72 HOURS IN ELLA SRI LANKA (This Place is Pure MAGIC!)

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coming up on lyd and Mandy I'm really  happy we didn't drive the TK Tok down   here because there's a fulls siiz truck  coming up I'm not sure what we would have [Music] done it is a pretty epic uh view here  I don't know if the camera really picks   it up totally you definitely have  to visit it for yourself yeah it's   like this amazing Bridge surrounded  by jungle there like palm trees and mountains this TK to driers got just  a bottle of Jameson what is this [Music] I'm being a nomad is not a  vacation it's freedom but it's also   [Music] discipline it's an exchange of security for  enhanced experiences it's a way of life run   away to your Escape run away run away away  you never too far around run away run away   run away to your Escape run away run away  run away run away run away run [Music] away guys if you've been watching our channel  for a while now you will know that we really   prioritize a good night's sleep I'm lucky to  be a heavy sleeper but poor Lloyd he really   struggles with it our lifestyles make it extra  challenging to feel rested we're constantly   sleeping on trains planes buses swapping from  airbnbs to hotels so we are always looking for   extra help with sleep so when we discovered  man to sleep we were so excited to finally   find something that actually worked for Lloyd  but since then I've started using man to sleep   as well we've both started using their sound  mask which is the most comfortable Bluetooth   sleep mask in existence we love it we listen to  our sleep meditations before we go to sleep every   night and we've been sleeping so much better  because of it the best thing about this mask   is that it's completely blackout so if you  want to take a nap during the day or while   you're traveling it makes it that much easier  to fall asleep we also have their inflatable   travel pillows which are awesome I love them  because they don't take up as much space in   your luggage when you aren't using it and the  cover itself is so soft if you are looking to   improve your quality of sleep go over to their  website and check them out they have thousands   of FST star reviews and if you're interested  in buying one of these masks use code lm10 at   checkout and you'll get 10% off your order thanks  so much for listening and let's get into this [Music] episode all right guys welcome back to another video  and welcome to Ella we just spent the last few   hours at a place called chill Cafe because the  Wi-Fi has been pretty hit and miss pretty much   everywhere uh it's been a well Lloyd says just  miss it's been a bit of a struggle for work uh   something to keep in mind if you are coming to  Sri Lanka pretty unreliable drop out a lot but   this place called chill Cafe it was the best  Wi-Fi that we've had so far since we've been   here so worth coming we're going to spend  the next few days exploring around Ella   so far the weather's been incredible it's  nice and cool here and um Lloyd says it's   his favorite place we've been to so far which  is a bold statement for him I think I'm just   going to see what else we can find around  here it's so beautiful like way way nicer   than we ever expected and more happening a  lot of people around lots of Tourism it's [Applause] [Music] beautiful we woke up to the  most incredible view this morning had to be   one of the most beautiful sunrises coming right  in through the window we sat and had a tea and   then did yoga uh just in the Sun and then um had  like a really really nice traditional Sri Lankan   breakfast cooked for us it was incredible  way to start the day have we got our work   done so we can now go [Music] [Applause]  [Music] [Applause] [Music] explore it's okay small small small okay on yeah walk yeah walk okay [Music] okay I'm absolutely loving the climate here  yesterday we actually had to put like jumpers   and pants on for the first time since we've  been in Sri Lanka and during the day it's   like kind of mild but like I don't know mid  20s maybe haven't been sweating while could   have every other place we been in Sri Lanka  it's very comfortable yeah in comparison to   pretty much everywhere else in Southeast Asia  we've just come to the famous N9 Arch Bridge   here in Ella it's the main attraction that you  see all the photos of we just got told this very   bumpy Drive in here so we just decided to walk  instead and it's only 700 meter walk so not too   bad it's very beautiful walk the landscape  of Ella is just incredible tea plantations   beautiful flowers everywhere it's just stunning  okay yeah I'm really happy we didn't drive the   Tuk Tok down here because there's a fulls siiz  truck coming up I'm not sure what we would have [Applause] done [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah that would have been really stressful  hey yeah on a big hill with just cars and   trucks coming at you it's single Lane  not really sure what they do um they   must have some way of figuring it there you  don't want to do this in the Tok to man I'm   so happy we didn't drive the to this is  so Steep and narrow it would have just   been an anxiety attack the hold time  [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] on push [Applause] it [Music] you have to get out and push  that's oh my God you're so grateful right   now that would have been you pushing no way  and they guys who have been driving Tok TOS   their whole life yeah way better than us  ah there's the [Music] bridge [Applause]   hello we're probably getting a Tok  to out right yeah but I'll have to push today was our first time seeing  a jack fruit tree I didn't know what   a jackf fruit tree looked like Lloyd said  that it looks like someone just put jack   fruit in a tree cuz it doesn't look like it  belongs there I definitely agree they're so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause]  big this doesn't feel right does it   this is not what I pictured no neither  I actually thought we were just driving   the Tuk Tok to a bridge same they on  this like crazy hike M with thongs on always underprepared Lloyd and Mandy  signature no research that's it done   yeah God it's feel with there yeah yeah  pretty cool beautiful yeah worth the   track the track [Music] [Applause]  yeah [Applause] we made it and it's   pretty cool it's worth the track probably  about 100 people here just waiting for a   train I think getting photos I wonder if  I can fly the Drone in there's no signs or anything scratch that damn would have  been an epic shot noes oh say a sign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] no  there's some pretty incredible accommodation up   on the Hills here overlooking the the train  tracks just up here not sure if you can see   pretty amazing view I what definitely recommend  looking into something like that while you're   saying here okay sorry I'm just trying to find  out what time the train comes so we can wait   for it says it's approximately six times a day and  times vary and it also depends on how much fuel is available so basically we have no idea see what  happens could be anytime yeah we'll give it a   while I'm sure if we ask a local they'll be like  yeah it's coming soon it's all tea plants down here so pretty it's like really similar to Barley  they've got like rice patties everywhere but here   it's tea trees or tea plant what do you call  them tea plantations tea plantations everywhere   it looks real [Music] nice it is a pretty epic  uh view here I don't know if the camera really   picks it up totally but you definitely have  to visit it for yourself yeah it's like this   amazing Bridge surrounded by a jungle there's like  palm trees and mountains and it's on a bend and   it's really cool it probably is going to look  really cool when a train comes past hopefully   we get some warning so we can get off the track  we're right in the middle of the track right now   we're trying to find some stock Drone footage to  put in here sure that [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause]  [Music] [Applause] [Music] be [Music] if you com in here just  remember that ignorance leads to suffering don't be ignorant okay train's coming and it's a  mad scramble everyone's running off the   tracks make sure that didn't get hit  I have no idea which way it's coming [Music] [Applause] [Music] from  come here come [Music] on there's   people still running to get  off the tracks and it's almost here it's funny we literally had just decided we're  going to wait 20 minutes and then we're going   to leave and it came yeah it's funny how things  can end up as tourist attractions this is just a   a bridge that was obviously built for necessity  to get this train T and now hundreds of people   come here every day just to watch a train Drive  P I love it they could charge entry honestly yeah the tourist police just blew a whistle  and even the dog that was sleeping on the   train tracks knew what that meant now the  Epic trk back up to the top do you reckon   we take a Tuk to up or should we walk  we'll see how much I want to charge it   okay if it starts raining it'll be very  interesting cuz it's quite muddy already   it'll be very slippery if you're going to  come do this I suggest wearing proper shoes probably H how much to the top 500 500 done [Music] okay [Music] best 500 rupees we have spare yeah this Tuk Tok driver's got just a bottle of Jamon yeah just in case not use him or use him so  something that I just noticed um that was probably   the most touristy thing that you can do I think  in Sri Lanka at least one of them there doesn't   seem to be any animosity or like frustration  towards tourists in comparison to the a lot   of other countries that we've visited that um  when you go do the touristy things there's a   lot of trying to rip you off a little bit of uh  frustration towards tourists there isn't that   here at all it feels so welcoming everywhere like  the shrinkin people are so beautiful they're like   just just something I thought I would note  like I've really noticed the difference in   comparison to other countries that we've been to  and that might be because it's not overly busy at   the moment maybe it gets different in a more  peak season but uh yeah a little bit [Music] different [Music] okay we're just about to head  to a place called badulla it says it's about 45   minutes away but we're going to account for that  to be double judging by everywhere else that we've   been has been double the time it's meant to be  very very beautiful we're going to probably get   something to eat there and just just check it out  I'm not really sure what to expect Lloyd's planned   this so uh yeah should be a surprise for all of us  actually got given a suggested itinery from the uh   Tuk to rental place um and it just suggested while  we're in Ella to check out badulla town I think   there's a lot of like temples and stuff there  and it's a bit of an ancient city so hopefully   there's somewhere to get something to eat cuz I'm  not eating breakfast I'm going to eat lunch and   it's probably going to take us over an hour to  get this I'll be hung by the time we got [Music] a [Music] the tea plantations here are absolutely  beautiful yesterday when we drove past   there was people working in them but  there's nobody working today but the   weather today is just perfect to  like perfect temperature I'd say   it's probably like maybe 24° maybe 25  so comfortable sun shining very very [Music] blessed [Music] [Music] oh huge jack fruit hey [Music] yeah thank [Music] you big very big  thank [Music] you what is this ooh like syrup do I eat it all right oh that's delicious wow your something it no it's it's so [Music] good   very sweet very nice what's  it called k k kle k what is it from this tree okay and it comes from the tree  ah okay beautiful very tasty and you made very   nice tastes like um M Sy yeah but better very  good very good thank you thank you that was so good that was [Music] awesome [Music] that was so cool I just was standing far  away trying to get some video of that Temple and   this man just welcomed me in doesn't speak English  but that was pretty special everyone seems to   really want to share things and actually show  you their way of life it's so [Music] beautiful   okay we've made it to badulla uh Lloyd's just  looking for a cafe for us to have breakfast   the bananas were awesome but haven't filled  me up very hungry today uh so see if we can   find a nice cafe Bay here little get a coffee  uh and then we'll just explore around the town   see what's in here so far friendly people  everyone's waving as always feeling very [Music] welcome [Music] [Music] all right we made it to uh wait where are WEA  um and I just need a coffee to wake me up a   little bit so we stopped in at this local  cafe here there's not too much on the menu   really for breakfast though so Manny's going to  get a juice I'm going to have a coffee and then   we're going to head somewhere else for breakfast  and then um maybe do a bit of sightseing here in   medulla it actually only took about half an  hour to get it which was very surprising so   we'll check it out I think there's some temples  and things like that to [Applause] [Music] do [Music]   okay we just drove back from badula town um  honestly not too sure why we recommended to   go there like it was kind of of beautiful  but there wasn't like too much to do there   is some waterfalls in the area so maybe that's  why but uh it's going to rain very soon so it   was a really nice drive out there though so I'm  kind of glad we did that and we stopped off of   that Fruit Stand which was pretty cool so we're  just getting some breakfast now back in Ella man   there is like so many cafes and restaurants here  in Ella honestly this is what I was expecting   wellig Gama to be more like um there's so many  places to eat we just came to Rainbow Cafe who   was recommended To Us by one of our Instagram  followers kolina W thank you uh it looks really   good there's like a couch and a chill out spot  and there's vegan options we're not vegan but   if you are there's options for you here that has  to be the most beautiful smoothie Bowl I've ever   seen smoothie heart plate lovely you got the tacos  not quite as pretty but it still looks delicious [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]  [Applause] I love Ella so   much it's such a cool little town it has  the best [Music] [Applause] [Music] vibe [Music] this is how we reverse in Sri Lanka thank you madam thank you  to meet you we will and we'll   send lots of people too okay thank  you m okay see you bye-bye oh push yes oh my God new this F yes fcking okay thank you that's such a good good bar yeah no they're blocking the whole driveway that [Music] this all right we just got to the train station  we are catching the train actually halfway to   candy from here we're going to have a quick  stop over for a couple of nights so took to   reynolds.com they actually let you get a train  and they organize a transfer so somebody's going   to meet us here and they're going to drive the  Tuk to and meet us on the other side so we can   get the train which is pretty cool it's about  50 bucks to do that and they even leave you   with a full tank of gas and everything it gives  us a chance to break up the trip like from just   driving everywhere we want to get this train  ride because it's I think the most scenic train   ride in Sri Lanka it's about 3 hours so we're  getting the train to a place called new noara   Elia it's like halfway between Ella and candy  and it's known as like little England there's   lots of tea plantations and like really old  English style hotels and stuff so we'll just   check that out for a couple of days and then  drive to Candy after that I think it's about 3   hours from here to there by train so who are we  looking for here uh this guy sent me a photo on WhatsApp hello good morning hi hi hello you can tell that the street dogs in   Ella are well taken care of because  they're so kind and they love love yeah I think we're good it's just like none  of the names match up which is weird that   happened last time this says badulla which  is where we were yesterday yeah leaving B at 10:15 that's not here I guess maybe it is  here and then going to nanu that's not what   I said before is it no hopefully we make it  I booked it on one two go Asia they haven't   really done us wrong yet observation  class which um I mean it must be must   have a good view observation CL you think so  yeah hopefully hi good morning Mandy nice to   meet you nice to meet you so how did you  get here where did you come from by bus from you're going where we're going so you C  the bus down and you drive back yeah youing   that's when it's coming or that's when it's  coming maybe this is when it's coming let's   just be here and we'll just get on whenever  we can uh actually this is not your train   this train come to here 11 11 11 10:30  maybe come here and you can come inside okay did we buy the wrong ticket yeah  unfortunately we have their wrong ticket so   we have 2 hours to kill now just going to go maybe  have a tea Lloyd might have a coffee got a bit   more time in Ella than we thought which is kind  of nice I was a bit sad to be leaving here because   it's it's so like the nature is so nice here it's  so Lush peaceful sounds monkeys everywhere it's   so lovely definitely recommend coming to Ella  all right we're back at our favorite spot here   in Ella we've been here every day yeah yeah we  came in for dinner last night it was really good   and it gets really packed it's got the best  Wi-Fi here the food's awesome the service is   good we'll leave a link for it down below cuz um  it's our favorite restaurant in Ella and I think   it's the most popular restaurant in Ella judging  by how many people were here last night [Music] I try this again huh try this again 1111  not sure why it booked this chck it from   hey you again hi sweetheart keep following me  around make sure do uh the street dogs here   are like they seem more domesticated  or something than kind they're they   seem to be very well taken care of yeah  then get trade like [ __ ] huh [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] oh [Music] w [Music] [Music] a [Music] get thank you thank you very much okay come here  I have NOA idea what he called this but it's very   sour and it's got like seeds in it it's kind  of like a small almost pomegranate or passion fruit it's really [Music] nice [Music] so was about 3 and 1/2 hours which is  what it said actually just that we I think got   the wrong ticket we got a bit than we [Music]  talk do you need a lift yeah I'm yeah I'm I'm   the yeah you want to drive yeah yeah sounds  good I don't have to drive uh it's time for   bed just know what we're going okay we're just on  the hunt for somewhere to sleep tonight now we're   both exhausted we've been up since probably 4:30  didn't have the best sleep and traveling is just   always so exhausting so hopefully we can find a  hotel that will have a room available I'm sure we [Music] will all no we just had lunch  thanks just crooked on that so loud best 500 what is it rupes barnish over me remember when I did that yeah it's the biggest  W is next barely see about 2 m in front of me tokt rentals.com so where we  getting the train to is called run away run away run away to your Escape run away  run away run away you never too far to run run
Channel: Lloyd & Mandy
Views: 25,178
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 1UIe6wd5rjQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 15sec (2295 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 11 2023
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