8 Things Successful People DO That Poor People DON'T | Rob Dial

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[Music] how different would your life be if you just didn't stop if you didn't give up on that thing that you gave up on years ago how different would your life be right now today we're going to be talking about the eight things that successful people do that unsuccessful people don't do i'm a very big believer in you don't have to reinvent the wheel if someone else has done it you can do it as well and the first time that this was brought to my attention it was when i was younger and i read a book called think and grow rich and in think of girl rich i read it and realized that it doesn't matter what i was born with what my circumstances were what my circumstances are what matters is that i put the right pieces in place to create my life and if i do i will eventually get what i want and so when i look at people who are successful and success is a very relative word it can mean something different for you than just for me it could mean for you joy or peace or happiness or a great family or cars and traveling and clothes and freedom or whatever it might be it's different for everybody but when i look at every single thing in life i realize that every single thing in life has steps to be successful and so when i say success it can mean a lot of different things for a lot of different people but i'm going to go through the eight different things that i've seen from people who have had success in their life that i would see and i deem success is to have ultimate freedom freedom to do what you want when you want with who you want and so when i say eight things that people do who are successful that unsuccessful people don't my version of success is the ability to do whatever you want whenever you want with whoever you want at any point in time anywhere in the world all of that so let's dive into it the first thing that i find with a lot of successful people not every single one of them but like 80 to 85 90 of them is they have some sort of consistent waking up early and having some sort of a morning routine so when i was doing research on this i was like let me just see what time successful people wake up and so i found people like richard branson who's a multi-billionaire wakes up at 4 30 every single morning tim cook who's a multi-billionaire wakes up at 4 30 every single morning howard schultz who is the guy who started as the ceo of starbucks wakes up at five o'clock every single morning so i'm not saying that you have to wake up at those times but the reason why they wake up at those times is because they have time for themself whether it's to read whether it's to journal whether it's to work out they have time for themselves to be intentional to grow into who they want to be so they have some sort of a routine to growing themselves into who they want to be and they do this before they go into work and they have thousands of people that could report to them they literally just work on themselves first and so they wake up early and the thing that that's interesting is a lot of people are like you know what like i don't i don't know if i can wake up early i'm it's hard for me to wake up early i'm more of a night owl and what i've found is that if you want to wake up early you can wake up early you just have to start to reset your circadian cycles which are now used to going to bed late if you are a late sleeper if you go in you go to bed late and then sleep in late you've just set your cycles that way they can also be reset and so if you sit there and you spend an hour watching netflix every single night imagine if you just were able to cut that out and wake up at least an hour earlier and spent that hour on yourself instead of watching netflix or instead of watching youtube or instead of watching sports if you cut that hour out at night went to bed an hour earlier woke up an hour earlier and spent some time on yourself what would that look like for you so ask yourself the question do you feel that you wake up early enough right now to have time specifically dedicated to you and your own growth if the answer is no i would recommend building that into your life so that's the first thing the second thing that i found that's really interesting is that they read almost every single day there's an article that came out a few years ago it says the average ceo reads about 60 books per year 60 books per year which means the average ceo which is at the highest of their company the highest of their industry reads 60 books per year that is more than one book per week so then you got to think to yourself how many books am i reading how much am i going out and trying to learn how much am i going out and trying to grow myself and try to learn from some of the most successful people that have ever existed the beautiful thing about life is that everything that you want to learn about any industry about self-development about mastering yourself about religion spirituality all those things all of the books have already been written that you could want to read from some of the smartest people that have ever lived why don't you just start reading those books and so ask yourself how often do you read and if you were to put yourself as a goal how many books do you want to read every single month figure out that number write it down and start to follow it the third thing that they do is they exercise consistently they understand that there's a mind-body connection if your body is not in the right place there's a pretty good chance your mind is not gonna be in the right place your mind and your body have a constant communication at all points in time you know a good example of this is you know if you eat something really heavy in the middle of the day do you get real tired after lunch do you have that you know that 2 30 feeling where you're like oh man now i'm really tired i need to get some coffee maybe it's not that you just are naturally feeling that way maybe it's that you're eating something that is making you feel that way and so when i say they exercise consistently is because they understand that when you exercise in the morning consistently or in the evening consistently whatever it is your body will start to create more energy throughout the day and the more energy that you have throughout the day the more energy that you have to go and accomplish your goals whatever your goals are and so one of the things they do very consistently is work out all of the time every single day four times a week five times a week do some movement practice they don't stay still very often so third thing is they exercise consistently the fourth thing is write their goals down consistently as well i've told you this story before if you've heard it but in the 70s harvard did a study on people that were graduating from harvard with an mba of this graduating class only three percent of them actually wrote down their goals and then 10 years later in the 1980s they followed up with all of those people and they found out that the three percent that wrote down their goals with pen and paper were 10 times more successful than all of the under other 97 combined so three percent of people who wrote down their goals were 10 times more successful than the other 97 combined why is that well because it becomes real when you write it down with pen and paper you put it down it becomes physical in this world it becomes something that you can see and something that you can work through and a lot of times people will set goals and then they'll never write their goals down and they're never work and they'll never work through their goals to figure out how to get to those goals which is usually the biggest detriment to why people don't hit their goals but the example i always like to give is like if i if i gave you a a multiplication problem and said hey what is uh 127 times 43 majority of people listening right now will not be able to do that off the top of your head but if i gave you pen and paper and said the exact same number what's one four one what did i say 147 times 127 times 43 you could figure it out by doing multiplication that you learned in what fourth grade third grade and so when you can take something out of your head and put it on a piece of paper and see it and start to work through it it takes things that seem very complex and make a much more simple to work through and so when you write your goals down consistently every day and work through them just the same way that if you were to build a business plan you're not going to try to do a business plan your head you're going to write it all down why would you make it any different than getting your goals from your head physical on a piece of paper and actually start working through them so that you can get more clear on exactly what it is that you want so that you can get a date of exactly the dates you're going to hit it by and so when you deal with number four and you talk about writing your goals down ask yourself how often do you write your goals down and if it's not often maybe you should just develop the practice of writing your goals down every single day of working through them every single day making it part of your journaling practice that's the fourth thing they do the fifth thing that they do is that they have mentors i read an article years ago that said the average person who becomes a millionaire has an average of seven mentors before they become a millionaire in some sort of way and so if you're out there and you're looking around and you're like i don't have any mentors or i need some more mentors i have one mentor how can you start going out and finding more mentors the reason why this is important is because they can shorten your learning curve from you know their 20 years of knowledge to two years for you so they can literally collapse time this is the importance of hiring a coach sometimes hiring a mentor is that someone who's further along in the process than you are that's already done what you want to do and already you made the mistakes that you will eventually make if you were to just learn from them you can shorten your learning curve not have to go through their mistakes and then also at the same time see exactly what it is that you need to do in order to get where you want to go i have a friend that i've recently become uh friends with and and she runs a business that's in the same industry as me but hers does 50 million dollars a year mine is at five and so i'm looking at that going holy sh she's light years ahead of me what does she know that i don't know how could i provide value to her based off of what i know in my business and then how can i get value from her based on what she's doing in her business so that we can make this something that we work on together and if you're out there and you're like well i don't have a successful company what am i going to offer these people that are successful well there's a lot that you can offer and that's the thing is that most people think that oh yeah i'm not a millionaire what would i what value could i possibly give a millionaire i'm not someone who's successful what could i possibly give somebody who's successful one of the things that i found is that once people have hit up their goals they've checked all their box they've made all the money they've done the traveling one of the things that lights them up the most is helping somebody else succeed it's passing it passing it along paying it forward for people who are in the same situation so don't think that you don't have any value to give your mentors because once you start getting mentors you'll find what it is like to be able to help somebody that's further on the process than you and also be helped by someone that's further along in the process in you you know there's two different types of mentors that i always talk about number one is paid and number two is free and you can figure out i think there's value to both of them right so i have a lot of friends that are that are great mentors of mine that i don't pay them anything and we brainstorm and i help them they help me and they're free mentors but they don't feel obligated for me to succeed you know they want me to succeed but there's no obligation on their side to have me succeed but i also have paid mentors that i pay and when you pay somebody there is more of a feeling of obligation and also more of a consistent meeting up process like with my mentors that i pay we meet every single week so if you have a mentor or if you have a coach that you hire we meet every single week so it's consistent every seven days we're talking we're working through things everything seven days we're talking we're working through things and they see it as their obligation to help me succeed because i am paying them a good amount of money to be able to do so and so that's the difference between a paid mentor and a free mentor i find value in both of them so that's number five number six is positive self-talk and you know we're not born just super positive people well pro actually let me reverse that we're born positive people then the world kind of destroys it out of us and we have to go and refine that positivity and so you're not going to wake up every single day and just be super excited to go and take on the day but how can you start talking to yourself in a way that motivates you to start moving forward and taking more action how can you start talking yourself and building yourself up you know it's it's a lot it's it's hard enough to succeed in this world it's even harder when you have someone talking in your ear the entire time and that's what a lot of people are doing is constantly talking to themselves and so how can you build up a a system of positive self-talk to be more intentional with all of the talk that you do inside of your own head you know i uh i gave this example a few years ago i made a video where i had a big bucket of water and just clear glass that it was in and there was a bunch of dirt that we put into it and if you put another bucket of if you put you know a cup of clear water inside a bucket of dirt it doesn't change it much if you put another cup of clear water inside a bucket of dirt with water doesn't change much but if you take a garden hose and you put that garden hose and it's constantly flowing and constantly flowing eventually the garden hose is going to move the water so much that it eventually moves all of the dirt out that dirt is equivalent to all the negative thoughts that are inside of your head and so when you look at it you go it's not about like thinking positive sometimes or having a couple positive thoughts it's like how can i freaking brainwash myself to be positive all day every single day like it's intentional it's all day it's all day it's all day it's all day when i notice myself sleeping and saying something negative myself i pull myself back so you got to ask yourself what part of your self-talk needs improving that's number six number seven is they don't worry about failure failure does not exist in the mind of a successful person failure does not exist until you've completely given up on something and that goes into number eight which i'll talk about in just a minute but when they look at quote unquote failures as most people would call them they don't see them as failures they just see it as falling oh i messed up and a person that's successful they failed more times than the average person has succeeded and failed together like it's just like they have they fail and they fail and they film in the creator of honda says that success is just 99 failure so a person that's successful looks at failure and what a normal person sees failure and just sees it as uh it's just you know the universe showing me this is in the right path got to move i gotta change i gotta take a detour the destination does not change the route just might change a little bit there might be a little bit of a detour to get to where i wanna go and so they don't worry about failure they don't think about the missed shots they think about how they're going to make the next shots you know if it's like the quote with michael jordan where he says you know i've failed so many times i've missed thousands and thousands of shots i've had the game on the line and i've missed the shots during the game on the line and i failed over and over and over again but that is why i succeed so how can you realize that in order to succeed you're gonna have to fail a lot of times along the way just don't let it stop you which then goes into number eight which is they just don't stop they just don't stop they decide what it is that they want and they decide that they're either gonna get there or they're gonna die trying you know if you wanna know the secret to success is just outlast everyone in your industry because most people are gonna give up along the way the majority of your competitors are going to give up i guarantee you that so if you just don't stop you'll eventually acquire the skills you'll eventually acquire the knowledge and you'll eventually acquire whatever it is that you need to be more successful than everybody else is out there and so if you make the the decision in your head it doesn't matter what happens it doesn't matter how many times i fall it doesn't matter how many times i talk negative myself it doesn't matter how many times i mess up it doesn't matter because i'm going to continue to improve and continue to get better and i'm not going to stop eventually you will be successful that's just the way that it goes when you look at the list of people who have failed like massive successes in this world but they failed over and over and over and over and over again if you look at the list of abraham lincoln how many times he failed and all the crap that he went through in his life and then he became president of the united states you know you start to realize oh man a lot of very successful people end up failing tons of times along the way the only difference is they don't allow their failures to get in the way of the success that's about to come they don't let their failures stop them from going on the path that they're on the destination stays the same they just continue to make different detours so you gotta ask yourself and this is a question i want you to think of how different would your life be if you just didn't stop if you know if you if you didn't give up on that thing that you gave up on years ago how different would your life be right now think about that hey thanks so much for watching this video if you want to learn even more about mastering your mind click right here and watch this video as well what would your life look like today what would your mind look like today what would your body look like today if you never gave up on that thing that you gave up on 10 years ago your life would be vastly different but the problem is you gave up on it you
Channel: Rob Dial
Views: 416,194
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rob Dial, Rob Dial interview, Rob Dial motivation, Mindset mentor, growth mindset, success mindset, mindset motivation, self help, self improvement, self development, personal development, inspiration, motivation, motivational video, inspirational video, success habits, high performance habits
Id: ZhGFx81ByHc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 9sec (969 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 11 2022
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