5 Cons of Living in Tucson, Arizona!

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hello and good morning from Tucson Arizona today I am in the West National Park here to talk about the top five cons of living here in Tucson Arizona it's not all Cactus and coyotes out here so let's get into it I will move kind of quickly uh the first thing I want to talk about is of course the obvious it is very hot here uh It generally in June July and August it will be that 110 to 115 range uh most people do agree that it is a few degrees cooler at any given time than it is in Phoenix however what is a few degrees um it does get very hot in the summer and it does stay very warm throughout the year so September was pretty warm it does stay uh not it does get up to 100 maybe low hundreds uh it's not going to be that 110 like it is during the height of Summer you will have those 90 degree days once you get to October it does continually stay warm it can still be in the mid 90s uh wasn't until late October that we did get a light shower that brought in some cooler temperatures um but then we still had some higher temperatures that were in the upper 80s in November um next week is looking beautiful 7s it is mid November right now uh but it's taken a very long time for it to kind of cool down substantially so of course most arizonans probably say hey 90° is great I'll take 90 any day let's do it um we were up in Lost Dutchman camping uh early November and yeah the high in Apache Junction was you know 90° which isn't bad compared to 110 don't get me wrong but for some people like me I'm thinking man it's November I want to I want to feel those cooler temperatures uh with that kind of climate here you're not really going to get a fall uh you're not going to have the leaves changing and all that stuff the cactus don't go red and orange sorry they stay green um so just want to let you know if you're moving down to Tucson just be prepared mentally if you're coming down here a lot of people coming from the Northeast where they like you know what I'd rather melt in the summer than freeze all winter and have to deal with the snow with that heat will come High electric bills during the summer but of course in the winter when it's gorgeous out you could just leave the windows open so you might balance out your electric bill throughout the year now the second thing I want to talk about is something that's going to be just kind of small uh and I'm going to combine this into two but one thing that um somebody wanted me to mention was valley fever now valley fever is something that is found in the southwestern us as well as the Pacific Northwest uh but it is a fungus uh that can be uh inhaled which can cause sickness you know respiratory infection lungs uh in the lungs and such of that um somebody wanted me to mention that I did a little research on it you're more than welcome to look up valley fever I don't think it's something you have to too heavily worry about but I did want to mention it um the other thing I'm going to combine that with is here there's also a lot of Critters uh so depending on where you live in Tucson if you live more in the uh rural areas the outskirts you will have to deal with the rattlesnakes and coyotes Havalina people have had coyotes drag away their dogs their cats or Havalina or causing a racket or finding snakes in their homes scorpions if you live in some of the rural areas the one thing I would never want to deal with is the Tarantulas um they will be everywhere they will at some point have their mating season so they're going to be a lot of them out there now if you're M mainly in the city city you probably won't see those things obviously CU of human development but just be aware I've seen plenty of Articles where Arizona man finds 12 rattles snakes in his outdoor garage you know water heater area so that's just something you want to think about when you're here I haven't had anything in my house fortunately I'm on a third floor apartment and I specifically chose the third floor just to be kind of up there uh but the third thing I'm going to talk about is something that I have heard a lot of tucsonans complain about uh whether it be in videos or in person it is the snowbirds so the snowbirds are the people that leave all summer long stay up in the north where it's nice and cool out better temperatures uh and then they flock down here now a lot of people have their winter homes down here they're here to escape the snow and ice uh but with that it brings traffic longer lines uh longer wait times at stop lights just all that kind of good stuff um you have a lot of people that are here just touristy you know they're coming down from those places to come down toward the Soro National Park when it's Pleasant out you do have people like I said that do come here and have their uh winter homes so a lot of people don't like that because it just brings more people more traffic longer weight lines you know you got the slower traffic cuz people don't know where they're going and they're looking at directions and so that's just something to be aware of honestly it's not really that big of a deal so far uh but we'll see it's only November out here in the park there is a lot more traffic out and about um I was here early October and I came to do some photography and such really wasn't a whole lot going on but there's definitely more traffic out there today so so people are showing up now the fourth thing I'm going to talk about is if you're moving down to Tucson you got to be aware that it is very very spread out it takes a very long time to get anywhere in the city uh depending on where you're going cuz of course for my apartment I'm going a Safeway it's like right there 2 seconds but in general there's no major highways or freeways or anything that connects the whole city uh in the Central Area you do have I 10 that cuts down on the west side and it goes down through the South Side heading out to New Mexico um you do have 19 um but those are on the west side so if you're on the east side of Tucson say the Northeast side and you want to go to Soro National Park West you're going to be taking a long haul across town uh even from my apartment it is about 3540 minutes out here 3540 minutes to get to the East National Park if I want to go down somewhere more south it's going to take a while so you're just going to be hitting a lot of stop lights it's just Street grid stop lights and if you have bad luck like me you're going to be hitting every red light I just I hit every red light so it takes me double the amount of time to get anywhere when I'm driving with my wife she's like I've never driven with anyone who hits more red lights than you so just be aware that Tucson's very spread out you you know if you live close to a lot of amenities you know it might be right there but sometimes depending on where you're going at any given time it it can definitely take you a while to get there it is very spread out so it's not like Phoenix where you just hop here hop there you know take these little freeways byways whatever and Z you know 60 mph to get to where you want to go it can take a while now the fifth thing I want to talk about and final thing I wanted to mention is the crime so I haven't run into anything personally um however uh the Tucson crime rate uh from one website I was looking at uh can be in the ballpark of about 60 67% higher than the national average um so property crime and violent crime is going to be kind of high in the Tucson area um obviously you just have to do your due diligence do your research if you're moving down here or if you're visiting just make sure you're in the right areas you know there's certain areas to avoid at night and that's just like any City so like any City there's going to be certain areas you want to avoid there's going to be certain places you don't want to be hanging around at nighttime generally I would say it's safe I'm out here at SAR National Park it's great um I do live in the Catalina Foothills which the Catalina Foothills is Tucson but it is divided by East River Road the Catalina Foothills however um has great scores as far as crime there are suburbs of Tucson that have really great scores so like Oro Valley is one example Oro Valley um I was listening to a video the other day its crime rate is about 87% below the national average so there are some suburbs in areas that you can choose to live in where you're really not going to have to worry about too much um but Tucson compared to other cities I mean Detroit Philadelphia DC you know New Orleans or maybe parts of LA you really don't have to worry there was a lady that um I spoke with who said compared to La wherever she lived in La she's like this is a cakewalk so really depends on your experience um but just like any City you just want to watch out do your due diligence don't walk in any uh strange places at night so I just want to say my experience has been fine um there's a lot of great things about living in Tucson there are some Downs sides um but I think what a lot of people end up coming to Arizona looking for one thing and a lot of them probably just leave because of the heat where they don't realize just how long the heat lasts uh and the only way to really get away from that if you're in Tucson is to go up Mount Lemon where it's much cooler or if uh you just go to Flagstaff but Flagstaff is really really expensive oh my gosh so anyways guys just wanted to go over those couple things you know do you live in Tucson already what's your least favorite thing about living here if you're thinking about move to Tucson is there anything that you're worried about that I can help answer that question for you since I am here on the ground uh just let me know in the comments below please like And subscribe it does help me out if you are looking for though five pros of living in Tucson cuz there are some great things about living here you got this video right here where I will go over those things in detail thank you for visiting we'll see you next time
Channel: Travels With Travis
Views: 5,163
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Keywords: tucson, tucson arizona, moving to arizona, moving to tucson, living in Tucson, living in arizona, moving, arizona, the old pueblo, review, sonoran desert, southwest, 4th avenue, catalina foothills, foothills apartments, saguaro, cactus, AZ, desert, Sonoran Desert Museum, saguaro national park, southern arizona, cons of arizona, cons of tucson, pros and cons, top 5, crime in tucson, tucson crime rate, snowbirds
Id: j6iwOVxxL7w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 26sec (566 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 18 2023
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