so and if not who's gonna care yes irene um you could actually do a solid color background too sure sure yeah because i actually i didn't even think about it sorry i dropped all my stuff um she picked this i think it's berroco tiramisu which has all these colors in it and i didn't know because if you see now you can see all the colors like separated and as i get further as it gets bigger i don't know how it's going to end up but you know what thank goodness you picked uh that cream color that makes it pop against that background yeah so i'm hoping that it'll look okay because you know this is all going to fade out to something much much larger so i hope it will still i like it yeah i have to say it's fun because it's not really color work you're just slipping stitches so and it's maybe similar to like the andrea mowry the shift it looks all complicated and crazy and it's not that bad it's it's not that bad at all so and um just lost my train of thought um you're still used to using one color every two you know for two rows so knit and back so yeah i do like it though it's tons of fun so um let's see i think that's it okay so who's next me yep you okay so i have been knitting on the um i have been knitting on the um four day 49 sweater because it's gonna take me years to finish it but i did finally get to the point where the sleeves are done oh and it's so cute oh i'm just on the body part now but i took a break from it because i got this obsession not you yes i got this obsession to make a rocket tea so i got this yarn at belgian knitworks it's um knitted wit pixie plied which means it has the silver in it and the color is white fang so joyce you will really like this it's like blues and grays huh did you buy it all no i don't i think i bought you well yeah yeah i may have but so here it is the so this is i got to the v last night so now i'll be on the body doing the circle you know circle circles are cool so that's the rocket tdk version nope this is rocket t regular this is sock weight um i'm just doing it in a salad i'm not okay okay yeah that was my next question okay yeah because i chose not to do stripes because i gained some weight and i look like a big fat bedding so and then the other thing that um i pulled this out and started adding squares to it because my niece asked me for one and if you remember i found these squares at the flea market and they were just just thinking about that the other day yeah i am so glad that that has come out of hibernation yes that's beautiful it when i found this it was just the flowers with the leaves and somebody had made hundreds of them yeah and so at christmas time when my niece was here she was saying that she had seen a blanket on etsy and she showed it to me she's like i really want this but it was like 300 and i thought i have those flowers and why not give it to her she'll love it and work is done so right yeah the hard part's done so i'm just doing the squares and so what would you love to know the back story i wish i did yeah so um anyway no one will know no so i mean it she's gonna love it it is really antique and you know i mean it is it's obviously you know old they've been around for a long time the lady said so and you know they didn't smell they were in a plastic bag and i was like awesome so i just grabbed some on you know like i don't know what is that uh white yarn in the baby yarn that betsy carries creamer yeah and i just started using that for this for the outsides and that's what i'm going to finish it up and send it to her for christmas so nice oh she's going to adore you for that yeah i thought so that's going to be so special that's that's it that's all i'm getting right now i mean i'm trying to keep up and i have not knit in the past two weeks so yeah that's crazy yeah are you going through withdrawals a little bit yeah a little bit last night i was when i got finished doing the um to the point where the v of the of the sweater starts and i was like oh okay i got some i felt like i made some progress even though it was three rows you could just throw in a car and you could just well and i think you're now at the point where it's going to get momentum going now right because at this point i was going back and forth right back now i'm just going to be doing this yeah it has little sleeves so yeah so that's going to be very nice yeah and blue i'll wear it with jeans it it goes with everything yeah yeah thank you so far for for when it gets cooler you can still yeah yeah some long sleeves and be fine yeah absolutely so now we're moving on to the last segment which is don't tell my husband except for joyce who's not paying attention one more time my favorite segment don't tell my husband much better much better so um joyce and she weren't paying attention you have to go first okay i can go first nothing hold on well we did make a trip into you know i don't remember remember when i was parcel one double arrow oh yeah did i show that yarn for that i don't think you did anyway well if i did i apologize but she wanted a bolero so i bought these she wants a cream-colored one so this is the uh berroco lace ariel broco ariel and then this is the natural from arroyo i feel like you've got a lot of knitting to do i think i'm getting i'm gonna hyperventilate okay and i also purchased when at the retreat uh the cowl or the little is it the cow twofold oh yeah i forgot about that yes so i did buy yarn for that so this is like a really pale mint green and then this of course is brown which i absolutely love and this is simple simply worsted my favorite it's so awesome and who was it noelle yeah she hers was down on the train she had finished it she's knitting in her sleeve i'm telling you she's just she just has a motor yeah and then uh joe and i were recently in new jersey and it was unfortunate i did try to see paige and from uh frame and raymond fiber yes and i we missed each other so i didn't get to see her so but i did go to mother knitter and that's in red bank new jersey and i picked up some sans garn and it's mini alpaca okay oh i love it oh mini alpaca and it's lovely and i think it's like 174 yards per skein like it's not just alpaca what's in it no it's um i don't know it is jess alpaca it's 100 alpaca what do you what's the intention there so this is for the shawl that i want to make and i don't remember the name of it i don't even think i have a pattern here i picked i have yarn and i thought you know i really am not happy with the color gray and then when i got home i thought no you know i would really like the whole shawl in this little mini alpaca so i think i'm gonna make an order for the navy and the blue this is for that oh what's the name of the cowl art shawl that actually looks purple here but it's not this is the lynnae let's see if i can get it okay oh spectacular yeah i can't really want to start this but i'm not going to till i get yeah two things done well maybe that's an after christmas time project yeah start it make it your new year's yeah uh wait a minute so we have wait at the retreat there was a at the retreat they were talking about doing a new year's day cast on and it's not that oh the color work pattern do you remember all right marie wallen marie wallen what was it though i think it had a funny name it was a towel it was yeah it was a cow it was really it was quite tall right had a number of patterns in it really pretty but here's the kicker dawn she double dog dares you i told her we don't do double dog dare we don't participate in double dog dare come on what's there not to understand to all of our ladies who are extended the retreat does she double dog dare you too she's always double dog daring i think we've got to lay it out these are the guidelines we can double dog dare you but you cannot be double dog daring us i think that's a good rule i don't know that john's going to agree to that they're so funny i'm going to need medication well and here's the thing angie and i are not retired yeah exactly yeah yeah that's not fair i'm working my keister off yeah and she's like the overtime for sure yeah every day it's to my boss can i stay two more hours can i stay one more hour can i stay five more hours oh my god i just have a cot all right well are you done with your purchases i am okay let me quickly tell you regarding the butterfly uh shawl my daughter was in michigan and she went to a yarn store and got me uh earth yarn now this color is 30 10. okay i don't know whether i should pair it with the black then it's gonna look very much oh like the one i've already done right okay something um that's not in there that's bright like you're a cute color you both are too well we're i think we're all teal lovers like yeah i don't know what to do i i want it to look good you know this is this is something i learned a long time ago um from tv um put it across the room and whatever color sticks out the most is what you should do you mean throw it across the room set it across the room oh go to the other side and see what color is dominant or if anyone has a suggestion i gotta have it look good because then i'm gonna be upset well here's the other thing what does it look like when you untwist it oh i haven't done that because i don't know you might see something in there that you want all right and then uh i placed an order for area 51 fibers i've never had this it's a canadian brand and this is the tea with the bridgetons oh they're ready for socks look at that yeah so that's all i got well i really i only have one thing because i have like i said i've been so crazy but at the record moment so at the uh at the when we were at uh the the meet-up uh one of the ladies had a basket that she bought at t.j.maxx and i was obsessed with it let's see can you find it oh my gosh you did find it nice yeah on double triple clearance for eight bucks no okay do you do that because i am a shopping queen you're very good so i bought it and it's green and you know i love green yes electric lime green anybody knows a yarn company that makes a beautiful electric lime green send me the name because i'm buying it because it's my school color try the lemonade shop advertising on our instagram and their colors are she's got some beautiful colors i'm on it all right we got a couple more minutes to go and uh maybe i'll give you a life update and explain why you won't see us for a couple months um we are uh moving that's number one so number two means i gotta wrap up everything up here so the office is closing computers got to be put away and uh i'll be living with my youngest daughter for a few weeks until our home is ready our forever home hopefully i don't want to think that my forever home is a nursing home so um we'll see what happens but you won't see us for a while angie's busy working joyce has her own issues and we will be back in december by then i should be situated maybe the computer will be back up and running and so i would be able to edit a podcast and do our zooming etc etc etc uh i will miss my normal life but i think this has to be done and i've got to get situated in some kind of normalcy because i've not been normal for a long time so that's all we've got yep and i've been uh i opened i am the head secretary at a brand new school that we opened that and i mean brand new like from the ground up breaking ground to opening day and um you know i get between 50 and 100 boxes a day that i receive on and and stuff i'm trying to still take care of and the kids have started back and so i'm working basically from six o'clock in the morning until six o'clock at night every day so i'm excited in school yeah yeah so um and then you know so we just need a little bit of a break because once i settle down it'll be perfect and once you get moved it'll be perfect and so we're waiting for the perfect life yeah and we'll get it well and for me i'm having a couple of neck issues again and uh i just want to i need to work on my house i need flooring just all that all that stuff that i would rather not do because i'd rather not so we'll miss you but hopefully you understand and we'll be in better spirits once all this is behind us and i'm sure my don't tell my husband's stash will be gigantic by december oh we might have a two-hour episode no we would never do that to you all right see you soon [Music] um i don't have a whole lot because i have done about this much knitting we got it taken care of over here okay good angie it's never a problem with irene yeah yeah i know there's gotta be like 35 pairs of socks there or at least okay i look like a pumpkin today i like that you look really good well that's because i'm tan why are we tan because i just got back from the beach i hate you okay uh we went too long we got a rented a home in long beach island oh nice well we could find today where it could just be the three of us so we could chat we could catch up yeah okay [Music]
Channel: 3 Ply Podcast
Views: 4,128
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: knitting, knitting podcast, best knitting podcast, knitting podcast 2022, Butterfly shawl, Papillon, Musselburgh
Id: gcnqttfZD9M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 47sec (3767 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 01 2022
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