8 Best Bread Alternatives For Diabetics

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Yeah... bread! It sure is impossible to avoid,   isn't it? We eat it so much, it almost  feels as essential as water or air.  After all, we've been eating  bread for over 14,000 years!  But by now you probably know that this inescapable  food can be detrimental to your health.  Most types of bread are high in carbs  and contain significant quantities of   added sugar. And most nutritionists believe that  bread is a main villain of the diabetes epidemic.  So...does that mean you must ditch the  dough and go without this global staple?  No! Well... not exactly. You may need to  re-think your old bread habits, but don t   fret just yet. There are exciting alternatives  which not only won t spike your blood sugar,   they can also supply some amazing health benefits! That's right! We're about to unveil   8 diabetic-friendly bread  choices and bread replacements. But first, we'd love if you hit that  like button, and why not subscribe to   our channel? We're Diabetes Smarts, and we've  got 2 exciting free gifts coming your way!   Stay tuned to discover how you can grab both. Now, don't be a wise-guy! It s time to   cough up the dough, because we've got... The 8 Best Bread Alternatives For Diabetics. Ahhh, that magical, fluffy white bread. How  many sandwiches have you made with this classic?   Probably too many to count. But by now you most  certainly know that white bread is high-carb,   high-sugar, and high on the glycemic index.  This means that white bread isn't a great   option for those worried about diabetes. Plain old unassuming white bread is actually   highly processed and made from heavily refined  flour. It's also usually loaded with added   sugar content. Indeed, it's considered  to be one of the worst types of food you   can eat if you re battling a diabetes diagnosis. Even if you re not diabetic, simple carbohydrate,   sugar-laden breads can add on the pounds and  raise your risk of developing type 2 diabetes.  The good news is that there are still certain  varieties of bread and bread-like products   which can be beneficial to your health. That's right, even if you re struggling   with erratic glucose levels,  bread can still be on the menu.  So, without further ado, let's count down  The 8 Best Bread Alternatives for Diabetics. #8. Whole Wheat Tortillas  Did you think tortillas are a no-go food for  people with diabetes? It's time to think again.  100% whole grain tortilla wraps  should supply the benefits which   come from utilizing the whole grain. That means  they'll include the fiber-filled outer layer,   or bran, the middle endosperm layer, and the  nutrient-packed germ, or the core of the grain.  Multiple studies have shown that consuming whole  grains can fight obesity, help prevent diabetes,   and lower the risk of heart disease. In fact, a recent Nutrition,   Metabolism & Cardiovascular Diseases  study revealed that participants who   ate 2 and a half servings of whole grains daily  reduced their risk of a heart attack by 21%.  Whole wheat tortillas will include a variety  of beneficial nutrients, including calcium,   iron, and potassium. One true whole grain  tortilla should contain just 92 calories,   less than half a gram of fat, 19.5 grams  of carbohydrate, and 2.5 grams of fiber.  Two slices of white bread can contain upwards of  132 calories, over 25 grams of carbs, with just   about 1 gram of fiber. Therefore, if you replace  your normal white bread sandwich with a whole   grain wrap, you'll reap plenty of health benefits. Just make sure to watch out for white flour or   corn tortillas. They'll contain more starch,  less protein and fiber, and are usually made   with refined sugars and hydrogenated fats. So,  instead of that typical high-carb white bread,   why not try out a 100% whole wheat  wrap for your next lunchtime sandwich? #7. Ezekiel Bread  Is this just a random bread made by some guy  named Ezekiel? Nope, this is actually a flourless,   cholesterol-free, low-carb, diabetic-friendly  alternative to refined white bread.  Made from whole grains which have started to  sprout, this bread gets its name from the bible's   book of Ezekiel, Chapter 4: Verse 9. Translated,  it says, "Take wheat and barley, beans and   lentils, millet and spelt; put them in a storage  jar and use them to make bread for yourself."  Ezekiel bread can supply a  vast assortment of nutrients,   from B vitamins, to folic acid, to beneficial  minerals, like calcium, iron, and magnesium.  But the secret power behind Ezekiel  bread comes from the sprouting process,   which breaks down starches and lowers the  carbohydrate content. Sprouting also makes   it easier for your body to absorb  essential minerals from the grains.   Plus, sprouted grains release more natural  antioxidants than unsprouted seeds.  A single slice clocks in at 80 calories, with  4 grams of protein, 15 grams of carbohydrate,   and 3 grams of fiber. So while it  still contains a significant carb load,   the respectable fiber and protein content can  work to slow your body's insulin response.  In the end, Ezekiel bread carries a glycemic index  score of only 36, which makes it a low-GI food.   That's why this and other sprouted grain breads  can be a good anti-diabetes sandwich choice. #6. Lettuce Wraps Did you know that   lettuce was once the food of Persian kings? Today, lettuce has a less glamorous and   somewhat boring image. But, a simple head of  lettuce can be used to create a whimsical,   satisfying veggie-based wrap replacement. A 2004 Diabetes Care study found that people   who regularly ate leafy greens, like lettuce,  were less likely to develop type 2 diabetes.  Regular lettuce consumption may even lower the  risk of arterial stiffness and heart attacks.  Lettuce is low-carb, low-calories, and supplies  plenty of vitamins and essential minerals.   1 cup of lettuce, on average, contains  only 8 calories, zero cholesterol,   and less than 2 grams of carbohydrate. Plus, lettuce supplies trace amounts of vitamin A,   vitamin C, calcium, and potassium. The large outer leaves of iceberg   lettuce can make for an excellent  tortilla wrap or pita bread substitute.  But if you want more crunch and extra nutrients,  go for romaine lettuce. This elongated variety   of lettuce offers a higher amount of vitamins and  minerals. Which ever type of lettuce you choose,   you'll help your body ditch  those unneeded extra carbs,   while gifting your system with  plenty of positive nutrition. #5. Almond Bread Here's a white   bread alternative that is way better than the  regular stuff, but what makes it so special?  The secret is in the flour. Almond flour has an  extremely low GI of less than 1. It also has lower   sugar and carb content than regular wheat flour. However, at first glance, this style of bread may   sound less-than-healthy. Two slices can supply  about 250 calories, with over 10 grams of fat!   But most of the fat content is in the form of  heart-healthy mono and polyunsaturated fats.  Plus, two slices contain only about 8 grams  of total carbohydrate, with 4 grams of fiber.   That's a great carb-to-fiber ratio, and,  all-in-all, this makes almond bread a much   better choice for managing your blood  sugar levels than typical white bread.  Almond flour also boasts plenty of beneficial  nutrients, including calcium, iron, manganese,   potassium, and vitamin E, an antioxidant which has  been shown to improve brain health. This form of   flour is also a great source of magnesium, which,  studies show, aids with blood sugar regulation.  And almond bread's high protein, fat, and  fiber content will fill you up quicker   while slowing digestion, which  also helps improve glucose control. Numbers 4 to 1 are on the way. But  first, let's get you your 2 free gifts!  Up your kitchen cred and discover some of  the world's most nutritious ingredients,   with our new e-book, Superfoods For Diabetics.  And get an inside look into your health with  exclusive interviews from leading medical and   nutritional professionals, in Episode  1 of That Diabetes Documentary.  To get both gifts, simply click  the link in the description below! And now, back to the list. #4. Bell Pepper Sandwiches  Bell peppers, or capsicums, come in a  wonderful rainbow of vibrant colors,   but no matter which hue you choose, you'll gain  an assortment of nutrients and a striking flavor.  Over 90% of a bell pepper is water, so they can  help keep you hydrated. A 100 gram serving of   raw bell peppers supplies just 31 calories, with  1 gram of protein, 6 grams of carbs, and 2 grams   of fiber. That good carb-to-fiber ratio helps  give bell peppers a low GI score of around 15.  And this means that bell peppers can bring you  a deliciously bold flavor without spiking your   blood sugar. Plus, several studies found that  peppers may even help reduce the risk of coronary   heart disease, and even certain forms of cancer. That's thanks to the high levels of vitamins,   minerals, and valuable antioxidant  content. In fact, a medium-sized red   bell pepper can contain about 170% of your  daily recommended requirement for vitamin C!  Bell peppers are also a rich source of  potassium, which aids heart health, vitamin A,   a.k.a. BETA CAROTENE, which aids eye health,  and vitamin B6, otherwise called PYRIDOXINE,   which helps your body manufacture red blood cells. To use this highly nutritious food as a bread   replacement, simply cut your  pepper in half and de-seed it.  You now have a low-calorie, low-carb,  nutrition-packed crunchy bread alternative.   So don't be afraid to try a bell pepper  for your next veggie-based mini-sandwich. #3. Eggplant Roll-Ups Europeans call them aubergines, but you may   know this nightshade vegetable simply as eggplant. Over 95% of an eggplant's content is pure water.   And 1 cup of cubed eggplant supplies just 20  calories and zero cholesterol. Containing only   4.8 grams of total carbohydrate  but 2.4 grams of fiber, eggplant   boasts an exceptional carb-to-fiber ratio. That means the humble, low-GI eggplant can   be a wonderful bread alternative which can  actually help stabilize your blood sugar   levels and assist in weight loss. Plus, eggplant contains vitamins C,   B6, and K, and a cup contains 10% of the  daily recommended intake for manganese.  And eggplants contain powerful antioxidant  ANTHOCYANINS as well as the phytonutrients   NASUNIN and CHLOROGENIC ACID, which may help  protect against cancerous cell damage and   lower the risk for heart disease. To make snack-sized roll-ups,   cut an eggplant into long strips, add some  seasoning, and bake in the oven for 15 minutes.  You can now wrap the softened strips around  your favorite healthy sandwich fillings. #2. Cucumber Subs Did you know cucumbers are 95% water?   But don't let that fool you - this salad veggie  contains a wide array of vitamins and minerals.  The list of beneficial nutrients  within cucumbers include  ...vitamin C, vitamin B9, a.k.a. folate, vitamin  K, beta-carotene, potassium, and magnesium.  1 cup of cucumber contains just 16 calories,  with about 4 grams of carbs and about 0.6 grams   of fiber. Even though that carb-to-fiber ratio  isn't exceptional, this low-carb, low-calorie   veggie still boasts a GI score of only 15. So this non-starchy veggie can help improve   blood sugar control, increase hydration,  and even reduce the risk for strokes and   certain types of cancer. Plus, research shows  that the anti-inflammatory compounds within   cucumbers can help your body remove waste and  may aid your body in reducing skin irritation.  And as a bread replacement, there's nothing  easier to prepare than the cucumber sub.  Simply slice a cuc in half length ways.  Then, scoop out the middle and replace   it with your favorite sandwich fillings. So, if you want to be cool as a cucumber,   utilize this refreshing veggie  for your next sandwich snack. #1. Portobello Mushroom Buns Do you love those classic,   succulent burgers, but don't want to roll the dice  with those white bread buns? Here s the perfect   burger bun replacement, and it's not even bread! With its uniquely rich, earthy taste and meaty   texture, the Portobello mushroom  is already shaped like a bun,   so this low-carb veggie can become your new  favorite diabetes-fighting burger delivery system.  A single Portobello mushroom contains  just 22 calories, 2 grams of protein,   and only 4.25 grams of total carbohydrate, with  about 1.3 grams of dietary fiber. This excellent   carb-to-fiber ratio helps put the glycemic  index rating of these mushrooms at close to 0.  These mushrooms are chock-full of nutrients,  including vitamin D, manganese, phosphorus,   and blood pressure-lowering potassium. In fact, a  single Portobello mushroom can contain about the   same amount of potassium as a medium-sized banana! Plus, Portobello mushrooms are a great source   of the chemical compound BETAINE, which  studies show has the potential to lower   the risk of fatty liver disease. They also contain the powerful   antioxidant ERGOTHIONEINE, which may  work to normalize blood sugar levels.  And, as about 90% of a Portobello mushroom's  content is pure water, this is one burger   bun that will actually help to keep you hydrated! However, that does mean that Portobello mushrooms   can be hard to grip, and a little messy to eat  by hand. But if you can handle the truth about   Portobello mushrooms as a bread or bun substitute,  you'll gain some truly amazing health benefits! So, there you have it. These are our 8  Best Bread Alternatives For Diabetics. Are you already experimenting with healthy  bread alternatives to manage your diabetes?   What's your go-to white bread replacement choice? Let us know by commenting below.  Oh, and don't forget to claim your 2 free  gifts by clicking the link in the description.   Also, remember to like this vid  and subscribe to our channel.  Here at Diabetes Smarts, it's our mission  to bring you the best tips and tricks to   help you fight obesity and better manage diabetes. Thanks for watching, have a happy and healthy day!
Channel: Diabetes Smarts Program
Views: 1,179,759
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best breads, great bread replacements for diabetics, best bread alternatives, which bread is healthiest, what bread is best for weight loss, lettuce wraps, whole wheat tortillas, whole grains, which grains fight diabetes, cucumber bread, cucumber sandwich, eggplant roll-up, eggplant as a wrap, bell pepper sandwich, sprouted grain bread, ezekiel bread, glucose control breads, best bread for type 2 diabetes, does bread spike blood sugar
Id: Wpks0N74LdA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 56sec (956 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 28 2021
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