7 Side Hustles You Can Start in 2022

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so last year i uploaded a video about nine passive income ideas that were making me 27 000 a week at the time and that video absolutely blew up and since then i've been inundated with messages from like youtube twitter instagram all the places of people asking for more ideas for side hustles that they can start this year so in this video we're gonna go over seven side hustle ideas that you can start to make money on the internet if you want and for each of these we're gonna talk about how easy it is to start how easy it is to make your first hundred dollars and then how hard or time-intensive is it to keep going so let's get into it right so idea number one is actually to become a video editor for youtubers now bear with me over here this is actually not as crazy as it sounds it's pretty straightforward to learn how to edit videos i even have a class on this on skillshare link in the video description if you want to check it out and so within a weekend you can literally teach yourself how to edit videos using final cut or premiere or imovie or davinci resolve or any other app you can teach yourself how to edit videos completely from scratch having never done it before and then if we want to make money using the service we just need to find people who are willing to pay for that service now conveniently youtubers always need someone to edit their videos once you're beyond maybe a few tens of thousands of subscribers maybe 20k plus basically every youtuber would benefit from having an editor that they can outsource their editing to and at that point most youtubers are also making enough money to support the service and at that point most youtubers also don't enjoy editing themselves and so they're like desperate to find someone who can help them edit their videos now if someone is a youtuber in that position they might be going on a website like fiverr or upwork or people per hour and looking for an editor who they could who they can outsource editing to and i've done this a few times and hundreds of my students in the part-time youtuber academy have done this as well and what you find is that all of the response like 95 of the responses are absolute trash i.e people don't read the description properly they're completely unprofessional in their communication and they're just really bad at video editing and so to stand out in one of these marketplaces it's actually reasonably straightforward all you have to do is communicate well and actually read the brief that the person is given rather than copy and pasting it now that's one way of doing it where you're essentially waiting for people to come to you waiting for people to choose you but there is another way of doing it and that other way involves being a permissionless apprentice so what you could do for example is you could find a youtuber that you like is maybe on 50k to 250k subscribers you can download one of their videos from youtube and you can edit it in a different way you can add in some more lower thirds some effects some titles and transitions some background music and then what you can do is you can reach out to that youtuber on twitter or instagram or email and say hey i'm a video editor i would love to edit videos for you here is an example of what i've done using some of your content and if you do this with just a handful of youtubers i can basically guarantee that at least one of them will respond and be like oh my god that sounds sick then the thing you ask them is like hey why don't you give me one of your raw videos and i'll edit it for you completely free of charge so you can see what my work is like and then after that you know i charge fifty dollars a video or a hundred dollars a video and you're telling your pricing up front so they know what the vibe is and they can decide can they afford this but you're offering to do that first video for free so a they've already seen your skills because you've edited their video without permission b you're giving them this free trial so they can see how you're doing and then if all that goes well they're going to be paying you lots of money to edit their videos and this model of becoming a permissionless apprentice is applicable to loads of things other than video editing as well you could become a podcast editor you could be a thumbnail artist like i'm just thinking in the realm of creators here you could be someone who converts uh someone's email newsletter into an instagram carousel that they can post on their instagram account you can be someone who takes long-form video content off of youtube and turns it into 16 like 9x16 tick-tock-friendly content with the animations and the music and stuff there's all of this stuff that you can do all it needs is number one having the skills which you can learn for free on the internet within a few days and number two having a little bit of creativity and ingenuity and the ability to communicate well via email or via twitter to find the people who are then gonna ultimately pay you for the service so how easy is this to start pretty easy you just need to learn the skill again not very hard you can follow youtube tutorials it takes about a weekend how easy is it to make your first hundred dollars again not that hard to be honest probably two out of five stars because you can post a bunch of projects on upwork and fiverr and people per hour with these freelance websites and you can also just reach out to your youtuber friends so making a hundred dollars shouldn't be too hard in this context but the only drawback with this is that it is pretty time intensive and i'd give this a five out of five in terms of time intensivity because ultimately when you're selling a service like this you are kind of charging for your time and generally when you're charging for your time rather than building something and selling it where you're not charging for your time that tends to become pretty time intensive all right side hustle number two is online tutoring and this is how most of my friends when we were at university made the bulk of our side hustle money through tutoring people on the internet and the best way to think about this is that wherever you are on your journey there's probably some stuff that you know that of someone a few years younger than you could benefit from so for example when i was like 18 years old i signed up to this online tutoring agency and i started tutoring people at like kind of 15 to 17 year olds in maths and science then when i got to university sort of aged 19 through 224 i was tutoring people who are applying to medical school helping them out with the entrance exams i've got friends who are currently working as doctors who are doing online tutoring for medical students and a few friends who have completely random random jobs that they're doing but what they do tutoring in is in languages so one of my friends for example speaks french natively and he's an online french teacher so he teaches people french over the internet for about like 30 pounds an hour about 40 an hour or something like that and this is actually pretty easy to do all it needs again that you need to have a skill or something that you have learned that someone else will will find valuable and then you just need to find people who are willing to pay for that skill so usually you can sign up for an account for these online tutoring platforms the one in the uk i think that i used to use was called uk tutors and there's an example of another friend of mine from from med school who had one of these accounts on one of these like online tutoring websites and ended up tutoring someone who turned out to be the daughter of like some nigerian royal family connection and then they liked him so much that they flew him out in their private jet like for a whole summer to tutor their kids while they were going to these cool places all around the world and he said that was a pretty sick experience i'm not saying that if you start online tutoring you're going to get that level of treatment but what i'm saying is that it's a very good way of teaching something that you know to people who are willing to pay for that thing to be taught to them and the other option along with similar vein is a website called italki and i've got a few friends who teach like languages through that it's kind of like a language teaching thing but it's not really teaching it's like if you speak english you can sign up for an account on italki and people will pay for you to just have a conversation with them over zoom in english and generally it's people from abroad who want to improve their english by having conversations with an english speaker if you want to teach on italki then it usually starts somewhere between four and eight dollars an hour but you can always up your prices over time and one friend i know is making i think a few hundred dollars a month from doing just like a few a few hours of italki like english language tutoring each month and this stuff to be honest is pretty simple it's not easy because you need to have the skill and you need to be able to market yourself to get people to pay for that skill and then you need to actually be good at teaching the thing but to be honest there are no easy ways to make money like all ways to make money require an exchange of value in return for money and in this case the value you're providing is the the ability to teach something sometimes people get held back by thinking they need a formal teaching qualification but you don't need any formal qualifications this is one of those things where if you have learned something and you're just good at explaining it then you probably can teach teach that thing to someone you can practice on your friends you can practice on family practice on your kids practice on your colleagues whatever and so in terms of ease of getting started i'm gonna give this a two out of five because you do need to have that skill to begin with but hey if you're watching this video you probably have some kind of skill that you can teach to someone over the internet it's not too hard to make your first hundred dollars i'm gonna give this a two out of five all you have to do again is be able to market yourself appropriately on the various tutoring websites that are relevant to you but again the problem is that this is a pretty time intensive thing because you are doing a direct trade time for money and generally you're being paid by the hour so the more hours you put in the more money you're gonna make all right so side hustle idea number three is to actually become a website designer and to design websites for a niche group of clients how do you become a website designer these days is actually not that hard like back in the day when i was first learning web design you had to learn html and css and all that kind of stuff these days there are so many no code ways of building a website like squarespace and wix and i don't know these other like drag and drop type website builders that are pretty reasonable it's also pretty easy to learn wordpress you know wordpress powers like 30 of the internet you can download wordpress themes for free you can customize them for free they're not that hard and you can watch youtube tutorials that teach you how to customize a wordpress theme so again within about probably once a week and probably about a week you can learn how to make a website and how to make it look good if you're using something like squarespace or wix or wordpress so now you've got this skill that could be valuable to some people and now you just need to find people who are willing to pay you for the skill so the trick here is to not appeal to absolutely everyone but instead appealed to a very very very niche group of people so there are two people that i'm currently thinking of who have done this very well one of them is a guy who i connected with through this youtube channel and he and i met up for coffee about two years ago when i was in cambridge turned out he had taught himself web design and he specialized in building websites for orthodontists in like one or two states in america like somewhere in the middle of america this is pretty niche like that was the only thing he provided he just reached out to all of the orthodontists in like utah and some other state i can't remember what and he said to them hey look you know i specialize in building websites for orthodontists i can make your website look prettier it'll increase your leads it'll help more people sign up to your invisalign whatever whatever and after sending a few dozen cold emails he hopped on a few phone calls and then he ended up being paid like 500 to make his first orthodontist website and then after that he went to other orthodontists in the area be like hey i've worked on this website here's what it looks like and it looked good and those other guys were like sick i want to hire you to build my orthodontist website and then he upped his prices slowly over time to the point that he was able to travel the world literally just building websites for orthodontists and then the next thing he did after that was that he started going into like paid ads and helping them run their google ads and so he was just like traveling the world making a living as a digital nomad starting off making websites for other dentists and then selling ads for them and the cool thing about that is once you've built a website once you've got the themes you've got the know-how it's actually not that hard building the same genre of website again just changing up the fonts and the colors and the vibe just to make it look a little bit different but the underlying structure is the same and so this is pretty easy to start it takes about a week to learn how to make a decent looking website but it is kind of hard getting your first client because you do have to put yourself out there and you know try and get some sales but then once you've done that making 100 is fairly easy but again the issue is that this is a fairly time intensive thing because you are kind of selling your time for money but one way you can level up the whole building websites thing is by actually specializing in building themes for other people to build websites with so i've got a friend called dan who's the one who ended up sort of designing and coding my personal website he specializes in building themes for ghost which is a sort of niche kind of wordpress alternative that people can use to build websites now dan builds these website themes and then he just sells them on ghost for like 50 100 something like that and so he's making pretty healthy passive income every single day from people buying his website templates and this is the perfect example of doing the work once to create a thing and then being able to sell it multiple times without any further costs of selling the things there's also been a new trend recently towards people building websites with notion yes notion um like notion acts as a good content management system and then you can plug it into a website like super super.so link in the video description if you want to check it out and then people can just create a website off the back of a notion page and this is cool because then if you create themes for super then you can then sell those themes so you're doing the work to create the super theme once and then you're selling it to whoever wants to convert their notion page into looking at like a website like the theme that you've designed again this takes more effort you probably do need a bit of background in coding html css making stuff look a little bit pretty making sure the website theme actually works but again you know this is making money in order to make money you have to provide something useful and in this video hopefully i'm giving you lots of examples of useful things that you can provide to people who are willing to pay for them all right side hustle idea number four is in fact social media consulting now if you're watching this then you're probably under the age of 30 which means that you probably know more about social media than people who are over the age of 30. and conveniently it just so happens that most businesses in the world are run by people over the age of 30 and basically every business in the world needs some kind of social media presence so just by virtue of being of a certain generation you'll automatically have sort of by default a bit of a background in social media and you can always learn a bit more in a weekend by just reading a ton of blog posts and watching a ton of youtube videos at this point you can now advertise your services as a social media consultant you can go to businesses in your local area or wherever who don't have a very good social media presence and you can offer consulting to them you can be like hey i specialize in social media consulting i will give you all the advice you need to do you need to grow your instagram or your facebook or linkedin or whatever and then these businesses who are generally run by people over the age of 30 would be like oh that's kind of cool we need to get better at linkedin but we don't know how to do it we need to get better at instagram but we can't be bothered can you tell us what we need to do and so you can hop on a call with them you can give them a free half an hour and then you can be like yeah sure you know i charged 300 a month as like a retainer fee and that gives you one phone call every month or one zoom call every month where i analyze your social media presence and i give you tips on what you can do now that's pretty good because now you're getting paid on retainer for these businesses which you're going to be actively reaching out to and you're hopefully giving them genuinely valuable advice about growing their social media presence because you're you've got a skill you've actively learned ways to improve that skill and now you're offering it to people who can pay for it i.e businesses but then what might happen is that you might get into a point fairly quickly where people where businesses are like you know what you seem to know what you're talking about what would it take for you to just manage your social media accounts and at this point you can be like ah well i actually offer a fully done for you service where i will take over your social media accounts and manage them for you and help you grow your instagram and your linkedin and whatever i charge two thousand dollars a month for that retainer service and for that you get three instagram posts and one linkedin post every week which i will completely sort out all i need is just a zoom call with you once a month to get some content off of you and this is in fact what one of our subcontractors does the who who works with us he charges a few thousand dollars a month and we pay him to do social media consulting and we started off paying him to do social media consulting but then we ended up basically saying to him hey we actually need to do a bunch of this stuff with social media can you help us and actually do some of it yourself so now joe's built his own agency model out of this where he does this for other clients as well and it all started with this like young 21 year old guy being like hey i know a lot about social media let me reach out to people who i know need help with social media and let's figure out how i can make a business from this so how easy is it to start well if you're under the age of 30 very because you already know about social media you just need to brush up on it a little bit more and like keep keep keep track of what the latest practices and you know latest trends are how easy is it to make your first hundred dollars again pretty easy i'd give this probably a two out of five stars all you have to do is find a business because businesses make money and businesses need a social media presence what you don't want to do is try and target individuals who are not making money because no individual wants to spend money to grow their social media presence it's only a business that wants to spend money to grow their social media presence and the cool thing in terms of time intensiveness i'm actually going to give this like a two out of five for time intensiveness because once you've done it once and yes you're training your time for money by doing these hourly consulting gigs but if you can get some clients and do social media management for them suddenly you can use this whole suite of apps like buffer and remix and you know other things like that to schedule social media posts you can use things like canva or photoshop or figma to bulk create assets so that maybe for one day a month you're doing the work to kind of manage three social media accounts and then you're scheduling everything to come out across that month and then you're not having to do much more beyond that so in terms of time intensive like the time for money trade is it is actually pretty good all right side hustle idea number five is similar to this consultant thing except it's going more specific and it's to become a notion consultant if you're not familiar notion is an app that's taken the world by storm i'm not going to talk too much about it i've made loads of videos about it but basically again lots of businesses need to have their business processes like streamlined and operationalized and need to have stuff converted into standard operating procedures especially if they're small businesses that have maybe somewhere between three and ten employees they probably don't have a very good system behind how they're running their business now an app like notion is absolutely fantastic for building an internal wiki and internal processes and internal standard operating procedures and stuff and so if you can learn how to use notion and learn a little bit about how businesses operate in terms of sops and structure and org chart design and all that kind of stuff what you can then start to do is advertise your services as a notion business consultant to local businesses you're not giving them specific advice for their specific niche or industry all you're doing is like taking the things they're already doing you're going into their business you're asking a few questions and you're turning things into notion pages and you're trying to streamline their workflows we actually have a guy who's like a notion consultant type person working in the team with us who's helping us kind of revamp our content production pipeline we're paying him a large amount of money to be able to do this because he knows a lot about notion and because even though me and a bunch of other team members we know a lot about notion as well we just don't really have the time to think about the sort of operationalizing and systemizing of the whole structure as much as this guy does and there's a bunch of people on twitter doing this sort of thing so there's daniel canosa marie poulin optimization there's august bradley whose youtube channel you might be familiar with if we look on upwork as well you know notion consulting is now a thing and people seem to be charging around 30 to 70 an hour for notion consulting and again you don't it's not that hard to become an ocean consultant you just need to watch a bunch of youtube videos and play around with notion for like a week or so and then you'll become better at using notion than like 99 of people using notion who are not actively trying to improve their notion skills and again it's back to our model you have this service which is valuable to people who are willing to pay for it i.e businesses and are you reaching out to people who might need that service and then you can charge them money for it maybe you'll get your first client for free or for a hundred dollars at 20 or 30 here and there that's totally fine you're building up a portfolio and then as you go to more businesses you can say hey i have helped these other businesses sort of streamline the notion and here's a testimonial from them would you like me to do the same for you and they'd be like yeah sure come on in and we'll pay you some money so how easy is it to start and i'm gonna give this like probably a one out of five notion is pretty easy to learn there's tons and tons of youtube tutorials and courses that you can take on how to get better with notion and just by playing around and building your own systems and stuff you'll be able to have a working knowledge of notion enough to be able to help businesses with it how easy is to make the first hundred dollars i would give this a one out of five if people on upwork are charging 30 to 70 an hour for notion consulting you can probably also do the same provided you have decent communication and how time intensive this is really depends on how much time you actually want to be putting in you could just do this part-time consulting service and trade your time for money by charging i don't know 40 an hour or something like that or you could do what like optimization and august bradley and re-pooling and stuff and sort of turn it into a whole full-time thing with like your own courses and your own consulting and packages and that kind of stuff and then it becomes very time intensive so it really depends on how much effort you want to put into this particular side hustle all right so side hustle idea number six is actually to become a writer for businesses or youtubers or creators or entrepreneurs or anyone who needs stuff written for them now the key thing to remember here is that business writing is not the same as like writing an essay in english literature class or in like you know a dissertation or anything like that it's generally business writing is writing for clarity so for example let's use our orthodontist thing let's say you're an orthodontist in i don't know i'm gonna say utah but i'm gonna say i'm gonna do something in the uk let's say you're an orthodontist in cambridge and you wanna attract clients to your orthodontist thing now one way of doing that is by having a website and having a blog and doing this thing called content marketing which is basically where you write high quality blog posts explaining stuff regarding orthodontisty type things and then when people search orthodontist cambridge or they search invisalign cambridge or something like that your blog post explaining the benefits of invisalign cambridge might come up and so let's say you're like my orthodontist whose name is dr scriven who is based in angular orthodontics in cambridge and you want to increase your like website presence and search engine optimization and social media and stuff you're probably looking to hire someone to write articles for you that explain things like how invisalign works and how the different treatments work and what's the difference between this type of tooth thing and that type of two thing like whatever whatever the niche is but if you're an orthodontist and you've got your own team of nurses and staff and stuff you probably don't have time to write these articles yourself so you'd really love to hire someone to write these articles for you and basically every business that has a website knows that they should have blog posts where they're doing this content marketing type stuff and so if you're at all good at writing writing with clarity rather than writing like flowerfully and like fancy and stuff just like simple clear concise writing if you're good at that sort of thing you can then offer that service which is valuable to businesses who are willing to pay for the thing it's also not just businesses who are willing to pay for that you know we've got four writers on our team right now who help writing things like you know doing research for youtube videos writing out writing articles for the website helping convert like videos for our youtuber academy into text helping convert stuff into tweet threads that kind of stuff there's a lot of writing support that bigger youtubers need as well because we know that we want to be across all these different platforms but like for me you know i'm spending all my time writing my book and making these videos i don't really want to spend the time writing articles for linkedin as well and so i can outsource that to someone else who can convert my youtube videos into an article for linkedin for example to be honest like it's probably kind of hard finding youtubers who are at that size that they want to do this thing and hire someone for the website but basically all businesses with a website would be very willing to have a content writer as a freelancer as a part-time thing who can write them high-quality articles that'll help them rank for seo and so how easy is this to get started i would say probably a two out of five you need to again again i would just use the permissionless apprentice model i would find like a niche maybe orthodontist in your local area or dentist in local area or i don't know private cosmetic surgeons in the local area and say to them they're like hey i'm a writer i specialize in writing articles for this here it is here is an example of an article that i could write for you all i would need is half an hour of your time once a month where i can just mine content ideas from you and then i'll turn those into articles which will be great for your social media it'll be great for your website great for your linkedin that kind of stuff how easy is it to make your first hundred dollars well once you've found that client through the permissionless apprentice model then making your first hundred dollars should be pretty easy because again we are targeting businesses who have money really when it comes to building or any of these side hustles we don't want to be trying to target people who don't have money so for example if i was thinking of a new side hustle there is no point in me targeting 13 year olds because 13 year olds famously do not have money whereas if i was targeting 33 year old business owners those guys definitely do have money and so i can target them and in like a nice way not in a weird way and they'll they're they're the ones who are able and willing to pay me for the service side hustle idea number seven is to start a paid email newsletter now i was going to talk about this in depth but this video has already gone on long enough and so if you want to find out more about this i've actually interviewed a bunch of people who have made a living through writing in various forms and those interviews are from live streams that i did back in lockdown and all of those are available on nebula now if you haven't heard nebula is an independent streaming platform that's built by me and a bunch of other creators and on nebula we can put content like long ass videos like this one without having to worry about stuff being too niche or too long for the youtube algorithm and so on nebula i have like a bunch of interviews from writers and entrepreneurs and creators that i did during lockdown that you can see in their entirety and i've got a bunch of other exclusive content nebula including my workflow series which shows how i use the apps notion and rom to like optimize my workflow for productivity and creativity now the best way to get access to nebula is to sign up to a subscription of curiosity stream who are very kindly sponsoring this video if you haven't heard curiosity stream is the world's leading documentary streaming subscription platform and on curiosity stream they've got thousands of high quality high budget documentaries from all sorts of topics from science and technology to religion to history to food to everything in between and because curiosity stream love independent creators we've actually got a bundle deal with nebula so that if you sign up for curiosity stream which is less than 15 for the whole year you get free access to nebula bundled with that and so for less than 15 you get access to these thousands of amazing high quality documentaries and you also get access to a bunch of exclusive content from me and a bunch of other creators that you might be familiar with if that sounds good then head over to curiositystream.com forward slash ali and if you sign up there then your login details for nebula will be emailed to you and then you can check out all of these like live stream interviews that i've done with all these writers creators entrepreneurs online builders about how they made money how they built their brands and how they did all the cool stuff that they now do so those were six and a bit side hustle ideas that you can start in 2022. if you like this you might like to check out that video which is nine passive income ideas that's the video that went viral last year that had loads and loads of comments and replies to it so thank you very much for watching do please hit the subscribe button if you aren't already and i'll hopefully see you in the next video bye
Channel: Ali Abdaal
Views: 1,480,720
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ali Abdaal, Ali abdal, passive income, how to make passive income, how to make money online, making money online, side gigs, how to make money, passive income ideas, passive income 2021, make passive income, how to make money on youtube, how to make passive income online, passive income streams, smart passive income, how to earn money online, make money online 2022, passive income ideas 2022, passive income 2023, Side Hustles in 2022, side hustles for extra money
Id: 4V2ZwgJw62I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 33sec (1353 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 16 2022
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