6 Minute Stretching Routine For Tight Hips and Low Back Pain

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[Music] what's up guys derek beckstrand here doctor of physical therapy tone and titan and this is a six minute stretching routine for your tight hips and lower back pain now your hips are supposed to be a very mobile joint in fact they are the second most mobile joint in your body behind your shoulder when they are not moving the way that they should or when they get tight that can lead to quite a few problems basically it's important that we keep the hips nice and mobile this routine is going to help you to do that in fact these are the same exercises that i give patients every single day in my physical therapy clinic i know they're super effective and i hope they help you out as well your hips are capable of motion in three different planes of movement now that being said in order to maximally stretch our hips we need to stretch into each one of those different movement planes and that's exactly what i'm going to show you in this video for the purposes of this video i'll demonstrate everything right over here on my left side however if it's both hips or both sides of your lower back you might want to run through this video two times once one time on the left one time on the right in order to maximize its effectiveness in order to help you to fill the best and so that being said i've got six stretches we're gonna run through each one of them for one minute we're gonna hold two stretches for 30 seconds one minute total for six different stretches i've got my interval timer right here the first thing we're going to do lay down on our back legs out straight i'll push start on my timer and then what i want to do is bend my left leg up and just give it a nice gentle pull right up into my chest now the goal here is that i want to stretch those glutes out so you should feel a nice deep stretch right here through the back of your hip you're going to take it to where it's a comfortable end range so i don't need it to be painful just a comfortable stretch to the back of your hip and then we're going to hold that one for 30 seconds nice and relaxed try and breathe nice and easy there's our first 30 second hold i like to come out of it for just a second and then we're going to get right back up into it and so again if both sides are painful you might do the first 30 seconds on the left and the second 30 seconds on the right or again you might run through the video twice you might do one side all on the left one side all on the right the order doesn't matter so much is that you get them all done so this is again for the hip extensors we're going to go for some hip rotators after this bend both legs up i'm going to cross the left leg over the right knee with my hands i'm going to grab right behind my right knee and then pull that right up into my chest you're going to feel this one in the left hip it's going to be in a little bit different spot the muscle that we're targeting the area that we're targeting here is the piriformis muscle that's one of your deep hip rotators you're going to feel this stretch deep to that glute muscle on the left side again 30 seconds right there back off of it give it a chance to breathe for a second give it a chance to relax and then we're going to jump right back into it again my force is pulling my right knee up into my shoulder just as far as i can take it if this is too aggressive what i'll show you right now is an alternative where we're just going to take that left knee up and over towards my right shoulder not quite the same rotation as this one but oftentimes a little better tolerated 30 second holes just like that and then we're going to get into some hamstring stretches left leg comes up into this bent position hands behind my left knee and then what i want you to do is just straighten out that left leg as much as you can just until we get a nice good stretch those hamstring muscles run down the back of your leg you're going to feel that behind your knee you're going to feel that up your leg and even into your lower back looks just like this hold that for 30 seconds these hamstrings they are a there's your 30 seconds right there back off of it and then come right back up into it these hamstrings are a very common sight of tightness and pain especially with lower back pain i'd say nine patients out of ten have some tightness in their hamstrings if you have lower back pain and so this is a great way to stretch those out after this we're gonna roll over onto our side and we're going to do some lateral hip stretches some it band stretches some intensive fashion walkway stretches and so what i want you to do is roll over onto your right side you're going to grab your left left leg just like this with my right leg i'm going to hook that on top and i'm going to use my right foot to push my knee down to the ground so again i'm laying on my left or extremely clean on my right side to stretch my left hip my left hand is grabbing my foot my right leg is on top of my left knee and i'm using that to push down towards the ground just like that is 30 seconds relax it for just a second and then we're going to get right back into it for another 30 seconds should fill this one on the top of your left leg your it band your lateral hip muscles those hip abductor muscles this is a great way to get to those great stretch just like this hip abductor muscles with this that's the outside of my hip after this we're going to do two 30 second stretches for the groin muscles for the hip adductors what you'll do is get into a seated position with your the soles of your feet together and then you can use your elbows to push down on your knees and so the more i push down on my knees the more that's going to stretch these muscles kind of the groin muscles here on the inner thigh those are your hip adductors now if you lack the mobility to get into this position i'll put another alternative up on the screen as well and so there's your first 30 seconds here's your alternative stretch it's on the screen right now and basically what we're going to do is straighten one leg out and then we're going to stretch the abductor or the groin muscle on the other side so it looks just like that typically a little better tolerated if you lack mobility or if you're super tight and that's a that's a good option right there and finally our last stretch is going to be for the hip flexors for those muscles that are on the front of your hip to get into that position i'm going to kneel on my left side right leg comes forward i want to lean into that right leg and then contract your glutes right here squeezing your glutes is going to rock your hips further backwards like this you're going to feel more of a stretch right through this anterior hip it's this iliopsoas muscle hip flexor muscle that we're after with this stretch with this exercise this is a great way to stretch that out there's 30 seconds come out of it and then we're going to come right back into it this muscle actually has attachments on your lower back vertebrae and a lot of times when it gets tight it gets tight and you spend a lot of time seated when it gets tight it can pull on your lower back and that's what can cause lower back pain so it's not uncommon to find hip flexor tightness with lower back pain it's important that we keep them stretched out it's important that we keep it mobilized we are just about there fantastic if you're looking for more great stretches to your hip i hope you check out this video right here if you're looking for ways to strengthen your hip at home this is a great video for that if you haven't subscribed to tone and titan yet do it at this circle button right here i'd love to see you back for future videos until next time we'll see you again on kona titan
Channel: Tone and Tighten
Views: 34,026
Rating: 4.966507 out of 5
Keywords: hip stretches, hip stretches for pain, hip stretches for flexibility, hip stretches for tight hips, hip stretching exercises, hip stretch routines, hip stretches for lower back pain, hip stretches for men, hip stretches for women, stretches for hip pain, stretches for hip flexor, stretches for hips, stretches for hip mobility, stretches for hips and lower back, stretches for hip and lower back pain, physical therapy, tone and tighten, jared beckstrand, stretching
Id: nm-fxV-bwWg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 49sec (469 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 29 2021
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