7 Profitable ChatGPT Business Ideas NO ONE Is Talking About ($1000 Per Day)

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so for me personally I love talking about new business ideas and I think I might have found the most revolutionary thing in my entire life this is absolutely fantastic and one of the biggest opportunities of our lifetime I want to share with you guys what I found if you haven't heard already everyone is talking about open ai's chat GPT chat GPT is an AI program developed by openai which has the ability to generate any requests with human-like text chat GPT is absolutely incredible and should be talked about a lot more chat GPT is a software that showcases a small portion of how strong AI can actually be the implications that this software has for the business world in the next decade is amazing but also a little bit scary at the same time so on this channel I talk all about achieving financial success one way to achieve financial success is to start a business with chat GPT being available to the public this is a perfect time to take advantage of the opportunities that chat GPT provides in a business sense in this video I'll be going over seven AI business ideas using chat GPT and open AI that no one is talking about that anyone can start today now for me personally the best part about chat jpt and open AI isn't the actual text output itself but it's actually their new API which is incredibly powerful for those of you that don't know what an API is API stands for application programming interface which allows developers to make apps that can make use of the data and the information provided by chat GPT this means that now anyone can Implement their own apps and software and create their own front-end user interface a perfect example of a successful use case is the application lens up if you haven't heard about lenza lensa has been going viral lately because someone has found the perfect use case for one of these AI apis you may have seen all the photos on Instagram where people are creating animated versions of their faces and how they were doing this was through an app called lenza I took a deeper look into lensa and it turns out that lensa is using a stable diffusion AI engine which is free for anybody else to use but the creators of lensa made it into a perfect use case and started charging ten dollars for the photos so how lenso would work is people with download the app upload around 10 photos of themselves pay the 10 fee and they will get a hundred animated faces of themselves in return so the biggest question here is why are people paying ten dollars when they could go use the stable diffusion engine themselves and get the photos for free the answer is very simple convenience in the world of business if you want to be successful you want to create and provide value in exchange for the value that you provide people will pay you for it the best part about creating value is that value can be simply created by streamlining information so for example AI engines are very broad so many people won't know how to use them or have the creativity to know that you can create animated photos of yourself for free so what the creators of lenza did was create this magic Avatar and sell it to the masses so this is where the real opportunity lies for us while most people are using this AI technology to enhance their lives or make their lives a bit easier business-minded entrepreneurs like us are finding ways to leverage this technology to start businesses by integrating open AI into our own front-end platforms the best part about open Ai and AI technology in general is that it's very new so the market is wide open and there are many many business opportunities available most of the business ideas on today's list will circle around value Arbitrage as of right now chat GPT is very broad there are so many use cases available and our goal is to find a specific use case for ourselves make our own website or front end and Market our service to people who can use it otherwise known as people whose lives can be enhanced through chat jpt who just simply don't know about it yet the first business idea on this list is an AI thumbnail Creator service this is a fairly uncommon idea and I don't see many people talking about it yet with this business you'll be targeting clients who need thumbnails created such as content creators or YouTubers this business is actually very simple you can simply just start out by using stable diffusion or a program called Dali by open Ai and start creating thumbnails with layers that are high quality because of this instead of needing a 3D artist all you would have to do is type in your specific search term or Niche into Dolly and then it would create an image for you that is super high quality you won't need to find anyone with years and years of experience all you would have to do is just type in the search term or Niche into Dolly so instead of needing all of these different skills to create these thumbnails you can Leverage The Power of AI to create these thumbnails in a high caliber and then you can sell this as a service to different content creators the next business idea that's a lead generation business many businesses in this day and age are looking for leads to sell their products and services to a lot of businesses are willing to pay top dollar for things such as email lists or potential clients for their business one way to pull these email lists is ask chatgpt to pull these emails directly for you so for example I asked chatgpt to pull an email list of the 20 top marketing agency Executives and to my surprise chat GPT actually managed to pull the 20 top marketing agency executive email list I honestly have no idea how chatgpt found these emails but they look pretty accurate on my end now obviously this may not be 100 reliable all the time as there are emails that are not being used but it's just so amazing to see that chat GPT was able to pull these emails of these very important people this could be a very big business opportunity in itself I know a lot of people that run email agencies where they buy email lists and flip them to businesses for a higher price this is a business that you can leverage chat GPT with to start very quickly the next business idea that you can start using chat GPT or open AI is a newsletter business you can start by creating daily weekly or monthly newsletters around a specific topic or Niche and over time if you can increase your subscriber count you can start inputting ads sponsors and more since you have potential business clients there's a couple ways of going about doing this you can start off by working with specific companies and writing newsletters for them or you can just create your own newsletter and start selling advertising spots AI will be able to write you specific newsletters on specific topics so for example you can create an educational newsletter that educates people on a specific topic the next business idea using AI on this list is called sightkick.ai where you are able to create any landing page in a few minutes so for example if you have any experience in Drop Shipping or selling items online you know that you constantly need to start testing products and you need to build landing pages for each of these products to see if people have interest in the product with sidekick AI all you have to do is type in the subject provide a few images and sidekick AI will create an amazing landing page with amazing sales copy and a beautiful layout in a matter of minutes typically it would take you a few hours or even days to create these landing pages but with sidekick AI you can create these landing pages in a matter of minutes which is a game changer if you can save people that time you can create value and use this as a specific use case which will make you a lot of money the next business idea is in a very large industry which is sales copy copywriting is any words that you see on any website online some examples include copy of items that you see online sales copy on Amazon products or any of those Facebook ads that you see on Facebook more specifically though I personally believe that the biggest opportunity lies in sales copy that way if a company gets sales you get paid and if you help other people make money you will end up making a lot of money as well I've met an entrepreneur that's making seven figures a month using a website called copy.ai how he's able to make this much money is he uses this website to make sales copy but at a much faster rate how he is using copy AI is when he gets a client he types in the subject and the style of copy that he needs and copy.ai will literally create a copy for him once the copy is made by the AI all he would have to do is double check for small errors or adjustments and send it to the client directly because he uses copy.ai he's able to Output five to ten times more copy than he would do manually which gives him more opportunity to take on more clients then he was able to scale this business by hiring friends that could help him with this process and ultimately he's able to do the work of 100 copywriters with a team of less than 15 people a copywriting company is a perfect company to start if you want to utilize chat jpt as well as a company using copy.ai and chatgpt's API and plugging this into your own copy building website and selling that service yourself the next API based business on this list is perplexity.ai while perplexity AI does is describe a subject in four sentences or less for example if you would want to learn more about SpaceX you would type in what is SpaceX then this program will search all the articles on Google find the top articles and give you the best four sentence answer this AI program is revolutionary because as you know when you type something on Google and search for it you have to go through a couple articles to find the information that you need but perplexity.ai will go through hundreds of Articles and summarize these articles into four simple sentences this is very simple but very very useful in a business sense the next business is something you can create with chat GPT directly which is an SEO agency if you don't know what SC video is SEO stands for search engine optimization which translates to how well you rank on Google using specific keywords so for example if I type in Masterpiece Finance on Google I'm hoping that my content will show up first because I have the best content and that's what Google wants to show you first but there are so many people out there with similar keywords so how Google chooses where your rank is through one how much depth you have in a specific term or keyword so if you've talked about one search term a lot Google will rank you higher since it thinks you're an expert in that field the other way is through backlinks which is pretty much how many times people have mentioned you as an expert when they're explaining a certain topic now well how does this apply to a business so for example if you can utilize chat GPT you can create 30 blog posts about a specific topic all at once then take these posts and upload them onto your website index them and in Google's perspective you'll have 30 different blog posts about one specific topic that you finished in a few hours this will help you be more efficient at your job and help you output more in a less amount of time this will will give you the opportunity to sell your services to other companies by simply just using the power of AI because you have these tools and they don't and they don't know about these tools but you do that's it those are the seven best AI business ideas that no one is talking about that you can start today using chat GPT and open AI I would definitely recommend starting some sort of API based business since chatgpt is so Broad and can do so many things and if you can pick one Niche idea create some sort of website targeting the people in that Niche and pull the API of chat GPT when someone searches for that Niche or search term they will be able to use your service and pay you for your service which is called value Arbitrage if you enjoyed today's video please smash that like button and hit that subscribe button if you haven't already as it helps me out so much at no cost to you it's so exciting to see how the world of business will change in the next few years with AI technology and I hope this video excites you too thank you so much for watching and I will catch you guys in the next video peace
Channel: Paul - Masterpiece Finance
Views: 10,039
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chat gpt, artificial intelligence, chatgpt, how to make money with chatgpt, make money online with chatgpt, how to make money with chat gpt, chat gpt to make money, ai business idea, chat gpt examples, chatgpt business ideas, how to use ai in my business, make money with chat gpt, chatgpt business, chatgpt business applications, chatbot business model, chatgpt business plan, how to make money with ai, make money with chatgpt, how to make money with chat gpt in 2023, openai api
Id: HpgzTA5YnTU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 14sec (674 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 05 2023
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