7 Types Of Chords Every Piano Player Must Know - Piano Lesson (Pianote)

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hey everyone this is jordan leibel an instructor at pianote and i'm here to show you seven great chords every piano player must know so let's get into the very first chord this is called the dominant seven chord it sounds like this it's got a really bluesy kinda and here's the notes that it's made up of so it's made up of we're gonna look at it in c major our notes are c e and g that's the basic major triad but then we add another note on top b flat b-flat is the seventh note that we've made into a flat in the scale here and that gives that bluesy jazz dominant 7 sound and the next chord we're going to look at is the add 9 chord so we're going to take this in c again we have c e and g again that same triad but then we play this high d there's a very open airy sound and so why do we call it an add 9 well it's as simple as this we have eight notes from middle c to the octave c and then we just add one higher note the ninth note so we're actually playing an octave d when we're playing an add nine chord in c major all right so the next chord we're going to look at is the minor 7 chord sounds like this here's the notes in it we have c e flat g making a minor triad and then we have that flat seventh note again b flat very versatile chord we can use it in a lot of different kinds of music all right this next chord is one of my favorites it's called the sus 4 chord here's what it looks like c f and g so it's combining the first the fourth and the fifth note in the scale and a lot of times when people play these sus4 chords they bring them back down to the basic triad so they go and it sounds beautiful and it resolves and it sounds lovely and the next chord we're looking at one of my other favorites this one sounds menacing and dark and villainous uh this one's called the diminished chord and it's made up of these notes if we're playing it in c so we have c we have e flat we have g flat and we have a each one of these notes is a minor third apart so it sounds sounds like a villain tying up a lady in the train tracks or something the next chord i want to show you is the augmented chord it consists of these notes c e g sharp and c each one of these notes is a major third apart so this sounds very spacious and open and kind of dreamy and finally we're gonna have a look at the major seven chord this is another really beautiful one our notes are c e g and then up high we have b sounds really airy and pretty and romantic all right so to review we had the dominant seven chord we had the add 9 chord we had the minor 7 chord we had the sus 4 chord remember it goes down like that we had the diminished chord sounds really spooky we had the augmented chord and finally we had the major seven chord alright so that's seven great piano chords that i think every piano player should know if you'd like more lessons go to piano.com and i'll see you there you
Channel: Pianote
Views: 194,978
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Keywords: Piano, Pianote, Piano Lessons, Free Piano Lessons, Jordan Leibel, Drumeo, Piano Chords, Chords, Piano Scales, Scales, Melodies, Piano Riffs, Getting Started On Piano, Beginner Piano Lessons, Intermediate Piano Lessons, Advanced Piano Lessons, 7 Types Of Chords Every Piano Player Must Know - Piano Lesson (Pianote), vanessa carlton, piano tutorial, piano lesson, a thousand miles, a thousand miles vanessa carlton piano tutorial, vanessa carlton piano tutorial, a thousand miles piano
Id: jO_TYMjvJdM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 26sec (386 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 17 2016
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