9. Let's Talk About "When Queens Ride By" - a life changing story

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[Music] Welcome to The Keeper of the home podcast I am Cami creator of the blogging Channel tidbits and company and your host here on this podcast thank you so much for joining me today now last week I read you guys a story called when Queens ride by and this story has been one of the most impactful stories of my life and I really wanted to share it with you so I hope if you haven't heard the story you'll go back to the last week's episode and listen but today I really want to dive in and share some of my thoughts and insights on why this story has made such an impact in my life the first time I heard this story I was extremely angry and filled with a bit of bitterness and really rejected its message but my heart was softened and it is actually become my favorite story of all time and so life-changing and how I look at my role as a homemaker but before I really dive in I do have a few housekeeping items if you will so it is September and I don't know if you know this or not but September is emergency preparedness month and so in support of that really great Fame and cause I wanted to let you know that over in my tidbits and Company shop site I actually have an emergency evacuation preparedness class this is something Mr Tibbetts and I created for you guys and our goal was to help as many people as possible to get prepared for any type of emergency evacuation situation so we've got a printable Pack full of just checklists and things that can help you figure out what exactly you need to include in packs what kind of packs to make so that you're prepared for emergency evacuations as well as several videos to help guide you through how to compile and what to include in emergency evacuation kits like a 72 hour kit car kits kits for your pets and we are really passionate about emergency preparedness and really want to help you get prepared so I hope you will check that out over at tidbitsandcompany.com and then click over to my shop page and check out the classes that I have for you there I also wanted to let you know that on my blog at tidbits and company.com we have just wrapped up like a whole lavender series Lavender is a bit of an obsession of mine if you haven't been able to tell yet and so we have compiled several blog posts just helping you dive into different ways that you can use lavender for culinary or for your home or for like bath and body products lots of really fun ideas on lavender happened last month on the blog so I hope you'll check that out and on the YouTube channel recently I did a video sharing all my favorite kitchen appliances and the ones that I couldn't live without so I thought that was a really fun video to just talk about appliances and the ones that I have and love so if that interests you head over to my tidbits and Company YouTube channel and finally in the housekeeping if you could just take some time maybe pause this episode or when you're done listening if you have a minute or two to leave me review on your favorite podcast platform a five-star subscribe leave me a comment on my YouTube channel anything to just help me in this new pursuit of mine to get this podcast out to more Homemakers to inspire and encourage I would really appreciate any efforts you could give me even if you're just out with some friends and you can share this podcast that you like to listen to I would be so very grateful for your help in my efforts okay let's talk about this story when Queen's ride by now just as a caveat I can't remember the exact timing of this story but you might want to be aware um the original author is Agnes Sly turn ball and I believe this book was published early 1900s um I can't I couldn't find the exact date but it is an older classic and sometimes those older literature pieces have differing views from our modern ways so it's always good to look back and kind of expand your mind that way but I would love to hear what you thought of this story if you gave it a listen and really if you haven't I would probably stop this episode and then head over and listen to the full story so it'll make more sense as I talk through it but I would love to hear what you think um did anything kind of I don't know was anything in the story a tough pill for you to swallow did it bring up any difficult thoughts like it did for me the first time I listened to it I would really love to hear or maybe you're a little confused and you really can't understand why this was a difficult story for me in the first place and maybe you just accepted it and loved it and you're kind of wondering what's your problem Cami why was this so difficult and I just have to say I suppose this story was difficult for me to swallow at first which is a little bit because I guess I could refer to myself as a recovering feminist I don't know I was never like full-on feminist movement I've always always loved and valued my place in the home and I'm grateful for it but I did have those years and especially when my kids were really little and I didn't do much else but the housework and the kids we did have those years where I felt um a little undervalued I guess underappreciated I felt like my talents were stifled and that I was just my days were just full of mundane work and then my priorities kind of shifted to you know business or my hobbies and my focus was kind of pulled away from my kids and my home so I'm trying to kind of recover from a lot of those feelings that I held for about a decade so it was the story really just kind of bubbled up some emotions and then I had to work through them and then it became the one of the most beautiful stories I have ever heard for me I also found that I related so much to Jenny the main character in this story I could relate to her feelings of feeling a bit stuck in progress I'm feeling like you're just working and working and working and working too hard to just not get anywhere feeling like maybe you're doing too much of a man's work and just feeling exhausted all the time and I'm neglecting my home and anyway this the place that this Jenny was in really kind of triggered some feelings for me because they were very relatable but with her feelings being so relatable I also the first time I heard this was a little angry that um the solution that this story kind of implied seemed really unrealistic to me and it made me a little angry I thought wouldn't that be nice just clean yourself up cook a nice meal and all your problems will be solved that is how I saw it the first time I listened to it and have since Dove deeper for sure and gleaned so much for the story but I think those are the reasons why it was difficult for me to hear at first so the first time I heard this story I actually listened to it on the well-educated heart podcast well-educated heart is like an app and a resource it's amazing and I actually walk you through the well-educated heart website in my homeschool exploration class so I really dive deep into that if that's something you'd be interested in into looking into but that is where I ran into it for the first time and I had no idea what it was going to be about I just you know plopped it up and went about my work listening to it and it was just kind of taken back by the message and I kind of just shoved it aside for a while but then I was reading this book that I also um got from the well-educated heart you can get this whole book for free online by the way if you have like a tablet and you want to read it but this is called a mother's influence and I was reading this book loving it and then I turned the page and realized that she had included the written version of when Queens ride by and at first I was going to skip it but this book had done a really good job at softening my heart already so I decided to read the story and that's when it all changed just the opportunity to kind of slow down already have an idea about of what the story is about um I feel like I came at it at a different direction I knew the ending this time and I took it slower so that my heart would be a little more open and I knew my feelings were going to be a little vulnerable and so I felt a little humbled as I went in the second time and I gotta tell you God worked his miracles on my heart and changed my perception completely about how I look at home making and keeping my home just completely changed how I feel about this amazing work I get to do and I just want to say I don't intend to share any of this to hurt anyone if you feel differently if you have different opinions that's totally okay I know that there are seasons of Our Lives that are going to make us feel differently about homemaking or things like this will impact us differently but if you're here you're here with me in this season of my life and so I'm just sharing about this stuff in the here and now so I hope you'll just meet me here where I am at okay let's chat about this story let's go back to the beginning of this story the way it opens up is very interesting to me it paints this picture of Jenny who is this overwhelmed woman you clearly get a glimpse of that at the beginning and she has quite the negative outlook on her life and things around her immediately she comments about about looking out the window and the day is going to be hot she just it fills her with Dread she talks about her workload that is just totally unmanageable but she just has to do it anyway and she you really get this idea that she is a victim of her circumstances and then she reminisces on times where her and her husband had such high hopes and promising dreams and it immediately this story I feel so relates to Kevin and I we are such dreamers like to the core and it is such a blessing and such a curse because a lot of times our dreams are a little unrealistic or they're going to require more time and money than we will ever have and then we just we hope for these things we dream for these things and then it just feels like we're constantly crushed by Reality by money by time by the amount of work these things will take and then we at times feel motivated to work harder but then we get stuck feeling like we're never getting ahead so when I read this story and read about Jenny in her life I just instantly could feel her pain at this part of the story it really just gets me every time it just brings me to tears because I can just really feel her pain and I'm going to be kind of vulnerable here you guys so be nice to me but um we have had these times of dreams and we've found the determination and kind of worked hard and scrimped and saved and have felt like we were just on a hamster wheel and not getting anywhere I don't know if you've ever felt that way but there have been times in our life where that is very real it just doesn't seem to matter how hard you work it feels like someone is just holding you back and not letting you succeed and it doesn't make sense because the way the world should work is the more effort you put into something the more you should get out of it but sometimes we just feel so extremely stuck and I would say this really started to hit home for Kevin and I when we started building this home we really had to do it on a budget because most of our money went into the land and so Kevin did almost the whole thing by himself I was living in a trailer an RV that we fixed up with our four kids and I would say from that time on just trying to finish this house without going into more debt scrimping by it has just felt really hard and have has felt like a season of lack instead of a season of abundance and that's when I also like started homeschooling you know we just wouldn't overmount mother needs to do but it was a very very strong prompting I couldn't deny and my husband had his nine to five job that he just was so unhappy at it was a desk job and he is not made to sit at a desk all day I determined to work really really hard on my business so that I could try to provide for us more and also get the projects done around this house so I felt quite a bit of pressure to succeed at my work and that put a whole layer of um weight on me personally and then it has been and if I'm being quite honest still feels this way at times it doesn't matter how hard I work I just cannot get ahead so anyway you know I'm sure you have your perceptions of my life on here but that's just really the reality of how how much of our life has been and so to read this story about Jenny her husband maybe you'll see why it just resonated so much with me okay so in this part of the story Jenny also talks about doing man's work and she actually felt I guess some pride in herself for being able to step it up and do the man's work with her husband now if you get offended by gender roles here I am truly sorry because that's what basically this story is about and what we're going to talk about today so if you really do not like to talk about gender roles this may not be your podcast but we actually like to joke about gender roles and in fact if you guys ever um see my husband or have the opportunity to talk to him just make sure you remind him that it is in fact man's work to take out the garbage there's no such thing as a woman's work but there is a few thing things in the home that are just man's work taking out the garbage changing the light bulb it just is anyway I'd like to just you know lighten this up and add some humor to this story but um Jenny felt like she was in a position where she had to do the man's work she had to do heavy lifting she had to do um hard harvesting and hardly ever had time for the things in the home or for her children Jenny also talks about the Highway by her house and this highway she often sees you know the fancy cars just driving by and she assumes that those who get to just drive by have such an easy life and how nice would it be just to be able to go for rides in a luxurious car and enjoy life's Recreation and you can clearly see that she is assuming she knows what their life is like just by seeing this little glimpse into the people that drive by and the highway and I thought a lot about this and then don't we just absolutely do this all the time in our life whether we run into someone in real life or follow them in social media you know that's our busy highway and it is so easy to assume that their life is going so well and ours is so difficult and they can never relate it is really easy to get stuck in that mindset and I had a certain period of My Life um and it was when we were kind of building the home and just so crazy busy and burdened that I actually had a really hard time getting on social media and following anyone that would like travel or share really fun things that they would do with their family because I just we just didn't take the time prioritize it however you want to say it that was not a part of our life at that time hard work was and scrimping and saving was and it was very difficult for me to follow people's feeds or hear about people's travels it just filled me with this ache and a jealousy that I really did not like to live with and what I noticed about that time and when I felt that way is I was feeling that way because there was a major hole or void in my life that I actually desperately needed to fill Recreation is an important part of life and if we don't allow for that and just work hard all the time we are going to feel empty now sometimes you can do something about those feelings and change your situation other times we maybe won't be able to but I had to just step back and realize that's why I couldn't like follow friends or family or other people that would have a lot of fun or perceive that they were having a lot of fun right because there was a serious unmet need in my life so if you ever have any kind of feeling or jealousy or you make assumptions about other people and feel like your life is less than really try to think about your own life and find out if there is something that you need to actually put into your life and that there might be a hole there that you need to fill so you feel more complete so that when you see people's lives going well you see people having fun being happy or whatever it is you can actually um take joy in that with them and be happy for them so just something to kind of think about there but as Jenny talked about the people on the highway I found this also very relatable and as Jenny is talking about you know the drudgery of her life this part in the book really stung my heart and she says of all the drudgery this hurt the most that she had not time to care for her children so for them teach them things that other children knew and that paragraph goes on like the the hardest part in the life that Jenny and her husband found themselves in is that she could not fully fulfill her motherhood duties and she felt like she was showing up less than she wanted to for her children and I can relate to that as well in the busy seasons of Our Lives I felt like the kids are just in the way or that they get like what's left of us at the end of the day and that really hurts a mother's heart because I don't think that's how it's supposed to be I feel like mothers just will always truly yearn to be there for their kids and to be the best mother that they can possibly be and when there's something kind of in the roadblock of that expression of our identity it can really really hurt I went to college and there was the sign in the building so I got a degree in family and consumer Science Education so very family oriented but there was this sign that I looked at every single day because it was right at the entrance down the stairs and it was a quote by David O McCain he said no success in life can compensate for failure in the home and that has always stuck with me and so if there's ever been seasons of my life where I feel like I'm failing at home even though something else in my life might be going well there's just an emptiness so I can relate to Jenny and that hole that she had in her heart and the desire that she had to just show up a little better for her kids and for her husband and then speaking of her husband she spoke briefly of their marriage relationship how if they were talking it was just you know to talk about the work to talk about what needed to be done there's limited conversation and there was just no space in their lives to enjoy their best friend and that is sad that is very very sad okay that brings us to the part of this story where the woman from the highway shows up and we don't ever know her name she's just The Stranger in this book or the woman from the highway and I love the moment when these two women meet so there's one that is glamorous clean and beautiful and then there's the mother that is run down hardly had time to look at herself in the mirror that morning just threw on the work clothes of the day and these two women meet and I love how the book portrays this introduction as they're both almost almost speechless and feeling like the other woman is like so foreign to them and there's really no words but they both find themselves in this moment of judgment and for good or bad I think no matter what when we see people we kind of instantly put on some sort of judgment it doesn't have to be righteous or unrighteous it's just I guess observations and if we are too judgmental those can be be negative thoughts but I think it is also very natural so you see this situation with Jenny and the stranger and this very natural moment of Judgment of each other and as I've been thinking about this I just really hope that as sisters as fellow Keepers we will look at each other with kindness and try to judge each other with kindness and acceptance and understanding that we do not know each other's full story we don't know the situations that cause someone to present themselves in any sort of way so I hope ladies we can just be very kind and considerate when we meet and get to know each other and I think it's so interesting and you can clearly see in the situation that Judgment of one another can happen both ways it can happen from someone above looking below or someone below looking above we make those judgments no matter our situation or standing in life that it just naturally happens but I did find it interesting that the woman who was stretched far too thin in her life and exhausted and beat down and burdened she had the harsher judgments and the book called them unconscious hostility towards this stranger and that is just very interesting to me that she was so beat down and burdened that that was the type of judgment that she immediately had for someone else and we see that the woman who had learned to make space in her life she had room in her soul to see this woman differently and to see her situation and wish that she could help and serve her so very interesting contrast there in this meeting that gives us just so much food for thought so next up in the book Jenny leads the woman from the highway back through the house to get to the apple tree where the woman wanted to buy some apples and Jenny as she's leading this fancy beautiful woman through her house this is when she starts to notice what a disaster her home is and she notices all the Clutter laying around she notices that the food was still left out and isn't it so funny that these things don't really pick at US unless we feel like someone's coming over or someone might judge us and then all of a sudden we see the little faults in our homes and in ourselves and then start to get those feelings of discontent about our home which I've also talked about here on this podcast and I have to just say I do that too like if someone comes by I just instantly have this inclination of like oh my goodness like the house is a mess or I wasn't prepared for this um but I have to say if I ever go into someone else's home that is you know less than perfect or far from perfect it doesn't matter I honestly don't even notice those things and yet I'm so worried about them in my own home and I really think we can just give each other Grace here and realize that our homes are for living they're never going to be perfect or we're never going to be perfect and I don't think people are seeing our flaws and insecurities as much as we really think they are I think most of the time we're just really afraid of being judged um but you really have to think about this this natural inclination that we might have like who are we keeping our homes for is it for ourselves for our families or is it for the perception of a visitor or for social media why are we keeping our homes and what are the things that are really worth worrying about and as I read that part of the story it really got me thinking about that anyway lots of good stuff and if you're watching this on video I hope you don't mind it's getting a little dark and moody in here it is evening and this is about the only time I had to film this podcast um we started homeschool today and things got busy so I'm doing this in the evening but hopefully it doesn't get too dark in here and you can still see me all right all right so the next part of the story is kind of this like Tipping Point for Jenny and I love it and um so she's feeling paranoid over about her house and she starts to move this really large heavy ladder and this stranger says you can't lift that heavy ladder that's man's work and Jenny just loses it and she lets the stranger have it and she just dumps out her burdens on this woman I think without meaning to just at this point of like feeling overwhelmed and judged and burdened and this woman makes this comment and she loses it and rather than being offended or walking away or you know saying something mean this woman from the highway was so kind and just encourages Jenny to sit a while and tell her more she invites her to just Hawk and she had to do some convincing and to help Jenny justify the the time that she could afford it if she just didn't bother getting her apples that she would just take some on the floor and I love this reaction from this kind stranger and it got me thinking that there really is no greater kindness in the world than to just listen to someone when they're struggling I know we can do a lot of things we can make a meal we can pray for them we can take their kids do some service but honestly just allowing another person to talk and to share their burns with you I think is the ultimate Act of love and it's not easy to do so I love how this stranger demonstrated that we can do this just by a simple invitation to just sit a minute and talk with me and I want to ask you has anyone ever done that for you have you ever done it for someone else and seen what happens as a result I know my sister and I you know we we have very similar personalities and when one of us is struggling we don't really we don't really need each other to like bring these Mills of course any active service is is just kind and welcome and thoughtful but it is those times where my sister is just let me talk to her or asked me the questions to get me to start talking whether it's in person or Marco Polo any way that if she knows I'm struggling and she just invites me to talk that's what means the world to me and helps me more than just about anything so I encourage you to do the same next time you meet someone who may be struggling just invite them to talk with you for a minute so as Jenny is telling this stranger her burdens and dumping it all out for her The Stranger asks her and you think this has helped your husband and I love Jenny's reaction in fact I'm going to open it up here um and read it because it's just so good she says helped him and Jenny's voice was sharp why shouldn't it help him and then I love what the stranger said she said men are such queer things husbands especially sometimes we blunder when we're trying hardest to serve them for instance they want us to be economical and yet they want us in pretty clothes they need our work and yet they want us to keep our youth and beauty and sometimes they don't know themselves which they really want most so we have to choose and I have thought about that a lot that men don't actually know what they really want so we have to choose that's an interesting thought is it not but I love at this point the stranger perceives to tell Jenny about how she learned this lesson that her husband actually wanted her to get involved with the business and she had to make the choice to tell him no I will not do that and instead she let him figure it out and the book says at last he won and he won his success alone as a man so loves to do and I think a great deal about this actually and I don't know if any of my conclusions are accurate it's just so much Food For Thought this like what is the nature of the man and a woman and I I often think about like the animal kingdom the roles of the male and the female are so strong and they're consistent among all the animals and families of animals and there are instincts that just are there and I think are humans the same are we supposed to be the same um Are Men supposed to have that domineering providing protecting nature and women have the more nurturing and caring and nesting nature if you will um are these actually supposed to be the natural way of life if we're not living in a toxic environment anyway it's just a lot of things to think about but um I don't know the answers to all those but I do think about how we as women and homemakers can support our husbands best to benefit the whole family or the whole society what can we actually turn our focus and attention on that would actually serve our family best and really you gotta ask yourselves how vital is my role as Keeper of the home to the success of the whole I often ask myself does turning most of my attention to homemaking actually strengthen everyone else how vital is my role and that strangers comment of as a man so loves to do I do kind of feel like a righteous noble man does Love and Desire to provide those in his keeping and so how can what I do provide him space to do that even better it's definitely a lot to think about okay YouTube friends I had to flip on my light above and it's a green shade so now I look green but don't worry I'm not sick but we just gotta wrap this up tonight all right so thinking about that um I often wonder if I wear myself out if I try to do too much am I actually hindering my husband's progress as a provider and a protector and you may or may not know our situation but my job as an online content creator has brought my husband home and this is a season of sacrifice we're not super comfortable financially but he was so miserable at his desk job and wanted to do so much more with his hands and so we're in this season of sacrifice where I need to kind of Step It Up in order to give him the opportunity to come home and work on the businesses that he's really wanted to do namely the lavender and then lately he's building saunas anyway there's a lot of things that he would rather be doing farming homesteading with his hands to help provide for our family versus going to a nine to five desk job that really fulfills him and he often tells me that he really has never worked harder her and that his boss here at home is the strictest boss he's ever had anyway I pride myself in that but we are working hard in this season of sacrifice but that means I'm also living in a place where I've never really been as the main provider of the family currently and there is kind of this level of pressure there doing what I would deem a man's work and providing for a home but he does so much to ease my burdens in other places it's working out great but I do whenever I read this story I think what if I don't want to Forever make the money in fact I don't but I want to rather show him how smoothly things can go when I step into the role that I'm really best at and that is keeping my home being there for the children cooking the nourishing meals and try to understand as a family how much better that would be if I turn more of my attention there and do what I'm really good at and then let him do the work with his hands that he is really good at so that's our current situation and I'm sure yours is a bit different but it makes me think like why are we living in a world where we feel like we have to have two incomes is there really any good with having both Fair parents being stretched thin and um kind of ward of the bone and being exhausted for the family is there really any good that can come from that um that sacrifice to just have more luxury and more money we really have to wonder if we chose to set aside as homemakers the need to increase our financial situation and let him do that I wonder if things would go a little bit smoother and again I have a lot of unpopular opinions but this is what this story made me think of right or wrong and it may be different of course for all of our situations but it is definitely something I've thought about and my husband and I have talked about as we've I used to just want to just really really succeed at this job you know really go big but my desires have greatly changed I just want to do it in this season of sacrifice that we're in and allow my husband to take the reins from there and to find a way to do that I really do feel like we'll find more satisfaction of fulfillment that way so it's just been a lot of food for thought as I've pondered that and our roles and our nature and maybe how things are just intended to be okay moving on with this story and I love that this woman from the highway okay tells us this story of queens and that is where um the title of the story gets its name when Queens ride by it's basically a story within a story so the woman from the highway tells her about this queen who was in charge of a people and when things would go really bad that's when the queen would dress up get in her fineness and parade around town and be optimistic and celebrate with the people and that act from the queen is what actually lifted the people up and encouraged them and inspired them and moved them to help their situations and I think it's just so magnificent to think about the power that one person can have one optimistic person who has a tender loving care for the people and can show up in a way that they need them to when they're discouraged or worried and the woman on the highway says this to Jenny she says that's the woman's part you know to play the Queen and that statement that women are meant to play The Queen Is Not Meant to make anyone angry and I don't think it's meant to say that women are supposed to be an ornament and only that goodness no I do not think that is the message of the story but I think it's helping us understand what we actually hold in our hands for better or worse as keepers of our homes I know you've all heard the phrase if mama ain't happy ain't nobody happy and I think this is such a beautiful god-given gift that we have and that we can use for good sometimes it feels like a burden you know when we're just really down and cannot seem to put on our finest and strut around the house with optimism we do all have those moments of humanness of course but it's fascinating to experiment if you will with that influence and power that we actually have as keepers of the home to encourage and uplift and govern the mood of everyone else it can be as simple as putting down a nourishing meal after everyone's had a long hard day or just a happy Embrace a clean environment what power we have to affect people's emotions and influence how they go about their day it's really amazing to think about and such a gift okay so the woman from the highway leaves Jenny's house and Jenny has this reaction as the woman leaves she describes it as a great wave of longing and a desire lost in choking despair and I think that's why this story was hard for me to hear the first time because that's where I was at the time kind of this like deep desire to just be a homemaker but feeling choking despair that we are in this position now where I can't just be that and it left me feeling a little bitter because yes that would be so nice and I see my power and I see my influence but I'm stuck I'm stuck as a victim of my circumstances how wonderful it would be to just sit around and eat bon bons and play with my kids and always have a clean house wouldn't that just be so nice but of course reality sometimes smacks you in the face but thankfully the story doesn't end there and I hope your feelings don't either I hope you carry through read the story and leave a little more encourage than I did the first time I read this story because next we have a moment of action and a moment of truth and Triumph coming so this moment of action Jenny's desire overcomes her Despair and it's a wonderful moment in the story and what causes it is this little token of remembrance that the woman from the highway accidentally dropped it's a handkerchief that she owned full of her fragrance and delicate Beauty in this little handkerchief and it inspires Jenny to action and she dropped the chore to-do list and with a burning Zill she cleans herself up she tidies the home she cleans up the children and she makes a warm nourishing meal and then the moment of truth and Triumph so Henry Davis comes to call and this is a man who has the power over Jenny in her husband's life to foreclose the farm and leave them with nothing and that's what she believes he's come to do and instead of being discouraged and angry at this man she puts out all the charm she pretends all is well that the Farm's going great that they're excited to pay him off and her husband walks in and she completely renders him speechless with her environment her presentation her attitude her encouragement her husband is just absolutely speechless and this moment this moment where Jenny is perhaps acting a little changes the course of their lives and Henry walks away full happy generous and full of hope that the farm will make it and he leaves and they have a lot of Hope ahead of them now instead of feeling like they'd lost everything and because of this moment Jenny's husband finds himself pulling out a Sketchbook and feeling encouraged and he figures out another way to make things work he looks at his workload a different way and finds out a solution to their problems she triumphs because of this desire that she had to hone all her magical powers as the keeper of her home and turn things around it's a beautiful moment but I also love the ending of the book where the woman from the highway is off and a gone and speaking to her husband in their car and she is unsure that anything she said or any deed that she could have done for this lady that was so burdened that anything she did really helped her at all and she wished she could have done more and she really has no idea how her decision to lean into the important role as Keeper of the home has changed the world for good and so my fellow keeper we don't always do things perfectly our burdens may be currently holding us back from our ideals but I challenge you to experiment with the principles taught in this story get really curious about the powers that you hold when you lean into and love your role as The Keeper of the home I really hope you've gained something from this story please let me know your thoughts as I have pondered my purpose here on this podcast I truly want to leave you encouraged and uplifted and I felt like this story when Queen's ride by would really help do that so I will leave you a link below where you can find this story and print it out if you'd like to if you'd like to take a minute to read it yourself it's completely free on the well-educated Heart website I will link you to it but I wish you all my best as you strive to find and maybe refine your purpose in your home alright I will be back thank you so much for listening and tune in again as I show up here to share more inspiration for The Keeper of the home foreign
Channel: TIDBITS & Company
Views: 2,904
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: homemaking tips, homemaking motivation, homemaking a christian home, podcast, homemaker
Id: uPrwN22oP8I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 58sec (2818 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 04 2023
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.