7 Must-Know Tips To Get The Most Out Of Travelling To Egypt!

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welcome back to our Channel we just spent the last four weeks traveling around Egypt and we had a wonderful time we really enjoyed everything Egypt had to offer there's a lot to see in Egypt and there are cultural sides a lot of family very nice open-hearted and kind locals there's some great food in Egypt but it also is not the easiest country to travel there are some particular challenges we just wanted to assemble a couple of tips that we felt can help you if you're planning your trip in Egypt to make your stay better to make you get more out of your holiday the first step especially for women is to dress appropriately Egypt is a country with a very traditional culture it has a Muslim culture and especially for women that means that it is appropriate to dress a bit more conservatively than you may be used to during local ladies and eat gypped conform with a hijab standard which means that they often wear a full-length robe discovers their legs all the way through to their ankles they have their arms covered you are a headscarf of course by no means that is necessary I mean you don't need to wear clothing but it is usual to dress a little bit more conservative you would be used to I wore long trousers or a long skirt that's covered my legs up until my ankles but I found to be very easy it's just by two scarfs just like this right a very cheap it goes just a couple of dollars yeah otherwise you may have some cleavage which is not really something you would want in Egypt you may stay a little bit and be like what are you wearing cuz you're not used to seeing that yo man get might give you more unwanted you can wear pretty much anything you want there no law it's up to you of course but I found it to be a little nicer our next step would be to do some research on the price if you know what prices are chances are a lot less likely that you'll be ripped off now we're not saying that people Egypt are by nature dishonest or no but there are a few people who are dishonest and majority gives you a fair fair price even gives you the local price most of the time but here and there there might be people trying to rip you off especially in the touristy places and they're likely going to visit in the water like normal prices for buying bowl of water snacks getting some food going on tours taxis all that kind of stuff for example a bowl of water costs fifty fifty fifty five Egyptian pounds which is where we've paid pretty much everywhere except for one occasion where we paid ten because those are the real a tourist site what we have been quoted prices of from five all the way up to thirty fourty Egyptian pounds same thing goes for taxes for example taxis are very cheap and we checked for example on new work when we were in chi or you could use uber we took lunch for five kilos only cost us two two and a half years good evening when you're trying to take a taxi at other sites or place where there's no where they will quote your ridiculous prices three four five times normal price no what's in all price I know just like a normal price normally I paid this of course I mean you can't really expect to get the full local price all the time and unfortunately I don't mind paying a bit more what's to go into the shop if you need some water take out the cash take out a five Egyptian pounds note go to the cash register show them the water give them the five pounder is if you're like how much is it you're giving people an opportunity to quote you more and that brings us to our next step everything can be everything for example this scarf in the market I bought it for about fifteen percent of the initial price that I was screwed need visited dharmic which is one of the most famous and interesting temple complexes that we saw in all of Egypt we went to have some tea right outside right in front of the to the temple complex and once he was dirty Egyptian balanced because it's a suit surprise yes like what surprise we started and in the end we got two for dirty just still overpaying but you were lying it's very touristy we'll give you that so the waiter was like what are you doing me I don't think encounters a lot of tourists that haggle but he knew he liked that only it cost like 10 Egyptian pounds asking three times no friends maybe five depending on where you get it in addition to that it's also very important to ask the price before you buy anything before I get into a taxi before you buy anything before you get some drinks before you get some food critic anything ask what is the price if you get into the taxi in you arrive and he's asking for three four five hundred Egyptian parts maybe ten times an oil price it will become very difficult to still have you at that point also be a little bit very a little bit wary be kind and open but not naive and too trusting be a little bit wary of people in the streets that are coming to help you for something that seems too good to be true for example it happened to us a couple of times and we ran it someone in the street who is like oh hello welcome to Egypt a lot of people do that nothing wrong with that very kind just very interested in talking to you learn who you are they really like foreigners coming to their turn you're never very proud of their country which they rightfully can be because it's such an amazing car it's such an amazing car but some of those people were also like oh where are you going there's a very nice mosque here around the corner and then they don't just say it's over there but you see come come I will show you I am NOT a guide that's like the tagline I have a shop here I'm gonna go and just quickly show you and then halfway as you're walking to it you're like I think this guy could well be a guide you know he shows you around the mall school a bit says oh you can go on top of the minarets you can go on top of there and then at the end he will ask you for a tip because he showed you around the place people might try to take you to a tourism off you like the tourism office travel office travel agency where they get a commission to try cute tours all right nothing really wrong with that but I mean it's not really a proper way to go about it if you're looking for a travel arrangements look for them yourself don't just let random guy take it to some random officer you don't know don't let this scare you out of talking to locals because that has been some of the best experiences we've had and either have come from interacting with the people who live there with the locals but also be a little bit cautious and on Gardea certif and learn to say no because a lot of people will come to you taxi drivers people driving the horse carriages people selling stuff it will just come to you and come ask you to buy their stuff we just keep walking to say go thank you and what Kim has been doing it and it works pretty well like no thank you bye bye which means you're ending the conversation sometimes I have 10 that really works don't do that like right away but I think what I do more is know I am NOT interested or something like that that's what I do more I only said no thank you bye bye if they're really like 10th time asking really really giving me a hard time people I'd be firm and I mean those people are just trying to make a living and provide for their family so mostly rude to them just be kind to them saying no thank you of course I mean if they keep following you and they keep harassing you just be more firm if it sounds too good to be true it probably is for example at the value of the Kings there is this section this little bizarre before you gets to the entrance ticket booth while argh I call it running the gauntlet because and they don't give up they don't get was the only place where it was like that like the other places like that it was super touristy competition they're an extremely high I get it you have to make a living but for example the point I'm trying to get to here is that they will say statue statue just one dollar one US dollar only well no but then if you were like oh my god that's the best deal of my life I need to buy this statue for myself for my mom for y'all know zoo for my dog to chew on and you're like one dollar okay that's fine and then they'll be like no no not not this one not this one or this one $30 they quote you a very low price to keep you engaged somebody offers you something for free might be like a little statue like a little postcard something don't accept that nothing is there for free they will give it to you for free and then I'll start asking you for tip or from money there's no such being is a free postcard look Egypt is a pretty big country it has lots of things on offer and our next step would be be sure to know what you want to see I make sure that you time your visit for that as well Egypt has a winter season which is fairly mild which is not really cool at all and as a very very hot summer where it's 40 degrees and then anything in between if you want to visit the pyramids if you want to visit like more of the historical sites I would say January February March times like that's alright you literally like November December a really good time to visit because the temperature is very mild it's not like scorching heat during the day if you want to spend some time at the Red Sea meets the beach time spend some time in the pools go to a nice all-in hotel swim a little bit in the ocean January February the best time animatedly we made we kind of made a judgement error that we thought would be warmer by middle February but it was like still not warm enough to go swimming one thing to be a little bit careful of an eejit in particular is stomach bugs the tap water has a lot of bacteria that our sensitive Western stomachs aren't very used to and you will want to avoid those because they can make you very very sick if you're not used to it yet so we definitely recommend eating local food eating where the locals go not just sticking to touristy spots but go to places where there are a lot of locals eating there from the outside they might not always like immediately look like the perfectly clean place the important thing is that all of people are eating there everything is fresh most of times when we have been sick in the past it has been when we've gone to tourist places like eating these buffet style foods which might be there for hours on end also like eating washed vegetables which are or not peeled Egypt more than a lot of other countries has this thing in the water The Revenge of the stomach Bach last but not least our bonus tip a little bonus tip here bring your favor yes make sure to always carry the full roll of toilet paper everywhere you go back because even restaurants might not have to light paper so it's about a 50-50 chance that I don't have any joy or if you go to like a more public toilet or a toilet near a temple anything no toilet paper I know some hotels burger was a toilet paper yeah buddy just use a bidet like this little shoosh where you can sure but until its scheme I'm not used to using it it's nice I recommend using this nice you can use it but I always spray half the bathroom when I do that need to learn to rain yeah dip the bottle if you want to stick to your own ways bring some toilet paper so think that is probably just to the end of this really incredible tips video I mean it's just the best video you could ever imagine making dips great again making tips great again anyway are the best tips no actually we just made it to India if you see some monkeys around we aren't Indiana just monkeys on the road sure this will happen see we just made too far enough yet for spending a couple of days in Delhi we've already made one or two videos and yes or like jumping back and forth into time which we just want to make this video first to give you our best tips before we move on to videos of India we had a really really good time in Egypt we hope this video was useful for you if you have some other good tips for people are going to Egypt be sure to leave them down below if you have some questions ask those as well in the comments you try to help you answer them as best as we can if you haven't subscribed yet make sure to hit that subscribe button so you can follow our journey you shouldn't like this video if you enjoyed it and I'll see you in the next one [Music] you
Channel: Naick & Kim
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Keywords: egypt, egypt travel, egypt travel tips, travel, egypt travel guide, travel tips, travel vlog, egypt travel vlog, egypt vlog, travel to egypt, egypt travel video, egypt travel advice, tips, things to do in egypt, how to travel to egypt, tips for traveling to egypt, egypt tourism, best travel tips 2019, visit egypt, travel vlog egypt, traveling to egypt, cairo travel, travel couple, cairo egypt, naick & kim
Id: y4HotkcU6D0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 52sec (712 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 01 2020
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