7 Mistakes EVERYONE Makes in Medieval Dynasty

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hey guys everybody makes mistakes right well not anymore you don't here are seven of the biggest mistakes everyone has made when playing medieval Dynasty starting with mistake number one not hiring villagers soon enough villagers are the lifeblood of resource management in medieval Dynasty or at least they should be if you're doing it correctly many a time I heard a story of new players coming to Medieval Dynasty and not inviting a single villager until a year or even years after they started and often these are the same players complaining about the game being too grindy this needs to be remedied upon starting your game aside from building yourself a house building a house in a workplace for your first villager should be next on your list I usually like to start with a Woodshed sometimes two woodsheds because you're going to need logs you're going to need sticks and you're going to need firewood you could also build a hunting lodge and hire a hunter if you want a villager to start bringing in meat or feathers if that's your preference but I would recommend working towards unlocking a Woodshed and getting that building online as soon as you can if you don't know how to to hire villagers outside of every city there will be a campfire where a couple people are usually hanging out these are your newcomers which can be hired by talking to them and asking them to join your settlement you can also see their stats if you look at them through inspect mode which is really handy once you've invited a newcomer to your settlement they will need food water firewood and housing to survive so make sure you have a house ready along with some Provisions in their house chest or your respective storage buildings before inviting them mistake number two builds off of mistake one and that's inefficient wood management just a quick little note trees do not respawn in medieval Dynasty but they will regrow after a couple years if you leave the stump in the ground if you remove the stump from the ground with a shovel the tree will not come back for the remainder of the game anyways workers in a Woodshed will generate resources for you and won't actually cut any real trees down in the process so having a supplement of wood coming from villagers this early is vital also many people don't know this but your villagers will use sticks logs and planks as firewood if you run out of firewood however you can turn this off by going to the people's demands control Tab and deselecting these types of wood additionally firewood demands for your villagers will fluctuate depending on the season so be sure to take that into account when setting your villager's work intensity calculate here how much firewood your villager will need each season and make sure to have a Woodshed generating that firewood for you mistake number three is not carrying around or utilizing herbs potions and food and what I mean by that is many of these consumables have persistent effects that will help you throughout the day with some being better than others I think a great first example would be broadleaf plantains which give you 5 HP per plantain or there's also St John's wart which cures a percentage of poison which could be useful to have on you in case you eat something raw or low quality Additionally you can use these plantains to craft even better healing consumables but my potion of choice has to be potion of weight which increases your carry weight by 20 k kg for 600 seconds carry weight consumables don't stack so there's no need trying to stack weight limit foods with this potion while you can also take a potion of stamina to lower stamina consumption there are plenty of foods that can give you these types of enhancements and more so take a look around the herbalist Hut and the kitchen for some useful consumables some of my favorite foods include multi-grain bread which gives you 55% less stamina consumption for 900 seconds meat pie which gives you plus 40 HP and plus 15 kg of carry weight cherry pie which gives you plus 40 HP and 60% less stamina consumption for 12200 seconds and Plum Tarts which gives you 70% less food consumption and 100% more damage for 1200 seconds mistake number four is forgetting to pay your taxes every spring season you're going to need to pay your taxes to the castellan whether it's unig mirot or whomever all you need to do is find the castellan in the spring talk to him and hand off your taxes if you happen to be married instead of talking to the castellan you can you can talk to your spouse and ask them to take the money to the Castell and for you if you randomly notice yourself losing 1,000 Dynasty rep at the start of the season and it is in Spring that likely means you forgot to pay your taxes so just talk to your spouse or the castellan to take care of that to make it easier to pay your taxes make sure to take the Creative Accounting perk in the diplomacy tree which lowers your taxes each year by up to 30% and speaking of taxes spring is around the corner so be sure to pay the king's tax of one like or one sub I also wanted to mention I started streaming on Sunday morning around 10:00 a.m. Pacific time you should have come say hi and ask some questions if you have any all right enough Shilling mistake number five is only building storage in your village some people don't realize this but storage buildings act as a point of entrance to your resources wherever you place them Additionally the spaces in your resource and food storage building stack if you build multiple and storage buildings of the same type share inventory so you're able to pull any resources you need from any storage building built on the map if there's a place you regularly go to some sometimes it's good to have a safe place to drop off and transfer your goods building a resource in a food storage near a large city like pistoia or Gia will save you lots of travel time especially if you need to trade goods or gather items to complete noce board quests Additionally you can also build a resource storage by caves you frequent most so that you can drop off all your resources and deplete a cave before returning home to process it all mistake number six is not preparing for winter in your first year of medieval Dynasty winter will likely be your most challenging season so it's good to prepare and buy some warm clothes specifically articles of clothing you may not be wearing at the time so a hood a cap gloves and you can even buy some boots too if you can't afford all the clothing by the beginning of your first winter another alternative to help you get buy by making simple torches handcraft may be a dozen or two simple torches and hold one in case you begin to freeze to death it's a cheaper and temporary solution to clothes and will keep you from dying so at least you have that if you're interested interested in trying to find the best way to prepare for winter on the Oxo I have a video where we show off some of the best hidden items on the map as well as make more than enough money to buy all the clothes you will need within the first day in game and mistake number seven is not preparing your farm ahead of time your fields are one of the biggest management projects you will actively take care of throughout the remainder of your playthrough eventually you're going to want to build big farms but to build up to that start with something small maybe 30 or 40 plots at the most if you plan too many Farm plots too early you're going to lag behind on everything it's going to take more time to prepare your Fields you're going to be spending more money on seeds and fertilizer and you'll have to gather exponentially more berries if you want to plant in the first spring in game you're going to need to buy fertilizer but if you pick berries a season early you can save a lot of coin not having to buy fertilizer the next season Once you've decided to field size get 10 times that in berries you have 40 plots that's 400 berries you're going to need to gather for fertilizer then you need to to drop it all on the ground at the end of the season then you can pick up your rot and make it into fertilizer in a barn by next season this pretty much means a barn is going to be one of the first five buildings you should build if you want to get a jump start on farming eventually your fields are going to be so big that picking berries each season won't be a feasible means of obtaining fertilizer which is why you eventually want to buy pigs and have an animal breeder passively produce manure from the pig sty for you once you've obtained enough Tech points you likely won't have enough villagers early on to help you so you have to do all of this by yourself the first couple Seasons once you have some Farm hands and some good tools expand your farm slowly and you'll be rewarded very quickly be sure to check out the video on the screen for more medieval Dynasty content but let me know the biggest mistake you've made in medieval Dynasty in the comment section below but until next time thanks for watching and take care
Channel: SirJayWalker
Views: 10,139
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: medieval dynasty, medieval dynasty tips, medieval dynasty guide, medieval dynasty game, medieval dynasty beginners guide, medieval dynasty tutorial, medieval dynasty tips for beginners, medieval dynasty beginner tips, medieval dynasty 2023, tips and tricks for medieval dynasty, tips for medieval dynasty, medieval dynasty tips and tricks, medieval dynasty early game tips, medieval dynasty how to start, how to medieval dynasty, medieval dynasty farming, medieval dynasty gameplay
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 4sec (484 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 03 2024
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