7 Ways To Prank Your Friends in Minecraft

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today I'm going to be pranking my friend Kevin seven different ways in Minecraft dude if I didn't have a silk touch enchantment I could actually pick up all this iron bro are you serious dude that's that's my iron why did you take that from listen Kevin sharing is caring did you learn that come on we're literally mining down here together bro we can literally just do this together no no no no I don't want to share I'm going down here you here don't touch myself it's a massive cave bro okay you know what no wow rude all right you know what just how about you just go what a noob you know it's kind of a good thing that Kevin did go down there I need to get a little bit of space from Kevin in order to pull off my first prank now listen the guy's been catching on to everything that we've been doing here so I've actually been on the sfv playing legit now you'll notice if I go into spectator mode here we're gonna fly all the way down without Kevin realizing this is the first prank we have which is a nice and simple lava prank oh my gosh I already got the best stuff there's Redstone down here there's actually a lot of redstone okay um there's lapis and gold okay yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I kind of want all that okay so we have Kevin right over here let's go right here behind this water and without him noticing me I'm gonna go slash game mode creative okay now we just gotta dig this out really quickly Autumn lair full of lava now we grab the Diamonds oh yes there we go okay cover that up there we go now we just dropped back into spectator mode that totally does not look legit at all yo Kev yes hey dude dude I I managed to get all the way down here bro but you missed so much I'm looking at Redstone I see Redstone I even see diamonds down there dude yo I'm gonna have to go get those diamonds if you're not gonna get them man I mean like those are gonna they'll definitely be mine diamonds what do you mean you called dibs bro this isn't like fourth grade bro what nose goes stop it's mine you don't even know where they you don't even know where they are bro no shark I'm coming stop leave them seriously okay you're you're cold you're getting warmer colder colder colder warmer colder warmer warmer oh yeah you better you better share those with me okay what a new bro what do you mean yo hey hey dude wow that really really dude I didn't leave my inventory at home okay can you stop yelling can you stop yelling what do you want what do you want I was I was it yelling I was just talking pretty loud yeah I can tell my ears are bleeding right now if you want to come to the Netherlands there with me no stop yelling no wait why are you why why are you going to the nether because it's it's like a tropical getaway silly oh yeah right because last time I checked the nether is a tropical getaway no no I'm good Kevin I don't want to go to another okay I'm currently smelting all my diamonds right now yeah you heard me cool you have you have fun watching paint right what what do you mean watching paint dry higher okay yeah you know what funny thing is I couldn't go to the nether because I had Grand plans to troll on camera what is that is that a floating string hold up somebody might be planning something okay sorry ADHD I need to get inside of Kevin space because I have a trap chest with tons of TNT here and oh boy I'm gonna set up the perfect thing all right so let's see oh he has ender pearls no way he has all that now if I just go ahead we're gonna break this chest right here we're gonna set up a nice little trap in behind ah you know what hypothetically speaking while I'm here in the nether I'm gonna go get shark souvenir so he feels bad for not coming with me we're gonna make some stuff stew when we get back guys some suspicious dude does anybody have any cereal for me oh very nice very nice now if we put the trap chest here with some Redstone behind it oh this is amazing this is just amazing whoa guys hold up hold up I'm just noticing something the nether is all red okay you know what else is also red in this world that subscribe button go hit that subscribe button right now please and I'm done that is so sauce now what other kind of goodies oh look he's got iron boot to Lodi so I'll gladly take that one if you don't mind me let's see does he have anything else bro this guy's kinda stacked on like the broken scare possible we're talking Stacks at Cobblestone stacks of Oak planks I mean bro like can this guy not have stacks of diamonds for me to still at least I'll take this diamond oh I forgot look at his eye armor bro that okay that is Juicy oh mind if I do this will look good on me okay now we're looking good this was definitely a profitable rate if you ask me oh my God I literally okay I swear right now this is by accident uncut footage right here that's the stronghold right there I found it but I have to go back to the best because I don't have a pickaxe that's so funny like I I'm not even kidding that that is a stronghold right there guys I found it by accident oh wait wait Kevin's back whoa God hold up hold up bro this is huge Ed break the window oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God yes yes I got away oh that was so huge oh question is oh I'm right beside the house Gavin is in for an explosive surprise okay pickaxe pickaxe maybe a minecart might come in handy gonna need some cobblestone a pickaxe very very very important a chest chest and I think that's about it act casual act completely casual I haven't done nothing wrong my house my house oh wow that's gonna be an awkward cleanup hey I cleaned up on aisle six we had some explosive uh diarrhea so I bet Kevin got a little bit too excited all right I know oh the village is right there wait what I like that we can hold hands when we're playing Kevin why do you make everything so sauce bro some zombies or skeletons bro I just need to get my villager trades done so I can finally start progressing take some mushrooms wait Kevin what they don't want mushrooms they want to eat your brains bro let me show you the magic trick bring the creeper here come here bring the creeper closer I'm one heart you have bro you're getting smacked by a bunch of mobs bro yo Okay Kevin just be lighted for the village come on come on okay I'm going I'm going just ignore the bomb Oh this is my fourth time playing Minecraft dude hold on you've played way more than four times what do you want about yeah bro I'm a pro thanks thanks for reminding me comment that Kevin's a noob just to trigger him okay no no no no no no just just okay you know what fine here we'll kill them both okay nice and easy get out of here yeah yeah all right Kev I'm gonna do some villager Shades real quick um I think we should here one sec let me go and check some trades out now I don't actually need to trade with these villagers but I needed to bait Kevin into trading with one because well this is where things get a little bit more interesting there we go there we go nobody's leaving this establishment anymore yo Kevin Kevin Kevin what the are you okay what's wrong I was just gonna say dude the the the trades were awful dude literally come and trade with these villagers look at these villagers on the inside mode there are trades are awful bro what what's wrong was it a good was it a great deal it was a fire sale like Call of Duty zombies what are you like are we seeing the same thing bro do you got your Spectacles on here let me tell you I have my glasses on right now I'm pretty sure I could see yeah just I'm just saying the trades were bad Kevin that's all trade bro what like go check again I don't want to go you check um okay if everything's fine literally I I this trailer this this villager is offering one diamond for one Emerald I mean rip off am I right what what is that Kevin can you stop screaming please please and thank you I'm going home what okay fine go home go go home I guess I'll just try and trade with them you know in every relaxing Minecraft day sometimes you just need to kick back a little bit and enjoy your time and I kind of feel bad for Kevin Hey man hey man wow your base is looking uh it looks it looks I'm like jumping for joy right now okay relax you might put another hole in the ceiling listen listen I know you were kind of upset about this mishap with the creeper that blew up whatever do you want to go fishing with me by chance because I actually managed I I accidentally crafted two fishing rods so I figured hey two birds with one stone we can just go fishing together I tell you something why do you have why do you have drip Leaf yeah yes what is it can I tell you something it's a secret though what is it I love fishing okay all right Kevin come here come here come here what let's go down to the dock here why why I I knew that you loved fishing but like I didn't know it was something that you love love dude this is so quirky oh my God okay okay relax okay here it comes right you can water and go okay Kev I could see some fish down there that's pretty cool you see that oh oh dude why you know what this is that's a clock that is a clock no no what oh my god dude yo bro if you just tell me you've never been fishing before all right it's a clock bro it's not a clock dude it's not a clock it's a it's a fish finder uh Vision Seeker What how let me see that dude just try it bro let me see it's literally a clock bro it's it's Radar really really okay okay 170 000. wow you got scammed I I got my wrong fishing I got the wrong one okay I have one within a chairman I'll be right back but good luck to you fishing my friend I'll be right back now little does Kevin realized I've actually modified the server to change how fishing works and let's just say he's in for an explosive surprise oh my gosh she has no idea he has no idea what's about to happen come on fish be nice to us be nice to us mine is doing the splashes it's doing the splashes is it oh he's definitely sussed out was that just me hey Kev I'm back I'm back hey so I actually heard I actually heard no there's better luck up here come fishing over here look there's better but there's better luck this way if we're closer to land apparently you have you you get a better chance of getting diamonds did you know that Kev no way you get better chances of getting diamonds right here is the perfect spot bro literally right here hey I want to do it off my house though no no you can't reach the water Kevin that's that's just impossible oh yeah yeah can we make the Ocean bigger I I don't have that kind of superpower um I I don't have that ready yep all right there you go wow look at you Kevin just got a fish right here a fish later yeah tingling that there might be a spider walking around nearby okay okay okay fishing is supposed to be silent okay so so like TNT just like flew past me I just altered the server settings to completely blow Kevin out of the water oh oh oh come on this could be it oh my god there it is oh yo yo wait what wait what oh my how did he survive bro what how did he show oh Kev what did I tell you about so you got to stop breaking stuff you broke the nether portal Kev I didn't do that I didn't do that yes you did I literally watched you okay Kev you know what seriously if you're not gonna if you're not gonna take this game seriously we're gonna have to give you the big old boot we're gonna we're gonna kill him seriously all right Kev the water's officially gone now there's no going back dude I'm gonna beat you bro you're gonna beat me okay listen can't even do the boat club oh wait hold up put your money where your mouth is money well you wanna bet you want to bet okay how much you want to bet then all right make it a thousand bucks instead huh oh yeah dude I'm that confident let's do it hold up I'm just getting a phone call Kev just just give me a minute I'm just gonna oh yeah real quick one sec all right now I'm actually not getting a phone call but I need to go slash game mode creative because uh well what we have what I've prepared for Kevin here is so what I prepared for Kevin here is so insane he's never gonna expect this one okay I just need to act AFK for a moment okay I'm completely AFK I'm not actually here right now come on don't move don't move come on jump Kevin do it do the jump do the jump come on come on oh he did it what you know I've kind of glad he did that let's uh let's enable the Trap shall we oh this is gonna be good oh this is about to be amazing I'm rich I want a thousand dollars [Music] what's up they just blow them up oh my gosh all right let's just go ahead put all the last remaining stuff here or well so all right Kevin thanks uh what what what's I born I'm Andrew what's up sorry sorry about the I'm about to get off anyways I'm tired okay no no don't get off yeah we've been playing for like 16 hours dude you promised will you promised we're gonna go mining no I'm counting it out for the night my guy okay I'm getting off you didn't actually promise I know oh yeah no Kevin I'm gonna go to bed okay you know what I just did hey good night okay I think has a bedtime shark at the Bedtime make fun of me all you want I just dropped a fake Leaf message and if you notice I have a few hoppers in my inventory the reason being is I have a perfect final plan for prank number seven this is the underground Hopper prank right over here I have it set up I think it's this block right here oh it is let's go okay now if I just go under here we have one chest right there this should be Kevin space right around here oh my gosh this is gold how we could just go hopper Hopper hopper Hopper hopper Hopper boom all right gonna grab these beautiful all right now I think it's justifiable to be able to bring all this home yeah let's go wait hey yo hey shark all right just drop this oh my gosh dude my chests are full I'm gonna need to get some more chest now dude my base huh wait what's up wait wait oh hey hey hey Kevin what did you hey what'd you do to my base bro nothing I didn't do anything I didn't I I didn't do it I didn't do anything to your base camp what are you talking about oh yo who else would it be going click right here to watch my newest video I'll shoot the next one bye [Music]
Channel: Shark
Views: 306,026
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mcpe, shark, 09sharkboy, challenge, funny, minecraft pe, shark pe, minecraft mods, mods, pranking friends minecraft, 7 ways to prank your friends, 7 ways to prank friends, prank friends minecraft, minecraft pranking friends, minecraft prank, minecraft pranks, minecraft pranking
Id: AABqx27zhJ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 22sec (922 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 05 2023
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