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oh god what have I done oh God all right what's going on everybody welcome back to the show and seriously the longest production video I've ever done in the history of the channel I purchased this 1998 Yamaha VMAX for $700 and it has taken me three months and thousands of dollars to just get this damn thing to start running just to get it running not rolling just running oh God here we [Music] go okay all right let's give some context to that intro shall we this motorcycle is part of a new series that I'm starting on the channel called polishing a turd this happened almost overnight back in December I was hanging out with the Discord boys and I was like I want another project bike I want something kind of fun to work on uh that we can fix up and flip and take the proceeds of that and fund another bike and then maybe we can start flipping motorcycles all the way up until we start buying some really cool bikes for the channel so some of the disc ORD guys were like well I'd pump in some cash for that and overnight we got to 1,600 bucks uh that the Discord people donated which I am so thankful to all the Discord boys your names are rolling here on screen some of them are now ex Discord boys because this has taken so long that they have since decided to leave which I hopefully you're enjoying this video because this is the fruit of your labor I purchased this motorcycle in December of 2023 with the expectation that it only needed a little bit of work to get going the guy specifically said hey look the carburetor it's been sitting for a while the carburetors will need to be cleaned and the clutch doesn't work nor does the rear break little did I know that everything that could go wrong with this motorcycle has gone wrong I should have checked the born on date when I looked at this thing because these tires they have less than 1,000 miles on them they still have spews on them and they're from 2013 this motorcycle has done less than 1,000 miles in the last 10 years so I purchased a 30-year-old almost motorcycle that had been sitting for 10 years with 72,000 miles on the clock for $700 what you're about to see is the story of getting this motorcycle to start just to start and just to idle that's all that's going to happen in this video it took me three months let's dive on in baby all righty first order of business is getting the fuel pump out of here which is right under all of this um get the fuel pump out put the battery in go get get some new fuses at my local auto parts store and then uh see if it'll crank ooh needs a new coolant cap that's not [Music] good wiggle pull wiggle pull wiggle pull wiggle pull wiggle pull yeah got it so here's one of the issues that we're running into right out of the gate this is the new fuel pump and it's almost identical but I'm going to need to salvage some of the hardware cuz it looks like it mounts like this uh on a new bike versus this which was sitting like that also my output hoses are in different directions so my hope is that I can just take these apart and Salvage what I need and just throw the old stuff away now if you're anything like me you might be thinking what the hell is a fuel pump doing on a carburated bike well you can't gravity feed these carbs because the seat under the tank and this pump had so much Varnish in it that I needed to disassemble and clean the whole assembly before attaching it to the new pump motor you'll notice that ends up being kind of a running theme with this motorcycle it was actually a lot more difficult to find this battery for the Vmax than I thought it would be a lot of them are just these like liquid ones that you have to top off instead of the actual agms so uh hopefully this is a good battery when I first checked out the bike when the fuel pump was attached it was blowing fuses that means that there was something wrong with the fuel pump circuit when I took it apart I realized the pump motor was just completely broken and stuck open I did some testing later on and there still is a short to ground somewhere in the motorcycle that I have to diagnose but that's probably not terribly important at least not at this point I hope probably okay Off fuel is on start high low okay should be [Applause] good nothing funky no explosions a it did it I think that does not sound like the sound of a healthy fuel pump maybe it's just cuz there's no fluid in it hey you know what it helps to start a motorcycle that has gasoline in [Music] it see now the fuel pump's not doing the thing where's my fuse tester I then in my Infinite Wisdom proceeded to spend the rest of the afternoon trying to diagnose a working fuel P it turns out the thing just stops when it when it's when it's got enough pressure it just it works I just spent the rest of the day looking at Google trying to figure out a problem that wasn't a [Applause] [Music] problem and let's see survey says um that's not right yeah um I don't think high octane gasoline is supposed to have the same color as Caribbean rum I really hope this is a drain bolt looks kind of drain bolty uh well that's not right I got a single drip of sludge and uh nothing I'm going to go poking see what I find oh I poked a hole in the sludge layer I need to get that off my hands now in case you're curious that vat is not full of motor oil I promise it's uh full of what was at one point gasoline well the gas tank is empty and uh that is a bucket full of whatever killed the dinosaurs right there because holy cow is that narsty I'm literally standing outside of the garage right now because uh it's so full of fumes that I can't really breathe in there um so yeah I'm going to cool off all righty I'm going to now pull the carburetors while I'm waiting for the tank to finish dribbling so uh it's actually kind of cleared out a little bit in here the Fan's going I'm feeling a little less high so let's dive on in you're about to watch me make a huge huge mistake Vmax people look away now no matter what you do never ever cut away these cables Yamaha no longer makes these cables they're not available in the United States and I say it later in the video I had to special order a set from Germany this seriously added a month of build time to this [Music] project [Music] now because the gas tank had been sitting for so long with bad gas in it all of the gas emulsified and turned into varnish on the inside side of the gas tank I had to pull the tank out so that I could actually properly clean it the problem is it is so difficult to do on this motorcycle you have to disassemble the entire back end and even remove parts of the frame to get the damn thing out I'm sure this thought has gone through the head of anybody who's had to do this before but I would like to meet the person who designed the tail end of this motorcycle and smack them upside the head with the tail end of this motorcycle all righty folks we're back home and I've got one nasty ass gas tank I cannot tell you uh how bad this thing just stinks it is disgusting the plan here once I get enough space on the table is to take some acetone right here pour about half of it in the gas tank Shake vigorously dump and then pour the rest let it sit I'm going to probably dump it after another few hours and then inspect and then if needs be I got another one so I got two gallons of acetone right here this is another mistake I made anybody who's worked with acetone before has already spotted it do not use acetone without gloves and without a respirator this was very dumb so now that the car bank is out we can actually see what's going on with the V boost so this right here is a Servo motor that pulls this which opens and closes this throttle assembly I guess and uh that will change the power going to the motor at low speed and high speed or the amount of air or the amount of gas not entirely sure alls I know is that when you turn the bike on it's supposed to open all the way and close all the way so it ain't opening and it ain't closing but you can kind of nope there it goes I think it's just stuck cuz you see that it went I think it's I think it's just really tired and there's a lot of friction in the system so I'm going to pull the V boost out and clean all thisy out of here to clarify what past spite said about v- boost basically what it does is at 5750 RPM it starts opening and at 6,000 it's all the way open what it does is it opens a passage between the forward and rear cylinder on the left and the right side which allows more air and more gas to go in that increases horsepower at high RPM and it increases torque at low RPM if your V boost doesn't work you either have to hunt down the parts or nail it open or nail it closed and sacrifice device high-end horsepower or low-end Torque based on which one you choose well after a colossal amount of fiddling around I manag to get this whole thing out which contains the coil packs for the front cylinders as well as the V boost so what I'm going to do is I'm actually going to run a bunch of cable Lube through here um it's definitely a little bit tight so I'm going to run some cable Lube through there then I'm just going to spray the crap out of the uh thing on the bike with parts cleaner you know what I have a tool for [Music] this going to work no it's not it was a [Music] thought so this is actually the V boost right here Believe It or Not uh these guys open and close and that makes the v- Boost thing happen so uh these are disgusting there's a bunch of varnish and goober in there so I need to just blow these dry with some parts cleaner and then uh rub it out with a paper towel and stuff and I don't know hopefully I can save a trip to an ultrasonic cleaner but uh yeah this is rough I can't recommend highly enough having a ton of non-chlorinated brake parts cleaner and some red scotchbrite around it is one of the best combinations for removing stuck on Gunk without actually doing any damage to the parts I've done this trick on the heads of my E350 I've done it in the Vmax and I've done it in a whole bunch of other projects it's timec consuming and it requires a lot of patience but when done right you get a perfect perfect seal between two aluminum surfaces and it's really really nice to not have any leaks especially when you're dealing with vacuum leak which can affect your idol oh this has been a long time coming but we are finally going to begin reassembly on the Vmax so we have everything that we need to put together the V boost and make sure that this damn thing works so I'm going to reassemble it here on the table I'm going to clean up the bike a little bit and we're going to turn some screws in the right direction so I need to clean every single one of these gasketing surfaces and make sure they're totally dry O-rings go on dry at least that's my understanding don't worry too much about any of the parts cleaner getting down into the manifold there it's going to evaporate before you start the bike because you're putting it all together obviously you don't want giant particles getting in there but if a little bit of dirt and grind crime gets past that it's not the biggest thing in the world the engine's just going to burn it up and shoot it right out the exhaust [Music] [Music] anyway oh man I have no idea how long it's been since I last film that's just how long this project is going on it is now the middle of March like March 15th and I finally have some good news about the Vmax today so we have the throttle cables right here we actually got those sent in from Germany because these throttle cables right here they don't make these anymore and you can't find new ones you'll also notice there are no Carburetors in this motorcycle yet so what we're going to go do today is we're going to head out to Limey bikes here in Austin he's got the carburetors rebuilt and uh I just want to play for you this track right here just listen to this hey there Chris my bikes so after 40 Years of doing carburetors yours were officially the freaking worst um yeah everything was freaking stuck like you wouldn't believe I to actually drill a few screws out because they're all seized in there um yeah they they were an absolute cluster um they're good now but holy um yeah they were bad yeah that's exactly what any carburet motorcycle owner wants to hear about their carburetors that they are the worst carbs a guy's seen in 40 years of working on carburetors but because all of that stuff that was in the carburetors was also sitting in the gas tank I'm bringing the gas tank along with me today just so they can clean and blast it out um the acetone worked pretty darn well but it's still chunky and I'm not putting fresh gas in this right into my carburetors just to ruin them after they've been cleaned so let's hit the road just in case you guys were curious if uh that was overblown check this out right there on the receipt my God these were all completely seized and everything was stuck strip ultrasonic clean and rebuild any replacement parts necessary that was on the right take a look at how they turned out this is why I wanted to go straight to having somebody who knows what they're doing look at these carburetors because they are beautiful now uh didn't realize that there was actually something that nice underneath all of that junk so we're going to go put these in the bike but before we do you got to check this thing out 1953 aial Square 4 you will probably never see one of these In the Flesh uh this is one of the coolest bikes I've ever seen and they're working on it getting it running again uh apparently everything works I think they were saying but the starter but just look at the look at the way this motor is set up let's get home put these Carburetors in the bike and wire up the throttle and maybe find a fuel bottle see if we can get this damn bike to work all right let's test fit these bastards I was warned ahead of time by Chris at limey bikes that because of the amount of work he had to do and take the carburetors down to bits that they were going to be wildly out of syn however they were going to be well enough set to start the motorcycle I'd also recommend that if you're going to spend the money to get the carburetors done you might as well just buy new rubber seals for everything you don't want to spend a bunch of cash on getting your carburetors done use old Rubber and develop vacuum leaks and sap power you're just going to have to tear the thing down so spend the money up front and just get new boots and seals trust me it's worth it finally finally it feels like we're actually making real progress here I finally have the carburetors back in and the throttle actually fing Works check this out it opens all the way on both sides at least as as far as I can tell it's opening all the way on both sides this is the closest I've felt to the actually accomplishing something on this motorcycle in the better part of 3 months so uh I'm going to finish putting all the hoses and stuff back in place here and then I'm going to call it a day for today we don't need the gas tank to start the motorcycle so uh I have everything in place everything that I need in place um they don't tune these things with the airbox on or rather they don't syn them with the airbox on so I was told even though they're wildly out of sync that I will be able to start the bike it might idle a little bit funny but uh it should idle fingers crossed tomorrow man I'm so excited that hooked up that's hooked up that's hooked [Music] up I think we're good to go right okay let's see if it'll if it'll be [Music] [Music] [Music] happy [Music] yes it's [Music] alive yeah [Music] it works oh it works well guys this has been a freaking Journey um I have not worked on a motorcycle this long uh ever so a lot of stuff a lot of stuff happened and this seriously took me three months but the bike starts that's what's important um this video is probably a long video so I'm going to cut this outro pretty short um next steps are actually to change the oil in this thing we're going to go get it tuned uh we're going to get the carbs synced um the carbs actually have the stock jetting in there because the slash cut cobras here they actually run pretty well on stock jetting apparently um I I actually lose power on stock jetting uh is what I hear so I may end up switching those out sooner or later but the next video actually is not going to be working on the bike we are going to be talking about how expensive this project was because this ballooned so much faster and there's still so much to get done on it so uh stay tuned for more more on the Vmax because this journey even though we're many many miles down the road it's only just begun so catch you guys in the next one see you [Music] later a
Channel: Spite's Corner
Views: 56,552
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: spite, spitescorner, spites corner, spite's corner, spike, ktm, supermoto, sumo, harley, davidson, noob, klr, klr650, kawasaki, scm r, beginner, motorcycle, yamaha vmax, expensive mistakes, yamha vma, yamaha vmax 1200, yamaha vmax exhaust, yamaha vmax 4, yamaha vmax sound, yamaha vmax 2023, yamaha vmax 1700, yamaha vmax review, yamaha vmax 4 quad pipes, bike rebuild, bike rebuild project, wrecked bike rebuild, project motorcycle, craigslist motorcycle, craigslist, it came from craigslist
Id: E7P9ggcRlzg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 2sec (1502 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 07 2024
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