3 Life Changing Books To Read In 2023

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so you want to make this the best year of your life right and you think to yourself if I want to make this the best year of my life I should probably read some books but then that comes with a question what books should I read well me personally I've read over 200 books in the past 17 years non-fiction books from science books to success books to business books to spirituality books to money books and if I were to go back and only read three books to make it the best year of my life these are the three books that I would read and I'm going to give you my favorite takeaways from each of these books the first book Is Think and Grow Rich I can honestly say that when I read this book back in 2006 it changed my life because it made me realize that there were steps to being successful before I read this book I always thought that rich people were just Rich because they were born with something but when I first read this book I realized that there were certain steps that when I took them it would almost guarantee my success and my biggest takeaway that I want to give you from this book is the six steps to achieve any goal that's what we're going to go over right now step number one is to figure out and get very clear exactly what it is that you want and so instead of saying I want to lose weight get very clear on exactly how much weight you want to lose what you want your body fat percentage to be at hell even print out a picture of the person who has the body that you want so that you can fixate your mind on that goal the second step is to figure out exactly what you're willing to give up in order to achieve that goal so if weight loss is the goal then what you want to make sure of is what you're going to give up maybe it's sweets maybe it's alcohol maybe it's drinking on the weekends with your friends whatever it might be you need to become very clear on what you're willing to give up in order to achieve the goal that you want to achieve step number three is to figure out the exact date that you're going to hit that goal by so that you give yourself a deadline step number four is to create a definite plan that you're going to follow so if weight loss is the goal for you what it would look like is how often often you're going to work out what you're going to do in your workouts what you're going to eat and then come up with a meal plan of exactly what it's going to look like and maybe even do some meal prepping in order to get there Step number five is to develop a clear and concise statement that summarizes one two three and four this clear and concise statement would be probably a maximum of about five sentences and then step number six is to read this out loud to yourself every single morning and every single evening what I would recommend is doing something called habit stacking so while you're doing something like brushing your teeth which is something you're already doing you're going to be reading this statement to yourself every single time you get done brushing your teeth so you're going to do it in the morning and you're going to do it at night so therefore you're reminding yourself the exact plan of how you're going to hit your goal and this book is crazy to go back and read 17 years later because when I look through it almost every single page is highlighted in it's underlined it's written in and you can see that this book was just something that completely changed my entire perspective of Life the first time that I read it so read this book read it again and then read it once more the next book is the one thing by Gary Keller and Jay Papasan the reason why I recommend this book is because too many people are focused on trying to do too many things it goes back to the Chinese proverb which says if you try to chase two rabbits at one time you'll catch neither one too many people have a plan a they have a plan B and they have a plan C that's not going to work it goes back to what Will Smith said there's no reason to have a plan B Because Plan B will distract from plan a when you look at the most successful people in the world they had one plan and they put all of their eggs in one basket if you take LeBron James for instance he didn't play basketball when he was younger during the week and then play volleyball on the weekend just in case basketball didn't work out no he put all of his intentions 100 of his effort into one thing and one thing only and the reason why this book changed my life when I read it was because I had two businesses at the time one of them I had an Amazon company that was doing really well and on the other side I had my coaching business and I was putting 50 of my effort into both of them trying to make them both succeed but after reading this book I asked myself a really important question if I fast forward my life 10 years from today do I want to be known as the guy who's running an Amazon business or do I want to be known as a guy who has a coaching business and is changing people's lives that made it really easy to decide what I wanted to do I didn't want to be the Amazon guy I wanted to be the guy who was coaching people and changing people's lives so I shut down the Amazon business and I put 100 of my focus into my coaching business and that is when my business actually exploded and my biggest takeaway from this book is their focusing question and that question is what is the one thing I can do such that by doing it will make everything in my life easier or unnecessary essentially what is the biggest lever that I can pull in my life right now to make my life better because all too often we're focused on our entire to-do list versus looking at our to-do list and looking at the one thing that's going to make the biggest difference in our life and executing on that one thing on the to-do list and pushing everything else aside so if you want to be massively successful read this book and focus on one thing and one thing home in your life and the last book is a book called Talent is overrated I rarely hear people ever talking about this book but it goes back to a phrase that my very first Mentor used to always tell me hard work beats Talent when talent doesn't work hard so when you look at that phrase you can see this across many different places in life for instance if we take football as an example there's always people like JaMarcus Russell who came out was supposed to be the number one pick he was the number one pick he was supposed to be an amazing quarterback in the end of being done but you can also see other people who weren't talented but they put in the work people like Tom Brady he was picked number one 199 in the draft and became the greatest football player that's ever played why because he worked harder than everybody else reason why I love this book is because it shows you it doesn't matter how talented you are doesn't matter where you come from and it doesn't matter what your skill set is right now but if you work your butt off you can do anything that you want to in this world and my biggest takeaway from this book is something that he calls deliberate practice deliberate practice every single day and what deliberate practice is is sitting down and practicing something that is 20 outside of your skill set so for instance if you want to be an amazing guitar player when you sit down to play every day don't play what you already know play stuff that's a little bit outside of your comfort zone deliberate practice should make you be on the edge of what you're comfortable doing at all points in time that is how you improve your skill set so those are my three books that I recommend that you read this year so what's a book that I didn't mention that you think should be in this video go ahead and comment it down below so that everybody watching this video can end up getting more books to add to their list and to be honest with you I want to see your favorite books so I can add some extra books to my list as well
Channel: Rob Dial
Views: 217,362
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rob Dial, Rob Dial interview, Rob Dial motivation, Mindset mentor, growth mindset, success mindset, mindset motivation, self help, self improvement, self development, personal development, inspiration, motivational video, inspirational video, success habits, high performance habits, mindset podcast, The Mindset Mentor Podcast, Life Coach, Personal Growth, Motivation, Life Hacks, Positive Thinking, Self Love, Self Care, Positive Psychology, books, life changing books
Id: gMjkr-mU0VA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 10sec (430 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 08 2023
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