7 Traits of Highly Desirable Women | Episode 228: The Roommates Podcast

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this week on the roommates podcast some of you girls are in excellent shape booty butt booty butt booty butt chips i love it yes everything looking on point bobble head bodies but you are not if you buck chicks and what you find dudes love to smash that's it but they don't love to stay will not marry you they will not marry you i i see girls like this all the time they get dudes who love to smash them flying them out but when it comes to marriage the dudes that they want never not it's never happening because a man with options will never choose a headache [Music] why yo what's good everybody's happy chris to start the show baby yes yes welcome back another week another episode another one out to dj khaled shout out to dj khaled we are here yes in houston texas cousin nick cousin nick's house shout out to cousin nick it's a nice place a great place yeah and what is humble texas humble texas humble not humble texas [Music] but fees welcome back baby how you feeling being in houston feels good for like home not really there's a lot of pleasant moments here no we had some good times please so there's a lot of uh uh you know uh that drake song who's doing all my exes stay in texas like on george strait yeah man not a lot of happy times oh man i'm sorry to hear that man no but it's not like they're bad people it's just yeah i made bad decisions we all been there we understand man but we can create new memories yes better decisions positive yes yes yes yes so this week we're gonna do something a bit different all right i'm ready all right so recently what happened is that a lot rewind a bit so as most people know the roommates was created to help men become the best version of themselves yes help them level up physically emotionally spiritually and financially and by god's grace man we've seen so many men's lives being transformed it's pretty exceptional yeah congratulations no no congratulations to you as well and so it's it's super awesome to see i'm smiling all the time but it's just it's been it's been so great because we wanted this so badly you wanted to see men improved and just to see like god come through in 2020 man it's just like words cannot describe like how crazy it was for all this to take place excuse me and so what i realized was though we were really creating content for men and helping out a lot of men a lot of women also decided to watch the content and a lot of them grew exponentially from this content and a lot of women like were telling me you know i was growing i was learning i just learned so much from you guys and and it was really weird because they just watched the video they just changed the word he from she to he and then you know from her to him and just applied it to themselves and they want to level up yeah and then women were sending me messages being like yo when can you do more content for us we want to get better we want to be accountable all those good stuff and then the guys you know they were seeing these women coming in they're like yo you guys should do some content for these girls like these are women who actually want to get better who actually want to improve who don't want to you know i mean be trapped by societal standards of this whole you know i am woman hear me roar mentality and i was like man like i i think i think you guys are right and so i said man what i mean you and i talked about i said what we need to do is you know once a month or so do content just for the women because a lot of them are here a lot of them want to grow and a lot of them want to improve yeah i mean we can't we got to help people yeah i mean we uh we definitely created this vehicle of change for men um but yeah if we have this hardware we want to give back to community and women are asking and seeking us for help and advice then obviously we're going to definitely create more content to do so so yeah i'm excited you know and i'm grateful for our woman audience you know the one that stayed yeah yeah a lot of them left you know so um i am i am honored and you know just grateful for being in this position to uh you know speak to people you know through our voice and through on camera as well so i'm excited so this episode i feel like a lot of guys are gonna love this episode because this episode is gonna help them with women but i feel like a lot of women obviously this episode for them it's gonna help them out a lot yes but here we go before we begin this episode we have to begin as always with the prefaces yes cause there's gonna be a lot of women who are watching this for the very first time and they need to understand who we are what we're doing and all that good stuff so i created three rules that if you are a woman who wants to watch this episode you have to understand if you can't go by these three rules i ask you to go watch another episode watch on the video because this is not for you rule number one here we go to watch this episode you must be a woman who wants to become the best version of herself straight up it's a good rule straight up i'll second that so if you are a woman who who's one of those women who are like oh my gosh i'm great i was so good and the man still left me a man still cheated on me this time the third negative negativity cynicism all that stuff no no no this ain't for you this is for the women who want to be the best version of themselves for themselves and as always to attract a better partner so any woman who is a woman who's obsessed with self-growth self-improvement and becoming better this video is for you and if that's not you if you're one of those girls who simply wants to complain about everybody else point to the but yourself i'm sorry this episode is going to piss you off because it's going to make you be too accountable for your life yeah no if you can't handle it you know we're going to give you the truth you know that's why the disclaimer is is here and we have to create these rules um because i don't want to see it in the comments yes i don't want you know these women to come for me text me call me why i ain't i don't wanna hear all that nope so this is this is that moment if you can't handle it bye-bye i'm telling you i'm telling you like i i try to give people preferences this video isn't for everybody these episodes aren't for everybody some people can't handle handle it which leads rule number two okay and rule number two is this video is for women who want to learn from men one of the most common comment is who are these guys to tell women what to do and well men should stay out of women's business i believe there's a bunch of baloney i believe men can learn from women shout out to mary jo shout out to rebecca lynn pope and women can learn from men and vice versa so i don't believe that just because you're a certain gender you can't speak to a different gender i believe that's erroneous so the way i've grown the most in life is that i sat down and i learned from women you know to me about what they desired in men so i feel as if you're a woman and you want to get better when it comes to men you need to learn from men and so the women who want to learn from men the women who want to hear what men have to say this video is for you like i said you're one of those crazy feminist types who thinks that when men can't talk about women issues i'm sorry go watch another video yeah i don't want to hear that oh y'all need another woman voiceover oh my god you gotta love fish man that was hilarious i don't want to see it no i don't want to see it i don't want to be like i wish i would have did this [ __ ] did this next time do this i'm now i don't want to hear all that this is a man's show we created this is what we go wanting to do and it's what we're going to do like i said you know we come with this this understanding and this heart to really help so we're saying these things to help not to hurt not to belittle you not to destroy you not to bash none of those things so do not take it like that and don't try to control this either you know so yeah man i i don't want to see it in the comments i don't want to see you don't want to see it rule number three is that this video is for women who want masculine honest advice if you're one of those women who like people saying you're just a beautiful queen and you just need to stay on your throne don't let your crown fall over if you're one of those girls who just want to be buttered up and be treated like a princess and a baby this is not for you all the roommates i'm an equal opportunist we haven't said it in a long time but that's who i am we give men the honest masculine truth and women what women love is if women want honesty in men that's what you guys ask for isn't that true so this video we're giving you the masculine honest truth i'm telling you my tone is gonna rub a lot of you the wrong way i already know it but i do the same to men you know if not a little bit worse so if you're a woman who wants masculine honest advice this is for you if you want to be baby and you want to be coddled this video is not going to be for you yeah and then that's what they want and they don't really want to grow there because it's the hardest advice that i have received is the stuff that i did not want to hear that was the hardest that you know i had to here to have to sit down and really be called out be convicted you know question those those moments is how you grow and if it's something that's easy and somebody just gave me the answers that i know they're going to give me all that i don't want to hear that you're not going to level up at all and we're not about that here in this platform so great all right so if you guys agree to the rules of engagement let's move forward all right we've got the preface up the way now we gotta do the introduction so this list i created is called eight traits of highly desirable women so what i realized is women deal with one of three issues first thing is attracting guys second things is evaluating guys and the third thing is committing to the right guy right so attracting the right guy evaluating the right guy committing to the right guy right those are the three three major things i see them dealing with so today we're simply talking about attraction it's all we're talking about because a lot of women are telling me okay i'm struggling i can't you know i'm struggling with getting dates i'm struggling with getting male interest nobody's approaching me no one's interested in me no one's talking to me i'm going to help you women attract the most guys possible and shout out to steph because i gave steph a little bit of these tips and she told me she had to stop dating because she would say it was working too well she said the the the floodgates of good men were it was just too much for her to handle she has to you know pray through some things and things along those lines so okay this is simply for attracting like i said once you once you attract them it is your job to now evaluate them and after you evaluate them commit to the right ones that's a whole different pocket whole different podcast today is only about attraction yes simply get them to the door yes get them to the dinner table that's it that doesn't mean they're gonna stay in your life forever doesn't mean that that's the one for you how can you get more to you that's exactly what we're talking about yeah exactly okay i'm ready and and these are things of highly desirable women i am telling you in levar ball guaranteed fashion i guarantee you every woman who does these eight things every last one of them who does these eight things i guarantee you they are highly desirable they do not have an issue with men they will always have men knocking on their door desiring to marry them desiring to be with them it is a guaranteed proven proven and then i have a bonus i want to be on patreon i love the bonus keep us safe so ladies i am telling you the secret of getting making this happen is you have to do these things yeah this is not one of those videos i tell guys all the time this is not one of those videos where you just simply listen to it and you just oh it sounds good and you go on with your life you have to apply every last thing we tell you without the application all the information is meaningless just wasting your time wasting your time it is literally like watching workout videos and then going to the gym and looking at the weights no you gotta actually apply what you watch in the video and don't fight it don't doubt it don't be like god dang it it's just easier for that person or they don't know what they really talking about we hear all that yes just listen apply and see that's the thing fees they came to this video for a reason yes you know they they they saw the title yes they clicked on it they want to attract more guys yes so if you want to you at least can try it out yes that's all don't come in here try to evaluate or try to pick part something try it out and see if it worked try it if you are if you are having an issue in this department your plan does not work yes your formula is not working it's not working it's time to change the game time to change the game here we are we're the game changers let's go trait number one learn of highly desirable women big ass it's actually part of the trait though it is included this is a man's show i'm sorry all right that was actually included you're not too far off not too far off number one and this one alone uh this one could be i'm talking about this one you you can even do this one not do other seven and still options times ten times a hundred okay i'm ready the number one trait of highly desirable women is excellent physical shape 100 100 i mean 100 the best possible shape that you can be will all that will increase you see with your friends you will see with before and after you have seen women of your high school lose the weight and all the guys want them you have seen when somebody find the right haircut the right look change everything your physical shape has to be on point yes if you want to be highly desirable yes this is that's that's a non-negotiable non-negotiable so i'm gonna go ahead and show some pictures of women before and after so these ones for the women who may not fully understand it can see the difference okay girl one she looks good girl two i like that one face yes jennifer hudson before and after she sings better because she got and last adele oh man she so it is clear as day when women get in their best shape see what these girls are gonna do is they're gonna be like oh my gosh asking us to be these stick figure you know anorexic models no one's saying that we're saying get in your best shape of your life every woman as you see from the picture who gets in their her best shape who loses all the unhealthy weight it is a game-changer woman literally i believe that the way women want a man who's financially stable that is what the way a man desires woman who's in physical shape it is the equivalent so ladies the way you want a financially stable guy he wants a physically in shape woman that is the equivalent to him so losing the tummy the tummy has to go are you pregnant are you pregnant that's not a question it and then why is it here the tummy is a signa signal of you being pregnant a overweight woman is a signal of a woman who's already giving birth to a man's seven children yes so if you already gave birth to his having kids why i want to give why i want to marry you great question you gotta lose it you have to lose it you have to lose it you have to lose it and that's one of them we're talking about highly desirable that's what i'm saying so if if people if women come up to us and they literally asking us how can they attract more women that is the number one thing number one thing is it's literally you have to change your shape yes that way any change just from a man see change it just it just clicked something in our head i don't know why yes but we just like oh my god that's a whole that's valuable yes that's that's different and the thing about this is everybody can control this are some can some lose way easier than others of course but this is what you can control every single woman listening in can go ahead and go to the park and jog three times a week for 30 minutes start off by walking if you need to and work your way up to jogging every girl can get five dollars or sorry ten dollars can get a planet fitness membership and go to planet fitness and start off whatever gym it is yep everybody can do this there are so many in-home workout videos pamela reef chloe ting yep look it up these girls have free workouts chanel brown all these girls just look it up and you can go ahead and do it from the comfort of your own home in regards to dieting it's simple ladies burn more calories than you consume figure out okay how many calories do i burn each day and you want to consume less calories um the author of um his niece her niece i forgot his name but look up the book is in the description below he talks about women if you can be at 1500 calories a day which is really possible you can easily burn i think he said one pound a week something like that well yeah that's not bad yeah yeah you have to figure out like you this is where self-awareness comes into play it's really big because you know if it was if it were me if i was working a nine to five and i wanted to go work out there's no way i can go home first no if i go home i'm done yes so you if you are that kind of person you may need to go straight to the gym after work yes or go to the gym before work or find an accountability partner and y'all work out together you know if you can do work at home work out at home like whatever you have to do you know yourself the best and do it because obviously there's no excuses none there's there's a lot of programs if we shoot for work got i see people at the airport like you know gym parks everything they got pelleting bikes yeah yeah yeah they're going workout mirrors there's all kinds of stuff going on so if they want it you have to put the work in and you have to know yourself to give yourself the best performance like me i have to work out first thing in the morning if it doesn't happen it's gonna be tough for me to do it at the evening so um you have to know yourself and actually put that work in yes and like i said there's going to be somebody in the comments who has an excuse yes always excuses like buttholes everybody has one uh-huh the thing about life is there's people who make excuses and people who make change women you have a choice are you going to make excuses to why you have this 15 20 pounds from college why do you have it from working what is your excuse because there's a woman out there who works just as hard as you do if not harder and she still goes to the gym because that's part of discipline exactly like i said men are visual creatures this something that like i said you as a guy even if could we tell guys to work on our 10-step healthy manager program but as a guy it doesn't have the same effect a woman who loses the weight it changes the game and into chris's point at the beginning all my skinny girls get on the squats and you need to go on a weight gain journey for the skinny girls i am telling you women men like they want they want some shape they want to grab chris says they want to grab something so all the skinny girls you don't got to have no ghetto booty but you can get your booty cute it could be a shirt yeah and that alone and i'ma show two pictures here we go of women before and after who were once skinny skeletors and they put on some weight and look at the difference yes here's the first one yes yes yes yes yes and this one is kathy drake drayton a very popular fitness influencer yeah yeah yeah ladies like i said you don't have to be them but you can be your best version and i i don't know i personally have not ever met in my life a woman who's in excellent shape who doesn't get a bunch of guys offered that's i mean that's the thing like whatever you have to gain weight you have to lose weight you have to maintain whatever like we're talking about being more desired so you have to make the change like people are always going to make excuses and just not do it but if you literally lose the weight you telling you men are going to shoot yes you will feel better yes amen you will look better amen you're you would smile more you will wear less clothes yeah you would show off your shape like you if the gym would become contagious being more healthy becomes a lifestyle it'll be more disciplined i'll tell you it's more benefits for you for your body your self-esteem your confidence and you get more men coming into you so it's so much better so much so we can go on for days but that's the very first thing be in your best shape and like i said women this is yours don't compare yourself to anybody else your best shape and i'm telling you right now when you girls call me for coaching when you ask me for advice i go on a lot of your avatars and you're overweight you're out of shape and you're complaining about men i'm telling you that's your problem there you go moving forward if you're not in shape i'm not giving you advice i'm telling you go to the gym talk to me in six months number two [Laughter] number two like we said it's masculine style advice we gotta give you the honest real number two heal from past heartbreak and death lord that has made me cough because women lord it's 99 of y'all oh my gosh some of y'all still in relationships married probably staying having healed healed i'm healed healed healed healed and this is big because the the type of men that you want that you desire that guy has self-awareness that guy is mature that guy will know if you haven't healed or not yes he would see it he would sense it he it you would give off kills and he would not be attracted to you if you are still just bitter if you're still broken if you're still just angry at guys angry at god blaming the world literally the guy can see that on your face amen no matter how attractive you are like i said your attraction maybe get him to the to the dinner table but it doesn't mean he's going to keep coming back and he's going to stay there i'm telling that for the men that you want yes now these other men that you might not want to probably just sit around and just pay for stuff yada yada yada you know you're not going to be as attractive or you enjoy the company but you ain't going to marry them the guys that you want they would see that they would sense that and they will run away run for the hills and i love that point that chris brought up because what women don't understand is that you guys are good at putting on facades to the outside world but when a guy is serious and like he's like chris said a guy like one of our guys have been leveling up putting in the work has a self-awareness when these guys are serious and they meet you they can sense the walls of jericho they can see the f off on your forward they can see the pain and the hurt and what also happens is when a woman has not healed she's very cynical towards men exactly she says all men are dead she's angry towards men so what happens is because you're so negative towards men you can only attract negative men you create a self-fulfilling prophecy and a cycle where you're constantly getting the same negative guys over and over and over again and the good quality guys like chris's when they meet you when they see you they can already know oh this girl is negative i kid you that i was talking this one girl a couple months ago and i knew she didn't heal and the biggest way you know about it is by how negative they are everything is negative complaining about this complaining about this guys this guy is everything is negative it's like yo why would i want to be around i'm talking about this girl if you walk in next word there is a storm cloud there are lightning bolts and there's rain pouring on her head why would i want to be with that yeah exactly women have to heal they have to exactly and i want to make this point because when i talk about men that that women want and desire i'm not just talking about the status financial you know none of those things i'm talking about the guy that has self-aware and he has healed himself because it's easier to see if somebody needs healing when you went through it yourself so if these guys understand that like hey i was the ones heartbroken i was once you know had childhood trauma and you know i took the steps and i took the courses and now i am completely healed and ready to meet somebody and ready to move forward in my next life it's so much easier to see that somebody hasn't done it yet yes it's so much easier to see like hey this is still some pain here there's still some bitterness still some work you need to get done so when i just want to make sure that it's not just these money and status guys because they may not have healed they may not see it but these guys that that has been through it that understand that are self-aware they would see it night and day because they was once you yes and real quick because i'm a bit upset i'm not gonna lie to you hope she watches this episode okay okay okay because there was a young woman who i really she came to me asking for help and she wanted to grow and she wanted to improve and i was really happy and she was making some great um gains and she's making some great improvements and then when i gave her the assignments for her to heal she made a comment to me and she said if i was gonna do this i would have to take a week off of work because it'd be so much to handle because what these girls do is they take this emotion and they shove it down deep inside so for them to truly hear they have to bring it out yeah and it's going to be so painful and i told her that she needs to do it long story short i try to follow up with this young lady and she didn't respond to me and i followed up again she ignored me again and i and and and for and like i said i hope she doesn't feel like i'm mad at her i'm not matter if she wants to reach back out please reach back out i was disappointed because when it comes to doing physical assignments like i said with the mary jo episode women are great at it working careers jobs anything non-emotional but when it comes to the emotional stuff they watch the videos they know what to do but it's so hard and they stop at the step of actually applying these things we've always said get the book love after heartbreak link in the description below we have that book for you by our mentor stefan labossiere we created a healing course for free on youtube women you have to heal and i'm telling you i i'm telling you if you do not heal if you do not heal you will never attract the man it deserves to be in your life you will only attract other broken damaged men who have not healed so what these girls are doing is that they think that they can skip this step yep they think that okay it's too hard i'm just gonna ignore her fees i'm just not gonna text on feeds back i'm just gonna not listen to what he has to say but i'm telling you you want a family one day yep you can ignore me all day but you it's you that's the problem not me yeah and so if you do not do the work and do the healing there is no way for you to be able to track a healthy man and i get like i said it hurts me because you got you women are hiding your pain you know you are hiding the skeletons and all the hurt in your closet and a lot of guys who just want to have have sex because when a guy wants to have sex he doesn't care about you being broken not at all they know you're broken and damaged they love it this is a famous joke about the most damaged girls get the best head yeah cause they're trying to suck the love out of you yeah they try to get that soul out of you you got cash app for real and so to me the healing oh my gosh like i said we partnered with better help counseling link in the description below betterhelp.com slash the roommates where you can get affordable license counseling online in the comfort of your own home ladies we're giving you all the tools but guess what we have given you the tools we have given you all the tools and resources but guess what you have to build it yourself you have the cement you have the bricks you have all the structure but you got to build the house we can't build it for you and i'm telling you ladies watch what happens when you heal watch the joy watch it's literally like a 700 pound gorilla gets lifted from your chest and people see it and that and that and that energy and that and that aroma it is intoxicating for men healed healthy vibrant girls are intoxicating and and and i'm gonna go back to chris i almost said one more thing i once saw a comment on twitter from a i could tell she was a bitter girl and she said men go after younger women because all the women their age know they ain't ish that's easy for her to say yeah easy for her to say the reality of it is that true for some guys of course probably so but for a lot of guys the reason why they go after younger women i got ladies i have to be honest with you guys the main reason why men go after young women because young women are the least damaged they are the least damaged women because the older girls have been heartbroken they haven't done the work and men do not want to marry build families with damaged women so they prefer younger girls who have not been damaged yet ladies please if you've been hurt if you've been broken if if you have pain in your life that's not addressed do the healing works i'm telling you you can never have a healthy relationship with the man that you really desire if you have not healed yeah i mean yeah women go through a lot we understand that you know and they are it is so important to heal because your heart becomes so hard and we the good guys the guys that you know we're building in our community guys like hafiz and i you know we can see it and you know it hurts us because like man there's another here's another broken woman that needs to heal you know by hands of you know parents by hands of a man what have you and it sucks to see you know i just really hope and pray that they understand that if they don't open up their hearts and make it soft again make them feel like a woman again not carry that baggage not carry that pain not carry their hurt they will feel like themselves again and once you feel like yourself you will act like yourself and that's the best version of yourself therefore you become more desirous you can look good all you want you can make the money you want you can create the lifestyle you want you can travel whatever if you are not here your heart is hard and you are making this guy put all of this work in just to get to a hard heart it's not going to work it will he won't do it he won't do it and you're not even giving him the best of you because you haven't taken the time to heal i understand that this guy empty you up i understand it it sucks i'm pretty sure with more than one guy it keeps happening over and over again you know chris every time i heal i get broken again i understand but if you desire to be a wife if you desire to be a mother and to have a family one day you're gonna have to do this over and over and over again how many times have we healed in the last four years fees too many times too many times but imagine if we didn't do anything from 2017 really with 2016 when we met 2016 to now we just haven't healed and we just said you know what bump that we just gonna run through these women we just gonna just you know like we gonna get our money up get our stats up we're not gonna heal we're not it would be crazy we probably had a girl pregnant but yeah you know it would be crazy yeah but we and people in the house we looked at ourselves we had to sell we what we wanted we wanted to be the best husbands and the best fathers that we could be healing is a partner opening those wounds apart look in the mirror like dang that's where you messed up that's where you went wrong this is where you could have done better you oh you maybe you meant this you should have said it this way you know in those conversations that time is rugged now you know 2019 i would say probably was the hardest year of my life being in indianapolis stuck in that harvey by myself forced me to look in the mirror and heal and you know i've been feeling much better and more of myself you know since probably down on 2013 2014 when i was in college you know i had a lot of damage 2015 2016 2017 2018 so like i needed that time and i'm telling you i understand that these women are out here and i know them some of them personally and they just tell me that they're fine they're doing good this cap okay it is all cap and and this this is the most important this is because this is the one that can make a break you can do one three through eight and probably you know you probably attract some guys but number two is gonna stop you from getting the guy that you really deserve exactly it's gonna stop you getting the life that you truly desire number two it's the hardest one but it's also the most beneficial one for a reason you have to put the work in amen number three isn't tied with number two okay embraced your femininity oh my god so many women today view femininity as weakness so many women have no idea what femininity even is yeah they are lost they are confused they just they don't have an understanding of it so because they don't understand what femininity even is all they embrace is masculinity yes jobs careers money status getting you know get that bad girl all that stuff but what happens is so many of these women who are living in their masculinity are not happy no are not healthy they are not doing well and the biggest thing is they don't feel like a woman they don't feel like a woman tapping into their femininity changes lives steph shout out to steph she's another great amazing woman who rocks with the pocket she told me that when she finally tapped into her feminine she finally felt like a woman and she embraced it and it was like it was literally like the sun just started shining on her and she became so much more radiant men are addicted to femininity yeah it is addictive taylor rook shout out taylor books but you know you know what you do ignores all of our text messages it's so sad but then she calls us once in a blue moon because she's so feminine and so warm we forget all that i got daisy did it again and so my biggest thing is that when women tap into it so much great things happen because what women don't understand is that masculine men desire feminine women so many women want masculine men who are competent who are confident who are leaders and who have direction yes that's what they want yes but what happens is they don't realize that those kind of men want feminine women masculine men do not want masculine women masculine men want feminine women it is a dance the masculine man is the leader in the dance he is the competent confident leader the feminine woman is the follower in the dance she's receptive she's enjoyable and she is radiant and and so a lot of women have lost their femininity they've lost it they've lost it and and stefan always says women tell them all the time i don't i'm never i'm not a feminine person put that woman around children yeah you will see her that's why babies love moms that's why children love mom because mom taps into that femininity and it feels good boy it feels easy like sun moon it feels good yeah but a lot of women chris don't feel like sunday morning they don't they're not easy like sunday morning they are difficult like a wednesday afternoon board meeting yeah like a monday morning monday morning yeah and so because they haven't tapped into their femininity they repel masculine men you got any and what they always get is they they get a ton of feminine men feminine men love masculine women because feminine men love mama they want a mama to take care of them and so so many women who are these masculine girls they don't ever struggle with getting feminine men nope not at all not at all this is probably one of the biggest repeller like i mean if you have if you are so masculine and you come in and you just super strong hair strong nobody can tell me nothing you got this look on your face how do you carry yourself ball buster oh my god no man's gonna avoid no strong confident man again the man that you want i think that's why i really feel like that's the biggest point we have to drive a car the man that you want does not want that not at all he does not want to super strong you know say what's on their mind talk i mean oh my lord let's talk about crowded lord jesus he's not going to want you i'm talking about it's the biggest turn off i'm so i understand because like i can hear the backlash coming right now i can just like you know like we understand you may have to be like that at work yes there's some job positions out there where you have to be like that you have to uh you know carry yourself be taken serious all those things we understand that we're not crazy you have to turn that off when you get home you have to turn it off when you get around the man that you want to be with you have to turn that side off a lot of women just come home with that and no he's not dealing with that because anytime you can make a man feel less like a man or you come over here trying to take over his kingdom you tell him what to do how to do it he was good before you got here it was great he is good you know why would i deal with that when i can deal with a warm oh my loving tender probably soft feminine woman yes sir dad could come home say i got no drama it's just peace this is peace feminine reminds me of peace and that's the next one but i want to stay on feminism okay quick and i love the point that you brought up chris cause women have to understand you guys are competing they don't understand that that's probably what it is they don't understand that they think they always surprised they're number one think about it the same with jobs women this is the same thing with and i said in my previous videos it's like jobs in school 20 000 people apply to university of texas they're only allowing 5 000 students yep 15 000 are not gonna get in they probably qualified they're probably qualified maybe capable maybe capable they're not gonna get in they're not gonna get in because they're not as qualified and not as capable as the other candidates exactly same with a job hundreds of thousands of people are applying to go work at cnn hundreds of good candidates only if you are going to get the job [Music] so what happens women is that you got to realize is that there are feminine women out there yes there are feminine warm vibrant radiant women out there and a man that you want i love chris's point the man that you want has options yes always he can pick rough and tough masculine you randy savage he can pick you or you can pick warm relaxing feminine woman why would he see a lot of girls they think that men want a challenge they they believe that like chris says men don't want to come home to that masculine energy he's been wrestling dragons all day long at work he wants that feminine spirit that's what men yearn for and to sum up femininity because we as men i feel i don't feel qualified as a man to tell a woman what's feminine i don't feel qualified a lot of great femininity femininity influencers who can teach you but the french have a word and i'm probably going to butcher it the french called juan de vivre and this word and and for my french people they understand this word better than i can because it doesn't really translate well in english but the best english translation for that word is joy of life the enthusiasm the zeal the fun that you've been around girls who are fun they're enjoyable you're around them you just feel like man they make you feel so flipping good yes they it's like the best example is grandma you go to grandma's house hey baby you want some cookies what do you want to eat oh you look so lovely she just makes you feel so goddamn good all the time yes that's that's why the fever and so many girls have lost it you know like like i'm not trying to be mean to them but we go to the clubs and they just sit down in the corner and they just do nothing i say never again is she ever allowed to come out when i'm out you can never come back but there's some girls who are dancing they're fun their vibe is living great it makes us men feel great one of the reasons why men love going to the strip club is because the best strippers is not because of the booty butt cheeks yeah it's good but they can get a booty butt cheeks a lot of different places but the way these strippers make these men feel feel like they tap into that femininity you go to places like twin peaks and hooters these girls the ones who do the best there's always a fine one who just doesn't do very well because she's stuck up like hey baby how you doing today i like being called baby you know yeah yeah they make you feel so good yes and so when a woman like i've always said feminine woman controlled the world because literally with men you literally have a joystick and whatever you say he just does because you just have control women try to control men fighting masculine no femininity feminine women have been controlling the world because they know whatever man they want to get them do whatever they want literally tap into that femininity really really if women really wanted to rule the world if women really wanted the future to be women let every woman tap into her femininity and all the guys we have we're just we're weak we can't we're weak yeah it's unfortunate because for them to get to that feminine and they have to heal for they have to you know they go come back full circle you can't be super strong i mean you can't be all this joyful kind you know sweet feminine and you are your heart is hard you're acting no and the acting you're not good at it no because the guy will see it because i see it all the time you see it all the time i see it all the time so you know it to get there you have to make you have to heal first you know especially you know who you are like you know who you are so like you say it's so much power that comes in that it's it's so much and the end of this isn't even a good thing it's not a lot of women like that anymore in this world there's not so if you tap into your femininity you're always going to step out even further to the next woman yes even further even further it's telling you it's not it's like it's like money it's like they're like god that had a lot of money you have a lot of money obviously you go you are ahead in the race yes man i'm telling you you if you if women can tap into that it's a rap that's a wrap hey i'm saying this and it will work tremendously in person obviously you can't kind of you can see it kind of on social media the way you take pictures the way you position yourself you can kind of you can kind of you know you can work it out but in person yeah oh my god you have everybody in the room but like man who is that and why does she make me feel so good makes you feel so god i think good number four to what chris chris alluded to it previously peaceful person oh my god that's one top three that's one my top three gotta be peaceful listen so many of you girls today are what i call knuck if you buck chicks grace when you girls start talking i hear look if you bug no i hear it we not getting [ __ ] ready i hear it i hear we come in the club shaking my dreams taking my dress throwing these bows and busting these heads i hear i hear these girls i'm hearing we'd be like who's saying hitler yes think about that think about what dominant princess said we'd be like saddam hussein hitler and osama bin laden yes frieza you gotta take them seriously they bout that life nook if you buck so many girls that's their that's who they are now they are rough and tough i am talking about they should all go to wwe tryouts because they're all they want to wrestle they want to wrestle you and tussle you anyone they want to fight yeah they are ready to fight and men want peace we go into the world we work in these jobs we're fighting with the companies we're fighting with our boss we're fighting for competitors we don't want to come home and fight with our woman we want our woman to be peaceful i'm telling you man i'm telling you and and i i'm gonna really look at is this is this is gonna maybe i'm gonna try to make this work okay but when i play basketball and i see men argue over a small call of argue over a um the score of the game i wanna hear that competitive bs because i understand you it's really a quick conversation boom boom it should be done yeah but if it's going on and on it shows me a few things it shows me that one there's something going on in your life that's really bothering you because sports reveal a lot when you're on the court and sometimes people use you know sports to uh to meditate help them out and heal and it's not gonna happen and it also shows me your maturity level it shows me exactly who you are how you talk to people high emotions how you can you can self-control yourself everything so when there's a thing that's going on in a woman in life in a relationship that she doesn't agree with and she coming with the nook of you book attitude is she coming in just just flame on raid to just attack rey to call you out you know all this anger and all these things it shows me a lot it shows me a lot about your maturity level because i don't think you can handle your emotions i don't think you're self-controlled in that way because there's gonna be times where i'm not gonna be perfect or you're not gonna be perfect or the world is is going to do something and you're gonna have to control yourself because you're supposed to be the mother of my kids the thing i don't think women don't understand you know if they continue to focus on the house theories like you said the job the money the status all these things and ignore the character and ignore the self-growth ignore the healing process there is nowhere peace can be found in their fees there's nowhere peace can have room in there because it's too much chaos it's too much destruction it's there's no room for peace it won't happen peace is super rare to find because peace you have to go through a war literally talk it out figure out a plan in order to get peace i wanna i want to read something uh-oh it's for my religious girls uh-oh hopefully i can find it because what i've noticed all right let me see if i can find this all right from the word of god it's a book of proverbs written by solomon one of the wisest man to live and here's what he says in proverbs chapter 29 21 verse 9 it's better to live alone in the corner of an attic damn with a quarrelsome wife in a lovely home one more time it is better to live alone in the corner of an attic than for a quarrelsome wife in a lovely home tell you you see the reality of this of this thing women when even the word of god teaches men when you're dealing with combative difficult women who want to be argumentative who are not agreeable who are not peaceful don't want to listen don't want to listen god warns men don't marry women like that the word of god says don't marry women like that it says it is better to live on the corner some translations use rooftop the corner of your rooftop dead in a lovely home with a quarrelsome wife the there's another verse that says like a continual dripping on a rainy day is a quarrelsome wife at home do you know what a continual dripping on a rainy day symbolizes chris you tell me things chinese water torture the one of the worst forms of psychological torture ever invented in mankind man definitely top three crucifixion mean it's just one of the worst yes and so ladies if you're not a peaceful woman like i said a lot of you women don't realize that going and this all ties into each other you know because if you haven't healed you wanna fight you are ready to go because you're because everything triggers you yes everything triggers you i'm just trying to undeal with untapped emotions all of it trigger trigger trigger look at you but come on my god that's your anthem as your anthem is your answer so i'm telling you here's what happens with some of you women some of you girls are in excellent shape booty butt booty butt booty butt chips i love it yes everything looking on point but you are not if you buck chicks and what you find dudes love to smash that's it but they don't love to stay will not marry you they will not marry you i i see girls like this all the time they get dudes who love to smash them flying them out but when it comes to marriage the dudes that they want never not it's never happening because a man with options will never choose a headache why why would i do that what makes you so special i really want women to ask them themselves that question why would he do that we have the option to choose we pick why would i hear nan you got me why let me let me why would i do that and let me let me let me say something else because a lot of women believe this religious lie because this is a huge lie that women teach each other they say well the man god has for you is gonna deal with me through my issues he's gonna do all all of me the good and the bad the word of god go to proverbs it literally says uh it's better it says it go to proverbs 21 verse 9 it says it is better to live on your rooftop than in a home with a quarrelsome wife no god did not make any man if whatever pastor told you this is a lie whatever wherever you read this is a lie god did not make any man on this planet to stay here and deal with you being quarrelsome and difficult and hard and disagreeable that that is not your husband's job no at all there's no boyfriend man on this planet who god created whose job is to deal with your issues like that i am telling you he does not exist and he's going to make he's supposed to make you happy age is supposed to provide no no look at what they're asking for fees no he doesn't exist it's not happening i would never tell a man besides if unless he's hosea who has to marry a prostitute named gomer god will never willingly tell a man unless he wants that man to suffer to go pick a quarrelsome nook if you buck argumentative difficult woman not happening gotta find peace you gotta find peace within yourself ladies to give it to other people because we know what happens when a man doesn't have peace at home what happens he goes and finds it someplace else yeah you know what i mean and that's where um things happened yes and then that's something we don't want to happen obviously we everybody has to play their part yes you have to find peace within yourself to give to other people if you don't have that if you are always arguments if you always just disagreeable like he said it's somewhere something in your life there's a disconnect where peace cannot be filled number five here we go this is something all right for keeping a man okay i like this we've the first four was attraction we're gonna do other attractions but this one i gotta throw this in there because i'm telling you you keep men okay sex [Music] that's one maybe on the bonus one great cooking skills oh okay okay okay a woman who can cook for her man chris i know i know i know it does seem what it does to all men to come home from a hard day's work it's tuesday tacos and to have your woman cooking for you it makes you feel so goddamn good when you sit down on the table chris oh my god lord jesus beautiful and that woman brings you that hot plate it does something to your soul christopher jordan it does man it does it does that hot plate and just get you that kiss on his cheek yes it makes me want to work harder the next day it makes you just want to work harder for what you lord i'm gonna start crying i'm telling you man it do something when you cooking the cooking the warm meals so many women today don't know how to cook chris they don't nope not at all fees they want they man to cook it's your turn they want the man to have the money to go out and get take out no i want you to cook i want beef stroganoff i want i want lasagna you know what i mean i want i want rice and peas i want jerk chicken i want meals they'd be too tired to cook though please chris they too tired the way the way we as a man goes go above and beyond at work to bring home the money to pay these bills to keep these lights on to pay for all the nice things that a woman desires i want you to take that same energy and don't put it into the job but put it into just cooking women who can cook i'm telling you men stay yeah men stay because a lot of men can't cook and that job right there is is irreplaceable yeah it's irreplaceable 100 when you're a man and i know so many men they would say back in the day women would cook because they knew their man couldn't leave because there's nowhere for him to go cause he can't cook for himself it's an irreplaceable job when you have guaranteed meals yeah man i love that and you because i'll be honest with you i don't even like thinking about what i have to eat i hate it i just weigh it in my face yeah i don't care yes just put it right here i don't care what it is i don't care if it's tofu that's not what i want me but i'm just saying i don't care i don't want to have to think about it i'm telling you like you said to keith the guy mm-hmm because i mean food i mean it does wonders to women but it i mean a home-cooked meal to a man a whole nother level and men don't want to have to think that hard they just want that and this is where men love you leading oh like men love a woman to lead here yes surprise me try new things just i don't want to i want you to ask i just want you to do it just do it just do it to make it happen i don't care what you cook i kind of get it i don't want seafood well that's on your feet you're the weird one everybody else like sees food unless they're allergic but yeah now i think cooking is a is a um what is it a losing art um you know it's a lost art yeah they are definitely not paying more attention to it as they once was you know they're focused on other things that they don't have time for and obviously technology apps made everybody 10 times lazier so they just rather order things and have it delivered yeah you know i can't remember the last time i had a home cooked what a woman who said in just in the kitchen and just cooked something for me actually i did one time it was in the summer how did that make you feel i came home after a haircut and it was just like i just sat down and the plate just that noise that i was just like man i'm done doug i'm going to just charge it to the game and she going i'm out of here she's already doing this for me i'm i'm at the game i'm telling you it is a lost art that women can tap into and they it'll work wonders for him so yes please please lord number six all right grand six yes um feminine style uh okay attractive feminine style so many women dress for other women stop so many women especially with the hair just stop it the hair the makeup the nails is not what men like stop so let me go let me before i jump into where we lose them i'll give give them the point okay what becomes a feminine style too many girls dark black hunt green gray navy blue women try a pastel color try a beautiful yellow sundress boy lord jesus what a illusion dress can do to a man it was sad could we miss android season this year because of the cover 19. try ladies to pick to throw some blue tops a blue crop i mean not blue pink tops pink crop tops wonders ladies you add these bright vibrant feminine colors into a oh my lords jesus oh my god show little testicles and and and so many girls they i'm talking about when you see you gotta dress like a tatiana when you say that you have this vibrant feminine style it even if you don't look good it's something about you when you walk in a room men just have to stop and stare like god dang that girl looks good yeah so many girls nowadays like i said the blacks the darks it's just what's going on yeah and then with the haircuts my black women why are you doing these buzz cuts i don't want a man i want a woman so many girls they do the cassie cut see when girls like cassie are so fine they can do it but it still doesn't look good but because they're so fine people will tolerate it no one wants that there are a few women like halle berry who do look good with shorter hair but most girls don't go on a hair growth journey long beautiful feminine flowing hair the makeup the makeup ladies there's something wrong with a little bit of makeup but let's be honest some of you girls are over killing it yeah and you're lying to me and you're lying to people it is not feminine no offense but rupaul's makeup style is not for men men don't like stuff like that you girls like us artsy is not attracted to men feminine style of style that's attractive to me if you want to attract women then do that but if you want to attract men have a style that men like i'm telling you and back in the makeup i'm telling men usually prefer their women not to look good with makeup on break that down we want a woman that is naturally pretty naturally beautiful naturally gorgeous that when you we wake up to the next day we are turned on yes we don't play with turn around go walk up and go go put your face back on then come over here yeah we don't want that when we literally was like you know what i don't like you when you wear all that makeup i don't like how it changes your face you know we are satisfied just the way god created you and we want you to feel that way too i don't like my women to wear a lot of makeup i don't i'm not going to talk to you if you need makeup i'm just i'm shallow like that i don't care yeah but like you say i think i think the one the biggest uh point you said is women have to stop dressing for other women mm-hmm you have to do if you're trying to desire the man that you want you have to do that and i'm i i'll be honest with you i don't know how you feel about this feast but men don't care what kind of bag you have men don't care what kind of brand that you wearing that you rocking that's all women yeah i don't i don't know what a birkin bag look like fees we don't i don't care i don't you know these those big ass like sunglasses like this they'd be like oh what is this what is this yeah are we going on a spaceship oh my god you know like i mean women have to understand that we you have to do things for men to to attract them and you have to also you know be your own unique style don't be like everybody else well fees has in his wardrobe i don't have in mind you know because i have to put on stuff that make me feel good that give me the confidence of that i want i cannot have feeds is style yeah you know i mean i can't wear hats it doesn't work for me you know so when women have that feminine unique and it's the style of their own like you said it'll bring that confidence out it'll bring that feminine energy out it'll bring all these things and will make you more desirable you have to dress for yourself but also use that feminine uh style to attract men i'm telling you it will work night and day night and day and and ladies and gentlemen confuse me it's like a thought and just show ads and titties no no no no no no no no the guys are not gonna take you seriously yeah they probably just want to smash and pass yes you we are not talking about that like i said something respectful respectable but also feminine style yes that's what we're talking about and i got to be honest with you ladies a lot of things you guys are doing is unattractive a lot of the i gotta keep it 100. i don't know if i want to open a can of warrant with the weave conversation patreon okay patreon patreon because i feel like that that conversation is going to take a while because okay yeah okay but ladies like i said my big my biggest thing is who do you want this is what i don't understand yes i see girls wearing like blue lipstick and orange lipstick and green lipsticks you're gonna attract that kind of guy i'm like what no lawyer is gonna want that well i'm like what kind of guy do you want you need to have like chris an attractive feminine style that fits you yes and like i said ladies my my advice look up some influencers and fashion influencers you know some of the fashion nova stuff is a little bit too thoughtian if i'm being honest with you because a lot of it is i see that yeah no a lot of this is literally just wearing bras yeah and a little crop top and then like a a super tight fit bottom and it's it's not bad but it's like you wanna you wanna this there's a way to be sexy and classy that a lot of girls don't know but the girls who do know how to do it killing the game yes and then like i said if you like your hair is your hair but please stop having haircuts that that men don't don't aren't attracted to i don't i don't get it like i don't get preference fees huh that could be a preference but what i'm saying is there's certain things where it's like at least if i can find it it could be a preference well i understand what you're saying it's certain things where it's like if you were to pull 99 guys if you were to pull it yes you're right maybe five of them would be like i like this better but most of them won't and that's my problem it's like yo if that's what you want it depends on where how where hair is on their attraction scale okay like this girl i always say longer hair is better come on well yeah because she looks bad with short hair but that's what i'm saying but a lot of it yeah there's not a lot of women that can pull it off yeah that's what i'm saying amber rose pulled it off she did yes she did she did yes she did pull it off but i'm thoroughly curious i'm thoroughly curious to if amber rose had her hair styled the way of odell's girl's hairstyle is yeah no she probably would kill the game that's what i'm saying that's what i'm saying if amber rose had what's the name lolo if amber rose had god flesh you can grow her hair like that had her hair styled the way lauren would style her hair boy yeah boy yeah boy boy boy and so to me that's what i'm saying this is going back to highly desirable women so i'm gonna get too lost now because that's because i know women don't want us to tell them what to do but like i said i am not telling you what to do i'm saying if you want to attract men where would men like and obviously balance between classy and sexy 100 number seven here we go beautiful smile got a smile ladies but that goes back to a lot of other things we said earlier what's the reason to smile if you haven't healed and you're just sad all the time angry upset and bitter and frustrated there is this thing there's this thing where women get offended when men tell them smile i understand that i i don't think a man should go up to random girls hey smile so i i hope women are not taking what we're saying is smile monkey you know that's not what we're saying monkey what and men do a bad job with this so i'm like i'm putting this on the chin but what men are trying to do when a woman doesn't smile is that it makes them look so miserable yes it makes them look so unappealing yes and you're like man you would be so much better smiling you'll look you're more attractive when you smile you'll be a thousand times like you're so beautiful why are you not smiling what's going on what's wrong with you and like chris says it goes back to the the damage step number two is the biggest game changer biggest game changer so if women simply can heal because what happens is when girls don't smile two things two reasons are let's go to the first easy one your smile is jacked up yes ladies fix your figs invisalign smile direct club invest in it it's a good investment you should do great investments you talk about some confidence booster you talking about desire men want their women to smile yes no no yeah don't be taking pictures like this [Music] i want to see no duck face limbo though yeah leave that [ __ ] in 2016. so and the second reason that women don't smile is because they're not happy 100 yeah they're angry they're hurt they're still dealing with stuff that's another reason why they don't smile so ladies that beautiful rating i'm talking about especially in your pictures i go through so many girls pictures and there's not a single smile to be found this is mean mugging yeah or i just don't think your teeth pretty he's like there's one or two that's that's the two reasons so you can you can't tell me like hey take a look at my profile why they don't want to talk to me look at your pictures yeah what are your pictures saying right now what are they telling me to say and so i know some of y'all don't know how to caption so y'all put no caption so then you just leave it up to us yeah ladies not gonna work the smile the smile the smile you have to smile practice it in the mirror but to see that to me it it the only way they're going to smile is when they get their teeth done and they they're excited to show it off yes that's without healing that's without you know being peaceful they'll do that just because they're excited because they have a change in their life but for most women they probably do have decent looking teeth they won't smile unless they put the work in and going back to that point about the smile attracting women one of the reasons why women like men who don't smile because a man doesn't smile looks more masculine yeah he looks yeah protective yeah it looks like dangerous he's tough he's about to life yeah so it looks masculine you not smiling makes you look masculine as well exactly and heavy and or unhappy so the smile the smile the smile got a smile ladies the last one but not least not least is little to no debt money yes interesting i was not expecting that one yeah we're not expecting it every year every other one was uh i could agree with this one was this and let me tell you why all right this is one i didn't i didn't want to put on the list but i'm thinking about guys who are serious to try to marry a woman and men who are seriously trying to marry a woman take that into consideration and let me break it down like this the type of men that women want and real quick this is last this is last and honestly it's really seven it's really seven you do the first seven you're great yeah it's really seven this is the ice this is the cherry on top yeah this is like oh this is a unicorn this this is this this is a cherry on top yeah it's it's seven it's really sad it's seven uh yeah it's seven this is just the cherry on top but i thought about this one because it's important i see and this is for younger girls okay because here's what happens a lot of women want to be stay-at-home wives yes a lot of women do they want to stay at home and a lot of men want to take the financial responsibility of their wife when you're a woman who has a hundred thousand dollars in debt i remember this one woman calling kevin samuels this girl got associates a social sociology degree and she's a social worker for a hundred thousand dollars in debt how did that happen private school wasting time sociology yes po baby so my thing is that let's be honest chris you meet a girl she's fine she's feminine but she got a hundred thousand dollars of debt she may be the finest girl i ever talked to wrong to take that on to take that on as a man that is something that a lot of women don't consider the type of man that they want the debt yes if he's going to have to pay it yeah you're going to want to stay at home when your children are born you're going to want to be taking care of them so who's going to pay your the loans the credit cards so the reason why i brought this one up is not it has nothing to do with work more hours and not go for your debt no no no no and i i'm telling you people are going to get this one wrong because cause going back to my point so many women love these assignments they love the money stuff because the easiest for them to do 100 like i said this is last on cherry on top do not do this one until the first seven are done this would not change the way a guy will look at you or be more desired to you no i i i don't i wouldn't care if you told me you lost a hundred thousand dollars or you paid it off yes if you're not healed i'm still i don't care so first seven remember lee first seven is really was important the last one and i guess bonus bonus bonus goodness gracious seven this video is seven traits of highly desirable women we already gave seven this is the bonus one yeah because i i i don't want women to take it the wrong way i know they're going to they going to so it's bonus so because like i said the reason is the mana wants to marry you if you have 25 000 of credit card debt it it's a question of you're an irresponsible person it tells me a lot what happened 25 000 credit cards yes and you just spent money yes tell me the story yeah i need the story yeah you can't just tell me you went to galleria just went crazy with people birthdays and you don't know what happened you know that would tell me a lot you know how hard it is fees i feel like it is extremely hard to spend 25 000 on credit cards man you'd be surprised to some of these girls in their credit card debt you're a financial advisor you saw some things i mean i i haven't i haven't seen credit card because to me i've seen most of my clients because i just got out of high school i mean college you know they were you know just the reason graduated college or they've been in the world no more than five years so most of it i've seen you know student loans car loans those were their main debts for you to even get a credit limit of 10 000 when you just got a college that is dang the impossible they have multiple cards that's what i'm saying so if you like to me the typical maybe no more than 5 000 credit card limit and you had five of those and you mixed out all five of them you have a problem yeah that's like theory problem no that's like legit issue problems that's what you run to and a man of high character high value self-awareness will see that oh this is how you deal with your issues and then also these these guys who can manipulate who can take advantage of you this is how i win you back so one more time i made a mistake at the beginning it is a bonus this has nothing to do with being desirable this is an additional bonus one but like i said i know for a lot of these and the reason why this is why i brought it up it's for younger girls yes for older girls if you have it focus on the first seven yeah i mean if you can do this one amen but for young girls my advice is don't get in debt so many girls are going to school with for photography degrees and taking out student loans with degrees with liberal arts degrees i'm like yo you girls are gonna leave the workforce with all this debt and no skills and now you want a man to pay for it i'm being honest with you there's other girls who don't have this debt yeah and look just as good as you sorry know what bonus bonus it is a bonus so like i said the first seven but ladies ladies ladies please be wise with your spending yeah man a shout out to ozark ozark said to me that money is a measure of a man slash her decisions that is the measure that would tell a lot of people things like how women be trying to figure out how much a man worth and how well he can protect her and what does he do and trying to count pockets we count your spending if you spend the night it tells us a lot and we're going to picture we're going to patreon for the bonus one bye so guys ladies hopefully this helped i hope that you ladies apply this to your life like i said ladies we're just doing it because we care about you obviously we're gonna have some jokes high all the time so i got to i'm sorry but we generally hope that you apply this to your life and this is simply for attracting guys yes once you do these things i'm telling you it's me a floodgate of men about to come in then it's your job to evaluate them and we're gonna give you content for that later yeah you gotta use wisdom and discernment for that yes you do and as always reach out to chris or if you have any questions patreon for more additional content um thank you guys so much look forward to hearing what you guys have to say about go to patreon for the last bonus one and this one i know you're gonna love this one chris i cannot wait my name is hafiz kristen start the show we're gonna roommates here we go give us a bonus don't get
Channel: The Roommates
Views: 251,498
Rating: 4.7838469 out of 5
Keywords: the roommates, the roommates podcast, black podcast, new podcast, dating podcast, podcast, podcasts, advice podcast, business podcast, desirable women, desire, relationships
Id: Q1S-tOfIlE4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 4sec (4984 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 30 2020
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