You see it in TV shows all the time, the guy
or girl falling for their best friend. As you watch each episode and their love grows
for another, you root for their story to bloom until they actually become a couple. But, what happens when you find yourself in
the exact same situation? Here are the 7 stages of falling in love with
your best friend. 1. The deep conversations. There’s a reason why they’re your best
friend right? You can tell them just about anything. But now as you unravel your next secret, feelings
and vulnerability, you’re wondering if they’d be more than just good best friend material.
After all, no one understands you as much as they do. 2. Accidental flirting. Whether they let you lean on their shoulder
for a good cry or surprise you with your favorite candy on your bad days, you’re wondering
if they’re just being nice. I mean, isn’t there a fine line between friendliness
and flirting? Now you’re trying to figure out if these
are hints that they might be interested in you. 3.The reminders. Both of you hang out all the time so when
people start commenting on your Facebook or Instagram asking what’s going on between
the two of you, it might start to annoy you. But when you see something your friend will
love like a movie or a book, you’ll start to think of them more often and wish you were
more than just friends. Maybe people’s comments are not off anymore. 4. The green monster. Do you get jealous easily when your best friend
starts going on date nights or meets new faces at the bar, you can’t help but feel possessive? It might be hard for you to feel happy when
you see them with other people. 5. The truth. So, you finally come to terms with your feelings,
there’s no way of denying how you feel about your best friend. How do you explain the nights you couldn’t
sleep because they were on your mind or why you always feel the sudden urge to drop all
your initial plans just to hang out with them? 6. The confession. Uh, congratulations the two of you finally
managed to realize that you like each other more than just friends. But, now the both of you are wondering if
this will jeopardize your friendship that years or months to build, it’s awkward because
you’re not sure which direction to take. 7. The what - if’s. This is the final stage that best friends
enter when they finalize their decision together. Depending on the circumstances like timing,
life goals and future relocations, some people agree that it would be best if they just remained
friends and that’s okay. You met them for a reason and the connection
you built will always be treasured. Meanwhile, others take the exciting risk and
finally ask each other out, that could be you. But whatever your outcome is, know that best
friends are hard to come by. Cherish all the memories you’ve made and
always be honest with your feelings. I love my best friends and I hope you love
yours too, good luck. Are you falling for your best friend? Have you seen our video on unhealthy crushes? Here’s a link to the video. Please subscribe
if you wanna join our community of Psych2Goers. Thanks for watching. Hey guys my name is Yumi and I am one of the
partners of Psych2Go, today I am not only here to introduce myself but to also introduce
you guys to our amazing Psych2Go magazines, don’t they look wonderful? These magazines were all created by our amazing
and talented magazine manager E. Morgan. She put all her time and hard work just to
create this for you guys, so everyone can have a little piece of Psych2Go whenever you
guys are. So we’re going to do a little give away right now. So, we’re going to pick three winners, there’s
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you guys a little bit more, okay? That’s about it, we wanna thank you for
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without you guys. So thank you and thanks for tuning in, bye.