8 Garden Products That I WASTED My Money On

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I love it! This guy is wonderful. I’m going to check out his other videos.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/DawnEveryDay 📅︎︎ Nov 05 2020 🗫︎ replies
looking good keep it up I celebrate a lot of my successes on this channel and rightly so I mean people love to know what works but not everything is beer and skittles g'day i'm mark from self-sufficiently and i don't know what skittles are but in this video I'm gonna give you eight garden products that I totally wasted my money on let's get into it [Music] my wife reckons I've wasted our money on more than eight so if this video does well we might have to make a sequel number one cheap whipper snipper no this isn't it the one I'm talking about is the Balmer all-in-one whipper snipper brush cutter should be called the bomber I got it off eBay and it came with a bonus safety pack which was really insulting because it looked like they were designed as replicas for a six-year-olds toy set hey Dad I look just like you my bomber whipper snipper worked okay to begin with and it did have plenty of power but it was so heavy you needed arms like Hulk Hogan to lift it lucky for me I do and apart from the weight it was cheaply made a bugger to start and broke down on my second use I think you can still pick them up for about 160 bucks on eBay Australia or you could just go to the dump and dig around you might find mine I paid a whopping three hundred and twenty-nine dollars a few years back anyway I lashed out and got myself a still and it still works like a champ I've got a full review on my website links below if you want more info on the Balmer multi-tool but take it from me only one will just frustrate the hell out of you - plastic covered greenhouse yeah it's in the name really isn't it of course plastic coverings don't last in the subtropics this was such a good deal that I got conned twice I mean they're really cheap and that's probably why they don't last very long and also why I had to recover hours just to get a bit longer life out of them yeah you can buy the aftermarket plastic replacement covers but I decided to cover ours in shade cloth that one black that one white because it lasts longer than one season as you can see I'm not using them much now anyway they're more like storage areas but if I did decide to buy another greenhouse I would lash out and get one with a stronger panel or cover and made from alloy so it wouldn't rust as easily number three slide together raised garden beds too good to be true put together in five minutes yeah right took me at least 40 minutes to put it together and then about that long for it to fall apart again the plastic posts should have been a warning sign but the old UV safe clouded my judgment great idea poor design the post should be alloy and the lugs or grooves much bigger so it can't easily bust apart I should have just got a birdís garden bed or made my own rather than falling for the too good to be true cheap fast and nasty option for fabric or paper fruit protection bags this isn't one of them it's one of the good guys but do you know the saying could fight your way out of a wet paper bag well you try keeping a possum out of ripping into a wet lightweight fabric bag covering a GC mango like this one no chance those types of bags and also the paper bags might be good for the environment but as soon as it rains or the Sun hits them they disintegrate however these stronger nylon bags with this big juicy mango inside of it all my homemade ones made out of nylon flyscreen ah a better option even if the flying foxes do manage to suck the fruit through the strong mesh they simply don't have time to suck them all but those soft fabric or paper bags really do suck and I've said suck too many times number five is a plant brew Kyle again it seemed like a good idea at the time a cross between Kyle and brussel sprouts and for a few months all was going well the brew Kyle plants grew and they grew and they kept on growing but they never produced little brew Kyle heads like they were supposed to that was two years ago and I still have them in the garden but in the end the problem is that our cooler season isn't cold enough for long enough for the plants to crop so they get close and then it gets too hot again and they die back the ironic thing about it is I don't even like Brussels sprouts number 6 solar water pump aka irrigator or water wand I got this back in 2015 for around 180 dollars and just over 12 months out of warranty of course it failed so I wrote an email to the business owner and seller only to be told that this is to be expected and they recommend you buy a replacement pump and battery kit every 12 to 18 months how much is a replacement kit you ask $40 yes that's right you're supposed to fork out 40 bucks every 12 months just to keep this product running now that wasn't written on the packet was it I left this unit on top of that water tank as a reminder of what an idiot I was it's a real shame because I found this product very useful when it worked as a set and forget mini drip irrigation system able to pump water from any tank container or even a bucket I would have been happy if I got five years use out of it I probably would have even been happy enough to purchase another one if it lasted say another five years but I'm not gonna waste money on a product that I have to keep cropping up every 12 months however I have noticed another similar product on eBay for a much lower price and seemingly more features so I'm considering buying one to check it out I'm a glutton for punishment aren't I seven is an grow wetter soil professional speaking about cheap stuff this isn't twenty seven bucks per ten kilos I purchased this several years ago and kept the bucket to see if this product would help to slow down evaporation of the soil in our potted plants especially through summer as they can dry out so quickly whether soil professional soil wetter granular is an easy-to-use wetting agent for Gardens lawns and potted plants each granule is impregnated with a concentrated low toxicity wetting agent low toxicity not no toxicity not organic ooh truthfully I never noticed any significant difference in water retention or penetration a smarter way would be to dig in some compost or manure for a better result yes you guessed it and grow whether soil professional is about as useful as lips on a chicken hopefully I'll get some use out of the bucket though another thing that's been gathering dust in the shed is this little fella number eight electric shredder the selling points for this was quiet operation those palm fronds small ones obviously and doesn't use fossil fuels at the time I used to hire a chipper when I wanted but I still needed something to do the smaller jobs around the garden and because it had okay reviews I dropped three hundred bucks on it in reality instead of shredding it kind of crashes and it's not very portable unless you have a long extension cord and of course anything more than about an inch wide and you've got some drama fitting it through there lucky for me I now have this beast thanks to Hanza now if I had my time over again and I couldn't afford a machine like this what I would or should have done was grab one of the models below this cuz still would have been a heaps better than old crusher here at the end of the day a shredder or a chipper is supposed to do just that shred and chip things apart like a crazy hungry wild animal looking for a feed well I hope you enjoyed this video give it a thumbs up share the video around and subscribe if you haven't already thanks for watching bye for now should put that in there
Channel: Self Sufficient Me
Views: 1,021,858
Rating: 4.9560161 out of 5
Id: -yPwVhNQVBg
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Length: 10min 17sec (617 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 25 2020
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