8 Exercises To Prevent Runner's Knee! | Stop Knee Pain From Running

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runner's knee is a pain in the knee that we'd all rather not have and we've made a video on what it is and how to treat it but surely prevention is better than cure right great well you're with me then this video is for you today i have eight exercises to prevent that dreaded pain in the knee knee pain is a very general term runner's knee however refers to pain at the front of the knee usually the patella or the otherwise known as the kneecap and it can arise from a sudden increase in your training general over training wearing different shoes or ones that are worn out running on a camber but generally it comes from some sort of male alignment as the patella actually moves over the rest of your knee joint there are a few things that can interfere with its tracking and it's usually a combination of muscle weakness or not firing and then muscle tightness in other areas and that's the area that we're focusing on today with this video your glutes play a vital role in running they act to extend your hip and also work on rotation and if they're not firing correctly you can actually see a hip drop on the stance phase of your running gait and that will put more pressure on your knees if it's really bad you might even see a visible sort of inward lean on your knees so they actually slightly knock knee but i'm sure you're not here to hear the detail of why it's all about the exercises that can help prevent any problems with the glutes it's the banded sidewalk otherwise known as crab walk it's really simple but you do need a elastic band or a physio band of some sort depending on how tight it is and its length you can either put it over your legs just above your knees or just above your ankles bend at the hips and your knees into a semi squat with your hips and shoulders facing forwards pop your hands on your hips just to remind them to stay in this position and then simply sidestep in one direction for 10. try to make it as smooth as possible and keep your shoulders level as you're going return for 10 in the other direction back to your starting point and you'll soon know if you've got it right as you'll feel the burn repeat it a total of two to three sets [Music] this is the good old jane fonda exercise famous for those 80s exercise videos but still an exercise not to be sniffed at it's going to be working your hip in external rotation so a slightly different part of your glutes but it's still going to be adding to the burn from earlier so lie with your back to a wall to ensure that you're staying at 90 degrees to the ground have your knees slightly bent and your top hand just resting on your hips make sure your hips and shoulders are facing the wall in front of you and they remain so throughout the exercise resting the top foot on the bottom foot lift that top knee and rotate it upwards keeping the foot and hip as still as possible it's important to focus on this small movement and not allow any other movements to compensate try to do 12 to 15 twice through on either side and if it's really easy you can simply pop a band around just above your knees for added resistance [Music] i mentioned earlier that poor firing glutes can actually lead to your hips dropping during the stance phase of your gait and if you've ever seen a picture of yourself running especially when you're tired if you notice one of those pictures that looks really unflattering when you're standing on one leg or you're you're on that stance phase of the running gate but your knee is slightly bent still that's all fine but then if you look at your hips and it looks like you're collapsing into the other side so you're about to sit in a chair that's not too great if you watch the pros you're unlikely to be able to see them in that same position so to counteract that we want to find a step and stand parallel to the edge with one foot over the edge and one foot on the step obviously and again hold on to support if you need it and then keep facing forwards you're going to gently drop that foot and hip down so your foot's coming off the edge of the step whilst you're still keeping the weight bearing legs straight go as far as you can control so your hip is dropping down and then return to level with the standing legs you're basically dropping your hip down bringing it back up repeat 12 of these on each leg twice through sticking with the single leg theme it's the good old hip bridge lie on your back with your knees bent pop your hands on the ground beside you to start with for more control hover one foot just off the ground and then squeeze your glute as you lift your hips towards the ceiling making sure they remain level throughout lower all the way back down and repeat for eight on each side two to three times through to make it harder take your arms off the ground and if you're really ambitious then you can prop one foot onto a stool or a chair keep squeezing your glutes though as your hamstrings might try to do all of the work instead let's not get too bogged down with glutes as they aren't the only part of the puzzle when it comes to runner's knee as a very small but significant muscle called vastus medialis oblique which you might actually have heard of it as a vmo and it's a small muscle that sort of runs diagonally and sits just above your knee on the inside and this is key in getting your patella your kneecap to track correctly in that femoral growth groove so tracking up and down in a sort of pretty much straight line this is a relatively straightforward exercise and isn't going to be very difficult to do but it's really working on activation so you're going to sit with your legs out straight in front of you with a towel or something similar just underneath your knee so you've got a very slight bend and then i want you focusing on your kneecap you can do one at a time and think of trying to pull your kneecap up towards your body in a straight line as you do that you'll naturally straighten your leg and once you're in that position hold it for 10 seconds that contraction relax do it on the other side and repeat 10 in total this is a more dynamic exercise that's going to activate the vmo but it's also going to involve quite a few other muscles and no surprises yep your glutes too proper physio ball exercise ball whatever you want to call it behind you and lean against the wall standing with your feet just a little bit wider than hip width apart squat down keeping your back parallel to the wall and watch your knees that they're tracking straight out in front of you not wobbling in or out and once you've dropped down into that 90 degree position at the knees the hips and the ankles then push back up to standing still focusing on the knees and complete this for a target of eight reps three sets through [Music] when certain areas are over tight it can cause your muscles to become lazy or even switch off which in result can end up as incorrect or inefficient movement at your joints and your quads and hip flexors can have this effect on your patella and on your knee pain so when we go through these stretches just want you to remember that please just do them after you've done a run or your muscles are naturally warm anyway the basic quad stretch is still one of the best as long as you do it correctly so for this you want to just be in standing and again you might want a wall for support so you can really focus on doing the movement correctly make sure your hips remain level and your pelvis does not tip forward this bit is key so try to picture tucking your tummy in and bringing your pelvic bone towards your belly button so you're rotating it backwards if you've done this correctly then your starting posture will naturally isolate the quads take your foot into your hand of the leg that you're going to be stretching gradually pull your foot towards your bottom hold for a minimum of 30 seconds and then swap and repeat on the other side to move this stretch further up the front of your legs into your hip flexors you're going to simply take a lunge step forwards and if you want to intensify the stretch a little bit further you can place your back foot up onto something a little bit higher and once you're in that split standing position gently lower the back knee towards the ground keeping your hips and shoulders facing forwards if you can do it in front of a mirror that's brilliant and you should feel this at the front of your thigh but much higher up this time again hold for at least 30 seconds on either side that is a pretty comprehensive list i'm aware and i'm not expecting you to include all of those but work out which ones you need and if you are prone to having anterior knee pain then you are going to need to do a selection as i'm afraid it's not just one exercise that will solve your problems but play around with it and find the exercises that you know you can commit to doing regularly in a nice routine and hopefully this has been helpful you've enjoyed it if so give us a like you can subscribe to us on youtube by hitting the globe and you can also follow us on our social media channels
Channel: Global Triathlon Network
Views: 58,136
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: running, runner, runn, run, prehab, prehabilitation, rehab, rehabilitation, conditioning, knee, knee pain, runners knee, pain, S&C, strength and conditioning, stretch, stretch workout, workout, injury, injured, muscle activation, activation, stability, stability training, prevention, GTN, Global Triathlon Network, triathlon, Triathlon (Sport), tri, ironman, Sports, swimbikerun, triathlon training, triathlon skills, iron man, tri bike, triathlete, swimming, cycling, training, skills, coaching, Ꮯ, 4280, Ꮴ, Ꮽ, Ᏹ, Ꮲ, ꔣ, К, ፕ2
Id: h48uFIgoP44
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 4sec (544 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 25 2021
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