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once a town of nearly 10,000 Bodie is located just east of the Sierra Nevada mountain range in California established in 1859 as a gold-mining village at its height there were nearly 2,000 buildings here now 200 remain as this town lies in a state of Arrested decay Bodie is one of the most well preserved ghost towns in America you Japan's Hashima island has a foreboding presence you might recognize it this completely uninhabited island played home to the villain in James Bond Skyfall once a booming coal mining operation that ended in the 1970s access is strictly limited but coming here is like stepping into a time capsule situated above the Arctic Circle pyramidion is home to the ghostly remnants of a Lost Soviet industrial way of life frozen in time this now abandoned mining town was established in the early 20th century on the Norwegian archipelago soval barred and was named after the pyramid-shaped mountain that looms in the distance a walk through this place is a step back in time to past Soviet glory remnants of Soviet culture art and architecture still stand today it is predicted that due to the low rate of decay in a frigid climate the abandoned towns major buildings will still be visible five hundred years from now that's longer than any other modern settlement on earth deep in the Namibian desert is a place time forgot once a German colony miners flocked here after diamonds were discovered in 1908 the town grew quickly fueled by the enormous wealth hidden beneath the sands but as the diamonds disappeared and production relocated the town was left completely abandoned to be slowly consumed by the ever shifting desert off the east coast of China near Shanghai sits an archipelago of nearly 400 islands one of them is Zhongshan Island a place where nature has reclaimed what was once a thriving fishing village residents started leaving in the early 90s in search of areas where access to mainland ports would be easier for business and now lush greenery has taken over the abandoned village Oh Paris without people know this isn't an apocalypse this is Paris in China Tian do Chang is a luxury real estate development and a Paris look-alike located in Hangzhou China as China became the world's fastest-growing economy real-estate developments popped up all over the country some modeled from famous western cities this Chinese Paris started construction in 2007 and while the city is built to hold 10,000 people only 2,000 live there full-time making it feel more like a ghost town the lack of people could be linked to where Tian Yu chain is located surrounded by miles and miles of farmland the Eiffel Tower replica is about one-third the size of the original and stands surrounded by copycat French architecture and just like the original it's a great backdrop for newlyweds looking for an everlasting memory you know what they say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery Cory is a very unique community we have a million-and-a-half underground residence and 1700 living residents we have become the city of swords my name is Pat Hatfield and I'm the retired historian friends town of Coleman I've lived here now for 65 years since 1950 we have now 17 cemeteries I call us the United Nations or cemeteries because we have a cemetery for everyone we have for instance we have four Jewish cemeteries we have a Catholic cemetery a Greek cemetery in Italian Cemetery and we even have a bit cemetery we have very famous people like Wyatt Earp and Joe DiMaggio and William Randolph Hearst and just goes on we inherited hundreds of thousands of body because during the gold rush so many gold miners came here and with them they bought so many diseases the San Francisco instantly had 27 cemeteries and they were full and the city fathers said our lands be for the living not for the dead so an eviction knows was passed in 1914 and the bodies were slowly transferred here to coma the coma residents really respect our cemeteries but we call the mark parks that's what they are we picnic then we walk in them are children playing them they're just a part of ours we do have a slower pulse here almost dead but
Channel: Great Big Story
Views: 144,464
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: great big story, gbs, lag, great big reel, great big reel 119, ghost towns, Bodie, California, Japan, Hashima, Soviet, Pyramiden, Namibia, desert, China, Shengshan, Paris, Tianducheng, cemetary, San Francisco, abandoned, ruins, Planet Earth, Frontiers, Human Condition
Id: Xfk3a2wfFNo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 29sec (629 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 14 2016
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