8 Habits That Are Actually Good For You

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[Music] get ready to pull my finger and hold your nose eight gross habits that are actually good for you there are some pretty gross habits that just stick to us and no matter how much we want to get rid of them it's just so dang hard to but maybe these habits aren't so bad after all let's see what disgusting things you probably do everyday that are actually good for you but before we start don't forget to subscribe to our Channel and turn on notifications so that you won't miss any of our new videos counting down from number eight peeing in the shower well it's something we never admit to but most if not all of us do it according to Glamour magazine they surveyed a thousand women and asked them different questions including whether or not they pee in the shower and guess what nearly 75% of the poll takers confessed to having done it at least once in their life so is it something we should be ashamed of or is it totally fine well believe it or not the second option is more accurate the uric acid and ammonia in your pee can help prevent fungal growth around your toes not so bad huh also if you choose to urinate while taking a shower yeah you could save money on your water bill and your toilet paper looks like it's surprisingly practical as well number seven spitting it's never attractive when someone just launches their saliva on the ground every five minutes and if it's done at in public spitting is downright disgusting and incredibly annoying there is one exception though when it's actually healthy appropriate and even necessary and that's when you're exercising more specifically in this situation spitting can help you breathe more easily you see we usually breathe through our nose since doing this warms up moistens and cleans the air we take in allowing the body to absorb oxygen more efficiently but when we work out we tend to breathe through our mouths and this causes it to produce more saliva that interferes with normal breathing so it's perfectly fine to get rid of the excess mucus produced from exercising by spitting it out ah just as you'd expect to rate but in other cases it's better to kick this awful habit as soon as possible [Music] number six chewing gum even though constantly chewing gum isn't that great of a habit to have in moderation it's not that bad gum doesn't have any nutritional benefits true but different studies have shown that there are actually some good things you can get out of gum besides bubbles after conducting an experiment on the subject psychologists at st. Lawrence University concluded that chewing gum helps you study and is good for test taking even better than caffeine and that's because chewing gum helps you focus sharpens your memory reduces stress and balances your hormones by raising your cortisol levels that's way too many advantages in exchange for looking like a cow chewing their cud so next time you're cramming for an exam or working on a huge work project choose some gum it'll help you get the job done number five and my personal favorite farting maybe this one isn't exactly a habit since it's simply a bodily function but that doesn't mean it's not embarrassing or quotes when one slips out especially if you're not alone in a perfect world our body wouldn't humiliate us like this but it's really not as bad as it seems in fact farting is really important you might not know this but your body passes gas about 14 times a day and approximately three to five times while you sleep you see your digestive tract starts producing carbon dioxide and methane about six hours after eating and farting helps your body get rid of these gases so if you usually try to hold your farts in you might want to stop doing that holding the gas in can easily cause abdominal pain and bloating plus if you rip a big one regularly it means that the bacteria in your gut which happens to power your immune system are healthy and getting all the nutrients they need hey it's a good sign so here pull my finger if you please number four burping so if it's not coming out of one end it's coming out the other burping has almost become a party staple among some social circles in fact did you know that there's a world burping Federation that holds international burping championships yelp you can even find a video on YouTube with one of the winners delivering an astonishing 18 second long burp good for him but some of us are still a little embarrassed by belching but letting a good burp out after you've had a huge meal is nothing you should be ashamed of it's actually good for your stomach since it helps relieve all that gaseous pressure inside suppressing a belch and keeping gas inside your stomach on the other hand may cause gastric acid to splash up into your gullet which can then trigger chest pain however if you notice that you're burping too much throughout the day well that's not a good sign either in this case you should see a doctor immediately as it might be a symptom of acid reflux [Music] number 3 biting your nails nail biting is another really common habit that seems to magically make us feel better whenever we're stressed out of course it's disgusting and dirty but it's also good for you when you bite your nails you consume some of the bacteria on and underneath them sure that sounds downright nasty but in fact this causes your immune system to start producing white blood cells that help fight these bacteria your body also registers these bacteria in its memory bank so if you encounter a certain strand again you'll already have the lymphocytes capable of beating it so really it kind of means that we're doing our system a favor by biting our nails plus a study published in the journal Pediatrics concluded that kids who suck their thumbs or nibble their nails are less likely to suffer from allergies hmm I guess nail biting isn't that bad after all and number two wait a minute is this almost really number two picking your nose and eating your boogers says it right here okay I think we can all agree that this is the worst habit on the list so far you're probably thinking there's absolutely no way that picking your nose and consuming what comes out on your finger can possibly be good for you but it is according to a study published by the American Society for Microbiology and conducted by scientists from different universities including Harvard really they have time for this eating boogers may actually help boost your immune system since they contain salivary mucins that can fight cavity causing bacteria I thought it was just like nasal recycling basically when you dig for gold and eat the treasures you trigger your immune system to release white blood cells in order to defend itself against a certain type of bacteria and there you go your system comes out way stronger Scott Napper a professor of biochemistry at the University of Saskatchewan and the co-author of the study even says that when you feel the urge to eat a booger you should just go with it it might be a booger to you but it's not for me and number one skipping showers taking a shower everyday keeps you clean fresh and healthy right well not exactly the truth is that if you shower every single day you wash away your body's natural oils leaving it unprotected and dry even hot water without soap can destroy tons of useful bacteria that your skin needs to stay radiant and plump and the more showers you take the worse the damage will be your hair doesn't appreciate it either showering every day dries out your scalp and can lead to dandruff but even more surprising it can also cause your hair to become extremely oily since your body will start pumping out more of its own oils to overcompensate for the sudden dryness so perhaps try to skimp on the shower from time to time you'll be happy since you get to sleep in a bit and your skin and hair will definitely appreciate it so now that we've broken down all these bad but good habits for you it's time for a disclaimer everything here should be in moderation yes we found out that eating boogers isn't all that bad but that doesn't mean you should have them for breakfast lunch and dinner it's still better to kick any habit that makes you feel bad ashamed or uncomfortable it's just that if you give in one or two times along the way don't beat yourself up for it you're not harming your body as much as you or society might think now hear this see that wasn't so bad and what about you are you ready to admit any of these bad but kind of good habits tell us in the comments below don't forget to click subscribe to stay on the bright side of life you [Music]
Views: 5,370,536
Rating: 4.851913 out of 5
Keywords: bright side, brightside, bright side videos, gross habits, what is good for you, these habits are good for you, good for your health, surprisingly good for you, stay healthy, chewing gum, farting is good for you, why do you fart, spitting good for you, peeing in the shower, burping good for you, picking your nose, eating boogies is good for you, skipping shower is good for you, biting your nails is good for you, biting nails
Id: dOmCf2iPz1g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 38sec (638 seconds)
Published: Mon May 21 2018
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