7 things YOU MUST KNOW before becoming a PERSONAL TRAINER!

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in this video i'm going to be going through seven things that are crucial to understand if you are thinking about becoming a personal trainer becoming a personal trainer for a lot of people seems like an ideal profession you get to pick your own hours work for yourself work in a gym go to work in shorts i mean what other profession could you start doing in six weeks work with cool people get to select your clients it is an amazing profession and only an amazing profession if done right so i'm going to go through seven things to help people understand some of the not so pretty aspects and also just some of the considerations you need to think about if wanting to become a personal trainer number one the qualification that you do i get asked most days of what qualifications best to do to become a pt and in my opinion i've only ever done one and it wasn't that great six week course i assume that by the end of most of them when you get to the end of that course you're thinking is that it i'm supposed to go be a personal trainer now the course is very much about getting insured on the gym floor when pts will flock to the gym floor after a qualification it's more so that they're not going to injure mass populations of people or get them to do stupid stuff and you're not even really told about what type of gym you go into or what contract you get into so as a personal trainer when you begin you can either pay a gym on a weekly or monthly basis and have the floor to yourself or you can be contracted by the gym maybe have to do some hours cleaning machines man in receptions my advice to people is definitely pay your rent and be free to do whatever you want that is a bit of the survivorship bias because that's what i did but i think it's gonna be very difficult to command a good hourly rate if your client's gonna come in and see you wiping down a leg press a few hours later i think also it's a good mentality to know that you need to make your business profitable to be able to afford your rent at the gym at home wherever it's kind of nice having that in the back your mind if you've got free rent there's not quite the emotional and motivational pain to get up and go to work and talk to people and prospect which is not an easy thing to do gym rent can be from in sydney i used to pay about 200 pounds a week in the uk i paid about 100 pounds a week seems like a lot of money but if you put that versus hiring a facility getting equipment toilets ensuring there's toilet paper in the toilets showers plumbing all of these things is actually not a bad deal it's also a business write-off which means that at the end of the year when you do your accounts with an accountant they're going to take that off your tax bill and for a lot of you becoming a personal trainer having business expenses it's the best way to live your life you can expend so much not everything but quite a lot so if you have the option do go down the route being self-employed it's a bit scarier but i think always the best way to go the second thing that i'll talk about it's kind of like ageism people seem to think oh am i too old to become a personal trainer and you know what for a lot of you if you're 40 or 50 staring down the barrel of giving up whatever profession you've been doing to become a personal trainer it's not going to be the easiest thing in the world especially to be accepted by your peers and maybe even people on the gym floor but it doesn't mean you're up against it because ultimately one of the best things about being a personal trainer is you get to help people and you get to construct your life and just because you're at 40 doesn't mean you can't help people anymore that you're not in a position to construct your life and you know you just have to appreciate they're probably going to be a few more hurdles that shut up that's the weight melt from a nut there are people that are going to come into the gym and pick the young chick or the young guy because they are zesting with life and energy and they might look you and go or someone look for what you're doing but if you can communicate your expertise to people in the gym and in the area in a way that's mature and you can tap in on pain points the world can be your oyster and that brings me to my third point competing with other personal trainers there are a lot of personal trainers in the world the industry is saturated but it's not that competitive the majority of personal trainers to this day are still posting pictures of their lunch and themselves with their tops off and wondering why people aren't queuing up at the door to do business with them no it's the economy it's the market it's all of this but not many personal trainers are actually trying to help people with their content and when we're looking at like competition between you and other personal trainers are it's a really saturated market out there you only need 10 clients to do well as a pt if 10 people see for one hour a week that's 10 hours it's not the best if they see for two hours a week it's 20 hours you're probably gonna hit a capacity of threshold about 30 hours so 10 clients in two to three hours a week laughing the reason that it's better to have 10 clients that see you three times a week than 30 clients see one time a week is admin you could manage essentially 10 people or 30 people and either way you're going to earn the same money so the less amount of clients that see you more frequently less admin same money and if you're going to be checking in with these people writing programs this should be a no-brainer the fourth thing is understanding your audience you should understand your audience or who you're talking to before you start on social media you should generally probably get out on the gym floor and understand what kind of populations you want to train probably not going to train athletes probably not going to train someone for a gold medal you're probably going to be training normal everyday people but that's brilliant because there's so many more of them out there then you need to understand what pain points they have and how you're going to help them and if you don't have someone in mind your social media message is going to be very difficult to understand not a lot of people are going to feel like they're being spoken to but if you know that you want to help housewives that are struggling to lose weight or middle-aged men that have lost their libido in their way in life you can communicate to them with social media and they will feel seen too and it will make them more inclined to go this person knows what i'm going through and this person is the right coach for me the fifth element that i would want to talk about is effort the first three years are gonna suck they really are you're gonna have to do these 6 a.m sessions you're probably going to have to do the 5 p.m 6 p.m sessions but i like to remind people what is your bread and butter sessions in the onset oh my god 6 a.m 7 a.m midday 5 p.m 6 p.m bread and butter if you're planning to have a family that means you won't see your kids and if you don't put in the effort to build not only a good you know reputation within your gym or your local area you're going to struggle to fill those actual bread and butter hours which are going to be for many of you between 6 a.m and midday that's six clients you do that five days across the weeks 30 hours get to go home at midday spend a few hours working on your business not in your business for me i'd finish at like 2pm most days take my laptop to waitrose do the online stuff write blogs chat to online clients whatever it is but my time in the gym would only be that part so i never expected to be social media famous i actually just wanted to work in the first part of the day to the second half i could be with friends family work on my business whatever but you need to be prepared that for the next three years things won't come straight away instant gratification won't occur you might have to blog for years before you get online clients you might have to make videos for months and years before you get clients turn up at the gym you know when people get into training we need to set their expectations say look if you fall in love with training in a few years time you're probably gonna look great with the top off it could happen in a few months but it's probably gonna be a few years and when looking at personal training as a landscape it's not so much who's got the best genetics who's the best looking those things help it's who's going to put in the maximum effort effort is the currency that pays for success that's what i've come to find whoever works the hardest in the room will do the best and that should not dumb down your aspirations it should inspire you to work harder and think oh you know what for me right i wasn't the best looking i wasn't the most experienced i wasn't the most chiseled or buff but i was willing to do and put in more effort than the majority of my competitors that's why you're watching my video today and not theirs my seventh thing that people really need to understand is oh how do i become a well-paid pt well in the onset you're probably gonna have to charge the market rate even a little bit below because you're a new personal trainer but if you can understand that being a pt is about commoditization it's like the amount of seats on an airplane they're a finite amount when they're gone they're gone and when an airplane has got lots of empty seats you pay a good rate but when there's not many seats left you pay a lot more because they don't need to sell you that and ultimately every personal trainer watching this could if i put a gun to your head could you work up the courage to get 30 hours of pt in your weekly week yes all of you could then what you put up your rates and continue to market aggressively keep talking to people on the floor keep promoting products sessions whatever it is and if you can do that for long enough every time you hit a threshold of 30 hours you put your rates up that's how this works you don't see what everyone else is charging you don't look at the economy it's based on demand and you can create demand through utilizing social media through communicating people on the gen 4 through seeking referrals from clients who finish blocks and cycles with you and it's essential that people understand these seven components for success when looking to become a personal trainer it's not knowing the depth of different periodization and strength results and knowing you know strength and conditioning degrees that you spent four years doing those things can help but ultimately you need to understand how to run a proper business with proper strategy from day one because if you don't run a good pt business it doesn't matter how good a coach you are so many people in the first few years think they have to be the best coach in the world they have no clients that go down business you go back to working in recruitment or whatever job it is sales but if you can fully grasp and understand the key imperative points to running a business in the onset once you've got this snowball rolling you've got people looking at your social media people inquiring at the gym for pt you're putting out sessions putting out blogs putting out content then in that infrastructure you can look to develop your understanding of programming human anatomy different coaching methods and you can start to apply it with your clients now i'm going to try to make more content like this over the coming weeks and months just to help personal trainers because i know a lot of people right now with the pandemic kind of got to a point in their life where they're like i'd rather be doing something that i want to do not something that i should be doing and again if you want to come this this was what like 5-10 minutes if you want to come spend the whole weekend with me and all the mentors i learned from in the fitness industry my next event is called ifs events it's a big weekend loads of us get together for a weekend in lisbon and we can sit in a room and you can ask me questions we can hash out ideas we can whiteboard some stuff how do we get people's details how do we close people for sales how do we tell our clients about putting up our prices what social strategies should we use using different social media platforms to grow our business and make more money and like i say if you don't want to come to that weekend and sit in that room and learn from me and the people i learn from then you think about someone who you think has done better with a personal training business in under 10 years and you go to their talk if you don't miss out on those videos please do make sure that you like and subscribe because i'll only be posting them on youtube see you guys in a bit
Channel: James Smith
Views: 117,780
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Id: 8nPunAkHIxE
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Length: 10min 56sec (656 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 11 2022
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