75 EASY Mounts to Get in World of Warcraft! 400 Mounts Guide Part 1

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hey guys rusty over here and today I'm gonna be showing you 75 super easy to obtain mounts so you can start working towards your friends you've felt Allen which is the reward for getting 500 mounts in the game or from some point in the future Shadowlands or even further on depending when you're watching this video if they ever add a 500 mountain treatment or so on now if this guy does help you hey let me know in the comments down below and also give the video a like and if you also have mounts that are also that you think are easy to obtain that I didn't put in this guide let me know in the comments down below and again this is gonna be a multi-part series this is part one so stay tuned for more by subscribing to the channel so let's dive right into the guide now most of these mounts are gonna come from your factions racial mounts now this is by far the easiest chunk of mounts that you guys can get so let's look at the Horde for example torrents and trolls give 6 mounts each orcs on debt and blood else gives 7 mounts the goblins give only two mounts although they're still very easy to get and the pandas give 12 mounts for a total of 47 mounts and obviously all that is gonna be mirrored on the Alliance now in order to be able to buy these mounts you need to be exalted with that race or for some of them that race is City so for example for orcs you need to be exalted with organizer by their mounts on bed under City so on so forth and again obviously that is all mirrored on the Alliance now in order to start gaining reputation you need to go and buy that races tavern and once you equip the Tabard you will start gaining reputation with that race every time you kill a mob and a dungeon boss and so I'll eventually get exalted and you can buy that races mounts now I am gonna show you in the video I'll have the map up as well where every single vendor is a sells two Tabard so if you're not sure they are you can pause the video look on the map and then go and buy the tavern now let's start it off with the Horde orcs come from orga Mar undead come from orga Mar trolls or an organ are pandas or gamar goblins are all in or gamar so you can buy five of the taverns for five of the races inside of organ are so again I'll have it up on the video where you guys can look there now for touring you're gonna have to go to Thunder Bluff and buy from the Thunder Bluff quartermaster and for the blood elves you're gonna buy the Silver Moon tavern which is by the way in Silver Moon and that's it for the Horde let's move on for the Alliance humans pandas Gil Nan's and night elves all come from Stormwind night elves and Gil Nan's move next to the Stormin embassy after you know tell just so a guy went up it went up in flames now the gnomes and dwarves are both going to be an iron forge I believe they're next to each other I'll have it in the video for you guys and the Draenei are going to come from the exodar so again guys in the video I'll have the location of every map for I will have the map up for every location of the vendor for you guys so you can pause the video if you need to if you're not sure where the vendors are to buy the tabards and you can go ahead and get the taverts now once you have all the tabards go ahead and equip one and you're gonna wanna head over to the Botanica now I'm gonna use the orga marwan for the orcs as an example so make sure the dungeon the Botanica is on normal mode since you are going to be wanting to do this 10 times per hour as it is the instance cat once you're in there kill every trash mob and all the bosses and you will gain a ton of rep for whichever faction or to have a racist tapper that you're wearing again using orcs is the example would be orga mark and now you're gonna want to keep running the Botanica until you exalted with whichever racist Havard you're wearing now this should take you about fourteen runs if memory serves correctly it's super super quick you might have to wait a little bit if you instance cap once you do the 10 per hour but it shouldn't be that long of a wait once you're exalted go ahead over to the vendor and you can buy all the mounts again in this video I will show you the location of every vendor so you could pause the video and go ahead and see where all the vendors are to buy the mounts once you are eventually exalted so again guys just to refresh your minds go ahead you want to do this for every single race equip the Tabard head over to Botanica clear the dungeon until you are exalted and once you clear with one tavern remove the Tabard go ahead and buy the mounts or I guess equip the other taverns and keep running Botanica until you're eventually exalted with all of your factions races and head over to the vendors and buy all the mounts again guys this is 47 mounts for maybe I don't know six hours of work not even that's that's really like pushing maybe closer to seven I guess since maybe because it do the instance cap but this is something you could do super super quick and once you hit is this cap you can maybe log on to another character and start working on some of the other easy mounts that I'll be showing you in this guide again guys there's no reason you really shouldn't have these faction amounts they're incredibly easy to get and also just reminder I will have the maps in the videos for all the vendor locations for the tabards and also the vendor locations for the mounts so you can go ahead and just pause the video and see where they are if you're not sure to get them 47 Mouse guys very easy to get go and get them now moving on to the next set of mounts you're gonna want to head over to the Dollar on mount lender may Frances now I am gonna be showing you the one in the wrath of the lich king dollar on however I believe the Legion dollar on vendors in the exact same spot and sells the exact same mounts now all these prices are going to be at the exalted discount I believe exalted with the cure and tour however it's not to be honest it's not that much of a discount except for maybe one of them so it's really not that big of a deal anyways head over to the mountain vendor may Frances and you're gonna buy 11 mounts total here now most of them are gonna be either the wind riders for the Horde or the Griffins for the Alliance there's gonna be eight total there so go ahead and buy all of them seven of them are incredibly cheap one of them is sixteen hundred gold however guys sixteen hundred gold you can make very very easily I do have gold guides on my channel for all these by the way although all these you can make the amount of gold very easily by simply running warlords adrenaline during all the gear getting all that raw gold and also maybe doing heroic sky reach runs and heroic iron docks runs now by all the wind riders or Griffin's depending on your faction you're also gonna why the armored buy the armored brown bear for 600 gold the woolly mammoth for 8,000 gold and getting a little more expensive but you also have the travelers Tundra mammoth for 16,000 gold or 20,000 if you're not exalted again I believe the Kirin Tor now who some of you that might seem like a lot of gold I don't know maybe you're a newer player that might seem like a lot of gold again I do have gold guys on my channel if you want and go ahead and check those out that will help you out but simply just go ahead and run warlords of draenor old raids clear the whole raid vendor all the gear and you'll make enough raw gold to buy all eleven of these mounts again guys these mounts are very easy to get very easy mounts 11 mounts to your collection simple enough go buy the mounts now moving on to the next set of mounts this is gonna be four mounts total this is simply the Ahn'Qiraj mounts the resonating crystals so head over to Ahn'Qiraj it does have to be a q40 not 20 so the instance on the right again i'll show you on the map in the if you're not sure which one it is and essentially this doesn't come from the bosses you're gonna want to clear all the trash and every trash mop that drops loot has a chance to drop these resonating crystals you could get the green one the red one the blue one and the yellow one the red one is slightly more rare than the others although you should be able to get all four of these crystals in one run if you don't either wait till next week if you have one character or if you even have like a level 100 alt maybe even lower you just simply just go ahead and run it one more time again guys these mounts have an incredibly high drop chance from the trash mobs in a queue 40 so clear all the trash and you should be able to get for easy mounts for your collection simple enough now moving on to the next set of mounts and that's gonna come from the PvP honor mounts so these are the old mounts that used to cost honor back when honor points were a thing however now each mount will cost 15 marks of Honor which is what the currency that you get from doing battlegrounds in arena essentially it's the PvP currency now for the Horde head over to sorghum our and for the Alliance head over to storm wind and again in the video I will show you if you guys want to pause the video I'll show you on the map where each vendor is located and you can go ahead and buy the maps now again guys these do cost 15 marks of Honor each which is fairly easy to get just do some battlegrounds through some arenas and you'll earn yourself five easy mounts that you could buy off the vendor simple enough now let's move on to the next two mounts which are both gonna come from the same vendor and that comes from an uncle big pocket I think that's his name in Khun Mai summit now he's gonna sell three mammoth Mouse however one of them does cost 120,000 gold that's maybe a little bit like that's like maybe part three that's like a part three of this of this series so for now you're just gonna buy two other yaks that he sells for 3,000 gold total of 6000 gold if you are able to buy the travelers Tundra mammoth from the dollar on mountain men there you should be able to make enough gold to buy to buy both of these mounts again if you're not sure how to make this gold I do have gold guys on my channel or just go ahead and run some water eights or mists of pandaria go ahead and run some mists of pandaria raids been there all the gear and you should make enough raw gold to go ahead and buy both of these mounts this is to super ez mounts that you could add to your collection start working towards that 400 mount achievement now let's move on to some more mounts that you don't get for vendor and that's going to be the black in Twilight Drake which both come from the obsidian sank them from saturon South Iran I forgot his name the big black dragon that you kill without killing the three Drake's in the room so again guys go into the raid and you see those three purple Drake's to Twilight Drake's don't kill them just go straight ahead an aisle eight the dragon in front of you chop his head off which I guess you really don't do I guess there's nothing in there for him but you get the point kill the dragon and then loot him and he should drop one of the mouse now the black Drake comes from the ten player version and the Twilight Drake comes from the 25 player version so technically you cannot do both of these on one character per week but if you have an alt you could do it on you could do that or you can simply just wait til the next week and then do it again and then get both of these mounts again black Drake comes from trend player Twilight Drake comes from 25 player don't kill the three Drake's around the room just kill the big boss in the middle and then you will get them out simple enough sticking to the theme of drink mounts let's move on to the next one which is going to be the bronze Drake now for this head over to the caverns of time and you're going to want to go into the calling of Stratholme dungeon on heroic difficulty now essentially you want to clear the entire dungeon until eventually you get to the last boss room or you could go straight ahead and then you would fight mal Ganis and instead of going in there you want to keep going to the left area and there's gonna be a infinite dragon torturing some other dragon basically there's gonna be an infinite dragon there go ahead and kill him and he has all 100 percent drop chance to kill the mount the only thing to know do you do have a time limit on this but it's something like 20 or 30 minutes guys listen if you can't clear this dungeon in 20 or 30 minutes you're probably level 5 maybe even level 4 essentially guys it's super easy just clear the dungeon till the end keep going left don't go into the final boss room kill the infinite dragon get the mountain gg moving on to another dungeon mount that you could get very easy one is going to be the amani battle bear so head over to zola maan and the ghosts lens again make sure the dungeon is on her own difficulty entered a dungeon talk the Vol'jin that both of you are gonna start beating on drum to start he's gonna open the gate and again you're gonna be on a bit of a time limit here although once again is a super long time limit it starts out at 18 but eventually it'll get it's like 20 minutes and up so you need the there's four bosses you need to kill you want to head over to the top-left corner first and go ahead and kill the eagle boss free the troll from the cage or the dude from the cage I forgot I control or not then you want to go ahead and kill the bear boss simple enough again I'll show all these locations on the map and the order that you need to kill them free the guy from the cage again head over to the third boss kill him free the guy from the cage then you want a head over to the lynx boss or essentially the cat boss and it's important that you do this boss lasts otherwise you will not get them out kill the Lynx boss and then you're gonna free the troll from the cage and then you're gonna talk to her she's gonna start breaking all the vases around the room the first two are just gonna have gold on the ground or just gonna have golden ground actually more like silver on the ground and then the third vase she will break will drop a bag and in that bag go ahead and loot it and you will get your money battle bear again make sure you just follow the order in the video I will show you on the map the order the boss is that you need to kill and make sure you free all the people in the cages and then you will very easily get this mountain now let's get another wolf's mouth because we all love wolves right let's collect as many wolves as we could get head over to the western end of Frostfire Ridge and drown or and in these little trees or in this tree area you're gonna have this giant ass wolf next to all these other small wolves the giant ass wolf his name is gonna be knock crush go ahead and kill it should die very easily if you're 120 and as it went a hundred percent drop chance to essentially drop itself except the mount is called dawn night howl now not kourosh does have a pretty high spawn rate so chances are he will be up when you go over there if not check back later or you can go ahead and wait for him to spawn the spawn rate is very high so go ahead kill not kourosh get the Mount learn the mountain mount it be happy so the last mount that I have for you guys for this video is going to be the coal fist grande link now this mountain does come from garrison mission tables however guys let's be honest no one wants to do garrison mission tables especially if you don't already have a rank 3 garrison with decent followers with decent gear if you have that you can wait for the mission to spawn go ahead but chances are guys you don't have that just go ahead and buy the amount off the auction house chances the obviously prices are going to vary on your server but for emerald dream for example I usually see the mount selling for around 4,000 between 4,000 and 4500 gold it's a very cheap mount you can buy the auction house again chances are if you bought the travelers Tundra man from dollar on you have the goal to buy this ma'am so go to the auction house search up cold fist growling buy the Mount and that's another super easy mount that you have for your collection start working towards mountain number 400 so there you go guys there's 75 super incredibly easy mounts that you can get to start working towards your 400 mount achievement or again if you're watching this in the future 500 mounts or 600 or 700 you know what 1000 mounts why is there why is there not already an achievement for a thousand mounts anyways guys I do hope this guide helped you if you have any questions at all feel free to leave a comment down below also if you have another easy mount I didn't put in the video maybe I'll put it in the next part let me know in the comments down below the guy helped you throw it alike and if you're not subscribed to the channel and you want to see the next part hey subscribe to the channel and until next time guys bye bye yeah right dude you think I hope you think I'm gonna forget you think I'm gonna forget not a chance boys halo 3 was the best halo listen guys hallo - hallo - was number 2 reach is pretty damn close I still flip-flop back and forth on that but halo 3 halo 3 there's no beating halo 3 halo 3 was the best halo there's no question is the fact I'm sorry you could disagree you're wrong you have a wrong opinion anyways guys until next time bye
Channel: RustyCobra
Views: 222,425
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: world of warcraft, mount, wow, mounts, wow mounts, mount guide, easy mounts, guide, wow mount guide, world of warcraft mounts, easy wow mounts to get solo, wow solo mounts, easy wow mounts, world of warcraft dragonflight, dragonflight, wow easy mounts, wow dragonflight, mount farm, wow easy mounts to get solo, solo mounts, guides, cool mounts, mount farming, how to get easy mounts, easy mounts to get in wow, wow mounts to farm, step by step mount guide
Id: rMMS8rBRa5A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 44sec (884 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 19 2020
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