7 Scary Cryptid Encounter Horror Stories

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[Music] foreign [Music] is that a skin walker are you just happy to see me good to see you guys and welcome back to the swamp my friends and welcome if you're new today we're going to be sharing some creepy and allegedly true Cryptid encounter horror stories sent in by viewers just like you as always if you have a story that you would like to share whether it's an encounter with an unknown creature or something entirely different be sure to submit it at swampdweller.net or the email you can find in the description down below I'd love to share your story with everyone here in the swamp today's episode is sponsored by our longtime friends at hellofresh now I know some of you may be asking what the heck is hellofresh you get farm fresh pre-portioned ingredients and seasonal recipes delivered right to your doorstep skip trips to the grocery store and count on hellofresh to make home cooking easy fun and affordable that's why it's America's number one meal kit get Farm to Table quality with 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north of St John's Michigan as I often did I walked the fence row with the neighbor girl by then we walked with a large female wolf dog who had been around for quite some years she was more than a dog she was a family member I had never really known her to show any aggression in all of those years she was just a big black wolf looking dog with some extra sass typical issue would circle around about 30 yards as we walked letting out an occasional Yip or Yap to let us know she was watching but on this late September day she stopped directly in front of us looking in the direction we were walking had dropped hackles raised like a mohawk big white teeth all showing and let out the strongest longest most threatening a raspy growl I'd ever heard any dog make then out of the Corn about 40 yards ahead was a large black wolf looking creature with golden yellow eyes it stepped out from the husk it had the overall structure of a dog with long human-like arms and a long bushy tail it had to stand at least seven feet tall maybe even more as it stood slightly hunched even so it was almost as tall as the mature corn around it it seemingly sniffed the air in our Direction let out a low growl that seemed more like an acknowledgment more than a threat drop down to all fours as it turned and easily jumped 30 feet into the woods with a crash through the brush it was gone my dog instantly relaxed and returned to us we headed for the house and this was the last time we ever walked in that area of the Woods I I feed animals all the time I always carry my shotgun with me loaded to this day the neighbor and I have spoken together about what we have seen and I wonder if she ever told anybody else about it after doing some research online watching a ton of your videos and hearing many upon many stories I believe what I saw that day was the Michigan dog man I can't prove it but hopefully somebody listening to this can relate to my story super speed skinwalker by veiled Joy hey swamp dweller as some background information about me so you know I'm not just saying random fantasies or don't know what I'm talking about I am currently in the Army I've been hunting and fishing my entire life I'm almost 30 years old and I have lived in the states overflowing with Wildlife such as Colorado Idaho Wyoming and Montana it's safe to say that I know what I am seeing when I say that I saw something that was not a normal animal now that that has been said I'll continue to the story which I swear on a stack of Bibles is true a couple of weeks ago I was taking a trip to Montana and Idaho to visit some family while on military leave my wife and kids were sleeping while I was driving through my home state of Idaho at some time around 1am moving with kids is much easier at night since they are asleep and not screaming to stop every 10 minutes about four miles outside of the town of American Falls I had a massive coyote Dart across the Interstate in front of our car and narrowly avoided getting hit now when I say massive I mean this thing was damn near the size of a timber wolf and yes in Idaho we do have Timberwolves and I have personally seen them 40 miles to the east from this location however Timberwolves and coyotes look incredibly different so I knew it wasn't any wolf that alone was not enough to scare me but I was kind of freaked out since I was driving at 90 miles per hour the speed limit was 80 through most of the state so now my senses were heightened and looking around like crazy I saw the said coyote chasing the car and keeping up with us for the next 26 miles until we hit the town of Pocatello where I guess it got tired of chasing us or whatever I don't know why it stopped but as soon as I hit Pocatello it seemingly just left me alone something I should have mentioned is that all the roads in Idaho have a ditch on the sides so it's not like it's flat terrain it's to help with the snow melt and Rain which is where the skinwalker coyote whatever this thing was was chasing us it's not the most insane or scary encounter but I swear it's true if you do choose to share this I appreciate it but either way it's off my chest now and that's some relief already thank you swamp dweller for sharing my story and anybody listening to this if you have any idea please let me know in the comments what I may have seen an unknown creature by anonymous I was camping in the woods with some friends when we encountered something that still gives me chills it was late at night and we were huddled around the campfire telling ghost stories and roasting marshmallows like you would then out of nowhere we heard a strange noise coming from the trees it sounded like a low growl at first unlike any animal noise that I was familiar with we Shrugged it off and continued with our night but the sound grew louder and more frequent as the night continued I was uh and still am not a wildlife expert so I tried not to freak out you know but finally at one point we heard something moving in the bushes nearby we've shown our flashlights toward the noise but couldn't see anything at all it was too dark and too dense with the trees and brush as the night progressed the noises grew more and more intense we could hear something moving around our campsite but couldn't see anything in the darkness it was something there was something there it was watching us stalking us from the Shadows it was a feeling that I just don't know how to describe eventually we did decide to pack up and leave and we heard some sort of blood curdling scream coming from the trails as we were gathering our stuff it was a sound that made our hearts stop in Terror and I instantly got cold sweats again we could feel something watching us waiting for us to make a move it was such an intense feeling we ran back to our car as fast as we could we could hear something following us just a few feet behind us the creature the thing the person whatever it was was right on our heels breathing down our necks we finally reached the car and sped away with our hearts pounding we still don't know what kind of creature that was I have no idea what was lurking in those woods that night it's something that I probably won't ever know and will probably remain unexplainable and still haunts our memories and makes us fearfully shiver but I'm just glad that I survived which of the Woods by rat pants here is a little bit of background information before I begin the story so this story takes place in Pennsylvania a couple of hours outside of Pittsburgh about four years ago the wildlife in this area consists of deer squirrels groundhogs Bears and the very rare mountain lion I mentioned the local nature as I I can pretty much identify most of the things I see but I can't identify precisely what I saw this time but I know it wasn't any of those animals I previously mentioned to begin my story I walked a utility vehicle path in the woods near my grandparents house around 10 30 a.m on a warm summer morning I have walked this path often and occasionally I do still walk it but always with my pistol now as I walk this path I am intimately familiar with I look off to my left and notice a footpath I had never seen before so I think to myself cool A New Path I'm gonna check it out being incredibly familiar with this particular patch of woods I was surprised I'd never seen this path before especially considering I had walked this path nearly every day for the past two weeks as I was staying in my grandparents house but vegetation growth does weird stuff in the woods sometimes and the neighbors occasionally cut New Paths so I only thought little of this new path to be honest so I decided to Veer off the utility vehicle path and explore this new footpath that I had found this New Path immediately ran into thick trees and vegetation cover and goes into the trees about 10 feet then slopes down a hill deeper into the trees and flattens Out near a small stream running across the path I can see most of this from the edge of the utility path except the other side of the stream before I go on to this new footpath I immediately stop after stepping a few feet into the new Direction the air gets cold initially I thought this was because I had just walked from a bare vehicle path with the sun pounding down on me into the middle of a cool heavily wooded area at a lower elevation so I did try to pass it off in my mind as some sort of science how however I should have turned around right then and left thinking back on it hindsight is always 20 20 isn't it instead I head down the slope of the new footpath that I had found and cross over the little stream after the stream the path starts going back uphill and snakes back and forth just a bit almost unnecessarily in some spots about halfway up this hill I get this particular feeling that I shouldn't be here and that I'm being watched and that I look around but I don't see anything weird so I try not to freak out more but now that I notice it's not only cold but also quiet I can still hear a couple of insects buzzing around but that's really it I brush it off and continue determined to explore this newfound path just as I'm about to Crest the hill that that feeling that I shouldn't be here hits even harder than before and I realize that there is no more sound in these Woods aside from my footsteps I stop and think now I've seen horror movies and listened to scary stories on YouTube and I know that I shouldn't be here I have to get the heck out of here as soon as I can so I turn around and return the way I came at a moderately hurried Pace not running but I'm not taking it easy either I passed the stream and I feel like I'm absolutely in danger something is in these woods with me and it does not want to be friends so I do a quick turnaround a 360 if you will while I'm walking fast back up the hill I came down and I swear I see something dark and lanky shift behind a tree off the path where I just was I don't know what that was because the vegetation was so thick but I wasn't trying to figure it out now I know what you're gonna say before we move forward it could have been my mind playing tricks on me and trust me I did my best to breathe in and out slowly and calm down I knew that I could be making stuff up so I needed to rationalize from what I could tell it was standing on two legs near black and almost skeletal skinny or at least that's the way it looked from how far I was it looked to be about five feet tall though at a distance and at the speed of which it had and hid away I don't know as I said I didn't get a great look and I didn't really stop to find out upon seeing this thing I decide that it was time to get out of there before something bad happened I started sprinting up the hill back to the vehicle path still feeling like I was in danger and being followed I can hear something following behind me off the beaten path as well I can hear a brush being crushed under something's feet and it definitely was moving by peterly I returned to the vehicle path and slowed it down just a bit because I felt a bit safer on my familiar route not wanting to turn my back toward the direction of whatever the thing was in the trees I walked sideways facing the side that the New Path was on oddly the air was still colder than it should be I could feel the sun on me but there was still a chill I was 100 being followed by something still it never broke the vegetation line or crossed the vehicle path so I never got to get a very good view of it not that I wanted to still I saw it shifting and tracking me behind the vegetation the entire half mile back to the path it took me quite a minute to get back to my grandparents house but once I got there and stepped through and got out of the woods it almost felt like everything came back to life all the colors all the sounds everything seemingly flooded right back in my grandparents lived near those woods for a very long time the woods are ancient for sure my first theory is that it was some sort of fake creature my second theory was well it might be some sort of uh Bigfoot or Skinwalker or maybe even something called a crawler my grandfather used to tell me stories about some sort of witch who lived down there as well so I'm not entirely sure it seems like it could fit the bill for quite a few different creatures but I'd love to know what the people in the swamp think that this thing might have been a forest Spirit or worse by anonymous hello swamp dweller thanks for reading my story I must start by saying that this story falls about average or maybe even just slightly average on the scary meter but it is a strange event that I found discussion Worthy so maybe some of you will rate it high on the strange meter I lived in the third house at the end of a dead end road just outside of a small town in Ohio many strange and dark things happen there maybe I will share those stories in some other videos but one night I was left perplexed by something I saw from my bedroom window This Old House did not have central air although I had a window unit in my bedroom I like to shut it off and open my window on cool Breezy nights I loved listening to the sounds of nature surrounding the Dead End Road there were many miles of woods raccoon possum and deer were an everyday occurrence there were many times throughout many nights where the woods would go silent I would think most of you know when the woods go silent there's usually a predator of some kind nearby one night I had my windows up it's after midnight and I'm just browsing Pinterest on my phone when the woods suddenly go quiet it seemed like five minutes or so before I actually noticed how long everything had been silent you could have heard a pin drop normally the woods would go silent for a couple of minutes being curious and wondering if coyotes were sniffing around my front porch again I got up and looked out my bedroom window that faces the front of the house now at this time I can't remember if I had started listening to these kinds of podcasts yet so I'm not sure if I had heard your stories about wendigos or not deer creatures listening to one of your latest podcasts made me remember this event and realized what I saw maybe one of these creatures I've been hearing about for context the road from the front of the house was paved and went straight until apportioned why off into our driveway to the left the other portion went straight ahead to the right and the Y turned into a dirt and gravel road when I looked at the window everything was still silent and I was surprised to see what appeared to be a very large and lonely Buck walking down the middle of the road towards the dirt road straight ahead I watched it finding it strange that it was alone normally when you see one deer there's at least a few close by as I watched it walking towards the dirt road I thought it looked strange first off I'll admit I'm no Hunter but this Buck looked to be massive easily two or three times larger than what might be considered average Not only was it incredibly large but the way it walked it was like it was being worked like a string puppet or like it was in some sort of Trance or maybe even how a soldier would March it never turned and looked at me it never made a sound I just stood there rubbing my eyes in disbelief trying to figure out what the heck I was seeing I was 100 sober during this just a heads up and I hadn't really smoked a drink at all at that point in my life just as it was reaching the point to where I wouldn't be able to see it anymore from my window I looked around I'm not sure maybe I was trying to see another deer or something this was only for a second and when I look back it was gone there's no way it could have left my line of sight that quickly that's when I realized I never heard his footsteps this thing actually never made a sound and just then suddenly the woods sprang back to life and I almost jumped out of my skin from being so spooked I just stood at my window feeling bewildered what the hell did I just see whatever it was it was definitely not a deer this thing made the forest which was usually very loud at night go dead quiet the way it walked its size how it just disappeared the whole situation was just so bizarre I thought about telling my roommate what I saw but it was a non-sensitive person and not a big believer in the unknown although a year or two later when the house was being renovated he started to believe but hey that's another story so there it is my not deer sighting as I said it's not necessarily the scariest story but it's definitely a head scratcher do any of you have a similar story can anyone tell me what they think I saw or what they think the not deer was doing marching down the road just to disappear I just have the sickening feeling that if I made a sound or engaged with it the situation would have escalated I was always under the impression that there might be a portal on the property for Spirits or unknown beings to come and go through is that what the not deer was doing just taking the portal back to hell for a dinner arrangement with Satan please share your thoughts and stay strange something ain't right in these fields by anonymous so this story takes place in Southeast Texas within 100 miles of Houston I was in college but had moved back to my parents for a semester after some roommate drama my parents live out in the country miles outside of town with some acreage the land in the back consists of four zones you have the backyard with the friendly St Augustine the back which is a section of woods my parents cleared of underbrush and keep reasonably maintained and the rear back is a clearing we used to do bonfires in and have parties and stuff in high school and then there's Woods for miles After High School my parents gave up on keeping back the brush and weeds from anything except their excellent backyard section so imagine a backyard fenced in by a wall of tall weeds and large trees that go back for miles and then a field of giant weeds transitioning into solid dense woods with Oak some Pine eopen and Briar I also had this dog my parents let me keep outside they had a big chain-linked dog run she lived in since my parents did not like dogs inside this dog was not the type to stay in one spot anyway she was aggressive to other dogs always going after them acting tough and I sometimes worried she'd go out and kill the neighbor's chickens she was about 60 pounds and not a jumpy or scared dog at all since I was in college I had no curfew or anything and would always come home late at night or early in the morning after hanging out with friends or studying and whatnot on this night it was rather cold for Texas being 50 degrees and even though she had a house and a bed and straw out there I felt bad for my dog so I decided to bring her in to sleep in the garage I should have been more careful because this happened quite a bit but somehow this dog always got me she would wait in the back until the gate was unlocked and I was in the Run gate closed unlocked horseshoe latch run around me pop the gate latch with their nose and bolt off so of course she did this and my dumbass was left standing in the run in the cold in the middle of the night I was pissed because I knew I had to find her and bring her back the moon was pretty bright and I had seen her fly into the weed wall and disappear so I followed her without a light calling her name there were some little Trails through the weeds and we tried to keep open access to the property but these were less wide than a person could walk the weeds were about a head taller than me so it was dense anyway I'd gone a ways in and had passed through the wooded section into the clearing probably five to eight feet tall were these weeds that I was walking through I got quiet listening trying to hear sounds of where she might be and then I heard intermittent wrestling throughout the woods which are just simple tall dark outlines of trees at this point couldn't really see anything since the weed jungle the rustling wasn't the sound I expected since she's usually crashing through the woods I'm thinking what the hell is she doing now honestly I thought she was probably rolling around in some dead skunk and I would have to bathe her figuring it was my wild ass dog I make my way over toward the noise calling out her name again as I got closer to the wrestling it was not the sound of an animal charging through the underbrush but more like something intentionally shaking the trees like if you grab a tree branch and just shake it all the connected trees and Vines would Shake I was close enough now to make out individual branches silhouetted by the top of the tree line and I could see whatever was causing the trees to shake up to the top this was off and decided that this was definitely not my dog prancing around I shut up and froze I hear in all these stories people talk about how they noticed when the woods go silent honestly I can't even remember if this happened but I heard two or three loud deep Huffs as I stood there it sounded like a bull but with a deeper fluttering not like the tonal sounds a cow makes but the Deep heavy exhale when they're defensive it seemed to come from around my head height my mind took this and registered it as that this thing was a lot closer to me than the tree line I also remember the distinct feeling that this noise was directed at me I got this terrible feeling in my gut like whole body fear and panic rational or not I yelled my dog's name with all fear and urgency you know when your voice gets higher and louder at the end and turned and ran as fast as I could either my dog heard my tone and got scared or she was afraid of whatever was going on in that tree line too because I crashed through the weed and she came up on my left from a creek and flew past me like a bullet when I got to the open garage she was trying to get in the back door to the house jumping like a crazy animal I closed the garage put her in the kennel and went to bed I don't know what it was and at the time I convinced myself it was one of those hogzillas you hear about on the news I've been around plenty of cattle and I've never heard one make that noise not saying it couldn't have been one but something didn't feel right this was 10 years ago now but I know that I'm still going to think hard about it every time I go back to that property the thing on the farm by t d this story is about an encounter my friends and I had at my friend's Farm to this day we still can't explain what happened that night my friend's mom dropped us off at their farm with our guns bags TP cooler and whatever else we needed to survive as 15 year olds alone in the woods the farm is mostly pasture with about five to eight Acres of woods in the back corner there is a barn Pump House an old run-down chicken houses in the front corner of the entrance now you can't quite just drive straight to the back of the farm from the entrance you must go between the chicken houses through the gate to the pasture and then back to the fence line when we get in my friend's Gator with all of our gear and head to set up the camp in the woods we set up our TP and put our bags and hunting rifles in it we brought with us two semi-automatic 22s and two hunting rifles bolt action we shot a couple of pigs in traps but didn't do anything special till night we waited till it was dark outside to go hunt for raccoons possums Hogs and whatever else we could find to shoot we hopped in the gator with our 22s and for good measure we sat about 30 to 40 yards back from the deer feeder searching for the slightest noise hoping to get a raccoon we were sitting there for about an hour or so when my friend and this confused tone whispered to me and our friend to look towards the barn at first we thought nothing out of the ordinary was happening but about 15 seconds later a bright light came on then went off about five seconds later we all gave each other the same look did you see that too my friend quickly remembered that there was a light on a power pole by the entrance we watched from about 200 yards away as the light went on and off we were pretty sure it was the light on the pole but that quickly changed when the light moved about 50 yards to the right at that moment I cranked up the gator and floored it to the chicken houses with the lights off we are on the opposite side of the chicken houses and they are about a hundred yards long now even though I floored it over there I was confident whatever was at the entrance couldn't hear us come as the gator is very quiet and you can barely hear it unless you're within 30 yards of it they get out and I take the hunting rifle and steady it on the steering wheel and scope out the area to look for movement now it was dark but there was enough light from the Moon to see the barn I didn't see anything but as soon as I stopped looking through the scope the light came on again right next to the pump house I quickly got out of the Gator and we quietly made our way through one of the chicken houses I switched guns with my friend because I'm better with iron sights and I can shoot faster that way he went behind the chicken house with the rifle and watched us through the scope as he could see everything from where he was so he acted as an OverWatch as me and my friend cleared the barn then the other chicken house then as we made our way to the pump house we had seen the light next to the pump house before so we were confident if someone was there they'd be in the pump house we got on either side of the door I motioned for my friend to come over as he had the most powerful gun they got on the side with the handle one with a rifle the other with a flashlight and I got the other side we all knew what we were going to do I was going to swing the door open and they were going to sweep the room and make sure nobody was in there I nod to make sure they are ready they nod back I hold my fingers three two one nothing the door was locked we looked at each other in confusion my one friend stays at the door with the 22 in the flashlight while I and my other friend with the rifle run to the barn to get the spare key he lifts The Rock and turns to me in shock saying the key is gone we ran back to the pump house and tried to think of what to do my friend and I get right in front of the door with him and the flashlight and me with the 22. my other friend pounds on the door yelling for whoever yelling for whoever was in there to come out and we wouldn't call the cops if they came out peacefully which was a lie of course in Texas you don't come onto somebody's Farm in the middle of the night and hide on their property and expect to get away free and uninjured we waited but there was nothing we walked back to the chicken house talking so that whoever was in there knew that we had left we waited in the chicken houses for about an hour and a half each of us in different spots split between the chicken houses we waited sites focus on the front door just waiting for someone to come out after an hour and a half and nothing I motioned to my friends that I was going to go up to the pump house and listen I quietly made my way up to the pump house making sure I didn't step on the gravel I crept up to the door and put my ear against it my knife pressed against the door ready to stab whoever was in there in case they tried to attack me I listened for about 10 minutes but heard nothing really I quietly made my way back to my friends and I told them I was going to get the gator and told them to keep watching the door on the other side of the chicken house where the gator was was an old feeder as I got in the gator and started to slowly creep past the feeder the grass started making noise like something hit the metal feeder with a thud in a scratch like somebody was running around the feeder to chase me I punched it spun the tires and got to my friends as fast as I could I didn't look back which was stupid of me because now I don't know what was there when I got back to my friends I told them what happened we rode back to the feeder two of us stayed in the gator one on the side of the feeder and the other hopped out as quickly as he could and checked around the feeder we didn't see anything we didn't find anything we rode back to the camp and talked about what happened it was now about 11 at night and we talked for about an hour and then all went to sleep at about 2 45 in the morning my friend and I woke up we both looked at each other we were hearing footsteps just feet outside of our tent somewhere in the tree line I grabbed my 22 which I kept loaded for security reasons and safety reasons obviously after everything we've experienced and my friend grabbed his knife the footsteps lasted about five minutes and we were frozen in shock we were honestly too scared to do anything we were too scared to talk too scared to go outside worrying as soon as we stepped out our heads would get blown off we didn't go back to sleep for about 30 minutes or so and it's a miracle we even fell asleep when we woke up my friend's mom was already at the farm and we packed up as quickly as we could and got out of there to this day my friend hasn't found that spare key we can't explain what happened that night and I don't know if I want to thanks for listening to my story I know it might not be the most terrifying story ever shared on this show but I thought I'd share it because it was downright strange thanks for listening to these creepy and allegedly true crib did encounter horror stories that'll freak you out tonight if you enjoyed these stories please be sure to slap that like button silly and be sure to subscribe if you're new the more likes and subscribers this channel gets the more these stories reach fresh new ears and the more people we can get listening to these stories the more stories we can get sent in for future episodes and with that said if you have a story that you would like to share in a future episode be sure to submit it at swampdweller.net or the email you can find in the description down below you can also submit them via Reddit r slash the dark swamp I would love to share your story with everyone here in the swamp is stories like yours that help keep this show going on a daily basis if you're on the go but don't have YouTube premium but still want to download and listen to your favorite swamp dweller scary stories no matter where you are you can download them absolutely free from Apple podcast Spotify Stitcher radio and just about everywhere else you find your favorite podcast online thank you guys as always for supporting the swamp the way you do I'll see you all soon with another creepy episode foreign
Channel: Swamp Dweller
Views: 31,496
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: true scary stories, swamp dweller, cryptid sightings, real horror stories, scary stories to fall asleep to, scary skinwalker stories, scary stories to tell in the dark, true horror stories, true creepy stories, true scary stories compilation, cryptid encounters
Id: udtcfx5B8Ek
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 55sec (2155 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 06 2023
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