7 Simple Exercises for Shoulder Pain That Really Work (Impingement, Tendonitis, Arthritis)

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all right folks come on in we're going live again on Facebook and YouTube hi I'm Bob Shrum physical therapist manic physical therapy we have the most famous physical therapist on internet radware to talk about seven simple exercises you could do for shoulder pain that really worked now this works for impingement this works for a rotator cuff tear well it will prevent tears sure and it'll work for like a tendinitis and arthritis sure all those things a lot of shoulder pain if you are new to us by the way you're watching us on a rebroadcast I'm get a little violent here on YouTube please take a second to subscribe to us to provide videos I stay healthy fit and pain-free and we upload every day subscription button here or here yeah he's got that skeleton arm there and if you're not if you're on Facebook give us us you know some give us some love give us the hearts like season and if you're not on Facebook get over there I mean we're gonna be giving away we're gonna be giving away some of these balls bread right exercise ball yeah that's coming up and a day or two here probably give away three of them there from can do right I can do it baby alright the shoulder yeah we're talking an 80% of the cases I see Brad one of the problems out is that the upper bone here the humerus has moved forward in the socket a little bit and why has that happened quite often because of posture right you know as you're sitting like this it look how I round forward the muscles get tight here and the shoulder gets internally rotated right it moves forward in the socket and tightens up and pinches and pinches on there alright so so that's ball the humerus is not in the socket we're supposed to be which can lead that an impingement or these beam and all kinds of things from bursitis tendinitis all things and you know I write this from poor posture yeah it's amazing how how that one thing leads to all these problems at least it's had tendonitis I can lead to rotator cuff tear sir it can lead to the intimate so one thing you know test that we always show people is that you stand up and you see how all your thumbs are ranted if you're standing here and you're straight the thumb should be pointing straight ahead but if you're kind of you know got a rounded shoulder and maybe a little forward head posture look how my thumbs are pointed towards each other this right here my right now across the world people are standing up and they're seeing their thumbs are pointing towards each other around everyone's going like this so let's turn off with some exercise that are going to help correct this bread okay so we're going to do things that stretch it strengthen all these things right yep he agrees alright let's first start off these are the exercises that you want to do throughout the day you can do them in every hour if you want they don't take any special equipment you can do while you're sitting at your chair so we're gonna start with shoulder squeezes go ahead we're going to start just squeezing your shoulder blades together so you can see I'm giving the front view that's giving the back view see oh he's pulling those shoulder blades together now the shoulders the blades they provide the base for the shoulder though there or of the shoulder if the muscles around here aren't strong your shoulder is going to be on a whack the muscles of the shoulder to be out of whack so you want to make sure you're doing these I'm always amazed by my turn to get shoulder pain I just do a couple of them work of these a lot of times that takes it away sure that's the beginning part of shoulder pain but once you're deep into it it was good probably take a little bit longer than right yeah so good ten fifteen of them and you know you're doing pretty subtle sometimes people do this one they go this hit the road jack hit the road jack and then I should get the external rotators of the on rotator cuff which is helpful you know if you're a therapist you know exactly what we're talking about all right next one brad is a technique by Brian Mulligan again we show this one many times but you can do this with a [ __ ] there's a lot of other ways you can do it you do it the countertop with a chair there's a lot of different I'm watching so you're going to go ahead and put your hand on on the countertop or on the chair and I'm going to push down so I'm pushing down so if the chair wasn't there I'd be pushing down like this and you're gonna push down the whole time and what that's helping do is push the head of that bone back into place right so I'm pushing down I'm pushing down I don't ever let up I'm still not letting up wrap I'm not lend up I'm gonna go all the way back up again yeah if you're cheered to pay your chair I was just already to hold the chair because if it might even want to tip like that yeah that's why you may want to do it on a counter top right this is good this is actually a good solid chair right but it won't work for a lot of chairs yeah good it's a good point Brad so I'd like to see you at least buy with these brands it should be paint free if it hurts you know go as far as the paint will allow if you can only go this far fine great good and then eventually you might be able to go further and further and and that's going to help set that in this one has been very helpful to a lot of people again you can do this one frequently if you want you can do it every hour if you want one nice thing you can do if this is you know if you can go this high and then you do five or ten of those and you can go this high without paint it's a clear indication that exercise is doing the correctly you want to show the hiney knesset bad Oh redness develop this method this is a new method of doing that same exercise if you have a ball on we do recommend to get one if you don't because we have a lot of videos on how to use the exercise ball for correct Brad just did what I'm doing in this entire program for the shoulder use right exactly well it's the beauty of the ball that's right he loves that line so what we're doing here is no I'm gonna squish it down into the ball that's how you know you're gonna do it right cuz you're squishing the ball making a little indentation there now the beauty of the ball it could still go like you were doing mm-hmm now this ball is pretty big I would probably use a smaller ball for the ball more a more surface or I could just use this small ball and see how my shoulder is lower so this may be the ones you use but then you can see I'm doing the exact same thing but this is the option you have with the ball pushing down and moving your feet we've moved the ball forward while maintaining that pressure down and it's just another way to go rolls down the arm doesn't it right if you don't have to keep your in and try to roll roll your hand drawn sometimes my patients have a tendency and I'll just let it roll right off the floor arm and then back but again it should if you did it like this and it hurts and you push on the ball dual-pane then you know you're on the right track and it's gonna work well by the way Bob and Brad had a preferred list of products that we really love and I'll put that down below in the description and on youtube if you want to see it and the ball is one of them great and that way you know you're getting a good quality ball it's nothing that right you're not will be happy next one Brad this is an easy one this is this is the lazy man's exercise right here that's why I like what you're gonna do is you can either get a foam roller which again the one we really like this is a kind of a different one because it's a little softer one raisin bread soft which makes it more comfortable particularly for this exercise we're going to be doing and that's not our preferred list also down below but if you don't you can just take a bunch of beach towels or towels and wrap them up like this a little duct tape bottom and you can go ahead and gonna create your own little roll and I'm going to put it between the shoulder blades so I'm going on him then what that's going to do is that's just going to open things up and you know it's the end of the day you just lay on that and you just opened everything up stretch the chest gets the month shoulders in the right position and you can just lay there and this is a good way to unwind the beauty of gravity because the gravity is doing to work your tire you don't want to think about something you know stress for you to just relax let your shoulders go down where there's force to let the joint that the humeral head core it's supposed to and relax yeah and this is good for throwing all that syndrome oh yeah that's a must do for that one you can show on that real quick right now the thing about the roller is quite a bit longer than this and actually I find it more comfortable you know that works well I think this works better just play on here and just relax and this does a little bit of balance issues to it it's not hard to balance and if I you know that's incorporate it really stretches everything out yeah and also I like this because you could put your head on here so also works on posture of the neck itself you know so I might actually can do some chin tucks yeah some people are actually gonna probably be can get their head down there Brad right there's been at the problem then you may need to put a pillow there so its cover they also have this little device that they gotta send along with a pro roller arch that's nice well advise so you would only use that comfortable with this you can still do or just carrot ated Bob well that means he tracked his back so let's move on next one now the next exercise is Brad our one you will not do all these in the same day you're gonna pick one and if that one starts going well you go to the next one so you start off with this one with your shoulder extension so you're gonna need a broomstick or some type of have a yardstick something like that a pain and you're gonna start and you're going to be working on this this tongue is going to be on the top side and you can just going to grab the end like this and you're going to work on an extension like this and again this should be pain-free so if you can only go this far that's where your star serve you don't go any further until the end but eventually when you can do this to the point where it goes way back then you'll progress to the next exercise if you look at me from this profile it's going behind you not out like this so that's important that way it is an extension we call this abduction roots to the side if you're at work you can put your hand on a countertop and bend down like this and stretch back like this it's a little bit difficult but it does you know it works in the pen if you see Brown over here on this one that countertop what I'll do just to make it a little bit higher I'm gonna put that there and there that I don't have to squat very far and I still can get to the point where I get that stretch by the way as we do with all these live videos we we try to get through our program first and then we start answering questions sure so well and we'll do the next one is shoulder so once that one is going well then you're going to do a shoulder internal rotation and there's a lot of different ways you can do this one you can just take your your broomstick and go over the top like this you grab down below that's kind of a tough one to do grab yeah but it was to get a hold of it a lot of you are not going to be I'll go any further than this because you're if you could do this you probably take a worldsheet get ready give you lots of options here I hope you hear me as I'm turning away from saying oh but Brad's showing that this is a nice device it's called the stretched out strap it's on our preferred list also but you can take a towel and throw it over your shoulder like this and this works really good to pull up and you can work your way up further and further do that again Bravo I just want to point out one reason why the stretch out strap works because he literally has to grab a hold of that towel which inherently increases some of the tightness and you won't get as good as a stretch but you can't relax as well so he's got a loop here that helps pull it up now you do this with your belt sometimes to graduate so do you want me to show I don't know Brian I don't want to take any chances here so let's so I eventually now you'll find usually your sore shoulder will probably go up maybe this bar where your good shoulder is up this bar so eventually once you're about up to that then you're ready for the next one this one particularly don't quit if you start get sure pain you need to stop it's not ready for yet we just see the start start jelly it should be reasonably just a stretch of gentle stretch pain all right the next one brad is once once that one's going well now you're you're going to start playing this laying down you can take your king and your boomstick and you're gonna start working on these going straight forward like this and you want you can use the one arm can help the other arm read sure and I'm just going further like this no if you don't have a cane or broom sniffing it's just going a hardware store and pick up a piece of PVC pipe for two dollars sure that's what we use here that that works really well and then the final one Brad is you're going to go ahead and you're going to go ahead up to the wall either with a ball or there was at all sure so Brad's gonna show this get the skeleton on the way I'm gonna move this camera around here to catch bread yep there we go all your other hopefully walls a little bit on the slippery side you can just take a towel and then just go up if you need to help with this hand a little bit and you're just going to help bring it up and down bring up there you'll stretch maybe sharp painter it's too early you don't want to push him too sharp pain you're gonna make it worse up until you feel a stretch baby little mile stretch pain then come back down and as time goes on day by day you'll get stronger and it'll stretch out and he'll work out well particularly if you did those other exercises first you can use the ball I like this because you could use both hands so this will be my good hand I'm going to put it on top of my week one and it's going to assist so that it makes it easier and as the week one gets stronger than I think that one off then I'm gonna work it up just as far as tolerate or not gonna push in the shar-pei to make its or we're just gonna gently work it gently strengthen it and you can roll up if it feels good and it feels like a good stretch when you get up and here you can roll right up your farm towards your elbow and that works out real well alright alright Fred so I'm going to ask us if we have an Amazon preferred list and that's what I was talking about yes we do and that's I don't know if it's linked below yet I'll make sure it's there by tonight but that is our preferred list of products and that's that was a good question sure so and then someone was talking I didn't catch the stream of copper conversation but they were you remember we we did a video on using those pool noodle noodles I think we were using them as a back support right but they were they were using it at night or lumbar support yeah sure so look at by the way we can show real quickly Lani if you want to show me a couple pillows you know our recommended sleeping posture is one that you don't sleep on you know if you have a painful shoulder don't sleep on it right if you have to if you feel like you can't sleep any other way we recommend you put the two pillows like this if you put a third pillow or a smaller pillow right here and you create the groove here or the canal and now you got room for that shoulder to give it some relief if that doesn't work or if you can sleep on the other side the side that doesn't it isn't harmful one two pillows underneath your head crazy be lots of pillows and you have two pillows underneath your head but you take one pillow here and one pillow here and that gives that arm support all night long it's really important with shoulder pain to keep that shoulder supported all the time even when you're sitting I'd like to take it I tell people to take a couple pillows and put it like this and let that shoulder relax and rest if you have a question frozen shoulder is a weird phenomenon Lani that said the question for Facebook is that will this prevent frozen shoulder frozen shoulder they don't really understand why it crops up it's just it's an inflammatory process and I don't know that you can really prevent it sometimes it happens after injury right and and sometimes it just happens sporadically sure and unfortunately the frozen shoulder it lasts a certain amount of time no matter what you do you can make it a little less extreme but it's got to run its course right it's got the freezing stage the unfreezing stage so and we do have a video on the exercises that you can do to help manage yeah did you have a question Brad you know a gentleman asked about can some of these done be done from a wheelchair in other words can't stand up absolutely so I don't have a wheelchair handy here but it's going to be the same thing for and come a little more this way there we go we're sitting down for like the for the Republican Mulligan technique then you probably wouldn't need to use the ball and you probably just need a smaller ball to put on the table or you could have the ball in front oh yeah but the other way you certainly can do the shoulder squeezes together that's a really good one to do you're in a wheelchair wheelchair posture tends to be bad sure so yeah so again squeezing back here and you know hopefully if you have supports on your wheelchair that might make it difficult and we have to come forward if you can depending on your on your problems but you just have to imagine everything in to the different height of the chair and the problem is that chair may give it away in some of the exercise if you have removable armrests that will help a lot to do some of these exercises so that your elbows aren't bumping if some people were staying there and they'll sound oh we got sound now I mean I'm we're gonna begin to that we have sound yeah Parshin aids I'm not lying you've got a question there but I'm not sure what what is she grabs gonna take a look at it I'll look over here real quick to see if there's any other questions over here do these exercise work with a torn labrum with no surgery required I would try some of these with the torn labrum but again not very much avoid any painful exercises again with the toilet labrum you might often have it that it's a little bit on the socket so you want to get it in place but with the torn labrum you've gotta be completely guided by a pain I mean if you an exercise and it hurts you can't do it that labrum in place let it heal up give it some time you know it's going to heal right to me that's kind of like the meniscus of the mean I kind of relate how her eyes are exactly yeah in that other diagnosis that's a role select diagnosis that we'd have to we do a separate video on the every day or the other day for strengthening you know because these are small muscles I mean like let's say for example bread we're gonna work on one thing that we really like for the shoulder is external rotation and you can take just a suit can take your a my pillows so you can lay on your side like this you can go ahead and go like this and you're working on external location now this is a small muscle it's really good for helping keep their own in the socket and but you could do these every day because there's such small muscles you went over working by you know you can do three sets of ten I'll work up to three sets of ten and you could do those every day definitely the stretches you can not only do it every day you can do with them quite often every hour I mean that's so mean it feels good you know there might be some usual situation where it's making it sore but typically you don't do don't overdoing doing within reason McKenzie recommends know especially working on extension like this starting with that one shouldn't you he says you can with every hour or five days five or five times a day sure yeah anything else well playing cricket I develop neck and back feet I can move my name the Lord is right so then moving towards my chest there is a sharpie so a guy is the question that he's playing cricket and he helps her back and neck pain and now he's having some movement difficulties with his neck I'm sorry that's just too specific I mean first off there could be an injury there that you should probably go in and have an x-ray so we really can't make any recommendations there generally with movement we have you work on the direction that you can move if there's nothing you know nothing broken so if you can't go down and to the side we have your work for the opposite side working that and then eventually hopefully that the other side comes through so Brad someone's asking what the foam roller is a half of foam roller work and yeah that can work out for this particularly this lexer so be sure it's even more stable and it does the same thing yeah it can look why is the half a foam roller myself to be honest do you really oh that's okay I have at home okay because I but is something I use every day but yeah I have a real light for this foam roller because it is it's a bit softer the person I found like this Brad there are other ones but it's it's just not quite as as hard as the other ones it's made by opt P but again it's in our preferred list so anything else folks glad to take your questions if there were district there's a number of questions and some of them are a little off topic there is one of our Tom okay we can use elastic bands versus the silk kids oh of course yeah yeah we used elastic bands all the time yeah I actually prefer much yeah maybe one has a matte moment you know this is the same exercise that Bob would do an external occation job and so they work very well but again not everyone has one at home but everyone can do this so if you want to purchase one or you know if you're if you're PT if you're patient you know we just you know the other way is subscribe and that it's a pretty console exercise that's kind of all right both we were running a long time here we probably should cut her off otherwise people are gonna get so thanks for waiting for watching and subscribe if you haven't already
Channel: Bob & Brad
Views: 465,471
Rating: 4.9223418 out of 5
Keywords: family friendly, physicaltherapyvideo, famouspt, bob schrupp, brad heineck, famous physical therapists, physical therapy, Bob and Brad, shoulder pain, shoulder pain exercises, shoulder pain stretches, shoulder impingement, shoulder arthritis, shoulder bursitis, shoulder tendonitis, #hangoutsonair, Hangouts On Air, #hoa
Id: 4sa-6wsX7FY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 46sec (1426 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 07 2017
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