6 Reasons Why Introverts Are Attractive

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hi everyone welcome back to my channel if you're new here i'm courtney ryan and today i'm going to be going over six reasons why introverts are attractive there are a ton of misconceptions about being an introvert when you hear people talk about it and the truth is that there are so many positives and attractive qualities that introverts possess that if you learn how to utilize them you can really make a big impact on your life and make it a whole lot better so today i'm going to share my little secrets with you on how being an introvert can positively impact your life and also be really attractive qualities that you don't want to miss so make sure you stick around until the very end so if you're unfamiliar introverts basically get their energy from spending time alone it's kind of like recharging a battery extroverts on the other hand get their energy from being around people so after they're at an event they might feel really energized and ready to go while an introvert on the other hand would leave an event and feel like they need to take a nap the first quality of an introvert that is extremely powerful and attractive is how observant they are so one of the most powerful tools that i think introverts possess is their ability to read the room and to be very observant because they're not going in trying to find someone to talk to right away or chatting away the entire night they're really taking it all in they you know need a moment to collect themselves they look around they read the room they pay attention to things like facial expressions body language instead of being the one that's talking the whole time they're a little bit more observant this can be a very powerful thing because their keen perception allows them to better understand people on a deeper level and this helps introverts connect with people in a way that is deeper than just words when you're able to read a room or understand someone's body language and really pay attention to everything going on instead of just the words that are coming out of someone's mouth it makes a huge impact and i really do think that being observant is such a powerful skill to have and something that introverts are very good at so don't underestimate the power of introverts i think this is one of their most attractive and powerful qualities and can be really great for when you enter a conversation with someone or when you're getting to know someone on a deeper level which i'm going to go into later in the video number two they are great listeners so a lot of times when you're in a conversation with an extrovert they're the one that's doing all the talking and you're just sitting back and listening if you're an introvert like me i have definitely had situations where i'm in a big group of people and i am extremely quiet maybe i don't talk the entire night or hardly at all because i'm so focused on listening to what everyone else has to say and i think a lot of times people read that as you being really awkward or even you being like snobby or acting like you're better than people but really it's just because you're observant again like i mentioned in my last point and you're listening to what people are saying instead of constantly feeling like you need to throw in and like word vomit or constantly have something to say introverts have a tendency to speak less and listen more which is just one of the many reasons why they make for such a great conversation being a good listener is an extremely attractive quality that let's be honest a lot of people lack so why is being a good listener such an attractive quality and why are introverts so good at it listening has a funny way of making that other person actually more interested in you because you're not constantly talking or blabbing on the whole time and you're genuinely listening to what that other person has to say it shows compassion empathy and really makes that other person feel like you care because you genuinely do and also makes that person walk away from the conversation thinking that it was a good one and that's because it probably was another really attractive thing about being a good listener is that you're often able to remember those key details or the small details that other people might often overlook and to that other person it's going to a show that you were listening and b make them feel special that you cared enough to genuinely listen to them and remember these small details that like i said everyone else normally forgets number three their composure is on point so you will often never see an introvert have a knee-jerk reaction to something or get very emotional or lose control of themselves or their emotions because they're cool calm and collected and they think before they speak they choose their words wisely and this does require a strong level of self-awareness which is something that introverts definitely do not lack i think that this is one of the most attractive things about introverts is that they are able to respond in a mature and collected way because they're genuinely thinking before they speak this calmness and ability to handle things thoughtfully and carefully is incredibly attractive and intriguing and you've probably heard me say on my channel before if you've been here women love this in a guy a guy who is able to stay cool calm and collected who is able to control his emotions and not let his emotions get the best of him the way that you respond and react says so much about you and the fact that introverts are normally able to keep their composure on point and stay cool calm and collected is incredibly attractive number four they value privacy so you might be thinking how the heck does that make them attractive well because they're not announcing every single move and it leaves a little room for mystery right introverts value their alone time and their privacy and in return are not constantly seeking attention or validation from external sources or aka people on social media they aren't announcing their every move looking for validation from people they can validate themselves and don't need that from others they're able to sit alone they're able to be by themselves and feel comfortable in that which especially in our day and age is an incredibly powerful quality because it is so rare they don't force themselves to gain popularity from the masses because they value connection over attention and they can walk alone in their values and morals and not be persuaded or jaded by what everyone else thinks really being able to self-reflect user alone time for growth and for personal development is something that introverts are very good at and it makes you attractive because it makes you a better you when you're more fulfilled on your own and you aren't constantly relying on external validation or attention or external things for happiness you're able to create that for yourself and in return you'll be a better you you'll be a better partner friend sister brother whatever the heck it is the better you are on your own the better you'll be for everyone else too and because introverts are self-sufficient and independent they're also more reliable which as we know is another really attractive quality when someone knows they can count on you or rely on you and you're not gonna flake on them or be unreliable it's a really attractive quality to have number five is one that i mentioned a little bit earlier but i really want to go into more detail here and that is great conversation there seems to be a common misconception that introverts are horrible at conversations they're shy they're awkward and sure that might be the case if you have social anxiety or something like that but we're just talking about being an introvert here that is not true at all so not only are introverts observant and great listeners but they also spend a lot of time focusing on themselves and learning and growing and evolving and developing new skills and that helps them bring more to the conversation and have something genuine and meaningful to say instead of just having a bunch of surface level conversations with a bunch of people all the time again like i mentioned introverts really value connection and getting to know people on a deeper level and we aren't really into the whole surface level small talk stuff so they might speak less and listen more but that only makes them more intentional about the conversations that they're having and the things that they're saying and bringing to the conversation which often makes the conversation a lot more meaningful and deeper when you're able to connect with someone on a deeper level it makes you stand out it makes the relationship progress and evolve rather than just staying on the surface as so many people do because they're genuinely listening to what you're saying and trying to get to know you on a deeper level both of you are going to walk away from the conversation feeling like it was a good one again like i mentioned earlier because it probably was because when you combine being observant with being a good listener and having good communication skills being able to genuinely listen to what someone is saying instead of constantly thinking about what you're going to say next and interrupt them or you know try to keep the conversation going and constantly be trying to talk you're going to have a better conversation and it's going to be a deeper conversation that feels more meaningful for both people involved so introverts might speak less and listen a little bit more but that only makes them more intentional about the things that they do bring to the conversation and again make the conversation a better one and my last reason here as to why introverts are so attractive is that they are selective and loyal about the people and with the people that they let into their lives introverts don't tend to have an array of meaningless relationships and again really value connection and getting to know people on a deeper level so they're more selective with the people that they allow into their lives and because they're more selective they tend to really nourish those selected few relationships on a much deeper level and they end up being better relationships because of it so another really interesting thing here that adds to this level of attractiveness of an introvert is that it can take an introvert a little bit of time to warm up to you and this creates a level of mystery around them if you've ever heard the term leave a little room for imagination this is what this aspect of an introvert makes me think of curiosity is appealing and often initiates attraction and i think when you get to know an introvert they start opening up to you it can take a little bit like i said for them to warm up but as you do that it makes the connection deeper and stronger and really makes you feel like you're building a meaningful connection with someone rather than again like i mentioned staying on the surface and just you know not really digging any deeper than that so a relationship with an introvert or a friendship with an introvert is a very powerful one and i think that introverts are so powerful and attractive for so many different reasons not to take away from extroverts there are plenty of reasons why extroverts are attractive as well they're charismatic they can woo people so if you're an introvert watching this i hope that you feel a little bit better about that i know sometimes like i said on social media or just in general people can really make being an introvert seem like a bad thing and that being an extrovert is kind of the best thing to be but i have found that there's a lot of power that comes with being an introvert if you utilize it the right way and you really step into this part of yourself instead of trying to run from it or be something that you're not so i hope that this was helpful if it was be sure to give it a thumbs up and subscribe to my channel to be in the loop for when i release new content if you haven't already be sure to follow me over on instagram at courtney christine ryan i love connecting with all of you guys over on there as well as always thank you all so much for watching and i will see you all next time
Channel: Courtney Ryan
Views: 371,156
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Courtney Ryan, Courtney Ryan dating, dating advice, introvert, extrovert, introvert personality, best dating advice, dating as an introvert, how to talk to women, attractive, how to be more attractive, attractive qualities, dating tips for men, how to stand out, how to have great conversations with a girl, talking to girls, how to be confident, confidence, what do women find attractive, introverts in relationships, introverts vs extroverts, women advice for men
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 28sec (628 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 23 2022
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