7 Tips for the BEST Grilled Cheese Sandwich

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hey there Mark again from Wicked awesome food here on a nice windy fall day up here in the Boston area and it's a perfect day for me to show you this cheesy gooey buttery crunchy Savory out of this world grilled cheese sandwich this isn't your mother's grilled cheese grilled cheese sandwiches staple of five-year-olds across the country if you're still eating grilled cheeses made from white bread butter and American cheese then this video is for you I'm gonna give you my seven tips to a great grilled cheese sandwich so you can make a grilled cheese even Julia Child would appreciate well her a Guy Fieri hey maybe both first thing we're going to do is prep our cheeses that's right plural and look at that tip number one right off the bat use more than one type of cheese today I'm going with gruyere because as you'll see later our grilled cheese is going to have a distinctive French je ne sais quoi to balance off all that frenchness we're going to add in some of Wisconsin's own Colby cheese and some white cheddar from my New England peeps in Vermont that brings me to tip number two use shredded cheese bonus points If you shred it yourself so I'm going to grab our box cutter and using the biggest holes we're going to start shredding our cheese you can use a food processor with a shredding blade which is probably what I should be doing here but oh well too late now there are some people they like to use Mayo instead of butter we're making grilled cheese sandwiches I'm not one of those people I'm not an animal but we can't step up our butter game with tip number three let's make some clarified butter making clarified butter is extremely easy just melt some butter over low heat to separate the milk solids from the milk fat skim off what you can and then pour the rest through some cheesecloth and you're done I have four sticks of butter in my pan and it's starting to melt nicely our butter is nearly melted and you can see the white milk solids foaming up and coming to the top I'm going to use a spoon to skim off what I can off the top be patient work slow we don't want to stir it we don't want to reincorporate those milk solids back into the butter laughs and once you've scooped up about as much as you can with a spoon you're going to want to just slowly pour this through some cheesecloth you want to do it slow because you want to leave that big clump of white that's at the bottom you want to leave that in the pan there's going to be some more stuff floating that's going to get caught by the cheesecloth so don't worry about that but just take it nice and slow and get as little of that white stuff in as you can and of course if you do this inside it's a lot less of a pain in the end and once you finish pouring it into the cheesecloth just pick that cheesecloth up and give it a little squeeze to get every last bit of that golden goodness out and there we have it clarified butter the French cut doesn't have the American Grilled Cheese sandwich is a crock machine we're actually stealing an element of that classic French Sandwich which is tip number four we're gonna make a bechamel sauce this is a super easy sauce don't worry if a pan on a medium low heat we're going to melt two tablespoons of unsalted butter to add a little whisk once that's melted and bubbly we're going to mix in two tablespoons of all-purpose flour and now that this is starting to foam a bit I'm going to start mixing in our milk I have one and a quarter cups of warm milk you can just toss it in the microwave for a little bit you want to add this slowly whisking the entire time if you go too quick this is going to get lumpy and nobody wants that so just take your time here add a little whisk it in add a little more and that's pretty much it we're going to cook this for another six seven minutes whisking often time isn't important here it's the thickness or shooting floor our heat is off and we're just going to put the finishing touches on our bechamel sauce first we're gonna add about three quarters of a teaspoon of salt and a quarter teaspoon of white pepper if you don't have white pepper then black pepper is fine too and I like to add a tablespoon of Dijon mustard and remember folks if it's not from Dijon France it's just sparkling mustard and finally about a quarter teaspoon of freshly ground mother and finally about a quarter teaspoon of freshly ground nutmeg give that a little stir and our bechamel sauce is done and now it's time for our bread I have a nice sourdough Loaf from a local bakery I like to use sourdough for my grilled cheese because of a nice Tangy flavor and a slightly chewy texture which brings me to tip number five use good bread you don't have to use sourdough but please don't use plain white bread from the supermarket step it up a little bit I mean look at this thing I'm going to slice this beauty now I'm gonna grab my slices from The Middle look how pretty that looks now it's time to assemble and make our grilled cheese I have a cast iron pan preheating on low and this is tip number six you want the heat on low to medium low Japan is too hot then your bread is going to toast before your cheese has time to melt so make sure to keep that temperature down first off let's get some bechamel sauce on our bread and now some clarified butter into the pan cold enough that it's solidified so I'm going to just use this melt it right in the pan and we'll put the bread right on top that may have been a little too much okay get our gruyere cheese on pile this nice and high if some Falls in it's okay it's going to make nice Brown bits it's going to be delicious then another slice with some more bechamel sauce down we'll add butter to the side when we flip it now I'm going to cover this to help melt that cheese and we'll check it in a minute okay it's been about a minute let's check our bread oh look at that nice and toasty got some more butter in there get this side down nice now a little more Bechamel on this side a little more and then some of our Colby and cheddar on top of this oh yeah and this is tip number seven make a triple deck a little Bechamel on that side I'm gonna push it down so we have good contact with the pan cover it up check it again another minute okay it's been another minute let's take a look yeah I think we can go a little longer than that let's put some more butter in there though yeah it's been a couple minutes let's take a look oh look at that that's nice all right so if you just push this off to the side get some more butter in there nice cover up for a couple more minutes and after a few more minutes let's take a look oh look at that oh that is pretty this is looking awesome I'm so excited to eat let's go and just like that a Triple Decker grilled cheese is done I'm gonna sprinkle a little bit of parsley on top of some Greenwich which is gonna probably blow away I'm gonna cut this diagonally because I think you're legally required to cut a grilled cheese that way hear that oh boy look at that look how amazing this looks you can see the different colored cheeses and that beautifully crisp sourdough bread this just looks amazing look at that how cool okay time to taste it oh no you hear that crunch oh man wow this is fantastic it's like a cheese bomb in your mouth oh my God that bread has a nice subtle Tang to it it's not overpowering just enough to let you know it's there and you know the bite oh man bechamel sauce really classes this up look at all that cheese one more um I might just eat this whole thing damn it and there you have it my seven tips to make the best grilled cheese on the planet please give this a try I mean yeah it's the world's best grilled cheese but it's super easy to make you drop this in front of someone and they lose it for sure if you like this recipe please help me out by giving that like button a little if you'd like to see more wicked awesome recipes hit that subscribe Button as well and if you're looking for something to make that goes along with this then check out this video here it's a great way to compliment this awesome grilled cheese thanks see you next time
Channel: Wicked Awesome Food
Views: 2,944
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #grilled cheese
Id: KoiK-GJGW8g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 28sec (448 seconds)
Published: Fri May 19 2023
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