✅7️⃣ SCI-FI MOVIE'S GADGETS That Really Exist !

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[Music] number one shoot yeah that'd be great um can you actually turn the light down to your left a little bit that'd be awesome on that one yeah that'd be perfect you know what bring up blinds behind you up a little bit - that'd be great yeah no problem that's great all right everybody settle in hi i'm mohammed co-founder of plata base and this is Remo I came up with the idea for room laughter my dad had had several strokes he had difficulty doing day-to-day things they'd easily done before so I wanted to give them new weighted controls wall Remo is a wristband used to interact with your environment using natural gestures as as simple as pointing and waving at the device you want to control because we value the input of our users we brought in a full-time beta tester we then realize the product could be used for so much more Bob was our first beta tester hi Bob Bob started by using Remo to control the lights in his house he then started to discover other devices that Remo could control he even did things with Remo we didn't expect [Music] setting up Remo is easy place the wireless receiver anywhere plug the device you want to control into the receiver smart plug point to control your device Remo is designed to be compatible is leaving smart home system we're proud to be working with open home labs to make Remo and open home certify device this means Remo will also work seamlessly with over 22 million device with already in the u.s. homes making even easier for Rhema to control the light the law and even service death number two we set out to pioneer the future of robotics we've unlocked the power of advanced mobile processors that enable us to run cutting-edge AI algorithms on it with this technology we created hover camera which allows anyone to capture photos and videos from unique perspectives to use our cameras very simple to power it on put the open like this and you can hold anywhere when you let go it just hovers automatically we have a camera you can take 13 megapixel photos and 4k with you we replaced a traditional gimbal with electronic image stabilization so that your shots are always steady other camera is the first truly autonomous flying camera that anyone can use and it's powered by our groundbreaking embedded AI technology we built a ton of sophisticated AI algorithms into this small circuit board it was a powerful Vulcan snapdragon 2.3 gigahertz quad core processor this enables us to run complex calculations locally without the need for a remote server the AI was developed in such a way that it reduces the learning curve so anyone can operate it out of the box that's why we've designed a revolutionary user experience that centers around hovering hovering is actually more difficult than just flying the reason it hovers so steadily is because it's running optical flow on its downward viewing camera and visual slam from the front view camera that's how it gauges its own speed and position at all times on top of that we're running advanced applied control algorithms at 1 kilohertz it's so intelligent that it follows people automatically as they move around it does this without GPS but instead using real-time facial and body recognition this is the most compact and elegantly designed flying camera on the market it is so small that it could easily fit into a curse in order to make sure that this device is safe we've killed it up with the suit of armor this entire protective enclosure is made out of the most durable and lightweight carbon fiber material the radical design allows users to grab throw and catch hover camera yet it looks just enough air to flow through without sacrificing the ability to hover or fly [Music] we're setting new standards for aerial robotics paavo camera is always around capturing those unique moments English in your vision of the world number three [Music] [Music] number four very good volume I can get everything maybe it's amazing how I learned the soft whisper yeah yeah oh wow [Music] [Music] [Music] number five we wanted to create technology that makes the way we use energy for more efficient and more intimate we wanted to start with a problem everyone has experienced first hand feeling frustrated when your electronic device runs out of power when you need it the most there hasn't been any innovation to solve this problems and back out at the site it's called it using our thermoelectric technology we're introducing our first product the matrix power watch the SmartWatch that's powered by you it works by converting your own body heat to electric power and the best part is you never have to charge the lock comes alive because power supply you the human body at rest and it's 100 watt bed when exercising that number jumps to one kilowatt similar to the average power we use it at sensors subtract both activity and to equality we're designing changeable watch spaces to suit your mood which also built my gratification so you can do more than just tell the time it's very well sealed and water-resistant 50 meters and if you ever take it off it will go to sleep and for all your data when you put it back on it comes back to life number six in 2007 Steve Jobs said that this was the best input device that was 2007 this is 2015 in 2015 we love our touchscreen we take them everywhere we go and why wouldn't we they're light they're powerful and they're gorgeous but they're not a perfect input device to fully express ourselves we need better precision and more space this is free and it takes you way beyond the three with free you can write or draw on nearly any surface and your words or pictures will appear on your screen instantly free brings us back to a more direct interaction with the world around it in part by freeing us to use one of our most personal skills and writing free sophisticated optical tracking engine can trace any one handwriting of nearly any service to an incredible level of accuracy there is never be anything like it free is all about minimizing whatever stands in the way of your creative energy it's got a mini touch display for notifications that you reply instantly and even doubles of the headset to take phone calls no makeup write yourself a note the second you think of it jot down a phone number or dude on your next brainchild your thoughts and ideas are captured instantly on your device home personal it can even use your handwriting as a highly sophisticated form of biometric number seven we've all been left the language barrier where things get lost in translation those tangled cables of flexibility poor audio quality introducing click the smartest truly wide earbud with my voice translation me the ability to translate different languages with the translation derivative the earbuds and real-time language for no longer standing look like efficient interactive holiday presenter can you hear me with your earphone yeah living here permanently do you remember becoming Alec wincing smart click deliver notifications like next week on I reckon jewelry Michael is calling people for comes with a single us via her you can childish coughing please don't forget to Like and subscribe for new videos every day [Music] you you you [Music]
Channel: TTI - English
Views: 7,684,312
Rating: 4.6942716 out of 5
Keywords: Technology, Sci-fi technologies, Technology that actually exist, Inventions, Greatest inventions, Stupid inventions, Crazy inventions, Movies, Films, Star Wars, Blaster, light Saber, Ghostbusters, Dredd, Pistol, Chappie, Fantastic Four, Mad Max, Insurgent, action movies, new movies, hollyowood movies, science fiction movies, science fiction, Terminator 2: Judgment Day, 2001: A Space Odyssey, Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back, Aliens, The Matrix, Planet of the Apes
Id: Qoo7_9uRDbM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 53sec (713 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 29 2017
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