7 Reasons Everyone is Leaving TUCSON ARIZONA

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welcome back to the channel I'm Rachel Clark with living in Tucson today we're going to go over the seven reasons why people are leaving Tucson yeah that's right so there's been so many people and so much growth over the past few years especially with jobs becoming able to work from home and working remote and we've seen a lot of people choose to move to Tucson because of so many great reasons but I went online and I was searching the reasons why people might be leaving as a born Tucson native I love it here yes there's ways that we can definitely improve but I've come up with seven reasons why so many people are choosing to leave you'll want to stay till the end because the last two definitely are big ones let's get into the video up first we have terrible drivers now this one actually kind of made me laugh because it definitely is true I thought maybe just everywhere is kind of like this but you know they might that might be the case but to definitely has a good amount of not so great drivers and that might be because you know they're not paying attention texting and driving some from what I WR online is either you know snowbirds or U OFA students but it's kind of a plethora of reasons why you know there might not be the best drivers definitely want to make sure that you're paying attention when driving because you could have people zooming in and out or really really slow drivers or people who are trying to race to the next light so that's definitely something that I've noticed especially living here and also what I just read online from a lot of people that are pointing out that tuon has a plethora of terrible drivers so it's key to make sure that you're paying attention while driving and just being aware of all of your surroundings here because you definitely don't want to get in a car accident or a fender bender but that's number one for the reasons people are leaving let's go on to number two number two is Tucson isn't very w walkable now that really depends on where you live and what you're walking to but I know personally I have to use a car for getting around town and kind of a lot of my Necessities it's very rare that I'm walking to a restaurant or to grocery shop now if you're going to a park sure you can park and go to a farmers market or something like that but you know it's not the most walkable place you do and will probably need a car if you're looking to live or move here I do know that in a lot of a lot of bigger cities public transportation is super reliable and you can really rely on that but in Tucson our public transportation isn't really the absolute best and also it's more in the city limits so if you're living a little bit outside of City Limits you are going to need a car or a bike but truly really a car just with you know how far things can be but that's number two is Tucson isn't very walkable friendly for people who are looking to just be carfree number three is it gets hot here now that might not be a super huge surprise to a lot of people but for someone who's not used to it and even someone who is used to it it gets hot so during the summer months which are typically mid to end of May and it can stay well in the hundreds in early October it's hot and it's a really dry heat which means there's not a lot of moisture in the air so it's harder for a lot of people again who aren used to it to kind of get used to it and be able to live in it so AC is your best friend sunscreen using a sunshade in your car and really during those Extreme Hot months in the Summer staying inside or just finding some activities to really you know stay out of the heat because it can make you dizzy you can faint extreme dehydration because you know we're in a desert so it's dry it's hot it feels like it gets hotter every single year because you really really don't get used to it but the great thing is is that once you know the summertime starts coming to an end it starts to relax and chill out a little bit in the weather but that's a huge thing of why a lot of people they move here think they can handle the heat and they really can't it's uncomfortable for a lot of people a plus is is there's not a lot of humidity so it's not that extreme humidity plus extreme heat it's just really extreme heat so you make sure you wear sunscreen hydrate and stay out of the Sun but let's go on to number four number four is dry air now speaking of it being hot and you know the dryness of it we don't get a whole lot of rain and again we're in a desert so we do of course get monsoon season and some rainfall here and there but we're in a drier climate so that can definitely affect a lot of people with your hair your skin I know me personally I tend to get nose bleeds because I get pretty dry out here so that's something to keep in mind is that we don't have a lot of moisture in the air of course when we do have rainfall or the monsoon season it's it brings life back to the desert and that's also one of my favorite smells out here when it rains against the desert floor it's an amazing smell we don't get it often though on an average Tucson does see around 12 in of rain yearly but that can vary some years we get a little bit more some years we get a little bit less so to keep in mind and why people sometimes don't like Tucson is the Heat and especially because it's dry so keep that in mind when if you're looking to move here or if you just absolutely hate it here why people don't like it it's very dry but we're in a desert so keep that in mind when you're looking number five we have lack of greenery and to some people that might be a no-brainer because we're in the desert but from what I was reading a lot of people are really used to either the East Coast or the Pacific Northwest where it's super green and it's a completely different environment and also scenery but again we're in a desert and that's not saying we don't have Greenery at all I mean of course we have golf courses there are trees but we're in a desert climate so you're going to see more of those beigy tones you're going to see a little bit more again dryness but it's not saying that we don't have any Greenery and especially when we do get those rainfalls that we so love it the desert does Bloom and it does get pretty vibrant out here and especially during Springtime but if it's something that you're used to on the East Coast or Pacific Northwest we absolutely do not look like that it's very dry here again and it's more of you know rocks Soro cactuses and it's just not that vibrant green that you see anywhere else we're in a desert so I know that's a reason why a lot of people sometimes don't like it here is just the way that it looks but it's the climate that we're in and the region that we're in number six we have homeless population now this is something that I've noticed over the past few years and I've also kind of noticed it throughout the United States but definitely in my hometown I've noticed a big increase in the homeless population it's definitely a sad epidemic that we're facing but you know that's not saying all throughout Tucson um there's kind of you know some areas in Pockets where they tend to gather and I've just seen this increase in you know past 4ish years or so and it's definitely something that I I know that our city is trying to improve on and I'm sure a lot of places are um but it's just something that you know has come up a lot and you've see a lot of homeless and camps coming popping up here and there and a lot of more extra traffic throughout a lot of the city limits but I have noticed and I've even used it myself online on the City of Tucson website they do have a site where you can report homeless camps and kind of help clean clean up the neighborhoods a little bit but it is definitely an ongoing problem that I'm seeing build in the city and I've also noticed a lot of people mention it in comments and talk about it so that's definitely a reason why probably a lot of people are either moving out of the city limits or just out of Tucson in general but I have noticed it throughout the United States as well but especially just being my hometown and living here it's definitely increasingly a noticeable problem that is popping up more and more and lastly number seven we have potholes now this is one of for me personally the most aggravating thing while driving around is you're driving you're getting where you need to be and you hit into a giant pothole that seems to be almost everywhere throughout Tucson I tend to find all of the potholes and I know my tires definitely don't like me for it but that's something that aggravates me a lot of my friends a lot of people in the comments and just people in general in Tucson it seems like potholes pop up overnight and then that falls into how long it can take and how long it takes just road construction in general in Tucson to get done it tends to lag and take a lot of time which can be extremely frustrating and can also probably lead into number one into the terrible drivers our roads sometimes aren't the best here takes a while to get things done and the potholes so that's number seven and that wraps up our list well that wraps up our video now I get it Tucson might seem to have a lot of problems but there's also a lot of really wonderful things about the city and why people do love living here and also why I've chosen to live here my entire life now there's problems in every city so I'm not surprised if there's probably a longer list for you of why you might absolutely hate Tucson but I'm sure there's a lot of reasons why people don't like living other places as well if you'd like to talk about it or if you'd like to talk about anything real estate in general about Tucson or have questions about Tucson I'm more than happy to talk with you you can text call or email me and I'd love to help have a great [Music] day
Channel: Living in Tucson Arizona by Rachel Clark
Views: 12,649
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tucson AZ, Tucson arizona, tucson real estate, catalina foothills arizona, move to tucson az, living in Tucson Arizona, Moving to Tucson Arizona, relocating to Tucson Arizona, 7 reasons everyone is leaving tucson arizona, moving to tucson, living in tucson, move to tucson
Id: i588X7cVBLo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 22sec (622 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 02 2023
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