7 Reasons to Play BARD! A Masterpiece in Job Design!

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I’ve played bard into the ground and back for years. 7 reasons to play bard is one of the easiest topics for me to cover because bard is packed with so many genuinely awesome things.. In fact I mained it for raiding last expansion and it’s only gotten so much better since then. My bigger problem is what particular selling points do I go for here? But I got it sorted. If you’re looking for a super engaging fast paced ever changing high APM beast of a job you want bard. Super quick before I get into the points, if you want to help support my and my content I’d super appreciate if you considered dropping a spoony bard on that like button and cat daddy that subscribe button. Reason 1 to play bard is that it has high APM and it’s rotation is never the exact same. You’re going to be addressing a ton of different unique activated effects and manage your rotation. Pitch perfect procs, blood letter procs, refulgent arrow or shadowbite activation all the while your two damage over time effects are ticking in the background and you’re changing up the song to buff your allies and downing a ton of off GCD abilities into the opponent. I seriously cannot emphasize enough that bard has out of all jobs in 14 one of the most wild involved rotations that never stays the same. If you’re the type of person who is not a fan of jobs where muscle memory can just take the wheel then bard is amazing. Or heck, a lot of people who were coming over from world of warcraft dreaded slower GCD-- I can say for a fact that bard with it’s tons of effects can relieve you from that burden. It’s extremely fast paced. Even to this day playing bard for years, I’ve so rarely found myself bored. Reason 1 was fundamental, now for reason 2 is that bard has the ability nature’s minne and this deceptively seemingly useless ability is absolutely outrageous with the right team composition. I say this as someone who mained scholar for a decade, is that when there is a good bard in the team that I can sync up with I become stupidly strong. Scholar can deploy the biggest barriers in the game, no bs. And bard’s nature’s minne multiplicatively stacks up with all of the other effects the scholar puts out and all of a sudden those big barriers become big enough to cause a full on solar eclipse. Multiplicative stacking 20% madness. Not a scholar video, but this synergy is outrageously effective and has invalidated entire destructive mechanics. Reason 3 is that bard is the number one cheerleader in the game. I kid you not, when it comes to buffing the team there is no job that does it better than bard. No not even dancer, dancer is more single target focused in spite of their 2 minute window technical step. But bard is taking it steps past dancer and just bathes the entire team in tons of amazing effects. But not only that, but the bard also has their own songs stack multiplactively with themselves. Essentially the bard is a walking talking living and breathing raid buff window. But first let’s spell out the pieces. First up you have 100% uptime on your 3 different songs, critical hit rate up for the team, straight up damage up, or direct hit rate up. These songs have 100% uptime and are persistent background effects that most certainly do add up if you check it on fflogs. Obviously from the data we can tell wanderer’s minuet is absolutely lit, this is not shocking because critical strike scales like mad. But this isn’t the statistics video so I’m not going to open that can of worms. But wanderer’s minuet brings the heat. Marge Simpson’s ballad and army’s paeon abilities also obviously help. Now what makes things go absolutely crazy are radiant finale and battle voice. Straight up big beefy buff to damage from both. Remember these only exist in the raid buff window and have interplay with all other buffs making everyone in the team go HAM. While I cannot point at any single ability like I could for say white mage temperance or white mage lilybell to be so-called God Tier I will just label this entire package God Tier. No other job in the game brings the buffs to this level not even astrologian. Reason 4 is that bard has mobility for days, and I realize this is not shocking to hear on a ranged physical DPS that they are ranged. Wow excuse me as I have an epiphany bard is ranged. But guys this is a huge selling point. Being ranged means you can take responsibility for mechanics and help alleviate pressure from the team and allow them to do more melee uptime strategies. It means you don’t need to worry about dropping your rotation or your uptime outside of the wildest roughest situations. And that last point about I don’t need to stop my rotation appeals to me a lot. I do not enjoy when I’m not pressing my buttons and that’s a huge selling feature to me. Bard also has had significant buffs to their backstep ability I have already used for years which is repelling shot. This is a top tier ability because you as a bard should be close to the party and the boss to get raid buffs and healing and stand in the sacred soil for the love of God stand in the sacred soil! I don’t know why people play ranged DPS and are out in Uranus and are shocked when the cheeks clap and they die. So when you need to get out to do a mechanic you literally can use this to instantly move. Fantastic ability, massively underrated. Reason 5 is gonna be simple because while it isn’t mind blowing it adds a lot. Bard has a ton of unique fringe utility that is important. Bard has an esuna skill with the warden’s paean which to say the least is not always useful but when it is useful you will absolutely adore this skill. This has been useful in E8S shiva, this has been useful in the epic of alexander ultimate, this has been useful in removing roots and bleeds from my dumb self when I make an oops. Add in silences, movement speed buffs that are totally something you should be using during dungeons! Use Peloton! And bard is just a very utility heavy job. Oh yeah and let’s not forget blanketing the entire team in 10% mitigation for 15 seconds every 90 seconds. That always feels great to use, and compared to addle or feint from other DPS jobs this lasts longer, and is damage type agnostic. Ranged physical bring the heat. Reason 6 is that bard has so much interplay with it’s buffs and skills. I touched on it before but there is something absolutely gratifying about lining up raging strikes with battle voice, with radiant finale and barrage and going into the wanderer’s minuet window where you blow away enemies. Alignment of everything is an aspect of bard that I know many people super enjoy. And this interplay and complexity between skills in the bard’s own kit lends itself to making it such that bard has a very high skill ceiling and there is a lot that you can learn and master and grow into over time. It feels great! Reason 7 might seem like a cop out but I don’t wanna get into nitty gritty details over the bard here. Flat out my genuine opinion is bard is magnificently fun to play. Like hear me out guys I get it ranged physical DPS aren’t top of fflogs I get they need some love in the damage department. But bard is a masterclass in job design. It is engaging, always changing, has depth and complexity and mastery to it. It’s ridiculously subjective to say but I thoroughly and completely enjoy the bard and have for years. High APM, high mobility, great buffs for the team. It feels incredible. And with that we’re at the conclusion of 7 reasons to play bard. It went a little longer than I expected and originally intended but I cannot stress enough I love the bard. I played it for years and continue to because it is flat out stupidly fun. Bard is a masterclass in job design and I still am no where even close to ready to bench my bard. I adore it so much.
Channel: Cole Evyx
Views: 8,756
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ffxiv brd, ff14 brd, final fantasy xiv brd, final fantasy xiv bard, ff14 bard, ffxiv bard, ff14 bard guide, ffxiv bard guide, ff14 brd guide, ffxiv brd guide, why play bard, is bard good, bard 2022, final fantasy brd, ffxiv best dps, ff14 best dps, final fantasy xiv best dps, ff14 meta 2022, ffxiv meta 2022, why play brd, ffxiv which dps, ff14 which dps, ff14 dps comparison, ffxiv dps comparison, ff14 best ranged dps, ffxiv ranged dps, ff14 ranged dps, bard ff14
Id: VkiaQZsK9Y0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 55sec (655 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 11 2022
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