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hi guys welcome to this plum apart store credit UK video my name's James today we're going to look at it I've got a confession guys I said that this video was called 7 steps on how to get watertight and solder joints I lied there's actually a half more step that I'm giving you guys for free at the end of the video it's seven and a half steps on how to get watertight soldered joints and make them look absolutely fantastic please like the video please comment below if you think we missed anything out and please subscribe to our videos we've got over three hundred planning videos online right now also I run a vlog channel called times with James where you can learn about history documentaries reviews and also see what I get up to outside the world of plumbing as well we've got some very special links at the end of this video the only people who watch the whole of the video can get to so anyway I hope you enjoy the video guys there's one thing you got to do that's number one lose weight after Christmas number two how's that so guys I've got a few fittings here today and also a little bit of 22 mil pipe which for your normal DIY is probably gonna be the most challenging kind of soldiering you're going to come across let's just put these down here out of the way all the tools that you see us using today in this video you can buy on our Amazon shop there's a link to our Amazon shop in the description of this video and also in the top pin comment so the things you're going to need to get successful solder is number one your blowtorch you're also going to need a flux that you use quite often you're also gonna need all climates just come apart man what's happen there why is that happen man probably gonna need a heat map obviously some solder something to clean your pipe down with and also very importantly something to clean and cool down your pipe work as well so before you get started it might be just a good idea you'll find yourself an old rag like this absolute lovely beauty here give it a little bit of a wetting up ready for what you're gonna do butters rag [Music] so the first thing you gonna want to do is actually get your pipe and actually clean it I use either Emery cloth see if it have a look closely here you'll see that we've got this nice and clean so that that's nice clean there but also you can use wire wall is completely up to you anything you think is going to get your pipe nice and clean just like so so then your fitting and go on there just like that nice and easily okay it's nice and clean there's no problems also make sure that inside the fitting is clean as well so as you can see here these are lovely and clean now ready to go we can pop that on there like so and that fits in nicely like that we've got no problems at all do that to both bits of pipe that you're going to be sorry onto this is what US plumbers take the most amount of time doing cleaning the pipe and making sure that the surfaces are clean ready for us to work on so there we go that's done we can have a look those two just like so and now we've got very clean joints either side here and we also know that the fitting inside is clean as well number two and this is super important make sure there's no water in the pipe that's so so important now it can be very difficult for you to get water at horizontal pipe or things like that make sure that if you can you've got something like a wet back so you can vacuum out any of the water or you can be really sneaky and use an old plumber's trick of putting bread up the inside of the pipe and that will hopefully soak up any water in the time it takes you to do the soldering but I wouldn't recommend that it's an old school way of doing things - personally I've never come across it actually being a problem but let's face it guys we don't want bits of bread flying around the heating system so point number two is to make sure that the joint is dry inside and ready to go before we move on I'm gonna have a nice swig of the old coffee boot that's cold lovely jubbly number three number three this is super important and if you do it well we'll make sure that if you have a problem with runs maybe that will be something that will get over this problem but flux your pipe properly so what we're gonna do we've got our flux here and our function rate and we just pop our flux in like so just like that okay make sure there's none that goes in the pipe if you think any has get a small cloth but make sure you don't cut your finger while you're doing it you shouldn't ever per flux on the inside of the solder joint because if you do that you can end up with flux inside the pipe itself and if you've got an old acid flux that doesn't get washed away by water and you can cause pinholes and leaks I'm just gonna do that to the other one here and then just pop that on there like so now a good thing to do at this point and I don't see this in many other YouTube videos is to wipe off any excess flux that's around the outside of the fitting if you're my bro drew styles and you can follow drew over on Instagram and Twitter I'll leave his links below this is how he does it he sent me this lovely little phone message showing me how my tip for an the J would be to remember to wipe your excess flux off before you start feeding the soul during stops it burn money further than you need to getting any Studies on the bottom and remember to feed it wipe it so now we've got our joint flux we're effectively ready to get soldiering this is the bit that takes practice okay everything else you can learn how to do and you know how to do but actually applying heat to the join and getting everything going like that will take some practice so don't expect miracles first time around let's just move my bag off here by the way you can even buy the bag on my Amazon shop oh yeah so sometimes as well you're gonna use your heat map to prepare the area make sure of that but because we're nice and high up here I know that's not gonna be a problem on this joint so step number four is gentle even he evenly applied over the fitting and pipe let's switch to super close up camera angle now so guys number one we liked our blowtorch depend on which one you've got this is a rothenburger super fire - which is what most plumbers you're gonna find a dig you k use are very robust so let's get it going like that and then we're gonna turn that right down I try to hold this near to my mic so you can sort of hear and what we're going out we don't want it doing this that's just too much so we want a nice slow even heat that's really really important now make life easy for yourself and get a little bit of solder out ready to go so we'll get our heat going now gonna stand up and we're actually gonna get this soldered on so nice even heat low steady heat evenly applied now this is where I'm gonna say as well about step number five you're going to want to have a little bit of patience okay in the words of a famous song a little bit of patience goes a long way when you're doing this sort of work - look we're just evenly heating up the whole fitting sometimes you get underneath to make sure that's nice and evenly heated up and if you think you're ready you get a little bit of smoke maybe out at the end of the fitting like so you think maybe it's now time just to touch a little bit of solder on so that we're just going to do that and then we take the heat away and we're just going to touch a bit on so not quite there yet there we go that's running now so look now we can just pop that in there like so and just work that round help the sold around with a little bit of heat same for this one here and it goes C all the way around that's now done I can guarantee you it's gonna pop a little bit on the back here if you do get a little bit of bird poo and your boss is gonna have a go at you for this just flick it off with this if you're an apprentice your boss is gonna be like what are you doing Bravo I'll just mention step six now and that is to make sure that you use the right solder we need to use lead-free solder on potable water sources lead is a poison we can't have it in there lead-free solder tends to be a little bit more runny ah guys the old LED was just a joy to solder with believe me it's brilliant step number seven is to clean the fitting down cool it down and this is where our little rag becomes very handy so we can just call that down like so I usually give that a bit of a twist I'm gonna do one more solder for you in a minute using a different flux as well now what I tend to do now is just clean the fitting up use a little bit of all-call that is still a bit warm hey give you a chance to actually look at the fitting okay this is important this bit [Music] also now make sure you got the fitting nice and clean and if the fitting is going to be fully on display for everyone to see no harm in just bra sewing up quickly pop a little bit the brass on there get that nice and clean [Music] so guys I know you've got a little bit of a blob run on there but this has run all the way around because we've cleaned it so well we can now look actually all around the fitting and see that it's run really well and because we've cleaned inside the fitting we've cleaned the pipes itself we know now that we've got a water tight solder don't take my word for it right they're learning to solder isn't something you're gonna pick up in two seconds time I mean I'm not a hundred percent happy with the solder I've just done here but I know that if I was doing it under floorboards or something like that you know when it comes to looks aesthetics it doesn't really matter I know that's gonna function really well as a solder don't take my word for it that learning to solder is difficult just look what happened when I didn't ask the manufacturer of video a couple of weeks ago with my mate Olivia from ideal standard what I'm going to do now I'm just going to very quickly as an extra for you guys I'm just going to use some Lego flux and do one more joint so guys before we finish we're just going to reiterate the seven steps to make sure that you'd get watertight solder joints but before we do that please can you like this video please comment below if you think we've missed anything out and by all means hit that subscribe button it's really important there's gonna be some links in a minute so you can go over to my vlog channel where I do documentaries about history and random stuff point number one clean pipe that's number one step number two make sure there's no water in it step number three once you've cleaned the pot and there's no water in there flux the pipe properly and wipe away any excess flux step 4 think about the heating process evenly apply the heat and make sure that your soldering torch isn't blaring away like an absolute madman step 5 have some patience before you apply the solder okay which brings me on to step 6 make sure you use the right solder and step 7 make sure you've got a wet rag handy not only for cleaning down the fitting but also for making sure that you cool it off nicely and step 7 and a half because we're gonna give you a little extra tip here if you want your joints to look amazing use brazo to clean them up okay and use a bit of wobble as well so while Wolfer then bar so that's how you do it guys it works for me it works for lots of other plumbers as well but if you've got your own way of doing it please tell it in the comment section below thanks ever so much for watching guys hit that subscribe button and I'll see you in the next plumber parts video hold sigh thanks for watching all the way to the end guys here are those special links that I was talking about if you want to watch our very latest video click on that one check out times with James my vlog channel doing loads of stuff over there at the moment going over to Berlin to have a look at Stasi prison learning to fly and doing loads of other stuff and also go to our official merchandise and grab yourself a seizure
Channel: plumberparts
Views: 167,757
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 7 steps to solder copper pipe, solder pipe plumberparts, how to solder copper pipe, solder copper pipe neatly, how to solder, how to solder copper, how to solder copper tubing, solder copper pipe tutorial, joining copper, soldering copper pipes, diy solder copper pipe, clean copper pipe for solder, acid flux for soldering copper pipe, fluxuator tool, fluxuator tool review, lead free solder for copper pipe, plumberparts official, soldering torch plumbing, solder copper pipe
Id: flCOOnqX-H4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 5sec (665 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 12 2019
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