5 things you didn't know about Power BI Desktop

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yo what's up this is Patrick from Guyana q and in this video I'm gonna talk about five things you might not have known about the power bi desktop stay tuned okay before I get started I got to say what's up to all my friends out in Africa in Lesotho and Malawi and Mozambique had a great week of power bi training for them and this video is actually all because of them I was hanging out them for with them for a week in lassoo tube so if you don't know where the two two years ago look for it on the map it's a little bitty country inside of a country it's a country inside of South Africa and I got to meet some great people and I also spent a week doing part bi training for the Elizabeth Glaser glacier pediatric AIDS Foundation and I there was probably about 15 to 16 people and we spent the entire week Monday through Friday training them on power bi and during the week we came up well at least five things came up that they were kind of like oh didn't know power bi could do that didn't know the desktop could do that and so I just was making notes and I decided not only am I gonna do a video about it but this video is for you guys out there alright so you guys know how I like to do instead of all that talking head over to my laptop okay so the first thing is let's let's imagine this is the power bi desktop I have open let's imagine you've created your own KPI card so I have a text box here a little pie chart that shows me the indication of whether or not you know my year-over-year sales up or down and so if I choose Idaho you can see how it changed to green if I choose Indiana by chillin Oi right if I just keep clicking on the list you'll see how it's toggling between the colors right and so imagine I need to change the size of it or I want to change the text in the text box or format the card how do you do that right so if I come here on the report canvas and I click and I try to click the pie chart I try to collect the text box can't quite get to it there's things you can do to you know work your way to it but what I found and I showed them this the best way if you go to view you click selection pane and now in the selection pane if I click red a green you see how it highlights the pie chart if I click text box it highlights Xbox right I can come in the text box and change it and just using the selection pane I can toggle between whatever elements are in that car it's great the selection pane you know we use it when we were creating bookmarks but you never think about it when you're designing these overlays of your own type of you know card so I make my own custom KPI card and now why I can use the selection pane to select the different items if you guys want to know more about how I created this posted in the comments below maybe I'll do a video and show you how I did it all right so that's the first thing that's number one and they were like Patrick this is great I'm like of course it is right so number two number two so we talked about one thing suction pane number two and this is a fun one because during the training there was another training going on I was in the zoo too and there's nothing on my team his name is Casper what's up Casper Casper was in Kenya and they were doing this workshop very similar to what we were doing and we got a message on teams they're like hey how do we make matrix in power bi look like a pivot table in Excel and I was like well right right there right there I'm not gonna see it right there I was like hmm I know how to do that so let me show you right so you have I have a matrix set up and I have state and I have city right and I've all I drilled all the way down so if we go back up so if we just drill up what I did was there's a you know the expand all option right here so I'm gonna expand all and what I want to do is instead of having state and city in the same column I want having like a pivot table I want to shift the city over to its own column right and so what you do is make sure the table is selected I'm gonna close the selection pane open up the visualization pane click on format and then expand row headers and you're gonna see two options here you're gonna see one option for a step excuse me a step layout and then you're gonna see something that says hey step turn step layout on or off right if I increase the value of the step layout indentation it just moves it over right it moves the things below in the drill over but what I'd like to do is put it in its own it's simple right all you need to do turn step layout off and now it looks just like a pivot table what I simply Excel you get it right so now as an end user right or is it a consumer it kind of looks like what I'm already doing in Excel because people always want that why can't it look like what's in Excel I want it like what's in Excel calm down there you go all right that's number two right number three this one was really cool really cool we're sitting around this table in the boardroom in let's do two that I said I was gonna listen to I was in lesson two I was in Africa by the way and so we're sitting around this board table and this guy sitting next to me is like Patrick we can't map our towns our villages so the way it works in lassoo two they have the they have the zoo too which is a country all right but then they have districts in the districts are synonymous with our states in the United States okay and then they have towns and I assumed I made the assumption that the towns are synonymous with the cities so let me show you so I built out this data set so Enoch come over here and let me delete this map just for effect and so I built out a data set I just script scraped the data from Wikipedia because everything on Wikipedia is true and so I categorize the country that came in as a country using the data category then I categorize the district as a state and then I categorize the town as a city all right you can see that because I figured right mmm country state city that's how it is all over the world all right and so what I did was I clicked on my report canvas and I tested it so I clicked country BAM country maps all right wonderful put that over here then I click this trick hang on one second that's not what I meant to do click in the white space if you want to create a new element in part of yo you got click in the white space alright I click this trick and BAM and math all my districts I'm so excited about this I was so excited and then I start clicking different things in the district and you can see how the focus changed to little places all over the map ok then I was like guys what are you talking about power bi just works so I clicked town and so you know town right now is categorize the city so I click town and then my heart was broken didn't map the city the towns of like why not their cities white state city and they all looked at me like yeah mister power bi expert thought you knew what you were talking about so cool didn't say I was expert I just know a lot about power bi so while they went on and they were working on their labs I clicked on town I looked at category and I expanded out and I looked at the different things that was in category and I saw this thing called place place and I changed it to place and watch what happens to my map BAM all my cities just like that and everybody was like holy smokes I was like yeah yeah yeah right and so now if I click on you know different districts you'll see right this is the capital to of that district and then this is the capital of that district and it just works alright so when you have to test this and you got to play with this and we kind of came up with different scenarios and so if you're using mapping and you're not and it's not it doesn't seem to be working for you just try different categories for those took for those attributes and they're probably a map another thing you can do is take that value and go to Bing Maps because we use the Bing Maps API to surface all that stuff go into Bing Maps put the value in and see if being can map it if it can't you know you should test out some different variations of it to see if it'll work all right that's number three all right so number four number four was great so number four was pretty cool I actually talked about at talked to Adam about this news like huh didn't know that so let's imagine this right there's an option if you click home in the ribbon and you click enter data so i'm gonna click enter data and i'm gonna say this is guy in the cube i can learn how to type and of course it's Patrick and Adam we are the guys in a cute right and I click and we're gonna just see gee I see at the table me alright and I click on load what happens is power bi takes that and it creates a nice little table for me in the field list here just give it a second and there we go right there's our table but then I realized all I wanted to put their last name so I wanted to put patrick LeBlanc and Adam Saxon how do you change it and everybody in the room was like yeah how do you change it we've done it we can't figure out how to change I was like you know what you click Edit queries and when you click Edit queries yes I'm going into the query editor you click Edit queries and you see giac right there you click it and go over to the query settings and look for applied steps and right on the source there's a gear click that gear and now all I need to do write that dialogue box the create table dialogue box pops open and now I can type in this box leblanc and mr. Saxton right and then I click OK and just like that my date is updated so somebody said go into I can't just go into the advanced editor modify well right click on it go into the advanced editor and look what you see right there's some binary stuff and you probably want to leave this alone right just use the steps that I showed okay that's number four all right so the last one the last one was you see how I have all these different things right here in my queries and when we were going through the workshop that query list just grew and grew and grew show them something I was like guys we need to group this stuff together they're like you can't route stuff together I was like sure you can right and some one person a couple of people kind of knew but then I kind of start showing them some tips and tricks about groupings like I didn't know you could do that so check this out right so I have my function I want to add my function to a new group so move to group and if I just type new group I call this function functions right BAM and give it a second and put it in functions then I want to put these in parameters because this is a parameter so it's a new group parameters okay but this wasn't the thing that blew their mind what blew their mind was is like okay Patrick these three ain't here come from sequel and I want to put them in a folder called sequel do we have to do them one at a time I was like no no no no all you need to do is click one hold down control old and click all the ones you want to just go to the end of the list right-click on one of them say move to group I'm gonna say new group we can call this sequel server click ok and bam let's give it a second it moves all three of them to the same group so you can multi-select them multi select right click on one of them move them to a group just like that right now I have everything nice and categorized of course I can move the other ones to web and enter date if I want to but that's ok right I have everything like I want that's number 5 what do you guys think did you know all 5 I'm curious if you didn't write if there's something that you think there's some better tips or you have questions comments about this posted in the comments below this is your first time visiting a guy in the cube channel you know what to do hit that subscribe button to all my people out all my friends that I met outlet Africa analyst ooh - hello thank you guys for helping me come up with this as always from Adam and myself thanks for watching we'll see you in the next video
Channel: Guy in a Cube
Views: 114,312
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: power bi desktop, power bi desktop tutorial, power bi desktop tutorial for beginners, learn power bi desktop, power bi, power bi demo, power bi reports, power bi reports tutorial, power bi tutorial, power bi tutorial for beginners
Id: 82ddX3BuGng
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 0sec (720 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 20 2019
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