7. Ways to Make Money from Home as a Homemaker

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[Music] hello my friend and welcome back to The Keeper of the home podcast I'm Cami and creator of the channel and blog tidbits and Company welcome I'm really excited for this episode we are going to talk about ways to make money at home as a homemaker so you might be in a position or find yourself in a position someday where you want or need to stay home but your situation also would be helped by making some income to help support yourself and your family as well and I truly feel that as a homemaker we have invaluable skills being a homemaker takes a lot of skills and it takes refining those skills and those skills are marketable and they're valuable and you can possibly use them to help your financial situation should you need to do so so today I want to share some ideas with you to just get you thinking about ways that you might be able to bring in some income and I'm sure there are just countless others that I maybe didn't think about right now or that I don't even know about so if you know of some ideas please leave them in the comments below so that we can all learn from each other and leaving comments is a lot better on the YouTube channel where you can leave comments I just post these podcasts on my tidbits and Company YouTube channel but that is probably the best place for you to chat with me and to share your ideas with others you can always leave reviews and people can see your thoughts there too on any podcast platform but I am here today sharing with you the ideas that I have with the unique perspective that I maybe bring to this kind of topic so I hope it's helpful and the idea for this topic was kind of sparked because this summer my family and I we have been kind of studying and diving into literature and movies and books focused around World War One and the Great Depression that followed thereafter and it has brought a lot of thoughts in my mind because I've read stories about women who needed to find a way to support their family because their husbands were off or killed or you know they were pushed into necessity to be able to support their family financially I actually remembered that cute American Girl movie The is it kit kitchen kit kittridge I don't know you've seen that it's super cute and it's based around World War One depression Great Depression times and the kids and I watch that it's a great movie to get a feel for what families had to do in order to make an income and it made me really think because in those times and I I'm sure throughout most of History where a woman in the career place was not as common or a homemaker really needed to be home full-time they these women or Homemakers had to do a lot to try to help support their family financially I'm sure a lot of it came down to using the means that they were given to the to the best of their ability and to scrimp been saved that is definitely what my Grandma had to do but I've read stories about Homemakers who would use their skills in sewing to try to bring in an income or they would take on weekly ironing just to bring in a few pennies for their family there are stories about especially during the Great Depression when people were losing their homes families would then host other people and that those people would pay a rent or contribute to somehow to the entirety of that household now that it was mixed and so there were many ways that people got creative to support each other and find ways to make an income so after diving into all these stories and kind of imagining what that might have been like I could not help but think there has never in the history of the world been more opportunity for Homemakers or keepers of the home or women to help bring in an income especially still allowing them to stay home this world that we live in is full of these opportunities and really if you're in a position where you need to help financially I believe there are many ways that you can do that while still staying home maybe you've got Littles at home and you really want to be there for them rather than going to work every day and then paying for child care costs or maybe you're an empty nester now but still you want to be really available for maybe grandkids or for your kids or you just don't want to enter into a Workforce that's going to pay you minimum wage when you have all these skills these instances kind of put you in a unique place where you still want to be home but you've got you've built up these skills that are really very valuable and I do think it is absolutely incredible that women and homemakers have the opportunities that we have these days however I can't help but go in a little soapbox here if you don't mind um I think that also presents a great deal of challenges in the world as women are removing themselves from the homes and children are left going to child care facilities or Homemakers or maybe too busy to be doing and keeping up with the things that are really just required for keeping a home and so we're kind of in this world of a Crossroads of understanding our value as the keeper of our home but also having the opportunity to use our skills elsewhere and for financial gain so it's a very interesting situation and I used to think it was just amazing and it fueled this entrepreneurial spirit inside of me and it became a big focus of my life I quickly realized that not much happiness lied into putting a business Cami personality in front of the Homemaker Cami I really don't find as much satisfaction living in that realm as when I lean into my role as The Keeper of the home I've talked to you guys about this before and kind of my change of heart but I really just do want to I guess caution you to see maybe what is happening in our world as keepers of the home remove themselves from the homes too much I think it's portrayed in media and if we're not careful we will miss it for example this new Barbie movie that's all the hype um it portrays weak men and strong women that can conquer the world and I think we have to really be careful there we do not want to live in a world full of weak men they can be our protectors and providers and be really good at that and I think it's okay for us to embrace that role I know this is not popular opinion today so bear with me but you also see it in like the new Disney Princess movies that the role of the mill is kind of downplayed and not necessarily needed so I just think it is worth being cautious about feeling feeling like the world presents so many opportunities to Homemakers that it is kind of taking the place of what we're really good at we're really good at keep being keepers of our home that's not to say we're not good at other things okay I think I'm digging myself into a hole here but um this whole topic was really opened to me after I listened to um well it's the YouTube channel from a sweet girl named Lee her YouTube channel is Little House on the mountain and she also does a video podcast called tea with Lee she has this segment on feminism throughout the history of the world and kind of what it's doing and I gotta admit it really opened my eyes and gave me a lot of food for thought um and anyways that's what I'm just wanting to trickle in here because as I'm talking about maybe um our role as Homemakers and the possibilities in the workforce I also just want you to have the perspective that feels good to you so I'm not saying you have to go out and make money as The Keeper of the home or you're not valuable I'm not saying that that you're not fulfilling Your Role if you're not supporting your family financially I know all of our situations are unique and I'm just here to give you some food for thought and some ideas if you find yourself in a position where you need to bring in some income to support you all right I digressed and hopefully I didn't make some of you too angry but I'm guessing we're kind of on the same page here since you've listened to a podcast about Homemakers alright so first thing I want to do is kind of open your eyes to the things and the possibilities that are in my realm or my expertise or the things that I am very much aware of and that is the creator economy I don't know if you've heard that phrase but it has to do with a lot of the um career possibilities in the world of content creation influencers and all that jazz that is definitely the world I'm in and I see so much potential in fact I hire a lot of people to help me with things because I can't do it all that I just think would be so amazing for Homemakers to be aware of in case you have interests and skills that you could bring to the Creator economy whether you want to be the Creator yourself or just support the Creator so I will be going over those things what you can do as a Creator and what you can do to support the Creator I have lots of ideas for you there that I think might open your mind to a lot of possibilities you didn't know existed and then I also want to just kind of spit out a list of ideas you know just in general about a lot of the things that we can do to stay home and to also bring in an income so there's just a lot of ideas I have for you there that I'll spit out but let's dive in first to the things I'm most familiar with and that is making income with the Creator economy okay first if you want to actually be the Creator the brain the business the the CEO of your own Creator content company I want to just make sure you are aware that it's not easy um you're probably not going to be an overnight success in fact it may take a year or more for you to even see an income however once you've put in that time and that work to develop all the skills needed to become an online Creator or in the digital marketing space the possibilities are endless they are absolutely endless and you can end up making a really really great income um better sometimes than I've seen creators this is not me let me just tell you that but I've seen bloggers and YouTubers making more than doctors income working half the time anyway the potential is just crazy your mind gets blown the more you get into this world but there is that upfront time of working for free and working a lot just in hopes that it will pay off later on so I just want to make sure you're aware of that so that you can weigh okay do I want to become the Creator so I can invest in my future or do I need income right now and a lot of the jobs that support the Creator can bring you income right away because um they're paying you so the ways that you can make money as a Creator an online creator blogging is probably my favorite because it is also my biggest source of income and I've been a blogger for probably over 12 years now I would say and it just is a steady stream of income for me it could be a whole nother podcast on how that is but basically ads on my site brands that I work with affiliate income and just blogging has helped me create basically a hub for everything that I create as well as a name for myself and so and then of course it it has produced skills that I never knew or never had that I have been able to figure out how to do and then it makes me more remarkable so blogging is a great source of income and if you want to learn about vlogging my biggest suggestion would be to take Lisa from farm houses on Boone she has a blogging course and I will leave the link for you um in my YouTube description or the show notes for this podcast so that you can find her course it's probably the most um well thought out approach to teaching blogging that makes it really attainable from like start to finish so I really highly recommend Lisa's course for that if you want to dive deeper into blogging and as mentioned blogging takes a lot of time and years of hard work but then when it starts working you basically make money in your sleep and it's a really good sustainable way to make an income all right however when people ask me how do I get started in this online influencer Creator economy where's the place that I could make money the fastest and after my experience and after what I've witnessed with so many people I really think YouTube is the best platform for bringing an income in as quick as possible um I think it's always great to have a blog or a website to direct people to and to have written content or printable recipes and all that good stuff but I have seen people only do YouTube and like make that they're so focused one example of this is the Kristen is Kristen Hoffman her channel is amazing on YouTube but she doesn't have a Blog at least she doesn't that I know of or if she has it's brand new um she really isn't that active on social media all she's done is created a YouTube channel and was so is so good at it and is so personable that she grew incredibly fast and now she not only gets like the ad income from her YouTube channel but brands are wanting to work with her all the time and it has just in a year's time she's probably making as much as me or more um from my years and years of work but I just I've seen that many times for YouTubers if they can really Niche down same goes for vlogging the more Niche you are these days the quicker you'll grow but Niche down be consistent you can grow really fast on YouTube and start making money I think faster than any of the platforms so I may not ever be a mark Rober as my son reminds me but YouTube is a great platform and I gotta tell you if I could give YouTube my full Focus I would probably do a lot better but I really like to dabble in the other areas so anyway if you want to make money fast as a content creator get a YouTube channel going and really think about your Niche okay and then social media in general you've heard about people going Tick Tock famous or Instagram famous but it can be a lot like being rich on Monopoly um you may have the numbers and the stack of of vanity cash but you don't really make money unless you have a product offering or brands are working for you so you can can use social media to help get a name for yourself a platform get known for something and then you can have something to offer to brands or a product for your op for your audience I get really nervous about people who put all their eggs in the social media basket because you don't own those platforms they could disappear overnight as we've heard might happen with Tick Tock um so anyway I use social media rather as you know a way to promote the other things to direct people to my blog or to my YouTube channel I feel a lot better with that but social media is a great free marketing platform for online content creators so it's a place to be but I just do caution you if you want to just just go that route make sure you have something set up maybe an email newsletter where people sign up so you can contact them if things go bad or you lose your account make sure you have a hub to drop things so that people can find you anyway those are suggestions there and then something to to kind of get you thinking if you choose like social media YouTube blogging as your career of choice then you can Branch out into a world where you can create products whether that's digital products courses classes downloads or physical products like I do with my planners my linen products the basic idea is you use these amazing platforms online where people come to and then you grow an audience and then you create something that will hopefully benefit their lives and that they'll pay you for so those are many ways that you can use the Creator economy in order to make money and it really is endless just based on your creativity and what you're good at and these things really work well for me because I love to teach it's what I got my degree in and so these platforms are just a really nice way for me to use my skills and to share what I'm passionate about so that's why I have just been LED in this direction um it is a lot of work it is so much work but it pays off if you work hard and are consistent so and then of course the the potential is Limitless it's just it's just crazy so and I don't see I do not see blogging youtubing or anything like that going anywhere anytime soon the only thing you have to be willing to do is change with the times um adapt because it is it changes so fast and that's why you guys see me on here doing a podcast um as people don't maybe lean towards blogs anymore to connect with people I wanted to keep that connection so I thought a podcast platform would be a great thing to add while I'm still working on the other things so anyway food for thought if you want to be in the Creator economy those are some great ways to do it okay now let's talk about potential income streams that are in support of the Creator and I get so excited about this because we're talking this could these skills could work for high schoolers these skills could get a college student through college without having to find an extra job these skills are so good for Homemakers or anyone that needs to be home and can only work like during nap time or in the mornings or the nights or in the margins of their lives there is a plethora of opportunities for you to serve the Creator because let me tell you as a Creator we have had to get good at a lot of things and as we grow we simply do not have the time to do all of them anymore so we need to Outsource we need to hire people to do the things that support us so that we can continue to create this content and there are so many jobs that you might already have the skills for that you could reach out to creators or Market yourself to creators to support them so let's go over some of these ideas number one I think photographers will always be needed I know the world is going towards video a lot but most creators have a website most creators have a Blog where they need to create still images or they need to have an image for their social media posts so being a photographer or being able to edit photos really well and efficiently is an amazing skill that you can develop simply by getting online getting a camera and teaching yourself so I have a dear friend Sandy who got so good at photography and of course she uses skills to be her own photographer and run her own business to take photos for families and other things but she also started taking photos for my sister's food blog on instafreshmills.com because my sister was not a photographer she loved to the recipe to do recipes and write blog posts so she hired out the photography she would give Sandy the recipes Marco Polo her some instructions Sandy would cook it at her house while her kids were running around or she needed to get kids to and fro and then take these incredible photos and then deliver them to my sister to put on the blog post so if you love photography your skills are needed for sure and after I talk about all these I'll give you ideas of how to reach out to to content creators or how to Market yourself that way but I just want to go through the ideas first okay so along with photography you can be a videographer for a content creator and this is so needed these days um whether you're taking the video or just editing the video so I actually sent all my footage out that I just film myself whenever I can I send that out to Celine who is my video editor we use we transfer to just send out these clips and then she cuts it all together puts music makes it you know look good and cuts out all my fluff that doesn't look good and then she delivers a video that I can then upload to all the platforms it is a huge help I could never spit out the amount of content that I do without her help and it is such an incredible skill and I feel like like kids these days they are so good at video they can learn this skill so easily just by watching YouTube videos and teaching themselves or they can take a class or two and get really good at it and if you're a homemaker you definitely have the ability to learn this skill and to really serve a Creator into something that sucks a lot of their time and they would love to give to someone else and have them do it and I know my video editor I have since directed people her way and given her a lot of work and I know she's grateful for it so it's it's really awesome to get in with someone and then get their help to get you more work it can really spiral into something that could be really supportive for your family while you're at home another skill that's really valuable for Content creators is to be a Blog writer if you are good at writing if you really like to write you're good with words your skills are needed and I know a lot of Homemakers are really good at this because we read things or we have to write things a lot there is just a lot of opportunity to get good at writing and this is something new that I've actually hired out and it was just kind of on a whim or call it an impression prompting but I just have a dear friend of my neighborhood I just asked one day I said would you ever be interested in helping me write content for my blog I hadn't had that help before but I was drowning so um we said or she said sure let's give it a try I had no idea if she was even good at writing you guys I had no idea I never read anything she'd ever written but it has turned out absolutely amazing because she is helping me go back to Old blog content and updating it because nowadays the blog is less about connection and more about information and I've had to make that switch even though I didn't want to um but the blog is more informational because we need to not only write for the Google search engines so that our content gets seen but people are searching online for blog articles for facts and information typically and they want entertainment and connection with video so I've had to adapt that way and that's required me to get help for a Blog writer because a blog post is no longer just my ramblings I need to like actually serve with facts and information and that takes a lot of research time so if you're good at research if you like finding information and then you have the ability to write that stuff even at a very basic level Google does not want sophisticated confusing writers they want basic information that people can scroll through and get what they need if you think you have those skills you can make money with them you could use those skills to help a content creator write ebooks courses update content write new content it's just the possibilities are endless and if you present yourself that way to a content creator give them examples of what you've done I bet they would love your help another thing you do is become a podcast editor um I really just do a video editing style so this goes to my video editor but there are more complicated ways for people to film podcasts with interviewed type Styles and if you knew your way around that technology or could learn it your skills as a podcast editor could be very well used graphic designers in this world are so needed I use graphic designers all the time for like my printable packets for my tidbits day planner um for a little graphics on my site or logos like if you're good at graphic design if you really love to geek out or maybe Photoshop or procreate all those things if you really get excited about that maybe you make stickers maybe you make t-shirt designs if you're good at graphic design there's a lot of potential for you to use those skills to bring in an income at home okay something else that creators need are agents to work with Brands this is something that I do not have that I would love to get eventually I'd don't do a lot of work with Brands as of now I have more in the past but I've anyway I'm just shifting focus a little bit but I'm definitely open to it it just takes a lot of time because what we need is someone to help us negotiate contracts with brands or pitch to Brands which takes a lot of work and effort or when Brands pitch to us you need to kind of manage those Communications that is a huge help and you might have those kind of skills while you're really Savvy at communication and negotiations those are really valuable to have and something that I am not good at so you can help them with their Communications you can help them find Brands to work with and this doesn't take a degree in fact my friend Andrea she just taught her sister how to do this and now she does it for her so it's totally possible to learn this skill so that you can work with a content creator to help them earn income and in return pay you all right next one and I bet there's a lot of you that are really already good at this and this could be something a content creator would love to pay you for and that is like recipe developing or creating projects it takes a lot of brain space to um create a recipe refine it try it out several times and to make it perfect so that someone can put online if you're a really good chef and you don't necessarily want your own food blog or Food Channel but you would have recipes that you would love to get out there I just can't imagine any food blogger who would turn you down if you said I know your style of cooking I love what you make can I help you develop recipes for your site like hands down I think this could be something that you could really have fun doing at home and making money with these gifts that you have developed as the keeper of your home maybe you're really good at craft projects DIY projects and you could photograph these and create them or come up with the ideas for an a content creator like valuable skills so valuable that would help serve a Creator so much and if you know a content creator who likes to develop products whether that's physical or digital and you have the skills to help them do that that could be something that you could pitch to them so I know I used my sister-in-law and even my mother-in-law and they are the ones sewing the products for my tidbits and Company shop where we sell all the linen products the linen's kind of my brain baby I love linen I help them come up with these ideas and then they help me refine the sewing method and then they make the products and then we each get a cut of the cell it's really quite amazing so if you find a creator that maybe creates things that you also love to do you could support them and help them stock up their shop and help them sell things and benefit both of you it's a great great skill and I will do one more because I'm sure there's many more I could go on but oftentimes we need help with customer service answering emails if you're good at that kind of Secretarial work you could definitely take a load off of a Creator's shoulders help them with that I have someone that helps me with all the customer service and emails for the product end of my business she's amazing and again it's just a neighbor down the road who I knew had kids and wanted to stay at home and um by her helping me and me helping her it works out just so great for both of us to be home and to do what we're good at she also helps me by doing the Fulfillment on my products so I actually pay her a monthly fee for my warehouse basically to store all my products so that I don't actually need a warehouse and then she prints off all the shipping labels packages it up and gets it sent to those customers and then deals with the new customers I could never ever ever create content online and manage that end of my business with the Fulfillment so having her help is so amazing and she didn't go to school for any of this I just knew she was an organized efficient and extremely reliable person and so it was a great thing for me to have her help me with that and I have really hope that it's been able to support her family as well and just to give you a little perspective from a content creator it is one of the most rewarding things I do when I get to hire someone or have someone help me and use what the Lord has blessed me with with my hard work and then to bless someone else and their family and to support a homemaker in her work as she gets to stay home with her kids like that is just it's one of the most rewarding things and honestly on the days when I want to quit and give up it's one of the things that keeps me going because I'm like you know it's not just about me anymore I get to support other families and um I feel like I can pray for the blessings of success so that I can keep doing that it's really that's just a little peek into my thoughts on how valuable and appreciative I feel towards those people that help me in this online content creation gig okay I would really love to hear what you thought of all of that if something sparked your mind of like you know what I think I could refine that skill I think I could be good at that let me know and um just just to give you some Assurance none of these skills are really anything that you need to go to college for or invest a ton of money in you can be a Google graduate like I am everything I Learned was just through Google searches and learning from other online content creators and that's where I've got to where I am and I rely on so many other people that have done the same they just taught themselves and were able to support themselves that way so really think what are you good at what gets you excited maybe the graphic design and just like really peaked an interest go with it and you can find a content Creator maybe someone you follow because you share the same interests and you can pitch to them you can basically tell them what you could do for them that is one way to do it if you know them personally like maybe it's a local friend that you know is a content creator definitely reach out to them and say I would love to help you with your blog writing I'm really good at writing see where that goes I think if you personally know them it would definitely go farther but there are online sites that provide a way for you to just Mass Market yourself one of them is Fiverr and I've used that before but you can basically create a resume on there and then people come specifically to hire say a graphic designer or someone who knows coding anyway so you can just put yourself online as that and then um hopefully you get seen that way so there's some ideas for you okay now let's think outside of the Creator economy and I just want to spit out some ideas for you so you can get thinking about what else might be possible for you to help bring in an income and I had ideas like music lessons How many moms and homemakers have I hired for my kids for piano lessons violin lessons guitar lessons so many Homemakers have found a way to use their music skill in their home to teach others and I think that's a fantastic way to share your knowledge and to earn an income but even if you're not musical think of other skills that you have I know before I did blogging I really wanted to teach sewing to kids in my home never happened I discovered blogging and found out I could teach a lot of people the things that I love to do anyway teaching sewing teaching cooking anything you're good at offer it to your community and you'll just be amazed at what they'll pay you for I know in the Summers we've had like an old PE teacher do like a sports camp and I was more than happy to send my kids to that so think about that but also inside this world of homeschooling there's becoming a plethora of options there are schools or they're calling them kind of micro schools or facilities that are arranging for people that are good at something to come into their facility and teach so we have like this Learning Center in our community so basically the parents collectively hire a professional teacher or someone who's really good at something to teach their kids during the day as part of their home school so like if you're really good with art or you could teach like a nature study class anyway I think the homeschool homeschool world is really opening up opportunities for Homemakers to share their skills in a really manageable way without have holding like a nine to five teaching job so that's really exciting and of course the online world of learning has opened up to where you can do the same I have a friend who actually has a teaching degree and so she is teaching with a University at home as part of their online education so lots and lots of options happening there another idea is house cleaning or um just homemaking in general you have these skills maybe there's a busy mom maybe there's a working mom who would love to have you come in once a week for a few hours and help tidy up their house I am sure if you had the willingness and those skills which I know many of you do that is something that you can use to help make money on the side if you are the creative sort you could maybe do Furniture flipping you go and Thrift a piece and then strip it down or repaint it I know a lot of people have made some great side money doing stuff like that maybe you're good at sewing slip covers upholstering lots of those skills can be something that is hired on that you can do at home with your kids or in your spare time if you have a homestead land property you can raise animals you can breed animals that is a great passive way to make money if you have like a certain craft or you're good at making food or you grow a bountiful Garden farmers markets Community Markets like that are an incredible place for you to take the products that you make and sell them to your community maybe you're really good with kids and you really enjoy being with little kids offer your home as a place to babysit or provide some child care I know several several mothers who do that for other mothers who have to work outside the home and what a blessing for both Homemakers truly and then there are companies and I don't know a lot of these I'm sure you guys could tell me some more but companies that hire people to do things online for them like medical transcripts I don't know any companies particularly but they're if you're good at like secretarial record keeping work I do believe like lawyers and doctors hire a lot of people to digitize their records and stuff like that for a while my little sister did teaching English to online to I think like kids in China or overseas so teaching English online is a great option something that I watched my mom do after my dad passed away when I was 11. he had his own construction business so of course she had to kind of pick up the pieces there but she got people to help with that until she sold the company but what she did as the Homemaker during that time was the bookkeeping or the payroll so that was something that she was in charge of she was really good at and that helped um well it helped her provide for the company and then later on helped her continue to be part of that company so those are really really awesome skills so I do wonder if there's a business even a smaller business who could use someone's help with the books and if you're good with numbers if you're good at record keeping that is a really valuable skill and then just think about like the skills that you have maybe you're good at sewing maybe you're really good at alterations like wedding dress alterations this is what my mother-in-law did for so many years she had a little sewing room in her home and she got well known in her community for being able to alter anything or sew anything for other people and she provided very well for her family that way if you're good at decorating or design I know I have been asked so many times by so many people that they would pay me to come help them decorate here's the thing I don't think I'd be a good interior designer for other people I'm too stuck on my preferences and I can't think outside of my box so I never really jumped on those opportunities and plus it just was never really worth my time because I could make more money at home with my online job and save that precious time for my families versus spending hours on someone else's home so it's not something I did but if you really enjoy that you're good at designing and decorating I think there are so many people that are desperate for that kind of help so um go ahead and use that skill that you have okay you guys that was more ideas than I actually planned on sharing with you but I hope it got you thinking I hope that if you find yourself in need of providing financially for yourself or your family this gave you some direction of how you can make it happen while you stay home and continue to keep your home and honestly this is where I'm now at if you don't have to worry about money or you don't have to even care about bringing in an income blessed are you don't worry about it but this podcast was for us who really do need to help provide financially for our families and there are a lot of ways that you can do that while staying at home all right my friends that's it I'm gonna wrap this up by just saying thank you so incredibly much for being here because the act of you listening to this podcast if you visit my blog if you watch my YouTube channel if you leave me a review if you buy any products that I have at tidbits and company.com you are supporting my family and I cannot even express to you the level of gratitude that I have that you're here helping me do this work I get to do what I love I get to share what I love and I get to stay home with my kids and my family and that means the world to me so thank you so much and I wish you the best as you continue to explore ways that you can do the same for your family thanks again for being here and I will be back very soon to share more inspiration for The Keeper of the home thank you
Channel: TIDBITS & Company
Views: 4,343
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: homemaking, homemaker, income ideas from home, how to make money online
Id: kkfDuwGfgcM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 50sec (2570 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 21 2023
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