7 Places to Eat in Nashville, Tennessee

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hey guys Josh and Amy here from through mail INSCOM and we're gonna take you to seven places to eat in Nashville these places are great for all different types of food preferences I personally don't eat meat so I asked Josh to jump in and help me out with the places that are more meat based here are seven great spots to check out in Nashville our first recommendation is biscuit love biscuit love is probably the city's most popular breakfast spot with a consistent line pretty much every weekend I have been multiple times though and the food has always been worth the wait the bonus little pastries with sugar marscapone and blueberry compote are one of the most popular items and I can't go without ordering them for meat lovers get the east' nasty sandwich which was voted one of the best sandwiches in America with fried chicken biscuits and gravy what's not to like for recommendation number two I'm also taking over because hot chicken is what you've got to get when you're in Nashville the two main spots for hot chicken are Hattie B's and princes and I went to both of them on my last trip basically hot chicken is what you would expect fried chicken with enough spices to burn your mouth to oblivion Prince's hot chicken shack is the originator of this famous dish but Hattie B's is probably the most popular now both are awesome with Prince's being a much spicier and more greasy type of fried chicken patty B's has that good crunch on the skin and the flavor was easier for me to taste through the spices you should definitely go to both though and make your own opinion veggie quesadilla for me instead of my chicken our next recommendation is acne feet and seat acne feet in seat is a fun place for food in downtown Nashville with its four stories of different places to hang out the rooftop bar is especially awesome with its views of downtown but it can be closed for private events Josh usually gets the hot chicken sandwich here which is a different take on the famous dish and has cheese pickles and sauce I recommend the fried catfish but pretty much any of their food is amazing with the Nashville made Texas ketchup I always take home multiple bottles for myself our fourth recommendation is pharmacy burger a relative newcomer to the Nashville food scene pharmacy burger is like a traditional burger joint from the past complete with phosphate soda to go with your meal my favorite is creamsicle the most popular burger is the stroganoff burger with Josh loved I stuck with the falafel burger which I enjoyed as well it's a great food spot that lives up to the height especially if you are looking for a good burger across the street from pharmacy burger is our next recommendation mas tacos por Cavour I really enjoyed the down-to-earth restaurant which is cash only and they had two vegetarian taco options plus a fish option to go with all the meat ones I like the fish taco the best but the fried avocado was also awesome plus they have a Lotte for three dollars which is always the right choice I'm jumping in again because Puckett's prides itself on its barbecue with plenty of meat centric options I got the sampler platter which was a ton of food with barbecue chicken pork and brisket my favorite was probably the pork but they were all good and I got the BLT sandwich - the bacon the sandwich had fried green tomatoes which is always a win plus everything is better with their barbecue sauce our last recommendation is five daughters five daughters is a donut shop that makes what they call a hundred layered donut which is a croissant and donut hybrid we eat a lot of donuts since Josh loves them but this is easily one of my favorite places I have been to for a donut they also have a select vegan doughnuts and you can see what's available from their donut camera on their site before ending this video I wanted to share a few more quick food spots to check out in the city first if you want coffee crema is easily the best coffee shop in Nashville second is the googoo shot while not a traditional restaurant it has those Gugu clustered candies which are always a great snack while exploring the city lastly Nashville's farmers market has a lot of great food spots our favor is Jenny's ice cream thanks for checking out Nashville food with me I hope this is helpful especially if you're a vegetarian like me to check out more Nashville spots be explored go ahead and click here and go through my lens comm for more [Music]
Channel: Through My Lens
Views: 366,329
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nashville, where to eat in nashville, nashvilles best food
Id: g-S82FMtOF8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 49sec (289 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 26 2019
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