7 Tight Hip Stretches - Ask Doctor Jo

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Hey everybody, it's DoctorJo and cool Kali, and today I'm, gonna show you my top 7 treatments for hip tightness. So let's get started. So these stretches and exercises are for general tightness not after a specific surgery, so make sure you are cleared to do these. So the first one that I like to do just to get that tightness out of the hips is lying down on the floor, and if you can't get down on the floor, you can do these in your bed or on the couch. And you're just gonna start off with the knee to chest stretch. And it's just like it sounds. I like to leave one side bent up, but some people keep it down, it's up to you. I think this just takes a little pressure off your back if you've got some hip tightness, you might have some back tightness as well. So you're just gonna bring one knee up towards your chest. If you have some knee issues, sometimes when people grab up here it's a little painful on their knees to kind of push in to it, so you can grab under here if you have some knee tightness. But just kind of pulling up towards you. And you're gonna hold this for 30 seconds. So getting that nice stretch in there. It shouldn't be too painful, if you've got a little groin pain in there, just don't pull quite as hard. But again if you want a little bit more of a stretch, some people like to grab up on top like that. So a 30 second hold. I would do both sides even if you only have hip tightness on one side cause they're so closely connected. You probably want to do both sides. So 3 on each side for 30 seconds. So then the next one is going to be going into a butterfly stretch. So this is gonna stretch out those inner thigh muscles kind of the groin area. So with the butterfly stretch, you can do it sitting up, or you can do it lying down modified. So just depending on how much tightness you have. You're just gonna kind of put your feet together out in front of you with your knees kind of opened out to each side. And then just bring your heels in towards you to get that stretch. You want to keep your back pretty straight, if you're coming down like this you're not gonna get quite as much of a stretch and you're gonna have to work a little harder for the stretch. But if you keep your back pretty straight up, you can get a better stretch. And just bring your heels in until you feel a little bit of tightness in your groin area. Once you feel that tightness, you can either hold it there for the 30 seconds, or if you want just a little bit more of a stretch, if you kind of put your elbows on the inner thighs by your knee there, you can lean forward and push down a little bit. And that's gonna give you even more of a stretch. Remember you don't want it to be painful. Stretching should be, you know you should feel tension, you should feel pressure, but it should never be painful. So again holding that 30 seconds, coming back up, doing that 3 times each. So then the next one is gonna be a piriformis stretch. So the piriformis again has a lot to do with the tightness in the hips, those rotational type muscles, so those are really good to work out as well. You can stretch the piriformis a whole bunch of different ways, you can also do it seated in a chair, you don't have to get down to do it. But the easiest one that I like to do is just take the side that you want to stretch and put your foot across your knee just above like this. So it's kind of making a figure 4 position right there. So keep your back straight, and you can do either way to stretch. You can take the other foot and slide it up towards you and you should feel that stretch in that piriformis area right there. Or you can just bring your whole body up, but at your hips. Try not to curl your back cause then you're not getting much of a stretch. So keep that back straight and then just lean forward at your hips, and I'm getting a really good stretch right through my piriformis right there. So again just holding it for about 30 seconds and then doing that 3 times. Again I would do both sides just to kind of get everything nice and loosened up. So then the next one is gonna be a hip flexor stretch cause again, we're just kind of working all those muscles around the hip to get that tightness out of there. Again there's a bunch of different ways you can stretch the hip flexors. The best way I like to do it is getting kind of into a lunge position, so make sure you're protecting your knees while you're doing that. So when you get into the lunge position, I like putting a pillow underneath the knee that goes down. The knee that goes down is the side that you want to stretch, so if I'm stretching this side, these hip flexors here, that knee is going down. Put your other foot a little further out in front of you so can get a good lunge forward. The key with the hip flexor stretch is you want to keep your upper body upright. If I lean forward like this and stretch, I'm not stretching my hip flexor at all. I have to keep my upper body upright, and then shift my whole body forward. And then I'm getting that stretch right through there. So again, it's a full stretch, it's that 30 second stretch, doing that 3 times, and again I'd really do both sides if you have time, make sure you get that stretch on both sides because you want to equal it out. You don't want those imbalances in your hip. So when they're really tight get everything nice and loosened up. The last ones are gonna be standing up. So with these last exercises, make sure if you need to hold on to something, hold on to something. It can be a chair, a countertop, but if you have a little bit of balance issues make sure you're holding on. So now you're just gonna go into doing some hip circles while you're standing. So keep that leg nice and straight, and you're just gonna, it doesn't have to be big circles, you're just gonna move it around in a circle like this. So again, if you need to hold on to something, if you feel like your balance is a little off, that's fine. Make sure you're staying safe. So I'd do like 10 one way, and then reverse it and do 10 the other way. See, a little roll in there. So try and keep everything nice and tight. This one you definitely want to switch sides cause as you can see, I'm standing on this side, I'm stabilizing, using those stabilizer muscles, and then I'm moving this one. So then you would want to switch side cause it's doing different exercises. So now I'm stabilizing this side and I'm actively moving this side. So this one you really do want to switch sides because you're getting a different type of movement with each one. So then the next one is you're just gonna do a little swing in front of you from side to side. So try and keep your leg straight. Try and keep your toes pointed. A lot of times people want to turn their toes in and out. But you really want to keep it pointed forward, so you're getting those outer muscles working and those inner muscles working. And you're just gonna kind of swing it side to side in front of you. So again, if you need to hold on to something, that's fine. Eventually you want to try it without holding on because then you're gonna work those balancer muscles as well, but to start off, if you need to, make sure you're holding on to something. So again just maybe starting off with 10, 2 sets of 10. Make sure you're switching sides so you're getting the different exercises on each side. Really kind of pull up your toes to lock out all those muscles. That's gonna help work everything as well. And then the last one is just gonna be then changing the motion where you're gonna go front to back. So I'm just gonna turn sideways so you can see it a little bit. But again, make sure that you're just moving at your hip keeping that body nice and upright. It's a little more difficult to keep when you're going front to back, keeping your upper body upright. People want to kind of swing with it. So make sure you're keeping this upright. Pull your toes up to kind of lock it out. And you're just swinging from front to back. So again, maybe just 10, switch sides, do 10 on that side, maybe 2 sets a couple times a day. So it really just depends on what's causing that hip tightness. So make sure you're getting checked out and find out exactly what's going on. So there you have it. Those were my top 7 treatments for hip tightness. If you'd like to help support my channel, make sure and click on the link up there. And don't forget to subscribe, where? Yeah, down there. And remember, be safe, have fun, and I hope you feel better soon.
Channel: AskDoctorJo
Views: 1,628,415
Rating: 4.9086714 out of 5
Keywords: tight hips, hip tightness, hip stretches, hip exercises, hip muscles, tight hip flexors, sore hips, stiff hips, hip pain, physical therapy, physiotherapy, askdoctorjo, doctorjo, ask doctor jo, dr jo, doctor joe, ask doctor joe, hips, hip
Id: 7I4cKIK29O4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 37sec (457 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 17 2018
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