774. Camp Stabbiwaka by Peter Carlson (Learn English with a Scary Story)

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hello everybody welcome to luke's english podcast here is a brand new episode for you hello uh listeners who are listening hello in podcast land i hope everything is fine wherever you are and also hello to video viewers because this one is on video as well there's a full version of this on youtube so hello to everyone now in this one we're going to do another text adventure story this is the sort of story in which you can read text on the screen and then you choose different options as you go and the story develops depending on the choices that you make and you'll be able to see the text on the screen if you're watching the video version as i'm talking to you so you can listen and read at the same time that should be good for your english i'll probably explain a few bits of vocabulary as we go through the story um if you are listening to this as i expect most of you are most of you are in sort of audio land so if you are just listening to this you'll find the link to this story in the description so if you like you can listen and read with me at the same time stories are great for learning english as we know so let's do another one so this story is available on textadventures.co.uk which is a website that allows users to upload their own text adventure stories and you can read them free you don't have to sign in you don't have to pay anything it's all free and the one we're going to do today is called is called camp stabby whacker by peter carlson i've done some of peter carlson's other stories on my podcast before long-term listeners will remember peter even emailed me once to say that this was okay he heard the first one i did which was victorian detective he heard that he liked it so he gave me his blessing to um to do more of these so i've done the victorian detective series i also did zombola course the zombie survival story from a year or two ago so here's another one and as i said link in the description for the story check the show notes you'll find a link to the story so you can feel free to click the link and do the adventure yourself if you like so you could listen to this watch this and then actually do the story yourself as well you can choose different options see if the story works out differently and also vocabulary you can um you know copy paste uh any words or phrases that you don't know you can add them to your vocabulary lists you could paste them into an online dictionary in order to check the meanings of those words and just to find other examples so you can do your own vocabulary research i'm you know i should i probably will explain a few things as we go but we'll see so uh this story is listed on the website as a horror story but knowing peter carlson it'll probably be quite a funny story too but yes it is listed as a horror story so just bear that in mind if you don't like that kind of thing i don't think it's going to be too like nasty or gory or anything like that it should be fine but anyway just wanted to let you know the story takes place in a summer camp and i think there's a serial killer involved but i'm not entirely sure but that's all i'm going to tell you i haven't read the story myself so let's just discover the story together as we go i will try to read it clearly and i will explain some vocabulary as we continue probably i'll try not to let vocabulary explanations interrupt the flow of the story though because the flow of the story is that maybe the most important thing and with the context of the story that helps you to understand um unknown words but i'll explain some things and then sometimes i will just try to focus on telling the story i don't know how long this is going to take but we'll see now if you really need some things to be explained as i said before you can click the link find the story check those words in a good online dictionary my favorite online dictionaries english english dictionaries are collins dictionary cambridge dictionary oxford learners dictionary longman dictionary and the macmillan dictionary so if you just google any of those things you should find links to those different dictionaries and you can use one of them or just use all of them and sort of like check the different definitions and different examples that you find so let's get started then and we're going to have a look at camp stabby whacker by peter carlson the summary of this on textadventures.co.uk is this ah high school is over summer is here time to find a summer job oh camp stabby whacker is hiring what could go wrong okay now it's probably necessary to say at the beginning that so this is an american story it's set in the united states somewhere i think that peter is is from the united states so it will be written in american english and it takes place in the usa which is fine because it allows us to maybe compare uh british english and american english so if there are moments in the story where i notice examples of american english and i think in british english it would be different then i will try and point those things out so it'll give us a chance to compare and contrast american and british english a little bit so let's get started camp stabby whacker by peter carlson and it says this game uses music i recommend headphones so okay there might be some sound effects as we go through this uh let's get started so your puttering old car bumps down the desolate woodsy road through the forest a few weeks ago you graduated high school and now you're on your way to work as a camp counsellor at camp stabiwaka okay let me just explain a couple of things you're puttering old car a puttering car is the sort of car that's old and so the engine is kind of going like that so puttering is a is an adjective used to just describe sort of the sound that an old car might make puttering old car it bumps down the desolate woodsy road so a desolate road this is a road where there are no people there's like no civilization no houses no sign of human life let's say woodsy is there's lots of trees and things it's like you're in a wood or a forest so you're puttering old car bumps down the desolate woodsy road through the forest a few weeks ago you graduated high school so in british english we tend to say graduated from high school in american english they would just say graduated high school so graduate without the preposition but in british english we use a preposition there so you graduated from high school and now you're on your way to work as a camp counsellor at camp stabiwaka so a bit of culture here in the united states of america in the summer it's very common for kids to go off to summer camp and a summer camp is a place where kids can go they they sleep there they might stay there for a week or a couple of weeks or something and they spend all their time playing games doing activities it's all very outdoorsy so lots of stuff takes place outdoors lots of games and adventures and activities outdoors a camp counsellor these are the essentially the people who work at the camp and they lead the activities they look after the children they are the camp counsellors and it's common for students in the united states maybe during the summer months when they're studying at university or college you know during those breaks those summer breaks they might go and work as camp counsellors my dad did this actually in 1968. he went to the united states and uh during the summer he worked at a summer camp when he was 21 years old so we are on our way to work as a camp counsellor at camp stabiwaka the sweet singing of insects and birds seems to have eerily dissipated as you venture further into the grove you sit in your car alone driving down the winding path it's late afternoon so the sweet singing of insects and birds yeah it seems to have eerily dissipated so dissipated means slowly gone away sort of disappeared slowly and eerie normally spelled e-e-r-i-e that's eerie is the adjective the adverb eerily so the sound of the birds and insects has eerily dissipated if something is eerie it means it's strange and a bit creepy and maybe a bit frightening so uh the sound of the birds and the the insects the bees and things has sort of mysteriously disappeared which is a little bit scary maybe as you venture further into the grove as you journey further in you sit in your car alone driving down the winding path winding means turning the the road turns left and right a bit like the way a road might go down the side of a mountain uh the winding path through the forest it's late afternoon your mind begins to wander that's w-a-n-d-e-r wander meaning sort of go off in another direction now there's also wonder w-o-n-d-e-r which is when you think about things and you try to understand why like hmm i wonder why for example like i wonder why people drive on the left in the united kingdom i wonder w-o-n-d and wanda w-a-n-d-e-r is normally used for walking you know for example to wander around the city but also your mind can wander meaning your mind sort of goes for a walk and you start thinking about something else so your mind begins to wander w-a-n-d-e-r and you begin thinking about and you begin thinking about uh and then we've got four options here so you begin thinking about how much fun you'll have working with kids at the camp you begin thinking about how much money you'll make working this summer you begin thinking about your chances of hooking up with potentially your chances of hooking up with potentially hot co-workers and the nagging feeling of nervousness in the back of your mind so thinking about how much fun you'll have working with kids at the camp it's easy to understand how much money you'll make your chances of hooking up with potentially hot co-workers so hooking up this means romantically becoming sort of romantically or sexually involved with someone right with potentially hot co-workers co-workers are other people you work with if they're hot it means that they are attractive and potentially hot well we don't know if they're hot yet because we haven't seen them but they might be hot so they are potentially hot there might be some hot co-workers at the camp and you know maybe we will be able to hook up with one of them or we are thinking about the nagging feeling of nervousness in the back of your mind so if you have a nagging feeling it's like a feeling or thought in the back of your mind that doesn't let you relax it's like something that's kind of bothering you it's nagging you it doesn't let you rest or relax it's kind of like in the background worrying you also we use nagging for well it's often used for when a wife is always bothering her husband it's probably a bit of a sexist idea but um the idea that uh that a wife is always nagging her husband like why don't you do that when are you gonna do that here stop doing that that's nagging as well but in this case it's a nagging feeling of nervousness in the back of your mind like hmm something's not quite right i'm kind of curious about that one yeah we'll probably have fun working with the kids we probably won't make a lot of money we might hook up with some hot co-workers we'll see but then the nagging of feeling of nervousness i'm curious about that it says you can't shake a feeling of uneasiness uneasiness is like an uh um sort of anxiety something doesn't feel right you continue driving down the quiet road so we've got some options we can continue driving in silence we can play our favorite cd or we can turn on the radio let's turn on the radio i'm a radio fan let's see what's going on so it says you scroll through the hiss of radio static for a couple of minutes so we kind of like go through the dial you know that on those one of those old-fashioned radios you scroll through the hiss of radio static for a couple of minutes hiss is like that would be hiss like what you get on a radio before coming up on one of the few working channels in these woods and then we hear this uh what looks like a news report breaking news now i'm gonna do all of these in brit in my british accent basically just what's most natural to me breaking news red gate prisoner charles akron convicted murderer of eight people over the last three years has escaped custody mere weeks before his death sentence was to be carried out please be on the lookout for a so that's obviously the the radio report sort of fades out at that point okay breaking news red gate prisoner charles akron so charles akron is a prisoner at a local prison he's a convicted murderer so the judge and the jury convicted him of murder he killed eight people over the last three years so he's a serial killer he's escaped custody custody is when someone is held by the police so in police custody or in prison in jail that's custody to be in custody is to be in prison or to be in jail he's escaped custody mere weeks before his death sentence was to be carried out mia if we use the word mere before usually before a number or in this case it's weeks so just a few weeks mere weeks before his death sentence mia is used to emphasize that this is a small amount a small number for example you know if you work at a summer camp they pay you a mere 200 pounds a week right meaning emphasizing it's a it's a small amount so he escaped custody mere weeks before his death sentence was to be carried out please be on the lookout for a z so they're about to describe the uh killer but then the radio loses its connection okay so there's a serial killer he's escaped from the local prison he was going to be uh killed because obviously they have the death penalty in some states in in the united states so he was going to be killed but he's escaped great so there's a there's it seems there's a uh a serial killer on the loose and the story continues the radio report fades into static static again is just like that sound of we don't really get static that much anymore it used to be on tvs as well if you if your tv wasn't working properly you would just get that kind of white noise and just visual static just kind of like gray and white like visual noise um so the report fades into static red gate prison is only a few miles away from these woods that's a bit unsettling unsettling is if something is unsettling it means it it it makes you nervous hey someone calls out from the side of the road up ahead you jump at first like surprised you haven't seen anyone in at least half an hour yet now there's a young muscular man shouting out to you he looks to be in his early twenties and has a thick black beard and a backpack he wants to get a ride okay so maybe this is the serial killer right thick black beard someone's got a thick black beard in a story they're always potentially um untrustworthy a thick black beard and a backpack maybe this is the serial killer or maybe this is just a hitchhiker i did a a story on the podcast a while ago about a hitchhiker and there was some murder involved in that as well seems to be a recurring theme on my podcast so what should we do listen should we give him a ride or should we just drive past him now it could be the serial killer so if we give him a ride he might just stab us in fact the camp is called camp stabby whacker which does have the word stab in the title uh to stab is to you know put a knife into someone's body not a very nice thing to do not very polite thing to do is it but uh so i don't know maybe we're gonna get stabbed here but um i feel like for the benefit of the story i'm curious i think we should give him a ride and if he does murder us then i'll just have to restart the story it's not the end of the world thankfully so let's give him a ride and we'll see so you pull to the side of the road and gesture to the man like jester do something with your hand to say kind of get in the car a wide grin spreads on his face and he hops in the and he hops in the passenger seat of your car pushing through the pile of empty styrofoam cups and burger wrappers at his feet so he smiles but he doesn't just smile he grins a grin can sometimes be sort of an evil smile we'll see what this character is like so he a grin appears on his face and he hops in the passenger seat so he sort of jumps into the car pushing through the empty pile of styrofoam cups and burger wrappers styrofoam cups these are those disposable cups they're not really made of plastic they're made of a sort of soft spongy plastic material styrofoam cups you know typical things you get you might if you buy a coffee at a roadside takeaway place they might serve it to you in a styrofoam cup with a little plastic lid on the top uh burger wrappers these are wrappers of you know burgers that we've eaten and we've just dropped the wrapper on the floor of the car um thanks man says the bearded dude my name's davey are you working at camp stabby whacker too yeah you respond i'm going to be a counsellor there were you really walking all the way there davey says my car broke down about a month ago replies davey i took a bus to the entrance of this forest road and started walking and i love the outdoors and exercise really clears the mind you know i don't mind it but it's starting to get dark so i figured so i figured i'd try to get a ride okay fairly clear so what's my response i like the outdoors too i'm all for a good jog or bike ride if you're all for something it means that you you like it and you think it's a good idea i'm all for it should we get pizza yeah i'm all for that idea to be all for something meaning you think it's a good idea so you could say that i like the outdoors i'm all for a good jog or a bike ride or i'm more of an indoors kind of guy did you see that new movie that just came out um i'm a bit of both really i quite like the indoors and the outdoors let's have a bit of movie chat because i do like that i like films let's see i'm going to click on that one so did you see that new movie i said to davey no i don't think i did says davey davey's a cool dude but you find it hard to relate to him so it seems davey is not really the movie type of guy the two of you continue driving down the long road for perhaps 15 more minutes before reaching the campground there are a few other counsellors walking around prepping the camp for the arrival of kids in the next few days you throw your duffel bag over your shoulder a duffel bag is a sort of a basic bag for carrying stuff like your clothes if you go camping so you throw your duffel bag over your shoulder and stretch your legs you approach a slender girl not slenderman a slender girl in this case slender means kind of slim right slim slender it means kind of slim or thin slim or slender these are more positive words than thin so you approach a slender girl that looks about your age and you scratch the back of your head in thought do you know where we put our stuff you ask meaning where should i put my stuff where should i put my bag the girl points across the campground to the staff cabins one for guys and one for girls she has long blonde hair and stunning blue eyes my name's june she tells you as you exchange introductions she points up to a distant cloud in the sky it's puffy large and very tall it looked like it looks like it might rain she says i always forget what are those kinds of clouds called all right so she's testing our general knowledge here for some reason so okay she's pointing at some clouds now this is one of those potentially hot co-workers i think that we talked about before so i suppose we should probably give her the correct answer we want to impress her right so uh puffy large tall white clouds the ones that look like they're made of cotton wool are they communibus clouds or cirrus clouds or stratus clouds all right now i do remember this from my geography lessons at school for some reason clouds were included in geography and i think those ones are commun communibus clouds the large fluffy ones let's see commun it's difficult to say camila nimbus oh yeah that's right she says before looking back at you she brushes her long golden hair out of her eyes so what are we going to do now everybody so here are the options we can tell a joke or you we can say you know you're very beautiful so which side of the bunk bed do you want you're very beautiful which side of the bunk bed do you want as if to say hey we're going to sleep together baby which side of the bed you want to sleep on or so what do you like to do trying to make conversation or should we just go and put our stuff away in the cabin now we probably should flirt with her in some way but i don't think we should say so which side of the bed do you want to sleep on because that is just creepy and terrible um so what do you like to do um to be honest i don't think either of those three options like tell a joke just randomly tell a joke could be dangerous could be risky i don't think we're going to suggest that we sleep together immediately it's not a good idea she won't respond to that what do you like to do it's a pretty clunky chat up line or should we just go and put our stuff away now that might be a good idea actually because if we go in too hard and start chatting her up immediately she might get defensive it might be a good idea instead to just be respectful and unassuming and go and put the bag in the cabin and you know now that we've met her next time we see her we can go up to her and sort of say oh hi how's it going you know and it's probably a better idea but then tell a joke is one of the options and this is this is me isn't it i cannot help myself i can't help telling cheesy jokes so i feel compelled to click that one this is probably a terrible idea but i'm gonna do it anyway so let's let's do that but which joke should we tell okay so we've got three jokes three possible jokes we've got the one about the snail we've got the one about the whales you know those large mammals that live in the ocean or the one about the child molester a child molester a child molester is someone who sexually abuses children so that's there's no way i'm going to tell that joke that is a terrible idea some horrible joke about a child molester no so it's a bit either about snail or about whales um i you know what's the difference i'm going to go for the whales i prefer whales as animals so let's have that so why are we doing this this is so stupid you just go up to a girl and you say oh do you know where we put our stuff oh yeah just over there and then she says what are those clouds called now fair enough that's a bit of a weird tangent what are those clouds uh communal limbus and then you say so there are these two whales this is a terrible idea but i'm gonna do it so there's these two whales you begin they come up to a boat in the middle of the ocean and one of them says hey that would be hilarious if you shot water out of your blow hole and tipped this boat over so you know whales have got a blowhole on the top of their body and they blow the water out of it so it would be hilarious if you shot water out of your blow hole and tipped this boat over made the boat tip over so the second whale shoots out some water and the boat flips over the boat flips over sailors are crashing through the waves and the first whale says hey you should totally eat those sailors to which the second whale replies whoa whoa whoa i was okay with the but i'm not trying to swallow the semen too oh god oh dear it's a terrible terrible cheesy sexual joke i was okay with the meaning blowing water out of my blowhole but i'm not trying to swallow the sea men too so seaman s-e-a-m-e-n these are men who work on the sea like sailors but also seaman s-e-m-e-n is the fluid stuff that comes out of a gentleman's body part when he gets a bit too excited sexually now i i've been here before listeners and viewers trying to describe what sperm is which was unnecessary as someone wrote in the comments don't worry luke you don't need to explain that we all know what sperm is so i'm assuming you all know what sperm is you all know what semen is and you probably got the joke so the whale whale says i'm okay with the but i'm not going to try and swallow the semen too june the girl chuckles she chuckles and gives you a friendly slap on the arm oh you and she says don't tell that one to the kids okay all right the joke surprisingly went down quite well with june the two of you laugh and converse meaning have a conversation for several more minutes before you split up and you head off to the staff cabins to drop off your stuff wow that went surprisingly well for such a dodgy joke told for no reason at all okay let's continue you push open the creaky screen door to the cabin you take a few steps into the dimly lit cabin it's dimly lit so it's not very well lit you're standing in a main room with four unsanitary cots a cot is a kind of bed normally a baby would sleep in a cot but i suppose in a summer camp in a cabin you probably have cots which are like basic little beds in a wooden cabin unsanitary means not very clean so you're standing in a main room with four unsanitary cots and two four sort of dirty looking beds you you toss meaning you throw your duffel bag down on one of the unclaimed beds when you see a large spider crawling across your sheets ugh large spider there crawling across the sheets so what do we do should we squish it or squash it or should we jump away whoa okay now this is the united states they do have poisonous spiders over there um now i think we should probably squish it right because we don't want that spider cree crawling around in bed uh while we're sleeping and biting our toes so i think we're gonna squish it sorry spider fans so you fearlessly take your shoe off and slam it onto the spider splattering it into a gooey mass gooey means like describes the consistency it's like uh gooey is like wet and a bit sticky you splat it into a gooey mass you brush the deceased arachnid spider off of your stuff when you catch a moving shadow in the corner of your eye so i would actually say you're brushing the deceased erected off when you catch a moving shadow in the corner of your eye so just from the side of your vision you can see a shadow moving we know from horror movies that that's never a good sign so you turn around to see a guy about your age complete with a curly head of messy brown hair socks and sandals so he's about our age he's got curly messy brown hair he's got socks and sandals by the way what happened to davey the hitchhiker don't know he's probably gone off somewhere else anyway so there's this guy with brown messy curly hair and socks and sandals socks and sandals that's possibly even more frightening than the spider isn't it let's be honest socks and sandals no no no no no and the guy says that spider didn't even see it coming laughs the guy that spider didn't even see it coming it must not have had very good spider senses i would actually say it can't have had very good spider senses or spider sense you know spiderman's got spider sense he's like he can sense when something's going to happen and then he says my name's dc well dougie carter but everyone calls me dc you talk to the lanky dude for a few minutes so lanky if someone is lanky it means they're tall you talk to the lanky dude for a few minutes so what do we say do we say this you ever notice how you never see a spider lying out i would say lying down but here we've got you ever notice how you never see a spider laying out relaxed legs stretched out they're always ready to scare you true you never see a spider just sort of chilling out they're always just ready to get you or you say i think that was a brown recluse i don't know if there's a joke there or if that's like the type of spider but yeah it's true you never see a spider just chilling out i prefer the first option uh it's more like a jerry seinfeld or ricky gervais comedy routine you never see a spider just chilling out do you they're always just there ready to get you let's have a look huh dc laughs at your joke imagining a spider stretching out and taking a nap you're a funny dude bro says dc he throws on a plaid hoodie that's plaid means checked you know like those scottish patterns check he throws on a plaid in america they say plaid in the uk we say czech or checked um tartan is another one that's the scottish one so he throws on a plaid hoodie that has a logo reading element 92 and it has an image of a red arrow pointing upwards inside a circle element 92 is that a surfing company hold on let me google it element 92 is uranium okay the chemical element uranium the symbol u the atomic number 92 okay that's interesting uranium is used in nuclear power plants but is it also a um uh yeah it seems to be a company as well that sells um clothing yeah i found a found a picture of one on amazon other websites are available okay so he's wearing a hoodie with this logo on it and we say hey isn't that isn't element a surfing company you say or hey isn't element a record label or you say hey isn't element a skateboard company or you say oh i see you're you're a big fan of uranium i think we're going to go for the uh uranium option because it's it's another joke and i just want to show off that i know what uranium is um so he's got element 92. i see you're a big fan of uranium let's choose that one dc laughs yeah very clever bro good old atomic number 92. so we're bonding with uh dc with jokes the two of you laughed together for a few minutes before you both head out for a staff meeting the evening sun is near setting now so the evening sun is almost uh has almost set it's almost setting is near setting that's i would say that's american english to be near setting i would say almost setting you're gathered with seven other people including your boss mrs ernest a tall black woman with short curly hair and a perpetual frown a frown is when you have a serious look on your face okay so it's a staff meeting of camp counsellors uh with mrs earnest who looks like our boss let's see okay so other than her you recognize davey june and dc but there are three other young counsellors that you haven't met yet mrs earnest quizzes the lot of you on the camp rule book and safety precautions she turns to you what is the most important thing about camp stabby whacker she asks and we've got four options so is it this the kids should learn and build character or the kids should explore an adventure or the safety of the kids or is it this the kids should have fun and make friends well i mean obviously the kids should learn build character explore have adventure uh have adventures have fun and make friends but i think it's got to be the safety of the kids first right safety first i'm gonna go for that the safety of the kids you say very good replies mrs ernest that is the main priority if we had if we'd been a bit more conscious of safety a few years ago we would never have had the incident oh incident what incident is this you and the rest of the group continue going over the camp manuals these are the books the guide you know the books of rules until the sun sets the sun rises in the morning and sets in the evening so we keep looking at the camp manuals until the sun sets finally mrs ernest wraps up her lecture she finishes her lecture and brings out a cooler of old hamburgers and chips a cooler would probably be a box um a cool box that you keep food in a sort of refrigerated box she heads back to her personal cabin and lets you all enjoy a late dinner okay so you cook up a burger and look around to your left there's a shy looking girl with short red hair she nervously sips a soda and gazes out into the woods her green eyes glimmering in the cold light of the rundown gazebo eating area to your right you see a supple hawaiian girl eating a handful of potato chips she has thick dark hair and a pretty smile she gives you a glance and sends a smile your way not bad eh not bad so there's a shy looking girl on my left with short red hair she's nervously sipping a soda that's a like a soft drinker uh coke or something and she gazes out into the woods her green eyes glimmering so glimmering is a bit like glittering or shining in the cold light of the rundown gazebo eating area a gazebo is a sort of covered area that you might get in the middle of a park and it's it's maybe like a band stand you know when they have a band playing in a park they would do it under the gazebo so she's in the gazebo eating area a covered area it's kind of outdoors but with a roof on the top so she's there it's run down means it's in poor condition so it's sort of maybe a little up old maybe a bit damaged so she's she's there sipping her soda uh in the in the gazebo and to your right you see a supple hawaiian girl if someone is supple it means that they're uh in good shape physically in good shape and probably quite flexible quite strong let's have a look at uh what colin says about the word supple here okay supple so a supple object or material bends or changes shape easily without cracking or breaking flexible a supple person can move and bend their body very easily hmm i don't know how we know that the girl is supple just by looking at her but anyway you could say that's quite an appealing description so you see a supple hawaiian girl eating a handful of potato chips she has thick dark hair and a pretty smile she gives you a glance and sends a smile your way so she smiles at you hmm so who should we sit with the redhead on the left or the hawaiian girl on the right well that smile and the thick dark hair and the supple physique of the hawaiian girl i think that's gonna win here although the redhead sounds appealing as well um let's see actually before before i click on this what about this incident let me just go back to that so something about the safety of the kids uh a couple of years ago there was an incident so i wonder what happened i don't know if this is going to be important but we'll see anyway we're now going to sit with this nice looking hawaiian girl on my right you introduce yourself to the slender girl another slender girl i'm lili she tells you but can we be sure she's telling the truth did you get the joke her name is lyle but it's spelt l-i-l-a-i-l-a-i i'm lilai she tells you as you take a seat on the bench beside her the two of you laugh and chat for a few minutes she ends up asking you what activity do you want to run here at the camp so we've got exploring the forest swimming arts and crafts or campfire stories well let's go for campfire stories i mean this is luke's english podcast after all campfire stories you say oh that's cool says lily she doesn't seem genuinely interested so she's like oh that's cool doesn't seem to care that much hey where's dc asks june from across the gazebo you look around but dc is gone who cares said says the final man you haven't been introduced to he's a tall muscular man with short dark with a short dark crew cut and dark eyes doesn't sound very nice he's a tall muscular man with a with a short dark crew cut a crew cut is a very very short haircut like the haircut that guys get when they go in the army that's a crew cut so he's got a shark short dark crew cut and dark eyes bruce is such a jerk mutters lie a jerk it's like a it's an american english word it's like an idiot bruce is such a jerk mata's lilac you look out into the campground and see a shadow coming towards the gazebo who is that so it's kind of dark so there's a shape a shadow coming towards the gazebo who is it hey guys it's just dc carrying a cooler another one of those boxes it's really starting to get dark out now as he drags the cooler to the center of the group everyone begins introducing themselves and you take mental note of all the names and faces so there's june who is the calm blue-eyed blonde there's dc who is the chill skater bro there's davey who is the outdoorsy beard guy we picked up in the car there's lilai the hawaiian hottie there's kim who is the redhead shy girl and there's bruce bruce no bruce who is the dickish jock a jock is a sort of a sporty american guy who's normally very competitive and he's dickish so he's a bit of a dick who wants a beer asks dc as he cracks open the cooler he looks over to you thirsty so what do we do take a drink or decline the offer well come on we're at the summer camp he's offered us a beer let's take a drink so we take a drink you kick back and relax with your fellow young adults dc bruce and lily drink with you while june davey and kim politely decline dc walks over to the fire pit and starts throwing together some sticks he pulls out his lighter and starts a small campfire everyone begins wandering over to the flames as they grow who do you sit next to june dc davey lily kim or bruce i'd be up for sitting with anyone except bruce but i have to say i'm rather interested in sitting next to one of these girls we haven't met kim yet the ginger the shy looking ginger girl let's sit next to her so you take a seat next to kim on a large flat rock she glances over at you she glances over at you kindly her eyes twinkling in the fire light she seems nice so did you hear on the radio earlier begins bruce oh that's this is bruce so i need to give him a bit of a dick voice so did you hear on the radio earlier begins bruce addressing the group as a whole that fiendish murderer charles akron escaped from redgate prison that's just a few miles away bruce ominously looks around the fire smoke and ashes floating through the night air or if something's ominous then it's sort of got a bad vibe or a bad feeling like things feel bad or look bad so he ominously looks around the fire as if oh like things are bad relax laughs dc this isn't friday the 13th he'll be caught by morning no doubt bro this place is pretty spooky says kim inching towards you her warmth pressing against your body huh so she's slowly moving towards you inching towards you she's slowly moving towards you her warmth pressing against your body whoa okay kim let's not tell my wife although obviously in the story the character isn't married as far as i know that's not even the spookiest thing the spookiest that's not even the spookiest thing says davey as he pokes at the fire with a charred stick a charred stick this is a stick that has been burned slightly he looks up at the group and takes a deep breath i've heard camp stabiwaka is haunted oh okay let's continue davey continues his story a few years ago there was this kid that went to camp here there was a tragic there was a tragic accident some horrible neglect and absence of safety and the kid drowned in lake stabiwaka his ghost haunts these campgrounds by the way neglect negligence and neglect neglect is when someone doesn't take enough care so basically someone wasn't watching the kids someone was negligent and they they didn't take enough care and this kid drowned in the lake apparently his ghost haunts these camp grounds i heard he fell out of a tree and broke his neck said kim says kim no he was stung by a bee and had a fatal allergic reaction argues bruce well whatever it was there's there was a terrible tragedy in which a camper died says davey his spirit is angry and vengeful oh dear we've got an angry and vengeful uh ghost of a child that died uh on the camp and the it's surprising that the camp is still going uh normally if something like this happens the camp just closes but anyway oh creepy noises so that's the end of act one small talk so depending on your choices and interactions with your co-workers you've developed characteristics and built different relationships with them oh interesting so uh my character type is that i am i'm a level two for reckless level four for cautious a level five for carefree and a level two for thoughtful so i am quite this is interesting i am both carefree and cautious at the same time if you're carefree it's like oh let's not worry about anything you know hey you only live once that's to be carefree to be cautious is like oh i'm not sure let's be careful that's cautious so i'm somehow i'm both carefree and cautious i don't know how that's possible my relationships uh so i've got a level two relationship with june level three relationship with dc a level one relationship with davey so i guess the higher the number the better the relationship number one with mrs earnest number two with lily one with kim and one with bruce so i look looks like i'm do i'm getting on with june and dc the best okay let's carry on you hear a you hear rustling in the bushes a few yards away rustling is the sound of leaves and branches like also paper rustles that's a rustling sound okay right that's rustling so you hear rustling in the bushes a few yards away davey and bruce glance over to the woods must be an animal uh raccoon maybe says davey bruce stands up maybe not he says so what should we do should we investigate the noise or should we stay back and analyze the situation so this is one of the fun things about being outdoors you've got a campfire going you're having some beers telling scary stories and then you hear some noise i think we should go and investigate the noise and see what happens come on you stand up pick up a stick and wander over to the bushes alongside bruce and davey what is it asks kim nervously you carefully lean into the bushes and peer through straining your eyes in the dim moonlight what is that you hear a hurried crunch of twigs so you can hear sticks and branches breaking you hear a hurried crunch of twigs and something barreling off through the trees so something running off through the trees barrelling is a bit like moving as if you got a big barrel like the things that are used to contain beer and rolling it down a hill so it rolls really quickly so you see you hear a hurried crunch of twigs and something barreling off through the trees something running away the dark figure disappears into the grove the grove is like this this group of trees it's hard to tell in the darkness but it looked like a person it was just an animal says davey as he steps away from the edge of the forest what do you say you say no it wasn't that was a person or shall we say nothing i think we should say that that was a person right i mean if it was it looked like a person sounded like a person maybe this is that serial killer i think it's probably worth saying no that was a person no it wasn't that was a person you say there's a unanimous gasp from around there's a unanimous gasp from the group around the campfire unanimous means everyone it's done by everyone so everyone goes davey looks at you quizzically quizzically meaning confused and like what he looks at you quizzically huh all i saw was a big fox that got scared of us then ran off into the woods you're going to freak everyone out if you say stuff like that bruce steps up i saw him too he barks someone's out there watching us is it the ghost or is it the serial killer or is it something else let's see kim stands up and takes a nervous step away from the woods i'm going back to the cabin will someone come with me her voice cracks as she speaks will someone come with me davey volunteers i'll walk you back there he says i was meaning to get something out of my bag anyway so what should we do should we go with them or should we stay with everyone else i think we should stay with everyone else davey's all right he seems like a cool guy he's the skater guy he's probably trustworthy we'll let him go and we're going to stay here i don't suppose any of these people could be the serial killer right i mean we don't necessarily know who they all are i don't suppose davey who seems like this cool chilled out skater could actually be the serial killer i suppose we'd identify him i think he's probably okay we're going to stay with everyone else anyway jane seem to be getting on quite well with jane so you know i think we just i think we'll stick around you watch as kim and davey disappear into the darkness oh ghost story time laughs lily seriously says dc oh wait a minute i've just realized davey is not the skater he's the guy with the beard hmm could be the killer maybe kim's gonna maybe kim is about to to meet a sticky end uh if you know what i mean so oh ghost story time says lily seriously says dc after all that weirdness kim's on the verge of tears because she's so scared yeah but she just left says lily i love a good scare lily turns to you and smiles i bet you have a good ghost story am i right let's hear it so which one should we tell the one about the hook hand guy the one about the alien abduction or don't tell a ghost story well of course i'm going to tell a ghost story i love ghost stories as well i mean i probably shouldn't considering this seems to be it doesn't really seem to be the right time considering there's a serial killer on the loose and kim is not feeling very good but i can't resist a good scary story i think i know the one about the hook hand guy i've actually told that story on the podcast before um alien abduction i'm actually gonna go for the hook hand guy just to see if it's the one i think it is whoa that whoa that that gave me a shock did you hear that did you hear that scream that was on the podcast folks okay that wasn't in the real world before you can begin your story you hear an ear splitting scream now that definitely made me jump did it make you jump as well sorry about that listeners anyway so um where were we so what the hell was that says dc he stands up looking out towards where kim and davey went that came from the staff cabins june stands up as well we have to go and see what happened bruce remains seated and chuckles he goes davey probably just came on too strong i wouldn't want to be a block oh bruce so if someone comes on too strong it means that they are so he's assuming that davey tried to seduce uh kim or that he tried to make a move on kim but if you come on too strong it's like you are too direct so maybe he tried to kiss her or something like that or something else and she screamed i mean if that's the case then we definitely need to step in don't we but uh bruce is like i'm not going to go i don't want to be a block a block this is quite crude expression if you if you blocking is when you prevent a man from getting it on with a girl in some way you you just stop it happening blocking it's called so a look of disgust spreads across june's face that's not funny bruce it sounds like someone's hurt seriously bruce laughs that girl kim is so on edge i bet she just saw a bat and lost her mind don't waste your time so i think we need to go and investigate the scream we're not just going to ignore it we're going to go and investigate right because either davey has done something that he shouldn't have done in which case we need to definitely go in and and stop it or kim has been genuinely hurt let's go and investigate you go with june and dc towards the staff cabins to check out the scream there's a woman approaching you in the moon there's a woman approaching you in the moonlight it's kim what happened asks june he he he killed davey kim hisses through tears someone came out of the woods and stabbed davey in the in the stomach let's try to remain calm says dc who's clearly beginning to freak out as well okay everyone just try and stay calm you hurry back to the campfire to warn the others oh my god davey oh another scream then there's another scream this time from the campfire that sounded like lie lie says june you round the corner and see a dark figure dashing off into the woods bruce chases the man into the forest fearlessly as lyla remains motionless on the cold ground oh my god so another scream uh what's bruce doing that's crazy cries dc so bruce has chased the man into the forest bruce bit of a dick but fair enough he seems quite brave um what's bruce doing that's crazy cries dc lilai is dead on the ground her throat is slit and her blood soaking into the earth wow so her throat has been slit her throat's been cut oh my god it's proper horror movie stuff so what should we do we can follow bruce and the killer into the woods or find safety with june dc and kim follow follow bruce or or protect the others i think we're going to try and find some safety with june and kim and dc i think we should that's probably the wise thing to do right we that's probably what you should do if there's a killer you should try and escape you should try and hide that's what we're going to do the four of you retreat from the scene and regroup you'll need to work together to stay alive this is end of act two first blood so depending on your choices and interactions blah blah blah so here's our character type we are uh reckless level five for reckless level six for cautious level seven for carefree if you're reckless by the way it means you you don't you take decisions without really thinking them through carefully you just make quick decisions without really being careful it's a bit like careless let's see what colin says about reckless i'm pretty sure i'm right but if you say someone is reckless you mean that they act in a way which shows that they do not care about danger or they do not care about the effect their behavior will have on other people so it's kind of careless wild rash irresponsible that's reckless okay so um we are level five for reckless level six for cautious again i don't know how you can be both cautious and reckless at the same time level seven for carefree carefree is like when you're cool and you don't worry about things too much and number two uh for thoughtful i thought i was a bit more thoughtful than that but anyway relationships we've got a level three relationship with june level four with dc and one with kim one with mrs earnest bruce is missing but we've got a level three relationship with him uh davey is is dead and we and and lilai is also dead dc seems to be our closest friend followed by june and bruce now as well okay let's continue so it's so it's me june dc kim uh bruce and mrs earnest as well don't forget her so let's continue we should get as far away from this camp as possible says dc if we're fast and lucky maybe we can get to the parking lot before that butcher finds us parking lot in in the uk is a car park and when he says that butcher he doesn't literally mean a butcher someone who sells meat but a butcher is someone who you know someone has been butchering people rather than butchering meat so it means someone who's been you know violently attacking people with a knife we should get um get to the parking lot before the butcher finds us but what about mrs earnest says june we'd be leaving her to die plus if we get to mrs ernest we can use her landline to call for help landline is a telephone not a mobile but a normal conventional telephone all i know is all our cell phones have no service out in these stupid woods so we can't call for the police and even if we could it would take them way too long to get here at the rate this is going the administrative cabin is is totally the other direction than the parking lot that's a suicide mission kim is practically frozen in fear and has no comment so what should we do get to the parking lot and escape and get out of here go to the administrative cabin and warn mrs ernest or say nothing what are we going to do are we going to protect mrs earnest or just get to the parking lot and get out of here we're going to protect we're going to go back and warn mrs ernest we don't leave anyone behind let's go so i say we go to the administrative cabin and warn mrs ernest what dc is flabbergasted like shocked and stunned what do you have a death wish you think june will like you if you follow her idiotic plan news flash dude it's not worth it i guarantee this girl's affection is not worth dying for june retorts you're being such a jerk right now dc you're heartless well i'll literally have my heart removed by a serial killer if i stay at this camp much longer he says mrs ernest needs our help let's continue the four of you make your way across the campground towards the administrative cabin you gaze out at lake stabiwaka as you run along the shore moonlight reflecting off the tranquil surface it looks like that storm cloud june saw earlier is rolling in drops of rain begin patterning down infrequently but in growing numbers you're nearing the cabin now so it's starting to rain scary music scary music in the distance you see a hulking figure approaching you hulking means large basically like the hulk from the movies a hulking figure approaching you he grips a shovel this is like a spade something he used to dig in the ground he grips a shovel and in the moonlight you see that he has a thick black beard and dark coat oh dear is this davey is davey the serial killer kim screams and dc begins backing away in fear the man is about 50 yards away lumbering across the campground in the pale light sort of moving sort of clumsily and like that june looks at the man then at you come on let's go she cries to you you look over at the small shed on the shore of the lake surely there's an oar or knife or some other tool that can be used as a weapon in there you could run in grab something and fight time is running out so do we run away or do we find a weapon and fight well you know what you should do in this situation is run away but since this is supposed to be an exciting story on luke's english podcast we're going to find a weapon and we're going to fight an ore by the way is a thing that you use in a boat to uh to move the boat through the water made of wood the the ore dips into the water and you pull the boat through the water using the oars so an or a knife or some other tool we're going to find a weapon and fight come on let's have it you run over to the shed and throw the door open let's get out of here christ dc the man is getting closer you emerge from the shed wielding a heavy oar now or never you run at the hulking man and attack swinging desperately at his massive body i don't think this is davey the man grapples with you dropping his shovel and managing to push you away and knock the oar out of your hands what are you doing he growls his voice deep and guttural i'll have you fired you freak fired um you're breathing heavily your heart nearly exploding out of your chest fired fired you cough do you trust this giant of a man i'm the stabby whacker groundskeeper snarls the man a groundskeeper this is the person who's responsible for looking after the you know the grounds like the plants the the keeping the place clean and tidy on the i'm the stabby whacker groundskeeper snarls the man i heard screaming so i went looking around now i see you've slashed up the tires on all the cars and you're going ballistic with an oar what's the meaning of this slash the tires the murderer must have made sure you can't escape june comes so by the way slash the tires means cut the tires june comes running to your side and helps you up groundskeeper do you realize there's a murderer running around this camp dc butts in he interrupts from a safe distance get away from him you can't seriously trust that guy he could be the killer the groundskeeper takes a step away from you in june if what you're saying hold on if what you're saying is true his voice trails off does mrs ernest know oh oh sounds of a knife or something a dark figure leaps from the shadowy forest behind the grounds keeper the mysterious man digs a long knife into the grounds keeper's back causing him to stumble to his knees in agony so he's this mysterious man has stabbed the grounds keeper in the back that's a pity i was getting to like that guy the groundskeeper coughs up a thick mouthful of blood as the figure concealed in the shadows steps around him gliding the side of his knife against the ground's keeper's shoulder to clean off the fresh blood oh my god you please forgive me gasps the groundskeeper as he looks up at the man the groundskeeper looks up at you run he shouts you get up to sprint many run really fast as the groundskeeper reaches out and latches onto the mysterious man's legs slowing him down long enough for you to escape with june dc and kim so we're we're running away the groundskeeper's just been stabbed in the back and is probably gonna die has grabbed the mysterious man's legs just to slow him down you hear the groundskeeper let out a final cry of pain as the murderer lands a finishing blow and vanishes back into the trees a blow can be that's a blow but also a blow can be a hit a strike with a weapon so the murderers killed the groundskeeper and then vanished into the trees oh dear you sprint the rest of the way to the administrative cabin and upon reaching it see the door is slightly open you carefully push open the creaky door and walk into the quiet building the sound of your group's nervous breathing fills the room run you hear from inside the cabin save yourselves it's mrs ernest's voice from the shadows emerges mrs ernest and she's held tightly by a short muscular balding man so mrs ernest is there and she's being held tightly by a man who is short muscular and balding meaning going bald the man is holding a pair of hedge clippers up to mrs ernest's throat the rusty blade pressed against her skin hedge clippers those things that you would use to cut the leaves and branches off a hedge you know gardening tools he's holding a pair of hedge clippers up to mrs ernest's throat the rusty blade rusty means covered in that sort of brownish orange uh residue that you get from uh metal which has been in in the rain uh the rusty blade is pressed up against her skin this is definitely not the same man that killed the groundskeeper hmm maybe there's more than one of them june gasps that's charles akron the escaped convict i remember seeing a news report with his picture give me your cell phones and car keys shrieks akron you have 10 seconds or i slice this hog's throat a hog is another word for a pig give me the car keys and phones or i'll slice this this pig's throat phones and keys are useless pleads june desperately there's no service out here and our cars have all been slashed apart we're all trapped acron presses the blade against mrs ernest's neck slightly harder what do you mean slashed who destroyed your cars was it the same person that sliced the damn phone line so clearly this other person cut the phone line as well what's going on so we've got charles akron the serial killer here but then there's someone else as well doing things you all exchange terrified glances there's someone else here akron you say someone that's already killed at least three people probably four acron throws mrs ernest down on the ground and delivers a swift kick to her stomach ouch the four of you shuffle out of the way as he steps outside the cabin and looks around the rain is beginning to pick up as the drops have become a steady shower across the campground you can see that same dark figure waiting his knife gleaming so there is this other guy with his knife there who the hell are you he shouts that's probably akron shouting to the man no response well he must have a way out of here if he's keeping all of you hostage chuckles akron as he grips the hedge clippers tighter his knuckles turning white he steps out into the rain and walks towards the dark figure waving the clippers menacingly okay so akron probably wants to escape and so he's going to approach this guy maybe to force him to help him escape okay june and kim help up mrs earnest as you and dc watch akron run at the dark figure it's basically satan versus belle zebub i've heard of the rooting i've heard of rooting for the lesser of two evils says dc but i honestly don't know who i want to win this fight best case scenario one of them kills the other but in the process is mortally wounded so let's hope they both kill each other how can we escape asks mrs ernest in desperation so what do we do we murder both of those murderers or we hop in a boat and go to the other side of the lake or we hide until morning and wait until guards looking for myths looking for akron find us or we walk out there while those two are we walk out of here while those two are distracted so we murder them both well i don't think so it's not easy to kill a person as as we sort of talked about recently or in the episode with moz it's not that easy or we hop in a boat and sail to the other side of the lake or we hide and wait for the police to find us or we walk out while the others are distracted um right we're not going to walk out while the others are distracted because it's not quick enough and uh what else we are um hide until morning uh no we're not gonna hide they'll find us someone will find us hop in a boat and go to the other side of the lake i quite like that one that's the one we're gonna go for so we hop in a boat and go to the other side of the lake mrs ernest scratches her head for a moment i like it she says but we'll need fuel i think there's some on the other side of the camp in the tool shed near the trails you all leave the cabin as akron and the dark figure duel like fight together on the outskirts of the forest you make your way between cabins as rain pours down you look back and see a man following you stumbling and holding his wounded arm wait a second that's bruce he limps over to you like he's obviously got an injury in his leg because he can't walk properly so he limps over blood dripping from his arm what the hell happened asks dc als also why the hell did you follow the guy into the woods bruce grunts a tough heroic grunt so a grunt is like a sound like that i'm just a hero i almost had him i finally caught up with him and we fought for a minute but he caught me in the arm and i fell down a hill he must have thought i died but i dragged myself out of there damn you fill in bruce on the plan meaning sort of like keep up update him sounds good he says though i'm still down to kill that guy i got a good look at him while we were fighting he had red hair and a long scar across his jaw mrs ernest's mouth falls open oh my god she gasps that's little jim reed's father jim reid asks dc so she said that's little jim reid's father that's the boy that died here a few years ago the tragic accident his father blamed the camp she says he must be getting revenge oh god so the father of the boy who died at the camp is coming for revenge of course all right right that's the end of act three the enemy of my enemy is still my enemy but i hope they fight each other so i am reckless i'm cautious i'm carefree i'm not very thoughtful apparently my best relationship is with june uh and i'm i'm on a level three relationship with bruce and dc charles akron he's gonna kill me and davey and lily are and the groundskeeper are all dead wonderful he said sarcastically so the tool shed is up ahead you run to the door and find a padlock is holding it secure mrs ernest where's the key you ask she digs through her pockets then her eyes wide open no she digs through her pockets and then her eyes open wide i must have given the key to akron when he made me give him my phone and car keys she stumbled over as if punched in the stomach and winded oh i'm sorry i didn't even realize bruce walks over to the shed we don't have time to go back we can break it open he plants a hard kick on the wooden door so he kicks the door open okay so we are at the tool shed to try and find fuel for the boat so we can escape across the lake the two killers are fighting with each other bruce kicks the door down you hear something rolling behind you bouncing across the soggy ground like a heavy ball you turn round and peer out into the dark rain and then look down at your feet it's the severed head of charles akron oh my god so charles akron the serial killer has had his head chopped off and this other attacker has thrown the head towards us i don't know why i'm laughing and it's horrible whoa lightning and thunder there's a burst of lightning and you can see the dark figure now illuminated complete with red hair and a long scar on his jaw about 30 yards away he spins the long knife between his fingers as he stares at you and then crunch bruce kicks in the battered door opening up the tool shed the group explodes into panic as they too see the mysterious red-haired man grab the fuel cries bruce as he reaches into the shed and pulls out a saw from the shelf with his good arm oh god a saw is the thing that you use to cut wood right he charges towards the man in a blind fury if you're in a fury it means you're in an angry rage he runs towards the guy with the sword with a sore saw not a sword but with a saw in his hand june dc and kim sprint into the shed and start looking for the fuel mrs ernest is frozen in fear i'm sorry is all she can muster if you can muster something it means you can get the courage to do it it's all she can manage sorry that she lost the shed key sorry that she brought you all here and sorry that she let little jim reed die it was an accident she says so what do we do help bruce find the help bruce fight the red-haired man or help look for fuel i don't really fancy running towards this guy who's just chopped off the head of a serial killer the serial killer killer i don't really fancy that i mean i'm you know maybe that's a bit pathetic but i don't want to get my head chopped off fair enough right let's look for fuel so we can escape uh you run into the shed with june dc and kim outside you can hear bruce fighting as you throw garden tools around looking for the fuel found it you cry as you pull out an old metal canister from under a shelf you can hear the gasoline swishing around inside in america they call it gasoline in the uk we call it petrol you run outside with an and you run outside when an idea hits you dc do you still have that lighter you think back to the campfire pang the red-haired man hits bruce's saw out of his hand and sends it flying through the air so bruce has lost his sword it's flown out of his hand with one swift swing he slices off bruce's good hand schlunk so he's taken off bruce's good hand bruce drops to one knee eyes fixed on the bloody stump of his arm looking at his arm with no hand on it his face turns pale oh god maybe we should have helped bruce but maybe that would be us then let's see oh dear knife sounds the red-haired man plunges his knife into bruce's chest causing him to cough up a lung full of blood the killer looks over at you eyes hot with rage he attempts to yank the blade out of bruce's body but bruce holds tight so bruce is holding on to the knife bruce grabs hold of the red-haired man's arm with his wounded hand and bites down on the man's wrist get away he commands with muffled words as he bites harder so he's he's biting on the killer's arm damn for a long moment the lot the red-haired man struggles with bruce until he finally throws him into the mud he throws him off into the mud sploosh so i guess the redhead man is man has managed to throw bruce down you hold the fuel and with a heroic effort you splash a wave of gasoline on the red-haired man so we've just thrown some petrol all over the man he steps back for a moment his shirt soaked in fuel dc runs up close and pulls out his lighter flicking it on he throws the lighter and through some miracle the rain doesn't put it out in a blazing explosion the man erupts into flames as the gasoline ignites he cries out in agony and runs off into the woods crashing down a hill and plummeting into the darkness we did it stutters kim a visible wave of relief flooding over her haven't you ever seen a scary movie says dc he's not dead not yet he'll be back any second we still have to get out of here we have a little bit of fuel left let's go june rushes over to bruce's body he's gasping for shallow breaths there's no e at the end of breaths um losing way too much blood way too fast she rips off her shirt and wraps it around the stump of his arm to slow the breed to slow the bleeding damn quick she shouts get the medical kit from the tool shed i think i saw one in there you dart into the tool shed and look around on one wall there's a medical kit and on the other an axe you hear rustling in the woods through the heavy rainfall so do we grab the medical kit to save bruce's life or we grab the axe what if the killer is coming back already oh god decisions decisions eh life is full of these decisions uh are we gonna get the axe or save bruce's life we've got to save bruce's life i don't know why we can't grab both but anyway we're gonna save bruce's life first so you snatch up the medical kit off the wall and rush outside to june she starts hurriedly wrapping up bruce's wounds good work she breathes and hugs you tightly oh bruce raises his weak hand and points behind you he can barely speak but he coughs look out maybe i should have got the axe oh dear uh oh oh no the red-haired man badly burnt and fuming with anger barrels out of the woods swinging his knife wildly he catches june in the back with the blade as she jumps out to save you june saved my life oh my god and she got stabbed in the process no oh i thought i was in with a chance there oh dear june collapses to the ground a grizzly knife wound in her back grisly meaning nasty horrible not knife wound you fall backwards as the man stands over you he raises his knife high above his head but before he can strike you but before he can strike you grab a handful of mud and throw it up into his eyes he squints and stumbles backwards vulnerable and blinded for a moment a moment in which you grab bruce's saw off the ground and spin around slashing the red-haired man's neck uh blood spurts out as he crumples to the ground grabbing at his throat desperately and fruitlessly like that horrible death he rolls on his back writhing in agony like moving in a lot of pain for a moment before perishing in the rain perishing that's another word for dying so wow it looks like we killed him by slashing his throat with the saw there's a there's a unanimous sigh of relief from the group the group there's me dc is bruce still alive is june alive i don't know mrs ernest as well mrs ernest and kim as well yeah mrs ernest runs past you grabs the medical kit and starts patching up june she's breathing quickly and nervously i can't feel my legs she whimpers tears welling in her eyes oh no it's sad has she been has she been um paralyzed kim runs up to you and hugs you tight you saved us all yeah all in a day's work for luke from luke's english podcast she looks up at you eyes twinkling in the moonlight rain wetting her short red hair biting her lip this slender girl leans in to kiss you hmm i didn't expect this so what should we do kiss kim or pull away from kim so the only reason you pull away from kim is because well maybe you fancy june and you think that you've got a chance with her and if she kiss if kim kisses you then but then again she june might have lost all i'll sense in her legs oh i don't know i mean if she's gonna kiss me who am i to stop her i'll kiss her back come on your lips meet passionately as rain pours down around you her warmth contrasting with the cool night air not the most romantic seeing as there's a severed head a dying teenager and a dead murderer within a few yards but still a much needed cathartic release okay what a rollercoaster this story is uh uh oh no you gasp in pain falling away from kim abruptly what looking down in confusion you see a switchblade sticking out of your stomach tightly gripped by kim's slender hand what she yanks the blade out of you ripping through your organs and sending you toppling backwards what on earth what's going on how had you not seen it she was the one that killed davey she had been alone with him when he died why was she spared it never occurred to you that davey and lily were killed almost at the same time the red-haired man couldn't have been at both ends of the camp at once that yeah that did strike me but i just thought it was like peter carlson's writing style to be honest her red hair the same red hair as the murderer mr reed she is his daughter and the and and the sister it says brother in the text but obviously sister and the sister of little jim reid you're enveloped by darkness so darkness is closing in around us me as you hear kim's maniacal laughter fill the air ha ha ha ha ha ha ha she laughs like that one last laugh dead but really close to ending the game try again okay so we could go restart the story or the game is giving us the chance to go back and don't kiss with kim okay so you know i think we're going to do that let's go back and not kiss kim so you push kim away sort of saying oh i fancy june and you take a step backwards she looks at you innocently and confused then it all hits you blah blah same thing she you've worked out she is the sister of little jim reed you look down and she's holding a switchblade extended and ready to cut she swishes the knife at you but you jump away the blade slicing through your wet shirt you wrestle the knife out of kim's hand and throw her down with the help of dc you restrain her and then tie her up with rope from the tool shed wow the next morning so you'd gotten very little sleep that night so in in american english it's got uh got got gotten but in english british english is no sorry get got gotten and british english get got got so gotten is the past participle of get in american english but it's just got in british english so you'd gotten or you'd got very little sleep that night the sun is rising the storm having passed a few hours ago as a group you decided that you and dc would go out and try to find help while june and mrs earnest stayed with bruce and kim either guards looking for charles akron will find you or you'll make it to a main road and get to the nearest town you and dc wander down the wet dirt road out of camp stabiwaka dude laughs dc you know what really sucks about everything that happened now june can't even look at us without thinking about some horrible tragedy blocked by a serial killer the nerve of that guy you laugh and joke with him while you walk hey did you hear that one about the guy with the dead body asks dc now that's by the way listeners that that's how you announce that you're about to tell a joke did you hear the one about the blah blah blah did you hear that did you hear the one about the guy with the dead body asks dc he got home and his wife was dead in his backyard just sprawled on the grass the damn dug must have dug the damn dog must have dug her up again what hey did you hear the one about the guy with the dead body asks dc he got home and his wife was dead in his backyard just sprawled on the grass the damn dog must have dug her up again the end wait a minute that's a very weird ending what's going on that's terrible that is that some sort of joke did you hear about the joke do you hear about the story of the guy with the dead body he got home and his wife was dead in his backyard just sprawled on the grass okay so i suppose it's like a little horror story in a couple of sentences a guy got home and found his wife dead uh sprawled on the grass and you're thinking oh no someone killed his wife and the next line the damn dog must have dug her up again the dog must have dug her up meaning i see with more information we realize that uh the man killed um his wife uh and then buried her in the garden and the dog keeps digging her up just a weird joke i guess that dc and like dc and our character like to tell each other these weird jokes slightly weird ending to the story but there you go that's the end so what's my character type oh music [Music] all right i can't play the music otherwise we'll get blocked on youtube so um we are uh reckless eight points cautious seven points carefree eight points so sorry these character type things don't make any sense to me but apparently i'm i'm reckless cautious and carefree and slightly thoughtful and uh my best relationship at the end is with uh dc who turns out to be uh our friend so there's some musical credits mostly they're just sound effects um there's a there's a song at the beginning which we didn't hear which is sure thing by miguel the violins were from psycho the movie and then we heard the instrumental to the international players anthem by ugk so a few musical credits there um so listeners um there you go that was uh camp stabby whacker uh a rip-roaring horror adventure um with a very strange ending like a weird joke at the end which i didn't understand either but there you go all right so um quite a lot of vocabulary to pick up from that now you could have just enjoyed this as a story hopefully you did enjoy it as a story but also you could see it as a as a way to pick up english of course so as i said before you could go back through the story yourself make your own choices see if that makes a difference to the story and you know grab some vocab from there and add it to your probably ever growing vocabulary list uh that is all for this episode of luke's english podcast thank you very much for listening thank you very much for watching if you are watching this on youtube don't forget to like and subscribe you know smash the like button or slash the like button maybe in this case uh and i will speak to you on the podcast very very soon uh if you're watching the video if you're still watching the video if you're still alive and you're not just a skeleton uh in front of a computer then um check out my podcast right i mean i don't know if you listen to it but you can get luke's english podcast uh on all the major platforms and uh i've been doing this for about 13 years and um it's going all right people seem to like it a lot of people seem to learn english with it so that's good isn't it all right have a lovely uh afternoon morning evening night or whatever it is i'm now going to eat this little pot of pineapple chunks listeners i've got a pot of pineapple chunks that's been sitting on the table in front of me this entire time and i've been every now and then looking at it going i'd love to eat some pineapple so i'm now going to eat some pineapple and carry on with my life and i recommend that you do the same thing i mean you know not necessarily eat the pineapple but at least carry on with your normal life okay let me know what you thought of this story how ridiculous it was and all that sort of thing and i will speak to you on the podcast soon but for now it's just time to say good bye bye bye bye bye bye bye
Channel: Luke's English Podcast
Views: 183,427
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: learn, learning, english, lesson, lessons, luke, podcast, luke's, vocabulary, native, speaker, interviews, listening, pronunciation, british, accent, london
Id: klZPB3Nnq1M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 98min 12sec (5892 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 15 2022
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