8. Diamond Aircraft – A Behind the Scenes of how an Aircraft is Built

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[Music] so [Music] [Music] hello guys i'm glad to see you on my youtube channel andrey bryce about aviation and today we're shooting the video on diamond aircraft from austria vienna and today i would like to show you the whole product line of diamond aircraft the airplanes diamond d40 diamond d42 diamond d62 and the flagmanship of uh production line is diamond ta-50rg retractable gear this is the newest airplane the newest model certified in 2020 and i hope you enjoy this video if you have any comments any questions please comment on below this video and as usually like share and subscribe let's go [Music] [Applause] this is not a assembly line a linear assembly line but we work with workstation every workstation is creating something and so this is very important to keep into consideration while moving forward all the pieces will come together at a later stage of the preliminary assembly what i want to show you is actually this is carbon fiber one roll of this is an airplane so a d862 is 97 carbon and the three percent is additional material for example you have the wire frame you have the landing gear da42 is around 75 carbon and you have another 20 of fiberglass then you have a da40 which is majority uh fiberglass okay so and just one roll no multiple rolls multiple create one aircraft okay but this is basically your aircraft nothing more nothing less together with resin glue and you have intermediate layers wow who produced this one we have multiple manufacturers okay suppliers of course they all go through the necessary authorization processes diamond was the first company in general aviation who started working composite at this level so when we started working we didn't even have the machines available in the market to do the impregnation which is the first stage and we had to build them ourselves so and it's like like a pie right so the slices slices slices slices in between some layers some glue some raisins and this is the correct so it's called a composite sandwich sandwich yes and the layers are applied at a certain thickness so multiple layers according to the design specifications you also have different technologies of resin if you notice many aircraft composite aircraft are white yeah why because you have the heat warming up the airframe so in order to reduce the heat absorption they are painted white in diamond we were the first in general aviation to apply cream technology which allow us so different resin to also have painted colors also up to 100 seats what this machine do they do sandwich or they just cut in the sizes so what they do is they cut and put the resin so all components need a certain amount of resin based on a proportion which is defined at design stage for to have optimal glue in c so the homework of this machine is to apply the resin at the given specification okay do you usually uh do this guided tour for customers yes so most of the customers who come here and buy an aircraft uh it's my privilege to show them around them around the world is something that's really appreciated for a customer to see how of course the aircraft is crazy yeah so they will take these composite sheets and lay them on the jig according to pro the appropriate layers and orientation of the layers between each other and if you look up here you will see we have laser projectors okay so the person doing the work will actually according to the measurements from this laser projector put the sheets on the jig to guarantee that everything is done at the appropriate uh how it's supposed to be done by specification high specification this goes back to our question uh are we looking at increasing production yes but it's required a lot of people right require a lot of time to train people what this stage what did what they doing right now my understanding is that here they are preparing the jig for the wings spark which takes me to the next point i want to show you this is a wing spark yeah as you probably noticed so diamond aircraft has a double spar design and we don't have a wet wing so we have an aluminium tank which is inside inside between the two sparks this is why we have leading safety records on the different categories of aircraft each single spar has proven to demonstrate the full load of the aircraft and normal operation so even if a spa is potentially broke the other one can still finally drop so it's just about adding an extra protection layer you have to really try and lift it i i try it it's really hard and strength right yeah but it's all it's all composite so it's no aluminum here no steel nothing correct this is just composite and it's extremely light it is extremely light so it's very funny when um they started projecting projecting the the a40 and all the subsequent series series what they did is um they started to evaluate okay what's the major cause of uh fatality after an accident and what we discovered was that the major cause of fatality is uh fire because the fuel spills from the town this is only one this is wind right you have two on which means two on which one and this is half on the other side you have this we will see in the finish you have the two bolts which is all together on i believe on the center wing nice the aircraft has five components two half of the airframe two wings and the vertical stabilizers actually about two wings uh the normal people who is involved in aviation they always correct me it's not two wings it's only one wing it's like okay come on this is the wing of a da42 and what you can see very well is a double spar design and the full tank slits inside so it's fully protected and out from the fuel tank you have braided lines going up to the engine which reduce any risk of uh my question if i need to replace a filter do i need to de-attach the wing yes but it's uh two bolts per spa so it's very easy any mechanic can do this i tell you more if a wing is damaged because you clash against an element and you cannot feel the repairs of composite every wing is made from the same jig so they are fully substitutable without having to really exactly just give you a call and send me left-wing serial numbers and that's it pretty much not bad this is the airframe of the a50 so each airframe has two half of the shell a male and a female part they get glued together you see it very well in the 62 airframe over there where you have this glue line between the two shells yeah and once the two shells are glued together they are like husband and wife yeah it's overlapping construction and this is the a50 this is a fuselage of the a50 and this is uh male size this is the base side because you have the overlapping part okay this is just the jig so everything you see here is only the jig there is no firewall yet not firewall component what happens here in front a metal plate will be applied that's a firewall it will be firewall here there will be a firewall here in front then we will put the cd300 and this is like panel right it's a four instrument panel behind between here and here you will have the instrument panel and here you will have your airframe and your uh windshield yeah coming out cool you need to get used to how to look at it no no i see it's a right side so i'm sitting like like this this is my left you're sitting there yes i'm sitting there and here you have your uh oxygen tank here is your luggage room this is this is my this is your centene yeah it's it's when when the other part comes this adds uh to original uh structural rigidity of the airframe when you try to move it it looks like pretty soft but when it's covered and and glued all together it's getting lighter the sum of all the equipment makes it work and gives the structure rigidity you don't have any separate lines for 62 50 40 it's all together in one place right yes because the know-how of the single person for each type of component is what allows us to to manufacture the component of a certain level of quality i see the central this is a center wing so you will have the twins what we saw before sliding into here okay this is looks like a 62 62 and you have your firewall here and your engine coming out of here so your fuselage is on top this is a 97 percent carbon inside you have a metal case for lighting strike enough to discharge all the electricity so the 62 the 42 the 50s are full fikki approved what we know now is you have the layers you put glue on you put another one and so on how does this become an airframe how does this become something solid like what we have just seen over there it comes here it's warm inside correct so this chamber is maintained at a constant temperature at a higher temperature which allows the material to cure and harden so for example we see here in these elements over here you have the wings they have just been glued together and the glue of the between the elements is hardening so here you have just all the sheets have been applied okay and what we are doing is we have sealed the jig we are applying vacuum and all the oxygen is being removed from the sandwich due to the temperature and due to these conditions it will stay here between 24 and 48 hours and when it comes out it's hard now what happens for this is time consuming so every time we are preparing a piece a component it needs to wait 24 48 hours in order to shorten these times for smaller components we put them over there in a barometric chamber where due to the higher pressure they cure in a shorter amount of time with the same temperature with the same temperature conditions please do not touch because this is a very sensitive yeah for sure if somebody will do some hole it is not going to work correct and you see this white pastry in reality inside here there are a lot of very very very small tubes in order to distribute the vacuum equally throughout the whole surface technology nice and of course when it's cold outside we come here and have a couple of years go back i want to stay in sauna correct do you have any questions so far the only one question how this central site amounted to fuselage by bolts i show it to you inside mechanic so what happens over there we saw like the components take shape we cannot just take these components and create an aircraft we need to first do some work avionic holes to fit the screen and we do it through this five axis cnc center and of course you have the manual finishing of all our components as diamond is fully have made the air is changed especially because we are working with a glue we are working with carbon dust any chemical chemical stuff so this is all like ventilation ventilation correct what is this in this camera inside so this is a cnc center this head is moving it takes the tool of choice then it goes on the component and it starts working some holes and it has a precision of two cents of a of a millimeter so this table moves yeah these components will go inside work come out next my question was how do these pieces make this shape so in this particular shape you have special forms for this so for every component there is one jig one jig and then manually you are putting the layers inside this jig correct but this is manual work it's not like a robot or some animation stuff this is the manual this so in diamond all our aircraft are created uh manually it's all handwork handcraft yeah so each and every aircraft is hand built according to the specifications of the customer depending on the optional to the site our team what is this one between the layers sometimes we have a soft layer i see oh this is airplane an aircraft now you can see the aircraft so this is a first moment where all the components for a certain serial number meet and say hello to each other and we do a first uh trial fit so we preliminary assemble the aircraft to check that everything is within the tolerances in this case you can see it's the a62 you asked me a question before ah now i see how it how it looks like correct so now you can see the full line right exactly two bolts the two bolts and you have two pins in front and behind to connect it to the fuselage to the center so these two pins and these two holes correct okay over here so if you can imagine pilot yes co-pilot middle row and here behind the airframe you would have the third row on a 62 right so the seats are fixed on this element over here you can touch it do your part what do you think it is in case of emergency landing hard lining it's going to be like take all energy and reduce your heat force on something like that right you can work for diamond aircraft yes i'm hired so you already know uh thanks to this these are a key element in order to provide the 26g protections that we have in our in our cabin and this is certification requirements certification requirement fully correct so the other key component of our safety structure in the airframe itself is a cabin so this is like a formula one monocoque cabin so it offers full protection occupants in case of crash in case a turnover of the aircraft first question i'm asking myself is what happens if i have a filler on one of the flaps and the other one is deploying i'm having an asymmetric flap deployment under the same wing not a nice situation to be in so the flaps are actually mechanically interconnected so even if my actuators are failing on one of my half flaps the other one will still push it down okay it's the same principle as the landing gear got it so basically our landing gear uh deploys through gravity the hydraulic pressure is keeping hold it hold it up so it's a redundant system in case i'm having a failure of my hydraulic system you just need to release the hydraulic pressure and on the day 62 and 42 the landing gear can come down up to vienne up to what vne vne so it it's a speed brake yeah yeah never exceed speed and over here we have the painting chambers here you can see an aircraft being painted i believe this is my aircraft europa this is uh for a special customer we have in japan was a customized library so here in diamond we as sales managers when when you order an aircraft we are in charge not only of the sales but only for the full product for the full project so everything which is happening to your aircraft through the production stages assembly flight testing we are involved once production is finished with assembly we and martin and his team take over the aircraft asia is a growing market right now yeah no absolutely i'm on this leading currently deliveries in the asian market in asia china allows private persons to own the aircraft what i can tell you is that there are airspace restrictions which of course does not allow you to operate an aircraft with the level of freedom that we have in austria in europe or in the united states but i know that the chinese government has been putting in place or is thinking about easings is off but you sell airplanes there we do we have a plant also in china where we manufacture the a40s for their own market requirements and especially for flight training uh once the airspace in china will become a little bit uh easier to operate within for for their own internal flight training requirements it will definitely be helpful what we have here is quality control after paint the teams that you saw just now going home what they do is they go and analyze the whole airframe in detail and polish if there is any imperfection from painting and just generally make sure that our painting team um is applying that paint as per specification of the different by by design right okay because as said all our airframes are fully customized of course the customer can choose a standard airframe but in our experience most especially when you're thinking of the a62 and the a50 uh you want to have your own actually luxury style this is called the san marino blue it's very easy this is ga-62 this is the a62 here you are you normally would have your hydraulic compartment for the landing gear what you have here which we have new ones of the a62 learning from the experience of the 1442 is the avionic bay here we have our avionic rack so it's also easier for maintenance of course they don't need to go inside and take all this stuff outside they can use this correct good it looks like some small two-seat airplane no no this is just the a40 test airframes which we have you have a dart the dart is another airplane the dart is the dart 450 and 550 is what we have now under certification it's a turboprop but it's not published yet uh we have showed it in several air shows uh we have certification pending okay uh what engine are you going to use for turboprop so we have uh uh for the 450 so 450 short horsepower and we use a uh ptp six what's the name pt six pt six yeah it's a protein rhythm it's a pd6 the most famous engine for turboprops in aviation for the whole time this is the reason why i asked because sometimes turboprop on the pt6 and sometimes they use some something own so okay but if this is the line is correct so this is a full tank uh the full tank on the on all our aircraft is exactly the same it's just how many chambers we have on the 42 we now have in the 62 we have what we call a standard or long range fuel tank which is composed of three elements plus an auxiliary fuel tank behind the engine ocean so this is three fuel tanks in one wing and they connected to each other right here right correct so you have this embroidered cables connecting the different chambers now on the full tank we can speak for hours yeah so your full is coming in here and the wings is slightly tilted so it's by gravity is going down right exactly then you have an electrical fuel pump which is serving as a backup to the mechanical driven full pumps that you have from the engine okay what happens when we are feeding jet a1 to the engine jt1 tends to be cold and we want to have it at a certain temperature so out of the jet of the fuel that is going into the engine we have a return flow which is going to feel cooler correct like cold mixed again it's actually warming up the fuel so the fuel which is then served into the engine is at the correct temperature or cool depending on your operator depending on operation conditions okay so here you have your full line and all the different connectors are here including the mass so this part is the part which you see sticking out yes actually we keep the aircraft oh i see you have special plates in the connection correct all our inspection ports are based on what you normally would do on a routine check or in all the maintenance checks so under normal condition unless it's for a major inspection you do not need to remove the wing okay so here you see the fuel tanks yep just get slid in and i always enjoy this i feel like flying you can just move it slightly yeah so diamond our full aircraft are connected for push slots except that other this push rod is going up to the center frame and then you have a t connection going after the stick so you have no cables when you're controlling your aileron or your stabilizator which is really good because you know it sticks it's not expanding from so you know the feelings that you have in the classroom yes that's gone excellent so uh here we have the final assembly line as i mentioned before uh the wings are the last part which come on energy on the airframe okay so this is cd 300 which we have on the uh the a50 finally and what you were saying before firewall yeah connected to the fuselage i see so this comes off so it's still still big gap between the instrument panel and firewall absolutely correct so behind here we will have our battery compartment and then we have another compartment with avionics nice more protection actually correct safety occupancy first of all protection and also here in the middle you will have your environmental control system location okay and uh i love this because in comparison to the oscar engine you have your v three cylinders per side with a twin turbo chargers twin coolers it's simply a beautiful engine to look at the cool part of the v850 it's like a da40 on steroids when you fly on the third party and you transition on the 50 the system management is the same exactly the same there is one small difference on the screw system the return of the emergency fuel and it's the only different service it's and it's easier to fly in my opinion usually it's more heavy more stable more crafty you can feel it like it's an aircraft so on the left we have the a40 line which you notice immediately because the a40 is the size of the fixed landing gear it's also the only aircraft which we don't have the rim system so the airframes are white and you see it immediately how the market reacts when you have the possibility to have your own colors everybody wants to have a different color let me see the shock absorber but this is exactly one of the reasons why we have such a big order lock when you look at the aircraft naked and you see how it's built you understand why are flight schools going for this kind of airframe and not for a light twin two-seater aircraft which are you know coming into the market in lighter aircraft categories simply it can sustain the recourse of continued training the 50 850 how many airplanes a year you produce so in the plant here in austria we have a capacity of approximately as of last year 120 aircraft but we are increasing this capacity uh in terms of group deliveries you will see it when uh the yearly report comes out i can say we are very satisfied of the year we had throughout the free plans and we are aiming at of course increasing this next year so it's every three every three days you have new airplane coming out of the gate approximately correct 365 divided by 120 set every three days correct fully correct nice 62. this is 62. i just wanted to show you a little bit of the detail of the avionic compartment which we looked at before and of course the engine you will notice immediately it's a different layout so here you have four cylinders in line uh instead of having the three uh v shape the six cylinder v you have your gearbox your conductor correct so the ae330 which is on the 62 develops 180 horsepower in order to develop this horsepower it has to develop 5700 rpm rpm on the engine on the engine and reduced to 2300 something like that right correct so that's the scope of the gearbox on the ae 300 which we have on the 42 and on the 40 which you will see on one of the aircraft's office there it's exactly the same engine same components but downrated at 168. and if i'm looking at the engine here you have your turbocharger yeah beneath you have your cooler and the heart of the engine is this one over here ecu the ecu so double ecu each engine has two ecu channels who might recall from the previous generation of the a40 and the a42 with the cd engines they operate slightly differently where you don't have only auto and bravo on the a300 and 330 you have alpha auto and bravo you will see this when you fly and when you turn on the aircraft it decides which of the two ecu channels has a best health so the lowest utilization and you actually are going to fly with that one unless you manually select the other one i hope i'm explaining it in a easy to understand way yeah i've flown the jets and all jet engines they have channel channel h and i'll be the same fedex so the people who never flew in the business just they don't know about fedex operations but i'm pretty familiar but that's exactly the point for uh for diamond why is it also popular yeah because you have addict yeah yeah also for the training when you train as a student and you are used to having the fedex from day one yeah you understand the logic of how you operate as a system manager and you don't need to think about mixture prop just right going flying 100 positive rate 92 percent off you go cruising 75 percent so man it's a radar right so whether it's radar correct so we have a giveaway 70 uh on on the day 62 and the a42 also manufactured by my garmin so when it comes to uh weather awareness you will see when you fly you have the wet radar on one side but you also have if you were flying in the u.s ads be in capability in europe is not working because you don't operate in the if you're 911 in north america and you also have the gsr 56 which basically when you're giving in your flight plan is downloading or the flight plan or the weather on your flight and connected to or you can do it through your ipad through the fs 500 flight stream okay so if you noticed throughout the production line the aircraft were all without wings and just here just before this is the place where we are right now it's avionics installation right correct so here they're installing and checking the avionics and mostly in the building over there but because we have so many orders they have taken property of the last part of this hangar we also do the interior installation at this stage this is where we then do the interior installation and the aircraft got ready for final delivery so it should be camera here correct here we can mount a different equipment on on the special mission platform let's go to europe or it's going to stay in austria the diamond aircraft has customers worldwide good so this will actually be the last moment the aircraft is in assembly and then it gets rolled out on the runway and you start to have the engine test uh when a customer will come and pick up the aircraft they will usually have between five to seven flight hours from production and we as a sales team or flight operations team so martin and mikkel whom we met earlier pick up the aircraft and we start test flying the aircraft checking for the quality any findings so that when the customer comes to pick up his aircraft it's as finding free as possible how many pilots do you have in the flight department in flight department we have funny fabio four pilots for full-time pilots all these pilots they do this test flights they have like script what to do and they fly this airplane so we divide the uh flight operations which is more the customer front and and we have then a production test pilot team which is another five to seven pilots who do the production they work for production as well as ties flights of new airframes got it okay cool [Music] ready ready [Music] so uh all the aircraft you see around here they are all uh as we said built on customer specification uh we as diamonds have four demonstrated aircraft one for each other which you have seen here the d62 is being manufactured and you have dealership in different countries right yes so uh we usually do like direct sales here in diamond we have a mix model so in certain countries we have sales partners which can be either distributors or representatives uh however this is not a worldwide coverage if you go on our website you can see if your territory has a direct sales partner or whether you should contact us directly and in this case i or a colleague of mine will be more than happy to reply and guide you for the purchase process first of all let me introduce you thomas wilbert thomas hello henry thomas um so thomas is a it's a boss yeah when it comes to simulators so what we're thinking is that andre you and i take a ride on the simulator and yeah thomas sure so this is uh not movable it's a fixed base uh simulator uh usually uh operated as an fnpt2 type device under arsa regulations or faa level five in that category and and other national equivalents yeah this here is the da42 configuration right now it's convertible to da40 with a correct panel well actually the throttle quadrant uh stays the same so this this stays the same but we can um take out the cur the concrete panel put in a df40 panel and then we just interconnect the levers here with some to make it like one piece right yeah yeah here you can see it like it's more or less like this so for the da42 of course it's not connected um makes it way quicker for the customer because if you need to exchange the whole center piece i mean that just takes longer and only exchanging the panel takes like literally under 10 minutes yeah so this is tier 42.6 right now with um we we offer all kinds of options this here now is nxi configuration with the 1347 gma of course we also offer the 1360 now uh we offer a variety of standby uh system options here is now the the md 302 uh you could also get a kit of mechanical standpiece yeah so this is as per you know whatever the customer desires basically we will do it um again as i said this is fixed base so non non-moving base uh fn fnpt2 faa level five and for the asa world right now we also offer an mcc conversion option which makes it into a kind of fictitious aircraft with two turboprop with a two turboprop configuration pressurized cabin and so on um same idea as with the convertible you just exchange a couple of pieces in the panel a matter of minutes and then you get your you know different configuration and these can all be certified according to yasa uh fstd alpha then let's go fly let's go fly i will play the instructor okay fantastic ready to go ready to go okay left side right side clear always clear blue your instructor is saying center line all right you can go with the group here fantastic and you want to look at 90 knots so this is innsbruck you can see it because of all the mountains yeah so great performance 1600 feet per minute very cool so look at 2000 3000 feet and the heading of the zero zero okay you can start slightly descending this terrain is approximately one thousand feet higher than okay you uh start reducing power maximum is continuous power is 92 and here you have of course the gfc 700 just like on the real aircraft which is a fully capable autopilot how do you usually fly on the left hand right hand so on a diamond you always fly with the left hand and on with the right hand you're operating the systems always always so now just pitch it down let it rest so to act normally when it's acceleration phase you can very easily go to ninety percent um one of the nice things of uh of the da42 and the a62 is even more precise on this so if you look here i'm at 85 percent power and here on the 42 you take off one gallon you have 7.5 us gallons per hour per engine now if you're going to accelerate in the level of flight here in the flight levels you will see a speed of approximately 170 knots thus so it's an extremely easy aircraft to go on to remember okay let's try to do battle roll okay or we can go inverted but engine will stop right but you never know i never tried it i never tried this that is always the first time in life let's see we're all going to die not today so now we know at the a42 don't do it at home you can't do it better [Music] so you want to be out of the yellow zone we'll keep here let's try to see if it's if this guy will quit on the inverted flight [Music] yeah something is engine wrong still running you see it's running you know how i usually do playing so we're on final check gear okay so get down i can do oh and i don't get that up to vienney check gear and see how the speed is going down the ceiling and this you can do on the real aircraft this kind of descent say again like this kind of descent you can do on the rear aircraft so it will the gear up to vienne is acting like an extremely efficient airbrake what is the requirements for flaps on airspeed so 110 130 100 oh yeah 35. okay cool so i can use flaps first notch i think so you're looking at the 80 knots before final and 76 on short [Music] oh congratulations first landing on the diamonds thank you so much engine should quit right yeah that's that's correct it doesn't do so on the simulator so that you can have more fun yeah you can also play which is supposed to be [Applause] [Music] this is this is my favorite stuff when i'm flying my extra i forgot to switch 10 to central tank and an acro tank and you go invert it and then 15 seconds again it happens to me seven times and i still sometimes forget about aqua tank well at least they're still here to tell us about it thank you so much i will check it tomorrow [Music] you
Channel: Andrey Borisevich About Aviation
Views: 127,726
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Andrey borisevich, DA40, Da42, Da62, Diamond aircraft factory, Diamond aircraft review, How airplanes are made, aircraft, airplane, airplanes, andrey borisevich about aviation, aviation, da40 ng, da62, diamond aircraft, diamond aircraft da62, diamond aircraft factory tour, diamond da40, diamond da40 ng, diamond da42, diamond da62, diamond da62 review, general aviation, how its made, how aircraft are built, plane factory, aircraft factory, airplane factory, airplane making
Id: d8B4HtYZlgw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 27sec (2727 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 25 2022
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