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we all remember when the original Xbox came out in 2001 for those who weren't yet with us this was a glorious time the Xbox was up against the ps2 the Nintendo GameCube and the Sega Dreamcast competition was fierce but it's safe to say the Xbox one this showdown and many aspects unique to its business model later became the industry standard as with many behemoths pride came before the fall and nowadays were not so sure the Xbox can lay claim to the throne so stick around as we vent our rage about 10 xbox fails Microsoft wants you to forget if you haven't already subscribe and like this video to support the team online only ok before we really dive into the list of xbox fails we need to air some beef immediately you'll notice throughout this list there's tremendous pressure in the video game industry to isolate its gamers each gamer needs their own account their own online subscription their own this their own that bottom line most games today require far more cash than the initial outlay $60 for the game plus 400 for the console all in to play a video game seems reasonable you may think well you know nothing Jon Snow and this is why we're kicking off this list with Microsoft's feeble attempt to make the Xbox one online only oh yeah they tried to make the Xbox one online only meaning the Xbox your four hundred dollar purchase would be worthless unless it was connected to the Internet all the time that means you need to be signed in to your Xbox Live account all the time outrageous we could hardly believe it at the time luckily the backlash was so fierce and rightly so Microsoft coward and permitted the Xbox hardware to run offline just thinking about this still makes our blood boil because we know they will eventually have their way we get it you want our money does it have to be so slap in the face obvious pistol-packing power let's get over to some games as easy as it is to really tear into Microsoft let's give them a little credit for Halo that's the first Halo on the first generation Xbox this combo was iconic the success alone launched a massive merchandising campaign as well as several web series spin-offs not to mention the film that sadly never made it to production in addition the draw was massive if you are one of the unlucky few who gambled on the ps2 after having decided between the two you probably had buyer's remorse the likes of which we've never seen halo alone was worth the console purchase and here's where we get to the pistol we wonder how many of you remember using the pistol as your primary weapon halo was all about shot placement regardless of distance the bullets traveled like lasers and so the lowly pistol became a weapon of dominance used for long distance headshots and even up close battles the halo pistol was truly one of the most unintentionally powerful weapons in the game until they changed it yeah this pistol was so powerful players would dominate with it so much so that Xbox reduced the power and later Halo games to re-establish a more fitting place on the hero our key of weaponry red ring of death oh yeah this one so far we've been using the word Xbox to refer to all iterations of the Xbox but this one is just for the Xbox 360 probably one of the biggest problems to affect the Xbox sort of like a car recall was the dreaded red ring of death although lots of players were lucky enough to encounter this issue within their warranty period many were not basically it's just death your Xbox just dies with little to no warning it was a huge fail because we all like to be mindful of our money but with the red ring of death nothing says wasted money like a $400 piece of trash to top it all off this case was never formally solved either it's a problem stemming from a variety of reasons many people speculated about the origins of this issue and we're sure some may have cured their xbox but honestly who knows did you ever attempt the penny trick as a last resort let us know in the comments section since we're thinking about it this may have been a problem Microsoft simply brushed under the rug we know Xboxes don't have a red ring anymore so it makes us wonder the original controller who doesn't remember playing halo when it first came out with the original Xbox controller we certainly remember it was very how can we say different and by different we mean huge as in freakishly huge especially in the center where there's this large bulbous Xbox logo which is exactly what you'd want according to Microsoft in 2001 a giant Xbox logo in the middle of prime controller Real Estate's the controller was a surprising step backwards we were blown away by the Nintendo 64 controller and given this controller was released five years earlier it seemed like a no-brainer the Xbox controller would be equally mind-blowing it was not how wrong we were it wasn't game-changing at all in fact shortly after releasing the product into the wild it was replaced by the S controller we know today while the controller did take some getting used to it was more than playable in the end it wasn't bad by any means but it was a total letdown in the end we would have liked to see the Xbox launch with a controller more like the n64 or the S controller not the Dreamcast who knows though this thing will probably end up as a collector's item soon enough smart glass all right we have to come clean here we've been researching the Xbox SmartGlass and this thing was such a massive fail we still have no idea what it's for don't get us wrong we understand the idea it allows users to connect their smartphone tablet and Xbox together so that players can receive specific content on those devices in theory sounds great it certainly sounds like a more immersive game playing experience we're picking up a Minority Report style vibe combined with just regular 21st century technology all in the comfort of our basements sounds great how could this possibly go wrong well it was pretty obvious actually smartphone operating systems are the worst plain and simple fragmentation is rife how could they ever expect to have the correct interface for the correct mobile device with the correct software version pretty much impossible secondly they launched the smart glass on the Xbox 360 in 2012 ambitious considering we can't really do it well even in 2017 and lastly it was simply impractical using a phone and a TV in a larger Nintendo 3ds way maybe but customers said no thanks at first we questioned how these decision-makers got their jobs but then we realized who cares it was a hilarious waste of money nothing more Xbox Kinect this should probably be number one because it still brings a chuckle to our faces we get it the Kinect was released near the time of the Wii offering similar motion controlled abilities but it wasn't the best effort although the we did very well selling over a hundred million units despite being a novelty purchase for many it never penetrated the serious gaming market that is the Xbox customer we're guessing some of our readers remember the activator for the Sega Genesis on mortal kombat there's only so many times I can do a flying kick and you'd think Xbox would have picked up on this obvious fact in addition besides the awful spelling Microsoft got a little too creepy though they tried there was no sugarcoating the fact that your Kinect was always on always listening many users had difficulty accepting this basically the Kinect was just a recording device for $100 and in this age of sharing location data you can never be sure lastly let's not forget the strange capabilities of the Kinect camera itself not only can it record your movements in total darkness it also seems to be picking up strange entities from beyond the grave yeah many users are catching ghosts on their Kinect who would have thought Xbox one launch somebody probably got fired over this do you remember the Xbox one launch we certainly do because it was a total abomination when the Xbox one initially launched it was bundled with the Kinect there was no other way to purchase the Xbox one other than with the Kinect so if you wanted the Xbox one you had to purchase this creepy recording device as well if this setback wasn't enough the Xbox one was priced a hundred dollars higher than the ps4 because apparently it's important we pay for things we don't want because of these factors many people purchase the ps4 over the Xbox one and Microsoft lost tremendous amounts of money in the initial sales given that the ps4 was the underdog Sony made a strong push for sales and quite frankly by not being creepy they were able to teach Microsoft a lesson shortly after the losses became too much microsoft relaunched the Xbox one without the Kinect for $100 less and sales came roaring back looking back at this scenario that consumers really stepped up in a big way this example is a great illustration of consumers voting with their dollars if something's not right don't buy it they'll be forced to listen sooner or later updates if you've purchased an Xbox one or ps4 you know all too well about this massive fail and it's ongoing yep we're talking about installation and update waiting times and nowhere in sight is there a solution has Microsoft ever even acknowledged this fact if there was a fail Xbox wishes you'd forget most it would definitely be this one gone are the days of buying a video game and playing it immediately gone are the days of instant gratification nowadays when you put a disc in you can expect to not play for the next several hours those lengthy hours long installation and update times are so brutal it's laughably ridiculous we've heard horror stories about some installation times that in combination with updates have gone on for over 12 hours in fairness it partly depends on your internet connection though when thinking about this issue it was never a problem with the original Xbox so we have to ask has graphic technology really outgrown the development of CPU technology external HD DVD player oh yeah we forgot about this one completely this is another example of corporate greediness getting a taste of what it deserves if you were one of those who bought the Xbox 360 we bet you were surprised when you found out the DVD player was actually incapable of playing HD DVDs even though this console set you back far more than any HD DVD player available at the time you still had to buy their peripheral in order to watch HD movies simply infuriating we bet most people were surprised by this one because they would have assumed of course that their latest purchase supports the latest technology wrong we know HD DVDs were all the rage at the time and Microsoft surely must have thought people would be lining up to fork over $200 for an external HD DVD player but they were wrong we remember this and we remember thinking what a slap in the face well if you were hoping for some justice Sony had your back luckily they're competing console had blu-ray standard and that may have actually led to the eventual dominance of blu-ray / HD everything's for sale for the devoted Xbox LIVE as this one's for you does it seem like over the years the Xbox has become increasingly aggressive and demanding money for features that should otherwise be free it started off with the servers at the time PlayStation and Xbox were pioneering online multiplayer and while the PlayStation was free the Xbox cost money sure the money went to purchase dedicated servers but is this really the case anymore now it's the industry standard so we can expect online multiplayer to always cost money moving forward focusing on the hardware we've seen Xbox intentionally restrict features such as the arcade Xbox 360 bundle to the point where it's unplayable literally or where they unnecessarily burden the product with undesirable features like the Kinect forcing you to purchase peripherals you otherwise wouldn't isn't good business add on map packs in game purchases rising costs for Xbox Live and we have to ask when will the Xbox return to gaming's routes you know when it was about getting together with your buddies and playing Goldeneye double-oh-seven on the n64 until 4:00 a.m. we missed those days Sony has done a lot of great things over the years with the PlayStation there have been John redefining hits great franchises and systems people still remember fondly however for every great achievement there's been an embarrassing failure and boy does PlayStation have a lot of those the sixaxis snafu motion controls were all the rage back then a few console generations ago everyone was blown away by the weed's revolutionary motion control design Sony was developing something similar with motion controls for their new ps3 controllers well they didn't work as well as the Wiis tight and responsive motion controls sixaxis was buggy and imprecise and worse yet developers had no idea what to do with these controls the original Uncharted game tried to utilize the motion controls by mapping a flick command to throw grenades for balance when walking across ledges but it didn't pan out what made all of this even worse was the fact that Sony tried to sell this feature at the expense of having a rumble feature they claimed the rumble would interfere with the motion controls but gamers saw right through that they looked at the Wii which seemed to handle both motion controls and rumble features so gamers didn't believe Sony for a second the sixaxis feature was largely ignored and a similar more improved controller would not come out until the ps4's DualShock so PlayStation gamers could finally have competent motion controls and Rumble features the PS Vita so here's a neat little experiment you can do next time you're out and about count the number of kids you see playing with PS Vita's then compare that to the amount of PS Vita games you find at your local game store what does this prove it proves no one plays with a PS Vita and it's kind of Sony's fault on paper the PS Vita looks like a great piece of tech and it only makes sense that there would be a successor to the PSP however the PSP was a success despite Sony's efforts not because of them by and large Sony didn't market the PSP to American audiences as hard as it did to the native Japanese markets because of this the PS Vita lives in relative obscurity in North America the lack of first party games didn't help the launch of the PS Vita either as most of the games available at the time were very lackluster consider also the horrible memory card system instead of using SD cards like most systems Sony sold specialized PS Vita memory cards that you had to buy separately and as you might have guessed they were not cheap these issues coupled with Sony's large and DIF to selling handhelds led to the PS Vita being largely ignored by gamers VI toy we all like to bag on Xbox Kinect for being a gimmicky product it never works the way it was advertised none of the games for it were good and the fact that was always on when plugged in scared the crap out of us of course many gamers forgot about the predecessor to the Kinect the PlayStation I toy if you want to talk about cheap gimmicky products for game consoles look no further people often overlook the I toy because of its short shelf life and lack of support the best modern-day comparison to the I toy would be an Instagram augmented reality feature it was cheap fun and not really well developed it came to a point where Sony themselves admitted they had no long-term plans for the I toy admitting to what players had been saying for years they need buttons whether it's a mouse and keyboard or a controller the player needs to have some sort of input for the game they're playing if you have them waving their arms around wildly they have no feedback on what they're doing and it can be a complete disconnect from the game thankfully we found a great middle ground with the emerging VR systems that are out PlayStation Move you know how the old saying goes if at first you don't succeed try try again except maybe don't we talked about how the ps3s motion control system was dead on arrival due to developers not using it and the system itself being unreliable well Sony wasn't gonna give up on the idea of motion control they took a page out of Nintendo's book and decided to model controllers after the iconic wiimotes and the result was the PlayStation Move these black wands with glowing balls on the end seemed to function similarly to the wiimotes but there was one major problem Sony had missed the boat the year was 2010 and people were beginning to see motion controls as a trend a dying one at that and as a result they moved on Nintendo would move on to the Wii U which moved away from motion controls and favorite traditional gameplay Sony was left with these odd-looking wands with next to no appeal or support there is hope though the move controllers are compatible with PlayStation VR so there might be a chance to redeem the move let's hope that the move isn't a to times failure and gamers can at least get their money's worth the ps3 wireless keyboard typing on a controller sucks we'll never understand why game developers think it's a good idea for players to manually type out a message using the on-screen keyboard even entering in a player name can be a tedious task using a controller so the natural answer to this was to release an attachable wireless keyboard that would allow players to text comfortably just like a cell phone because hey texting was a thing back in the ps3 era for all intents and purposes it made sense to combine the two the thing is it only works well sometimes the ps3 had an attachment much like the Xbox 360 but there was just one problem it was in the wrong place you see unlike the Xbox attachment which locked in on the bottom of the controller for easy access the ps3 is locked on top near the shoulder buttons you either needed to adjust your grip or have freakishly long thumbs to utilize the ps3 attachment effectively even more it didn't hook into the controller it was attached via a clamp that locked on top so although it didn't drop power from the controller it wasn't always the most secure or reliable piece of tech thankfully we've all moved on from this attachment and use voice chat or the messages app on our phones PlayStation Home in the mid to late 2000 social media platforms were getting there starts so everyone was trying to get on the bandwagon Facebook was just beginning to pick up steam Twitter was an almost unheard-of concept Instagram was a new place for pictures of food PlayStation was no exception when they launched PlayStation home in 2008 home was meant to be a 3d social media game much like half-life was the idea seemed fine enough but pretty soon there were some cracks first of all having players pay real-life money for what was essentially useless cosmetics and furniture for their virtual home didn't sit well with the main audience beyond microtransactions the program itself never left beta it came out in 2008 but it didn't get past the second stage in development and stayed in perpetual beta until it was canned in 2015 players also complained about the buggy interface and lack of any real options aside from personalizing your own avatar their apartment and a public hub for you and your friends there just wasn't a whole lot to do in the world of PlayStation home now consoles have largely abandoned large social media platforms with the exception of Nintendo they still use the me avatars for a lot of their games layer ok this will be the last time we mentioned motion controls on this list but I think it's time we bring all of these issues together and give you some context when we said the sixaxis was an unusable thrashing mechanic that developers didn't know how to use we neglected to mention layer what is layer well it was a game where you play as a knight who rides a dragon okay we're already hooked this was promised to be one of the flagship franchises of the PlayStation but there was just one small problem for the first run of the game you could only play using motion control so instead of using the tried-and-true analog controls the player had to awkwardly twist and turn their controllers and try to control their dragons although the game was quickly patched so players could use their analog sticks it wasn't the default and by the time the patch was made aware of it was already too late the game never really took off and to this day people mostly point to it as a reminder of how fundamentally broken the motion controls were of course with the advent of VR now would be a good time to revitalize layer 5 99 that's all we really need to say really any veteran gamer will remember before the launch of the ps3 sony announced that it would be set at a whopping 499 and 599 dollar price tag keep in mind that before this they were coming off the success of the PlayStation 2 which for all intents and purpose was the king of that generations console wars needless to say people were shocked for $4.99 gamers got a 20 gig ps3 and for a hundred more they could get a 60 gig one the cheaper ps3 also lacked several features the more expensive one had at the time Sony was gonna sell their newest system $200 and $300 higher than their ps2 it was also about $100 more expensive than Microsoft's Xbox 360 maybe Sony thought they could get away with making the price so high but it clearly didn't last long as most of you will remember the price for the ps3 was soon slashed following the release although many people would think that this high price tag would deter buyers Sony made a killing come holiday season when the console dropped today we remember that time very well and often ask ourselves how could we even think of dropping $600 for a ps3 III 2006 III is arguably the biggest gaming conference of the summer although today there are more gaming conferences back in the day it was all about e3 during this time new consoles were announced game trailers were dropped and tech demos were aplenty however in summer of 2006 Sony had a very special press conference we just talked about the absurd 599 price tag but this goes beyond that during the press conference Sony would go on to make the stuff of legend game demos were either missing or not good demonstrations for the PlayStation controller were nothing short of a disaster the entire conference was topped by a now legendary moment known only as the giant enemy crab for those unaware the giant enemy crab refers to an enemy in the game Genji days of the blade during the demo a spokesperson from Sony talked about how the game was based on the real historical battles of ancient Japan and just as he said that a giant crab appeared on the screen as an enemy the moment has been turned into a meme ever since as the entire conference became a cautionary tale filled with what not to do at a video game conference the PSN hack oh boy this is the big one the entries before covered Hardware flubs as well as PR and marketing failures but this was a serious issue about 6 years ago the PlayStation Network was hacked and the personal data of 77 million users was leaked and or compromised this was the largest attack of its kind in the history of console gaming and to say it had repercussions is an understatement anonymous the large hacktivist group took credit for the hack and leading up to the break had attacked send servers relentlessly crippling the online service for dates the reason for all this anonymous didn't agree with the legal action Sony took against George Geo shot hawks he had released information on how to run pirated games and home brute software on the PlayStation systems to anonymous the fact that Sony would take action against hots for bringing this information to the public needed to be answered with swift action and so they attacked anonymous attack twice in 2011 which caused irreparable damage to Sony and the consumers trust and said company the story's far too big to keep into just one piece in this video so we provided a link to the full story in the description and those were some of Sony's most embarrassing PlayStation fails did you know of any PlayStation fails we might have missed if so let us know down in the comments don't forget to subscribe to the gamer for more engaging videos on the games you love [Music]
Channel: TheGamer
Views: 1,538,096
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: xbox mistakes, xbox fail, xbox biggest mistakes, microsoft fail, xbox failures, xbox fails, 10, List, Fun, Funny, Family, Kids, Friends, Video, Movies, Popular, Entertaining, Entertainment, Video Games, Games, Glitch, Hidden, Nintendo, video game fail, video game mistakes, playstation fail, playstation fails, playstation mistakes, sony fail, sony fails, playstation biggets mistakes, sony failures, ps 4, ps4 fail, xbox one fail, xbox one mistakes, ps 4 mistakes
Id: hj2rWwho3MA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 32sec (1352 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 29 2017
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