7 things you need to know before moving to Vancouver

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hey guys Dane here from moving to Canada super exciting news we have actually just touched down a couple of hours ago and landed in the Canadian city of Vancouver British Columbia right on the west coast of Canada so what we're gonna be doing for you is taking you around the city over the course of the next day and showing you the eight things that you need to know before moving to Vancouver so come with us it's gonna be an awesome day and we're gonna show you all around this beautiful city that is bordering the Pacific Ocean welcome to a Canada place right at the heart of downtown at the Port of Vancouver you can see why Vancouver is known as one of the most beautiful places in Canada with the mountains meeting the water meeting all these parks there's a lot of spaces for you to get out and enjoy and that brings me to the first thing that you need to know about if you're considering moving to Vancouver the climate at the time that we're filming this video it is the middle of January which is one of the coldest times of the year in Canada as you can see I am just wearing a light coat and a hoodie and it's not that chilly out so just this many layers are keeping me totally warm definitely warm enough it's that I have the heat and the energy to go and explore that west coast living the second thing that you need to know if you're considering moving to Vancouver is about accommodation and the cost of living so right now we are in the lovely little neighborhood of Kitsilano it's just outside of the downtown core and before you get to the University of British Columbia so it's still pretty central but you need to know that Vancouver is one of the more expensive cities to live in Canada if you are a single person you get a one-bedroom apartment that you're renting in the city center that's going to cost you upwards of $2,000 per month if you're outside of the city center that same apartments gonna cost you upwards of $1600 per month that's way above the monthly average cost across Canada now if you're getting a 3-bedroom apartment that's gonna cost you 3700 in the city center and 2,700 outside of the city centre so make sure if you are considering living in Vancouver that you take that into account before you plan your move we're gonna be going all over the city of Vancouver today which gives us a great opportunity to tell you about the third thing that you need to know if you're considering moving to Vancouver and that's your public transit options Vancouver is actually one of the most accessible cities in Canada when it comes to public transit you have a ton of different public transit options and honestly Vancouver has some of the sickest names for their public transit right now we are waiting for the SkyTrain which is a train that goes through the sky and they also have AC bus which is a bus that goes on the sea and they also have well just a regular bus pricing for Vancouver's public transit system is based on zone the entire city is divided up into three zones got zone one the city center zone twos a little bit outside of that and zone three's a little bit further than that if you're traveling within zone 1 it's gonna cost you 3 bucks for a single pass or $98 for a Monthly Pass if you're travelling in zone 3 which is the furthest zone that's gonna set you back five seventy-five for a single pass or a hundred and seventy seven bucks or your Monthly Pass now public transit isn't the only way to get around in Vancouver though it is convenient a lot of people do opt instead to walk to use a regular car or a ton of people in Vancouver also like to cycle Vancouver is one of the friendliest cities in Canada when it comes to cycling about moving to Vancouver is what are your job and employment opportunities thankfully as one of Canada's biggest cities Vancouver has a range of employment opportunities across a range of different industries and professions some of the most popular industries in Vancouver are construction and also tech BC is a bustling tech hub in Canada so much so that British Columbia is actually established a segment of their Provincial Nominee program that siphons new immigrants in who are in tech occupations it's called the BC PNP Tech pilot and they're targeting people with experience in one of 29 few tech occupations the fifth thing that we wanted to talk to you about was access to education in Vancouver and we thought there is no better place to do that than at you b/c UBC or the University of British Columbia is one of the largest universities in Canada and it consistently ranks as one of the top three schools in the country and UBC really exemplifies the kind of educational offerings that are available in the city of Coover if you are considering International Studies in Canada one thing to keep in mind is the cost of tuition UBC for example is one of the pricier institutions in the country when it comes to tuition it's calculated based on whether you are a domestic student that means you're Canadian citizen or a permanent resident or if you're an international student for UBC a Bachelors of Science for this year that's 2019 2020 it's going to cost you on average fifty four hundred dollars if you're a domestic student or 39 thousand dollars if you're an international student so you really have to consider that cost when you come in for International Studies however the perks of an institution like UBC is that it offers tons of high quality education high quality programming in a range of disciplines everything from arts science computer science nursing they've got it all but whether you're studying in Canada or whether you're working in Canada if you're in Vancouver one of the perks is what you can do in your downtime the sixth thing that you have to know if you are considering moving to Vancouver is that Vancouver is the fittest city in Canada with a ton of access to nature and outdoor activities and there is no place that better exemplifies that than the place that we are standing right now which is Stanley Park Stanley Park is a massive green space located right in the heart of Vancouver and in Stanley Park there's the space to do tons of different activities from walking running hiking swimming and also a ton of sights to see the seawall the totem poles the Lions Gate Bridge and a random guy doing yoga with a bunch of Canadian Geese guys warrior one the seventh thing that you need to know if you are considering moving to Vancouver Vancouver is one of the most culturally diverse cities in Canada there are people in this city of different nationalities different linguistic backgrounds different religions different sexual orientations it really is a place where you can find your own community whatever that community may be in fact according to the 2016 census the population of Vancouver was sitting at about 2.5 million and that includes the surrounding area of that 1 million of that population is first-generation immigrants that's 40% of the population of Vancouver are first-generation immigrants and to showcase that we brought you right downtown right in the heart of downtown Vancouver we're on this city block alone just on this block there is a Korean place there is a lion place a middle-eastern place a Malaysian place a Japanese place there's an Italian place right across the street and just up the block there I can see a Ukrainian place well that's all in just one city block radius here in downtown Vancouver so it really is a place with a ton of different cultures a ton of different communities and we are going to check out one of these places we're gonna check out something I'm super excited about because it's something that we really get great quality of in Vancouver so let's go check it out okay guys so the eighth and final thing that you need to know if you are thinking about moving to Vancouver is that Vancouver is foodie heaven you like to eat this is the city for you there's so many different places to eat as you've just heard from so many different cultures in so many different nationalities right now we are at a sushi downtown Vancouver we don't get back ride from on the East Coast so we've had a long day of filming we are getting ready to chow down thank you so much for tuning into this video if you liked what you saw up make sure you hit the like button and if you want more content like this if you want to learn about the other cities as we come up with videos on does make sure you hit that subscribe button thanks again for tuning in guys
Channel: Moving2Canada
Views: 511,901
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Length: 9min 17sec (557 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 03 2020
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